Shine - you move others -video


You uplift all of Creation… when you overcome challenges. Your strength, tears, laughter… touch and inspire many hearts. You move others to shine, every moment you shine. Shine, baby. Shine! ❤️

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Female Needs, Male Needs video

Female Needs, Male Needs

  In #relationships #female types and #male types are quite different, according to #psychology #research. Female #identities have three main #needs: 1. Be really #seen – and #heard – to have their #feelings acknowledged 2. Be really #understood – from her #perspective, not yours! Females want you to #listen, #understand,

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Female, Male Thinking

Female, Male Thinking

#Female types and #male types, whichever one you #identify with as being, #think, and solve #problems, very differently, still like our #ancient #ancestors! Back then, males were the #hunters, did that #alone, focused on #action, saying nothing until the problem is solved. Females were the gatherers, caretakers, did that in

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