Do They Owe You Love? - video

Do They OWE You Love?

At the #beginning of #relationships, we are #thrilled, we freely #give #love and #admiration, #passionately, and #often! I love you!! Later, the day comes when something in our lover’s #life gets the better of them, and they’re not able to be passionately #expressive. For many of us, that’s when #childhood

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In Love Assume The Best

In Love – Assume The Best

  We all make #assumptions. Most of us know on some level that’s not a good idea! And, in #relationships we tend to #assume the #worst!! Because of our #insecurity and #fear, we make things up to be upset about. Since we make assumptions anyway, if you want a #happy

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Love Is Giving, Not Getting

Love Is Giving

  A #happy #relationship requires focus on #giving, instead of #getting. My recent focus was, “what if you devastate me?”, and I pulled back. She’s #uncertain, so I closed my #heart for #protection. That #hurt her deeply. Then I realized #closing my heart for protection is all about what I

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What Is Love?

What Is Love?

  What is #love? I believe it’s another aspect of what the Chinese call #Chi, or #life force #energy. In the Bible it says “God is love”, so, love is #God. To me, love is #spiritual #connection. I have found that when I #connect with someone #emotionally I connect #spiritually,

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Keeping Love Exciting video

Keeping Love Exciting

  WANT to keep your #relationship #exciting??! Then – Always #attract!!! Always do what you did at the #beginning!! You showed your #best side, your #nicest self, saw the best in them, and you showed them, “I #like you!!” Keep seeing everything you fell in #love with, praise them frequently

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