Put Yourself First

Put YOURSELF First? Really?

Do you often feel empty and unhappy,

because you put other people’s needs first, and sacrifice your own?

You’re so nice!

My client, we’ll call him David, did that all his life, even allowing his wife to verbally abuse him.

I encouraged David to ask, “What’s in this for David?” He’d never considered NOT putting other people first.

Among other things, David had been Student Body President of a large Ivy League University!

But he didn’t own his achievements. His parents had convinced him he wasn’t worthy.

With my guidance, David left his abusive marriage, has a much better job, and allows himself to be loved and admired.

He’s passionately happy now, and has so much more to give, because he fills his own needs.

I will help you find your power! Book an appointment at PsychicWalter.com.

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