* If it is convenient and comfortable for you, be ***on the phone or Skype audio with me (headset or speaker is best) while I send the Reiki energy to you. This allows you to request extra attention to a particular area, give me feedback about what you're feeling, etc, and allows for a deeper more immediate connection between us, and so the possibility of more healing for you. * It's best to lie down in a place where you feel safe and comfortable and where you will not be interrupted. (some Reiki Healers ask you to sit up for Chakra Cleansing or Aura Clearing - I find lying down is best) *** Or, YOU CAN ACTUALLY BE MEDITATING ALONE OR SLEEPING (if you prefer), during the time that I perform the healing: If you can NOT be on the phone or Skype audio at the same time that you are lying down - No Problem! - - - I will call you briefly at the beginning of our session to prepare, and briefly at the end of our session (or the next day) to discuss results, so that you can lie down completely relaxed during your treatment. Reiki Healings have been shown to be equally effective whether you're on the phone, in person, meditating, or sleeping. |  What to expect: * For all the treatments that I offer, I will be placing my hands using the 12 Reiki Hand Positions on your body (from a distance), positions which are similar to the energy centers found in acupuncture, and which also correlate to the 7 Chakras which make up your Aura (your energy being). * For a Reiki Healing, my focus will be primarily on the 12 Reiki Hand Positions, as well as any area of your body that needs attention, especially anywhere that you are having pain. * For a Chakra Cleansing, or Aura Clearing, my focus will be primarily on your 7 Chakras. (Click link for a Chakra Meanings Chart.) * The experience varies for each individual and even varies in different sessions for the same individual. * Where I focus, you may feel heat, tingling, tickling, vibration, you may feel "butterfly" sensations in your body (like tummy tingles), perhaps even energy gushing through you like a waterfall. * You may feel the need to release by laughing or crying - release, let it all out!! You are releasing blocked energy stored in your memories, and in the memories of the cells of your body. Blocks need to be unblocked, of course, and emotions truly are energy, and your energy must always flow unimpaired. Laugh as much as possible every day, actually - I do, you may like it too! * You may have profound thoughts, see images, get amazing inspiration for your life, you may even have a profound spiritual experience. Have fun with it! * Reiki energy is safe! (see the Harvard Medical School testimony below). Reiki energy comes from The Universal Source, not from the mind of the Reiki Master, and Universal Source energy is always beneficial, so Reiki can never do you harm. Reiki energy goes where it is most needed in your being, in your body, and it is always healing energy. * For best results, it's very important during the session that you communicate to me your levels of comfort or discomfort, as well as any information which might influence my support of you, and that you are willing to open your heart to spiritual connection. * You can expect to feel deeply relaxed after your Reiki session (and during), and you will feel more centered and at peace, as well as energized and lighter afterwards. Pain that you were feeling should be diminished, perhaps even gone. * Being so relaxed, it is possible that you may fall asleep during the session. No problem!! That means you need rest in order to heal, and the Reiki treatment will be effective even if you sleep. I will wake you at the end of your session - sweetly, of course! * A Series of Reiki Healing Sessions (discount when you buy 3) is recommended if you have a major health issue, a major emotional issue, or even if you just want to have a really beautiful spiritual experience. Ideally, it's best to do the series on consecutive days (3 days in a row) for the fastest result, but weekly sessions work too - it just takes longer for you to get the results you desire (3 weeks instead of 3 days). * For an Inner Child Healing Package, you will receive Two Reiki energy sessions sending healing love energy to you via the 12 Reiki hand positions, sending it through you to your inner child, guiding you in showing your love to your inner child (as well as the adult you) during the sessions. - Then, one psychic reading session to find the obstacles that prevent you from loving yourself, and show you how best to overcome them in your particular case, and helping you to become comfortable wtih loving yourself, so you know in your heart that you deserve the best, that you are beautiful and very lovable! * If your session is for an animal, we will discuss by email (wz@psychicwalter.com) how to get the right atmosphere for your particular animal and circumstance. * Relax, enjoy, feel the euphoria of Universal Source Energy! 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