Keeping Love Exciting


WANT to keep your #relationship #exciting??!

Then – Always #attract!!!

Always do what you did at the #beginning!! You showed your #best side, your #nicest self, saw the best in them, and you showed them, “I #like you!!”

Keep seeing everything you fell in #love with, praise them frequently for those things, and show them often, “I like you!!”

If you have #expectations, it means you’re #demanding someone’s love your way, and that never gives you a good result, at the beginning, or any time.

Want to #guarantee a #future together?? Then make every #moment #beautiful!! Even hard moments, filled with love, expression of love, #admiration, and #gratitude!!!

PLUS, you’ll have fantastic moments!! This moment is ALL we ever have, but it’s always this moment!! Make it beautiful!!!

Always attract, and a beautiful relationship is guaranteed!!

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