Understand Your Dreams

The meanings of dreams, the symbols in dreams, are unique to you.

That is, whatever the symbol means to you, especially what it makes you feel, is how it applies.

You’ve probably had at least a few dreams actually come true!

Everyone dreams! That can’t be proven yet, but in many studies where people are awakened during REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement), 80% said they were dreaming.

To remember your dreams, keep a pad and pen on your nightstand, and write your dream down the moment you wake up (even in the middle of the night), before waking thoughts override your memory.

To understand your dreams: what do you feel? What does each symbol mean to you and make you feel? What does each person make you feel, and what did they say? What does the ending make you feel?

I’m really good at interpreting your dreams! I’ve documented and analyzed hundreds of mine that came true.

You’ll find it exciting, empowering, and enlightening.

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