Master Your Mind Podcast

Master Your Mind Podcast

My special guest is Walter Zajac, author of They Came Beyond Déjà Vu.  This “novel” is the true story of Walter positioned as fiction.  As a child, Walter suffered the horrors of post-war Germany, abandoned, orphaned, beaten, and sexually abused.  It’s a miracle he survived at all. Walter shares his

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Enthusiastically Spiritual Podcast

Enthusiastically Spiritual Podcast

As energetic beings, we all have the ability to tap into the psychic side of our lives. Have you over ever spoke to someone that has passed on? Have you ever had a near death experience? How about have you ever had imaginary friends that actually came alive? Maybe you’ve

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Dare To Dream - Debbi Dachinger

Dare To Dream – With Debbi Dachinger

Highlights: 1. On overcoming challenges 2. Why Gratitude Is the Antidote 3. On keeping the magic, love, and excitement alive in a relationship 4. How dreams can be prophetic 5. Loving ourselves passionately Also tantric sex, loving little you, using gratitude for empowerment, deja vu, the holographic universe… Truly a

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Synchroniticy - What IS that - video

Synchronicity – What IS that?

Synchronicity. Clients sometimes ask me, “what the hell is that?!” Psychiatrist Carl Jung invented the term, calling it “#circumstances that appear meaningfully related yet lack a causal #connection”. I see #synchronicity as the product of lots of #thought, often about a #person, which results in that person reaching out to you, or even

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3 Seconds For Power - video

3 Seconds For Power

NLP has a #powerful 3-second #technique for #connecting to #Spirit, for feeling #power!! The #Peripheral #Vision Technique. It’s one of my favorites because it’s so #effective, and it’s very hard to take yourself too #seriously saying “Peripheral”. #Life is much #happier and #fun, when we don’t take ourselves too seriously.

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Fun, Fun, Fun... Love, Love, Love... video

Fun, Fun, Fun… Love, Love, Love…

“Don’t take #life too #seriously, you’ll never get out of it #alive!” Elbert Hubbard wrote that in the 1800’s. I’ve been #connecting clients with #departed #loved ones for 20 years. I ask the departed for 3 things from their time together, to prove it is the client’s loved one, so

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