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Advance payment is required. Appointments may be cancelled with a minimum of 4  hours advance  notice  via  email or in the automated calendar system on this website. Any payment you made in advance will be credited to your next appointment.

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You must be 18 years or older to use this service.  Use of this service implies that you declare yourself to be 18 years or older. and Walter Zajac are not responsible for any fraud caused by someone pretending to be of legal age.
This service is for entertainment purposes only. and Walter Zajac make no representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to: the accuracy, relevancy, or quality of information. And and Walter Zajac do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any person or entity for any loss or damages (including, without limitation, physical, mental, special, indirect, incidental or consequential) caused in regard to any information and\or any suggestion(s) or advice provided to you through this service, or as a result of your use of this service, regardless of whether resulting from negligence, accident, or any other cause whatsoever.  And and Walter Zajac reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who exhibits behavior that Walter Zajac determines is disturbing the peace. Health and\or medical related advice given by and Walter Zajac should be checked out by a licensed medical practitioner before being acted upon.

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Walter Zajac
Medina Counseling Center
21847 Redwood Road
Castro Valley
, CA 94546

toll-free  U.S.,  Canada 
local U.S. 818-641-1902

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