Overcome Emotional Pain - video

Overcome Emotional Pain

Overcome Emotional Pain by being GRATEFUL for good in the person, situation. Overcome fear by being GRATEFUL for good in the situation, persons. Be GRATEFUL for anything, everything in this moment. And you’ll always Be HAPPY NOW!

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Exciting Love Always - video

Exciting Love Always

Keep your relationship exciting ?? Always see what you love in them.   Be openly grateful, praise them often, show them frequently “I like you!!” ❤️   Then, you both remain attracted, having the time of your life! ❤️

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Gratitude Is The Antidote - video

Gratitude Is The Antidote

Gratitude is the antidote to emotional pain. And the antidote to fear. And it is absolutely the magic for a happy relationship. If you’re in pain because someone hurt you, being grateful for things you love about them, for nice things they’ve done, actually makes you feel loved in that

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Your Happiness Is Your Power - video

Your Happiness Is Your Power

Your emotions are your ultimate source of power! Biologically, your energy comes from the cells in your body. But the energy in your cells has to come from somewhere, and that resource is your emotions! Your happiness is your power!! When you’re depressed, you don’t even have the energy to

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Do They Owe You Love? - video

Do They OWE You Love?

At the #beginning of #relationships, we are #thrilled, we freely #give #love and #admiration, #passionately, and #often! I love you!! Later, the day comes when something in our lover’s #life gets the better of them, and they’re not able to be passionately #expressive. For many of us, that’s when #childhood

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Mad At Yourself?!

Mad At Yourself?!

I have heard it often – I’m so #mad at #myself! How is that going to #help you?! When someone is mad at you, does it make you feel #good? Make you feel #supported and #strong? Probably it makes you feel #horrible, #weak, #rejected, #unloved. It absolutely will NOT help

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