Overcome Childhood Sexual Abuse - video

Overcome Childhood Sexual Abuse

Childhood sexual abuse destroys the child emotionally and is very twisted, because, statistically, 80% of the time the perpetrator is a parent or a loved one. So, the child feels love, even sexual arousal, but is being controlled and manipulated, and it becomes a deep dark secret they can never

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Female, Male Thinking

Female, Male Thinking

#Female types and #male types, whichever one you #identify with as being, #think, and solve #problems, very differently, still like our #ancient #ancestors! Back then, males were the #hunters, did that #alone, focused on #action, saying nothing until the problem is solved. Females were the gatherers, caretakers, did that in

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Loving Little YOU video

Loving Little YOU

  Here’s a super short version of a very #powerful #NLP technique!!! Be in a #meditative state. Imagine 5-yr old #you sitting on your lap, with their back to you. Feel the warmth and weight of their little body against yours, lay your cheek on their head, smell their hair,

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