Synchroniticy - What IS that - video

Synchronicity – What IS that?

Synchronicity. Clients sometimes ask me, “what the hell is that?!” Psychiatrist Carl Jung invented the term, calling it “#circumstances that appear meaningfully related yet lack a causal #connection”. I see #synchronicity as the product of lots of #thought, often about a #person, which results in that person reaching out to you, or even

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3 Seconds For Power - video

3 Seconds For Power

NLP has a #powerful 3-second #technique for #connecting to #Spirit, for feeling #power!! The #Peripheral #Vision Technique. It’s one of my favorites because it’s so #effective, and it’s very hard to take yourself too #seriously saying “Peripheral”. #Life is much #happier and #fun, when we don’t take ourselves too seriously.

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Fun, Fun, Fun... Love, Love, Love... video

Fun, Fun, Fun… Love, Love, Love…

“Don’t take #life too #seriously, you’ll never get out of it #alive!” Elbert Hubbard wrote that in the 1800’s. I’ve been #connecting clients with #departed #loved ones for 20 years. I ask the departed for 3 things from their time together, to prove it is the client’s loved one, so

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