Leave With Love - Video

Leave With Love

If you have to leave your relationship, go with love. If you’ve experienced too many things from them that made you feel awful about yourself, or worse; if you haven’t found any way for peace between you, no matter what you’ve tried; if your heart tells you that the only

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Overcome Childhood Sexual Abuse - video

Overcome Childhood Sexual Abuse

Childhood sexual abuse destroys the child emotionally and is very twisted, because, statistically, 80% of the time the perpetrator is a parent or a loved one. So, the child feels love, even sexual arousal, but is being controlled and manipulated, and it becomes a deep dark secret they can never

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Do They Owe You Love? - video

Do They OWE You Love?

At the #beginning of #relationships, we are #thrilled, we freely #give #love and #admiration, #passionately, and #often! I love you!! Later, the day comes when something in our lover’s #life gets the better of them, and they’re not able to be passionately #expressive. For many of us, that’s when #childhood

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Fun, Fun, Fun... Love, Love, Love... video

Fun, Fun, Fun… Love, Love, Love…

“Don’t take #life too #seriously, you’ll never get out of it #alive!” Elbert Hubbard wrote that in the 1800’s. I’ve been #connecting clients with #departed #loved ones for 20 years. I ask the departed for 3 things from their time together, to prove it is the client’s loved one, so

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Regret - video


#Regret is useless!! And it is very self #destructive! We say things like, “I was so damn #stupid!!” No you weren’t!! The ONLY reason you now have the #life #experience and the #wisdom to know that #decision did not work for you, is because you chose it! Be #proud of

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  Getting #closure after a #relationship #breakup is entirely up to YOU. If you need your ex to verify that they actually did #love you and weren’t just saying so, to #validate that they really did see you as #beautiful, to assure you that they actually did #admire things about

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Meanings Repeated Numbers

Meanings Repeated Numbers

  Meanings of #repeated #numbers, like #symbols in #dreams, are unique to each person. Websites, books, will usually give you vastly different #meanings of repeated numbers. For me, besides the #FEELINGS I get, the #message is, which number is being repeated, and what’s the total. 111. Adding digits equals 3,

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Female Needs, Male Needs video

Female Needs, Male Needs

  In #relationships #female types and #male types are quite different, according to #psychology #research. Female #identities have three main #needs: 1. Be really #seen – and #heard – to have their #feelings acknowledged 2. Be really #understood – from her #perspective, not yours! Females want you to #listen, #understand,

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Let Yourself Cry!

Let Yourself Cry

One of the things I have #learned in my #work is that it takes about 10 times more #energy to #suppress your #emotional #hurt, than it does to #express it, to #cry. All of us have only so much energy to use every #day. If we are spending a tremendous

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  Now. The only time that I was ever deeply in #love, it was #now. The only time I ever had fantastic #fun, it was now. The only #time that I ever truly had my #power, it was now. The only time that I ever really #laughed my ass off,

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