

Getting #closure after a #relationship #breakup is entirely up to YOU.

If you need your ex to verify that they actually did #love you and weren’t just saying so, to #validate that they really did see you as #beautiful, to assure you that they actually did #admire things about you, then you will likely never find closure because your ex still has most or all of your #power.

In that case, you’re ignoring the fact that you were probably never #certain that they loved you, never sure if they saw you as actually beautiful, never felt genuinely admired by them, while you were together.

Do not give that #person the power to determine that you are #inadequate, or not #lovable, not beautiful, not #admirable! Most likely they do NOT actually know you because they never took the time!!

Closure happens when we #accept that we were not feeling #secure, not feeling #loved, not having much #fun, and now we get our power back!

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