Meditation: Self Love, Theta Waves, Binaural Beats, Isochronic Tones

Self Love is the Key to all the Magic in your life - Your Prosperity Key, Your Happiness Key, Your Relationship Key, Your Success Key...

Now, you can learn to love yourself passionately, without any effort, by simply listening to these very powerful meditation recordings!!
Once you truly love yourself, then manifesting your desires becomes effortless  as well.

Meditations containing Binaural Beat Frequencies, Theta Waves, and Isochronic  Tones have  been proven in clinical trails, to increase learning abilities,  increase  relaxation, decrease stress, improve sleep, and increase creativity.

Such meditations which also contain subliminal tracks are the  easiest,most effective and very fastest way of changing your beliefs, changing  habits


     Your Chakras - their  functions & their  meanings:

Your body is pure energy, said the ancients, and says modern quantum physics. The ancients found that your being (body) has 7 main centers called Chakras, which are spinning wheels of energy that are the basis for your emotional and physical health. These are at the heart of ancient Hindu Ayurvedic Medicine, and ancient Chinese Medicine, which have a cure for every disease known to western medicine and a successful rate of healing those diseases which is as good or better than western medicine.                       Menu

Chakra: Symbol: Where You
Feel It:
Sanskrit Term /
State :
Your Body
Color: Element:
Chakra 7 Top of your head, inside under top of head.

Sahasrara -
"thousand-petaled, thousandfold"

Understanding, knowledge, wisdom, be one with creator

Wise, aware, spiritually healthy, connected, at peace, choices are easy, logical, in tune. To know,
to be one with all.
Controls every aspect of body & mind, central nervous system, cerebral cortex, pituitary gland. Depression, aloneness, lack of understanding, unable to learn, unable to connect or relate. Violet Thought
Chakra 6 Between your eyes just above your nose, in your eyes, lower back of head.

Ajna - "to know, to perceive, to command (knowledge)"

Seeing truth, imagination, psychic perception, higher mind, beliefs, morality

Clarity, accurate intuition, perceptive, intelligent, dreams realized, oneness, self-realization. To see,
to be one with all.
Eyes, secretion functions of pituitary gland, pineal glands Headaches, insomnia, nightmares, vision difficulties, eye disorders Indigo
(darkest blue)
Light, all universal energy
Chakra 5 Throat, neck, shoulders, collar bone area. Vishudda - "pure, purification"

Communication, creativity, speak your truth, reasoning, self-expression, resonance (clarity)
Be expressive, able to speak your truth, to communicate clearly To speak
your truth,
to be heard.
Respiratory system, throat, neck, shoulders, thyroid Colds, stiff neck, throat difficulties, shoulder tension, thyroid difficulties Blue (light) Sky,
Chakra 4 Center of chest, shoulder blades, your sides under your arms.

Anahata - "that which cannnot be created, endless, 'unstuck'"

Love, compassion, sensuality (not sex), morals, values, self-acceptance

Self love, love others openly, healthy relationships, balance in love. To love,
to be loved.
Heart, lungs, arms, hands Heart & lung diseases, high blood pressure Green Air
 Chakra 3 Base of your rib cage (solar plexus), abdomen above navel, middle back

Manipura - "lustrous jewel, city of gems"

Power, emotions, will, ego, self-definition

Healthy personality, sense of purpose, dignity, willpower, manifest your will, leadership. To act,
to be validated,
to manifest your will.
Liver, stomach, pancreas, adrenal glands, digestive system, muscles Weak, tired, low self-image, no will, stomach difficulties, hypoglycemia, diabetes, liver difficulties Yellow Fire
 Chakra 2 Below your navel, genitals, lower abdomen, hips, buttocks, lower back

Svadhisthana - "sweetness, sacred place of the self"

Emotions, sexuality, desire, procreation, self-gratification

Healthy sexuality, healthy feelings. To feel,
to desire,
to connect sexually,
to fantasize,
to be sensuous.
Genitals, urinary system, prostate, ovaries, womb, kidneys, circulatory system Unsatisfied sex life, bladder & unrinary difficulties, lower back pain, impotency, frigid. Orange Water
Chakra 1  Between your legs, your crotch, inner thighs, buttocks

Maladhara - "root, support"

Survival, individuality, connection to earth, finances, career, self-preservation

Stable, grounded, healthy, trusting, prosperous To be here,
to have,
to be secure,
to have structure,
to be ambitious.
Bones, legs, feet, bowels, genitals, urinary system Often ill, overweight, arthritis, bowel difficulties, poor eating habits Red Earth

©Copyright 2009 by Walter Zajac. All rights reserved.

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