They Came - Scene - The American

“They Came” – scene – the American

  (Click above image to read PDF of scene)   The American – A scene from the novel, “They Came – Beyond Deja Vu”. American soldiers arrive in a truck and set up  a big 6-seat swing set, a tall slide, and a jungle gym for the orphanage kids.  Wolfi

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They Came - Scene - Tanks, Grave

“They Came” – scene – tanks and a grave

  (Click above image to read PDF of scene)   Tanks and a grave – A scene from the novel, “They Came – Beyond Deja Vu”. On another countryside walk the orphanage kids encounter a column of over thirty massive AMX-50 tanks whose engines blast black exhaust smoke that fills

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They Came - Scene - The Battle

“They Came’ – scene – the battle

  (Click above image to read PDF of scene)   The battle – A scene from the novel, “They Came – Beyond Deja Vu”. One day the orphanage kids are taken on another walk through the countryside.  Some of the boys start yelling “they’re gonna start shooting!” and run ahead. 

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They Came - Scene - Girl At Waterwheel

“They Came” – scene – girl at waterwheel

  (Click above image to read PDF of scene)   The girl at the waterwheel – A scene from the novel, “They Came – Beyond Deja Vu”. The second day at the orphanage the kids are taken to an old mill with a waterwheel.  Wolfi is mesmerized by the power

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They Came - scene - the new kid

“They Came” – scene – the new kid

  (Click above image to read PDF of scene) The new kid – A scene from the novel, “They Came – Beyond Deja Vu”. Wolfi meets the other boys at the orphanage.  None of them want a new kid to come because it’s hard enough to get attention from the

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