Put Yourself First. Video

Put Yourself First

Put YOURSELF First? Really? Do you often feel empty and unhappy, because you put other people’s needs first, and sacrifice your own? You’re so nice! My client, we’ll call him David, did that all his life, even allowing his wife to verbally abuse him. I encouraged David to ask, “What’s

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Be Nice To You - video

Be Nice To You

Many of us grew up being #judged and #criticized regularly and #harshly by our #parents and #siblings. Whatever we’re most #familiar with, is our #comfort zone, even if that’s awful stuff. So, when we #talk about #ourselves, and talk to ourselves, our #subconscious #habit is to say every one of

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Mad At Yourself?!

Mad At Yourself?!

I have heard it often – I’m so #mad at #myself! How is that going to #help you?! When someone is mad at you, does it make you feel #good? Make you feel #supported and #strong? Probably it makes you feel #horrible, #weak, #rejected, #unloved. It absolutely will NOT help

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