Inner Journey with Walter Zajac


A very #powerful​ #interview​ – Greg brought me to tears quite a few times!

“I can’t even imagine what a 5-year-old is feeling, where he’s told that everything that you had known is no longer. Everything that you believed that you could count on has been removed. That feeling must have been such a feeling of terror, of emptiness, of ‘without’ more than most humans can possibly comprehend.”
~ Greg Friedman, KX FM Radio


In finding my #power​, I learned that you’re still gonna feel it all, Walter baby, but it’s not going to bring you to your knees, it’s not going to cause you to… be self destructive.

And, your second response will be, ‘well ya, I made it through, and I have #skills​ and #tools​ and I’m #strong​’


“They Came – Beyond Deja Vu” is my story of #overcoming​ #childhood​ #abandonment​ in postwar #Germany​, #triumphing​ over physical and #sexual​ #abuse​, creating an exciting music career, recognizing my #psychic​ ability, and finally finding #empowerment​ and #self​ love.

This book is an international, #captivating​, #supernatural​ #thriller​!

You can read or listen to some scenes from the novel here:

They Came – Beyond Deja Vu

Available in paperback, Kindle, and audio book:

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