Put Yourself First. Video

Put Yourself First

Put YOURSELF First? Really? Do you often feel empty and unhappy, because you put other people’s needs first, and sacrifice your own? You’re so nice! My client, we’ll call him David, did that all his life, even allowing his wife to verbally abuse him. I encouraged David to ask, “What’s

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Overcome Childhood Sexual Abuse - video

Overcome Childhood Sexual Abuse

Childhood sexual abuse destroys the child emotionally and is very twisted, because, statistically, 80% of the time the perpetrator is a parent or a loved one. So, the child feels love, even sexual arousal, but is being controlled and manipulated, and it becomes a deep dark secret they can never

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Fun, Fun, Fun... Love, Love, Love... video

Fun, Fun, Fun… Love, Love, Love…

“Don’t take #life too #seriously, you’ll never get out of it #alive!” Elbert Hubbard wrote that in the 1800’s. I’ve been #connecting clients with #departed #loved ones for 20 years. I ask the departed for 3 things from their time together, to prove it is the client’s loved one, so

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  Getting #closure after a #relationship #breakup is entirely up to YOU. If you need your ex to verify that they actually did #love you and weren’t just saying so, to #validate that they really did see you as #beautiful, to assure you that they actually did #admire things about

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Memories Controlling You Video

Memories Controlling You

  If you #suppress #feelings or #memories, your automatic #subconcious #responses will tend to #control your #life in #destructive ways. You can NOT have control over something that you don’t acknowledge even exists!! So, your suppressed memories, and specifically your #intense feelings about these memories, will control YOU! Without actually

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Female Needs, Male Needs video

Female Needs, Male Needs

  In #relationships #female types and #male types are quite different, according to #psychology #research. Female #identities have three main #needs: 1. Be really #seen – and #heard – to have their #feelings acknowledged 2. Be really #understood – from her #perspective, not yours! Females want you to #listen, #understand,

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Loving Little YOU video

Loving Little YOU

  Here’s a super short version of a very #powerful #NLP technique!!! Be in a #meditative state. Imagine 5-yr old #you sitting on your lap, with their back to you. Feel the warmth and weight of their little body against yours, lay your cheek on their head, smell their hair,

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