Finding Self-Love And Fulfillment, iHeart Radio

Finding Self-Love And Fulfillment

My recent inspiring interview on iHeart Radio. “Walter overcame childhood abandonment and abuse, and found self-love and empowerment, by helping others and using gratitude. Walter believes we are on earth to overcome challenges, experience contrast, to love, be happy, and to have fun!”

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Want To Be Happy? - video

Want To Be Happy?

Choose happy NOW. How? Gratitude! For anything. And make this moment FUN. Gratitude, fun = happiness. ONE moment at a time. Happiness. Just now.

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Your Happiness Is Your Power

Happiness Is Your Power

Biologically, your energy comes from your cells. But, cell energy must come from somewhere. That energy, that power, comes from your HAPPINESS! To be happy, be GRATEFUL for ANYTHING – NOW. To be happy, have FUN – NOW. Your happiness IS your POWER!

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Females Think Differently

Females Think Differently

FEMALE types, MALE types THINK very differently. Still like our ancient ANCESTORS! FEMALES were gatherers, CARETAKERS – did that in groups. FEMALE groups would TALK, talk, talk… – until a solution appeared. MALES were the HUNTERS – did that usually alone. MALES were about ACTION – were SILENT until problem

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Gratitude Is The Antidote - video

Gratitude Is The Antidote

Gratitude is the antidote to emotional pain. And the antidote to fear. And it is absolutely the magic for a happy relationship. If you’re in pain because someone hurt you, being grateful for things you love about them, for nice things they’ve done, actually makes you feel loved in that

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Your Happiness Is Your Power - video

Your Happiness Is Your Power

Your emotions are your ultimate source of power! Biologically, your energy comes from the cells in your body. But the energy in your cells has to come from somewhere, and that resource is your emotions! Your happiness is your power!! When you’re depressed, you don’t even have the energy to

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Female Needs, Male Needs video

Female Needs, Male Needs

  In #relationships #female types and #male types are quite different, according to #psychology #research. Female #identities have three main #needs: 1. Be really #seen – and #heard – to have their #feelings acknowledged 2. Be really #understood – from her #perspective, not yours! Females want you to #listen, #understand,

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Female, Male Thinking

Female, Male Thinking

#Female types and #male types, whichever one you #identify with as being, #think, and solve #problems, very differently, still like our #ancient #ancestors! Back then, males were the #hunters, did that #alone, focused on #action, saying nothing until the problem is solved. Females were the gatherers, caretakers, did that in

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Mad At Yourself?!

Mad At Yourself?!

I have heard it often – I’m so #mad at #myself! How is that going to #help you?! When someone is mad at you, does it make you feel #good? Make you feel #supported and #strong? Probably it makes you feel #horrible, #weak, #rejected, #unloved. It absolutely will NOT help

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In Love Assume The Best

In Love – Assume The Best

  We all make #assumptions. Most of us know on some level that’s not a good idea! And, in #relationships we tend to #assume the #worst!! Because of our #insecurity and #fear, we make things up to be upset about. Since we make assumptions anyway, if you want a #happy

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