Effortless Manifestation - video

Effortless Manifestation

Effortless Manifestation Only YOU have the power… to be your point of attraction. YOU create your reality, quantum physics agrees. Each moment, choose fun, choose gratitude, happiness, to easily create your desires!

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Synchroniticy - What IS that - video

Synchronicity – What IS that?

Synchronicity. Clients sometimes ask me, “what the hell is that?!” Psychiatrist Carl Jung invented the term, calling it “#circumstances that appear meaningfully related yet lack a causal #connection”. I see #synchronicity as the product of lots of #thought, often about a #person, which results in that person reaching out to you, or even

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Meanings Repeated Numbers

Meanings Repeated Numbers

  Meanings of #repeated #numbers, like #symbols in #dreams, are unique to each person. Websites, books, will usually give you vastly different #meanings of repeated numbers. For me, besides the #FEELINGS I get, the #message is, which number is being repeated, and what’s the total. 111. Adding digits equals 3,

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