Speaking of Grief Podcast

Speaking Of Grief Podcast

As a certified psychic medium and having received psychic information and interacted with the world of spirits all his life, Walter has helped countless people – like me, connect with a loved one who has crossed over. Walter is also the author of They Came Beyond Déjà Vu – A

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Dare To Dream - Debbi Dachinger

Dare To Dream – With Debbi Dachinger

Highlights: 1. On overcoming challenges 2. Why Gratitude Is the Antidote 3. On keeping the magic, love, and excitement alive in a relationship 4. How dreams can be prophetic 5. Loving ourselves passionately Also tantric sex, loving little you, using gratitude for empowerment, deja vu, the holographic universe… Truly a

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Beauty Of Diversity - video

Beauty Of Diversity

I heard an English comedian say, “Great Britain? It’s not great. It’s pretty good, but not great.” I’ve lived and worked in 12 different countries, and everywhere, the locals bragged about how great their country or city is, so much better than any other place. Most of them had never

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