Overcome Emotional Pain - video

Overcome Emotional Pain

Overcome Emotional Pain by being GRATEFUL for good in the person, situation. Overcome fear by being GRATEFUL for good in the situation, persons. Be GRATEFUL for anything, everything in this moment. And you’ll always Be HAPPY NOW!

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Gratitude Is The Antidote - video

Gratitude Is The Antidote

Gratitude is the antidote to emotional pain. And the antidote to fear. And it is absolutely the magic for a happy relationship. If you’re in pain because someone hurt you, being grateful for things you love about them, for nice things they’ve done, actually makes you feel loved in that

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Regret - video


#Regret is useless!! And it is very self #destructive! We say things like, “I was so damn #stupid!!” No you weren’t!! The ONLY reason you now have the #life #experience and the #wisdom to know that #decision did not work for you, is because you chose it! Be #proud of

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Let Yourself Cry!

Let Yourself Cry

One of the things I have #learned in my #work is that it takes about 10 times more #energy to #suppress your #emotional #hurt, than it does to #express it, to #cry. All of us have only so much energy to use every #day. If we are spending a tremendous

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