One of the Top Psychics in North America, Reiki Master, Reiki Healings by phone. Professionally Certified, guaranteed results.    

Reiki - The Basics, eBook

by Certified  Tibetan  and  Usui  Reiki  Master,
Walter  Zajac




FREE - $15 Value
very useful info and tools

Reiki - The Basics, eBook

FREE - $15 Value - very useful info and tools

"Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that most everyone can benefit from. It has been found to be effective in helping every known illness, including cancer. It may be used in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote quality of life. Reiki energy is non-invasive and safe."
~ Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard University Medical School

"Research on various types of energy work has shown that, in addition todeep relaxation, Reiki can promote a reduction in anxiety, muscle tension, andpain, can promote accelerated wound healing, and can promote wellness and a greatersense of well-being. It is useful during illness, after injuries, pre- and post-op,as well as for health promotion."
~ Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT

Reiki Really Works: A Groundbreaking Scientific Study

Reiki Distance Healings

Powerful Psychic Readings

What we think,
we become.

~ Buddha

You yourself, as much as anybody
in the entire universe,
deserve your love and affection.
~ Buddha

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