Beauty Of Diversity - video

Beauty Of Diversity

I heard an English comedian say, “Great Britain? It’s not great. It’s pretty good, but not great.” I’ve lived and worked in 12 different countries, and everywhere, the locals bragged about how great their country or city is, so much better than any other place. Most of them had never

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Do They Owe You Love? - video

Do They OWE You Love?

At the #beginning of #relationships, we are #thrilled, we freely #give #love and #admiration, #passionately, and #often! I love you!! Later, the day comes when something in our lover’s #life gets the better of them, and they’re not able to be passionately #expressive. For many of us, that’s when #childhood

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Keeping Love Exciting video

Keeping Love Exciting

  WANT to keep your #relationship #exciting??! Then – Always #attract!!! Always do what you did at the #beginning!! You showed your #best side, your #nicest self, saw the best in them, and you showed them, “I #like you!!” Keep seeing everything you fell in #love with, praise them frequently

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