Leave With Love

If you have to leave your relationship, go with love.

If you’ve experienced too many things from them that made you feel awful about yourself, or worse;

if you haven’t found any way for peace between you, no matter what you’ve tried;

if your heart tells you that the only option which feels good is to leave;

Then remember the beginning – you adored so many things about them, you truly loved them. See that they still have those qualities.

And go, with love.

Communicate lovingly, that you don’t really seem compatible any more, that their well-being is important to you, and that both of you would likely be happier moving on.

Seek cooperation, avoid anger, set the tone of love.

Because, if leaving with kindness, if going with love actually works, then your heart stays open, you are attractive to yourself and to others, which gives you a powerful emotional foundation for finding the love you desire.

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