The Way You Want To Be Loved, LOVE YOURSELF.

Way You Want To Be Loved

The Way You Want To Be Loved, LOVE YOURSELF. Lover’s EUPHORIA is you feeling the Universe, God, Goddess, in each other. Your body is atoms from stars Your soul IS Goddess, God. LOVE the EUPHORIA of the Universe, Goddess, that IS gorgeous YOU.

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You Are The Universe - video

You ARE The Universe

Buddha said, “With our thoughts, we make the world…” And the ancient poet Rumi wrote, “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” There’s been significant scientific evidence in the last 50 years that the universe, and everything in it, is constructed

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Loving Little YOU video

Loving Little YOU

  Here’s a super short version of a very #powerful #NLP technique!!! Be in a #meditative state. Imagine 5-yr old #you sitting on your lap, with their back to you. Feel the warmth and weight of their little body against yours, lay your cheek on their head, smell their hair,

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