What You See Is What You Get - Video

What You See Is What You Get

What You See Is What You Get What you expose yourself to, what you watch, what you listen to, what you talk about, is the filter through which you create your reality. SEE what you WANT.

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Talk Nice To You - video

Talk Nice To You

Talk nice to you! Always! Love you, how your best friend loves you. They know, you actually ARE amazing. You be nice! To YOU! That will attract the love you desire.

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Be Nice To You - video

Be Nice To You

Many of us grew up being #judged and #criticized regularly and #harshly by our #parents and #siblings. Whatever we’re most #familiar with, is our #comfort zone, even if that’s awful stuff. So, when we #talk about #ourselves, and talk to ourselves, our #subconscious #habit is to say every one of

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Female, Male Thinking

Female, Male Thinking

#Female types and #male types, whichever one you #identify with as being, #think, and solve #problems, very differently, still like our #ancient #ancestors! Back then, males were the #hunters, did that #alone, focused on #action, saying nothing until the problem is solved. Females were the gatherers, caretakers, did that in

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