You Are Breathtaking - video

You Are Breathtaking

You Are Breathtaking. Your heart sees my soul. Your laughter heals me. Your honesty uplifts me. Your courage moves me. Your strength inspires me. You are breathtaking, Earthling.

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Regret - video


#Regret is useless!! And it is very self #destructive! We say things like, “I was so damn #stupid!!” No you weren’t!! The ONLY reason you now have the #life #experience and the #wisdom to know that #decision did not work for you, is because you chose it! Be #proud of

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Mad At Yourself?!

Mad At Yourself?!

I have heard it often – I’m so #mad at #myself! How is that going to #help you?! When someone is mad at you, does it make you feel #good? Make you feel #supported and #strong? Probably it makes you feel #horrible, #weak, #rejected, #unloved. It absolutely will NOT help

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Love Is Giving, Not Getting

Love Is Giving

  A #happy #relationship requires focus on #giving, instead of #getting. My recent focus was, “what if you devastate me?”, and I pulled back. She’s #uncertain, so I closed my #heart for #protection. That #hurt her deeply. Then I realized #closing my heart for protection is all about what I

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