Females Think Differently

Females Think Differently

FEMALE types, MALE types THINK very differently. Still like our ancient ANCESTORS! FEMALES were gatherers, CARETAKERS – did that in groups. FEMALE groups would TALK, talk, talk… – until a solution appeared. MALES were the HUNTERS – did that usually alone. MALES were about ACTION – were SILENT until problem

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Leave With Love - Video

Leave With Love

If you have to leave your relationship, go with love. If you’ve experienced too many things from them that made you feel awful about yourself, or worse; if you haven’t found any way for peace between you, no matter what you’ve tried; if your heart tells you that the only

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Female, Male Thinking

Female, Male Thinking

#Female types and #male types, whichever one you #identify with as being, #think, and solve #problems, very differently, still like our #ancient #ancestors! Back then, males were the #hunters, did that #alone, focused on #action, saying nothing until the problem is solved. Females were the gatherers, caretakers, did that in

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