Female Needs, Male Needs


In #relationships #female types and #male types are quite different, according to #psychology #research.

Female #identities have three main #needs:

1. Be really #seen – and #heard – to have their #feelings acknowledged

2. Be really #understood – from her #perspective, not yours! Females want you to #listen, #understand, not to #fix the #problem.

3. Feel #safe. – that includes feeling #connected, and #genuinely #loved.

Male identities need to be:

1. #Admired – not #coached (female types tend to #coach). Males want to be your #hero!

2. #Consistently loved – males tend to #run away, because #emotions #frighten them. Show them how to #love!

3. #Free to be themselves. #Controlling males, does not work! Love them, the way YOU want to be loved!

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