“They Came” – scene – girl at waterwheel


They Came Scene - Waterwheel(Click above image to read PDF of scene)


The girl at the waterwheel – A scene from the novel, “They Came – Beyond Deja Vu”.

The second day at the orphanage the kids are taken to an old mill with a waterwheel.  Wolfi is mesmerized by the power and grace of the waterwheel and connects to its spirit.  The shy girl who had stared at him at the giant seesaw yesterday silently leans on the wood railing next to Wolfi and presses close to him.

A synopsis of the novel:

Germany, shortly after World War Two. Wolfgang’s exciting train ride ends in a place called “orphanage”. He is unimaginably devastated! His heart screams Mama!! What did I do wrong?!

Two beautiful imaginary friends understand his incredible pain, and sometimes comfort him, but he is not safe unless they are secret. At seven he is adopted by an abusive American military couple, and life goes from bad to worse.

As an adult, his exciting music career uplifts him and gives him hope, and many actual dreams come true.

But, then, THEY CAME!! His imaginary friends become real women!

Is that even possible?! His whole life he’s seen and known details about their lives that they never told anyone! But, can the women overcome feeling violated by such craziness?! Will Wolfgang’s heart ever recover from this incapacitating rejection and mystifying insanity?! Or, is Wolfgang in fact actually crazy?!

“They Came – Beyond Deja Vu” is an international, sensual, psychological and supernatural thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

Powerful, heart-moving inspiration for overcoming abandonment, physical abuse, and sexual abuse.

Click to buy:   Paperback – Kindle Audible

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