Synchronicity – What IS that?

Synchronicity. Clients sometimes ask me, “what the hell is that?!”

Psychiatrist Carl Jung invented the term, calling it “#circumstances that appear meaningfully related yet lack a causal #connection”.

I see #synchronicity as the product of lots of #thought, often about a #person, which results in that person reaching out to you, or even in you running into that person in the same #place at the same #time on the same day, without having had any #intention to do so!

The #odds against you and that person actually being in the same place at the same time on the same day are astronomically high!

If it happens once, you can fool yourself into thinking it was a #coincidence.

If it happens 2 or more times, synchronicity is the only #explanation!

To me, synchronicity is #effortless #manifestation of your #desires – you weren’t even trying!

How awesome is that?!

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