Fun, Fun, Fun… Love, Love, Love…

“Don’t take #life too #seriously, you’ll never get out of it #alive!”

Elbert Hubbard wrote that in the 1800’s.

I’ve been #connecting clients with #departed #loved ones for 20 years. I ask the departed for 3 things from their time together, to prove it is the client’s loved one, so that the #messages have #meaning.

In almost every session, the departed loved #one said:

– My life was too #short (even if they died of #old #age)
– I wanted to have so much more #fun!
– And, I wanted to #love so very much #more, and to be loved!

But the departed can’t do any of those things on #earth any more!

Because #hearing, #feeling, #seeing a #spirit in the room, is so #overwhelming that most #people #block it.

So, nearly every session, the departed took this rare #chance to #emphasize, #happiness is #now!

Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun…

Love, love, love, love, love, love, love…


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One Response

  1. I love, love, love when Walter speaks because he is so fun, fun, fun and so soothing to me.

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