What's Your Life's Purpose? - video

What’s Your Life’s Purpose?

What’s Your Life’s Purpose? You do best what excites you. What you do best, you share. That best, you’ve been showing others… inspires them, strengthens them, brings out the best in them. Your positive effect on them… THAT is your life’s purpose.

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Relationships Assume The Best - video

Relationship Assume The Best

Assume The Best In Relationships Even if you’re wrong, the other feels loved, is likely to apologize. Don’t be insecure, assume the best. You’ll have intimacy, and beautiful love. ❤️

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In Love Assume The Best

In Love – Assume The Best

  We all make #assumptions. Most of us know on some level that’s not a good idea! And, in #relationships we tend to #assume the #worst!! Because of our #insecurity and #fear, we make things up to be upset about. Since we make assumptions anyway, if you want a #happy

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Loving Little YOU video

Loving Little YOU

  Here’s a super short version of a very #powerful #NLP technique!!! Be in a #meditative state. Imagine 5-yr old #you sitting on your lap, with their back to you. Feel the warmth and weight of their little body against yours, lay your cheek on their head, smell their hair,

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