
#Regret is useless!! And it is very self #destructive!

We say things like, “I was so damn #stupid!!”

No you weren’t!!

The ONLY reason you now have the #life #experience and the #wisdom to know that #decision did not work for you, is because you chose it!

Be #proud of yourself that you had the #courage and #strength to #overcome the #pain, and that you #learned!

Forgive yourself, #forgive all others.

If you accept that the #Creator gave us #absolute #free #will, then our very #purpose here is to make #choices!

Unless #death or #injury is involved, most choices can be changed.

Don’t take life too #seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive.

I seek #FUN in all my #moments, #treasure every experience, #love others #passionately, love #myself #unconditionally, and truly give myself #permission, to #enjoy the #journey, enjoy the #ride dude!


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