You'll get a more accurate horoscope if you read your Rising sign, and your Moon sign, as well as your Sun sign. Here's how: Your Sun sign represents your Self, your way of being in the world. It can represent both the ego (mental) self and the higher Self (soul purpose). It symbolizes your will and sense of vitality. Your Sun sign horoscope will tell you what these areas of your self will encounter this month. Your Rising sign represents your outer mask, the self you show to others. It symbolizes how you appear to others, how others perceive you, in your true interaction with the world. Your Rising sign horoscope will tell you what to expect in these areas of your self this month. Your Moon sign symbolizes your personal self, your feelings, your subconscious. It represents how you relate to others, how you have nurturing relationships with others, your intuition, your spiritual self, your sense of security, and your habits. The Moon symbolizes your feminine, nurturing side (we all have one). The Moon also indicates the type of partner you will attract, since it represents your emotional self. Your Moon sign horoscope will show you what these areas of your self will encounter this month. What are your Signs? Comparison Interpretation of You and your Lover | Aires (March 21 - April 19) Fire. Ruling planet Mars. Top TThe transformational tenor of these times continues, Aries, and you are in the thick of it. During an introspective and also intensely revealing month, you are entering into a deeper investigation of life and love, and it stirs you as well as gives you pause. You are engaged right now in an all-important process of visualizing your next stage. As you dream your future self into being, whatever you wish for with sincerity and in alignment with soul purpose will come to pass. Your faith is monumental, and yet you are simultaneously also holding back from the realization of that ideal. Looking into the underlying patterns is more than a current habit of mind, and can ultimately prove extremely fruitful as you continue to navigate the tricky waters your own inner depths. The extremely powerful New Moon of January 30th — that set the tone for the month of February — occurred in your sector of wishes and hopes, societal connection and future plans. It is true that you are very focused now on where you are headed in your life, and as well upon connections that you must make, both with friends and to social groups, in order to get yourself there. It is most important to also take into account the transformations to your outer world presentation that are implicit in this year of 2014 with the increasing tension of the Uranus-Pluto square. It is said that whatever you sincerely wish for with deep intention during this first week of the Aquarius New Moon will come to pass. The key here is that you must make every attempt to connect with a sense your own soul purpose as you do the wishing. This is a tricky proposition of course but in another way of looking at it, entirely vital for your psychological health moving forward; a moving target that you have been engaged in getting a better handle on over the previous year or more. Pluto is greatly emphasized in this February cycle, being conjuncted by a stationary Venus at the time of the New Moon, and simultaneously opposed by Jupiter in Cancer. These aspects foster the most productive elements of the changes that you find yourself in the midst of. There is a way that you are only just now beginning to grasp that your production criteria are slowly growing in earnestness and in greater connection to fundamental values that you hold dear. Inspiration arrives at your subliminal doorway every day and some of it gets through. It is important that you bend your ear to detect these relatively subtle signals that are pointing you toward your own spiritual truth, and begin in this February time frame to act on them. It could be that your actual career is changing, or it could equally be that profound changes are in the works for the way in which you conduct it. There are also implications for how you show up in your action-orientation, the manner in which you actualize. All these sides of yourself are extremely focalized now and subject to an important shift in emphasis and awareness. It is vital to note that this important cycle of change is happening this month in the context of Mercury stationing to retrograde motion in your sector of dream imagination and inner work and in conjunction with dreamy Neptune. Since Mercury Retrograde is itself an internally directed influence, you are feeling a double dose of introspection. Your inner knowing indeed holds much of the answer that you seek. As always with this transit however, it is a good idea to remember not to "push the river," but instead to take things as they come, and to carefully research your options before making your move. Important decisions are best made either before February 6th or after the end of the month, even as late as mid-March. Mercury is wobbly for the first three weeks of March, as it escapes its retrograde shadow. As you plan ahead and feel your way into what the future holds, you are also focused on matters involving important persons in your life. This is because your ruler, Mars, is currently moving quite slowly through the sign of Libra and your seventh sector, which rules all kinds of partnerships, to include business connections and committed relationship with significant others. Due to his own retrograde, coming up on March 1st, Mars remains in this sector of your solar chart all the way through the early summer. It is therefore indicated that, as you plan for your own future, you are likely to be taking significant others into greater account than you in the past have been used to doing. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Earth. Ruling planet Venus. Top This is an intensely interesting month for you, Taurus, a continuation of the transformational year that has already begun to emerge. Your outer world presentation is sizzling, partially because of what you have been able to assimilate over the previous monthly cycle, when you have been given a good amount of motivation to internally expand your philosophical horizons. Indeed it seems to be that much of what you are struggling to integrate now has to do with perspective and mental flexibility. Important partners in your life provide the stability of a mentorship role as well as a contrasting point of view to be balanced by your own inner explorations. This is a thoughtful time of deeper and more viable connection, even as you make it happen on exterior levels of outer world initiatives. Your month is very much colored by the configurations of the powerful January 30th New Moon, and by the station to direct motion of your ruler, Venus, which took place just as February got underway, in your ninth sector of higher mind pursuits, as well as education, teaching and travel. You have been in a process of a revisioning and a review of these kinds of activities over the recent period of time represented by the Venus retrograde, which began in mid-December. You emerge on the other side of this period of Venus' backward motion with a better idea of what you want to get out of your life in these important areas, and will continue this exploration as the current month continues to unfold. This is also an entirely active month for you, in the sense that you are focused to a large extent on career and outer world progress. The key Aquarius New Moon was located in the Midheaven of your solar chart, corresponding to concrete production and achievement in the eyes of the world. You are thus trying your wings in an immediate fashion following your recent discoveries. You could benefit by reflecting on the differences between your current approach and that of a few short weeks ago, and the ground gained. Even though you are primed for great things this is perhaps not the best time to make any radical new decisions, at least not after the first week of the month, when Mercury turns retrograde in your eleventh sector of societal involvement and future plans. This could be an opportunity for looking more closely into what you intend as the target for the eventual results of the work that you do in the world. You might find that you take a more introspective attitude toward this region of your life as the month goes on, reflecting on and mentally revising your approach in this area, just as you have recently been doing with subjects related to your higher mind sector. The eleventh sector symbolizes circles of friendship, groups and networking in general. With Saturn strong in your relationship sector, you are also more greatly committed to partnership in your life both for support and for branching out into new perspectives. There could be a mentorship role that is being played out in this area, a nice chime with the steep learning curve implicit in the placement of your ruler. There could also be the feeling of having to counter restrictions or criticism, and if so you can also benefit by staying firm about what you truly believe. When you make a stand for yourself you make it possible for everyone else around you to also just be themselves. You are spiritually energized and expansive in your communication with all kinds of friends and partners right now, and as you place more trust in life in general, you profit, reaping the rewards of your faith in the universe to sustain you. Gemini (May 21 - June 20) Air. Ruling planet Mercury. Top This is a thoughtful and reflective month for you, Gemini, a time when you are re-thinking your outer world presence in some deeper way. With part of your mind you are already convinced of needed tactical changes, in terms of both career matters and also your general availability to others, perhaps along the lines of a more receptive and insightful approach. You greatly value the impact that others make on your life, and in your dealings with them could also poignantly be sensing the gap of feeling tone between ideal and actuality. It could also be on your mind to adjust the way that you do things in the realm of intimate partnership, which might in the final analysis come down to a more compassionate regard for your own inner workings. The astrology of February has many interesting features, not the least of which would be the oncoming retrograde of your ruler, Mercury, at the very top of your solar chart, through the tenth and ninth sectors of career and higher mind pursuits. This is therefore a particularly powerful Mercury Retrograde period for you. At the start of the month, Mercury has just entered into your tenth solar sector of career and professional life. Since Mercury is about to retrograde in this sector, beginning on February 6th, this entire month represents a time when you are questioning some aspects of what it is that you do in the world, and how successfully your actions and attitudes provide a match for your deeper self. A soul-purpose regard for whatever you do, even if at times it does appear to be "just for a living," might therefore prove to be a timely factor for you now, and something to pay close attention to in this period of the retrograde. The Mercury Retrograde period symbolizes mechanical and communications breakdown to some extent, true, but it is also a time of turning within to be with yourself and your ideas. It therefore represents a terrific time to think more deeply about where you are headed in your life, and this idea is augmented by the close conjunction that Mercury makes, as it stations, with the numinous planetary archetype of Neptune. Neptune, prominent these last two years in your career sector, implies that you are considering a more compassionate and soul-centered approach to outer world productivity. You are more and more fully aware that the only path that has validity for you now must be the path with heart; that is to say, the one that combines the necessity of putting bread on the table with right action and right relationship in order to pull it off. The New Moon from January 30th, that sets the tone for the current month, having taken place in your higher mind sector, you are engaged in a thoughtful dialogue with yourself over many of the issues that confront you in this time of powerfully transformative realizations and activities. This area of your chart also governs varieties of shifts in perspective, such as that brought about by educational or teaching experiences, foreign travel and the influence of others to change the place where you metaphorically stand, influencing your belief systems and your Weltanschauung or way of seeing at the world around you. The manner in which you relate to others is definitely on your mind as well over the course of this February cycle. Pluto, active for many months now in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, is highlighted within the configurations of this Aquarius New Moon, thus indicating a further transformation of your activities in this area. This makes for a nice chime with the inner-oriented period of time that February represents for you, since this placement equally corresponds to interior work, rather than outer. There is perhaps a way that you have been voyaging to the inside in search of a better understanding of yourself and others, and this activity not only continues but also accelerates in the coming month. With Chiron, the Wounded Healer, strongly placed in your solar chart, and highlighted this month, you are also likely to experience some form of increased awareness of the power of the wounded places within you to run your life from below, as it were. There are places deep inside, the residue of early trauma, which you would perhaps rather not directly look at but which have been calling out to you for greater attention. It might be helpful to regard these places as lost children that need reassurance, rather than inner complexes that are flawed is some way, or that need to be shunned and cut off from conscious contact with the surface layers of your personality. Neglecting these places inside yourself results in their autonomous action in the form of knee-jerk reactivity, while paying them attention and silently witnessing their pain leads to self-reflection and compassion for them as well as for yourself, and the mistaken attitudes of others. It is through better integration of your own personality that you move toward a more self-aware and vibrantly alive springtime. Cancer (June 21 - July 22) Water. Ruling planet is the Moon. Top This is an important month for you, Cancer, a powerfully reflective time enabling you to better understand your own inner world, as you more deeply consider your relationship dynamic and continue on the transformational course that you have set out for yourself these past few years. Although issues of inner wounding still come up, your perspective has been gradually changing; you may not until recently have become aware of the progress already made. You possess a fundamental optimism now, operating at the very core of your being, that serves you well as you voyage onward. There is likely to be further movement of an internal variety coming up for you in this month's time frame, an inner tide that you can seize upon and surf to your great advantage once you get past your fears. Your month begins in the wake of the very powerful New Moon of January 30th, which sets the tone for this current lunation cycle. This New Moon, having taken place in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, signals that this month constitutes a change time for you, when you are more focused than ever on advancing your own spiritual evolution through the snares of your conditioning and of consensus thinking, and are more fully exploring your inner world to make changes in your outer. This is so for you whether you are entirely consciously aware of this process or not. Of course, it is more fun for you if you are very deliberate and conscious regarding what you are up to in this February time frame since that gives you greater options, including that you at times get to steer the boat. Because transformative Pluto has been lodged in your relationship sector for so many weeks and months, the advancements for you in this area have been many-layered and multifaceted, and this powerful New Moon configuration, featuring Pluto and a stationing Venus, in combination with expansive Jupiter in your identity sector, suggests that if you have further knots to unravel in this important area, this month might be the perfect time. This month, too, your metamorphosis as a more fully relational creature will take place in the setting of the optimistic confidence in the universe around you that Jupiter symbolizes, including your faith in the power of your own process to set you free in some sense from the traps of the past. This does not in any sense mean that you are giving up your own unique individuality, far from it. Instead you are gaining independence as you become also better able to relate to others in a more integrated fashion. Mercury turns retrograde after the first week of February, in fact on February 6th, and as it does it emphasizes numinous Neptune in your sector of higher mind. You are at this point both taking a second and deeper look at all your beliefs and assumptions and also coming into an expansive internal presence that defies mere logic in favor of embracing the fundamental mystery and paradox of soul existence. You could be confused by this factor if you rely too much on the little mind to keep things straight, but you might also find yourself considering that the world of Spirit exists beyond and as well underlying this outer world of physical manifestation, and that they are not separate but intertwined. Actually the Mercury Retrograde period of time makes for a perfect period of contemplation of these types of philosophical musings, representing as it does a pause in the flow of logical reasoning that runs most of the normal run of the mill occurrences in our modern digital age. As it retrogrades backward through your intimacy sector you will likely be engaged in not only depth explorations of inner dimensions but also a review and reassessment of how you relate in terms of close connection with significant figures in your life. You are also blessed this month with a great deal of focus and concentration for the task at hand, since Saturn is emphasized, bringing his restrictive qualities to your self-expression and your sense of personal identity. Along with the expansive presence of Jupiter in your sign, as alluded to earlier, the contrasting action of Saturn is to contract and withdraw, so that you could experience this factor as a sense of isolation; this however needn't trouble you. In the context of that isolating presence, your deep Self, like a diamond deep underground, is being formed. Leo (July 23 - August 22) Fire. Ruling planet is the Sun. Top The transformational beat continues, Leo, in the further development of your ongoing series of changes through the agency of universal forces. This is good timing for progress of both an exterior and also of a more internal kind, in a month in which partnership issues are very much on your mind. You are taking a more and more philosophical approach to these as of late, and, where relationships are concerned, making something of a fresh start in this February time frame. As you draw inspiration from ever widening circles of cosmic awareness, and continue to transform in your concept of service to the larger collective that surrounds you, a deeper sense of spiritual commitment is beginning to emerge that serves you well, and allows others around you to share in the bounty. The January 30th Aquarius New Moon having taken place in your partnership sector, this is a month for you of among other things examining and reconsidering the key relationships in your life, in all their facets. The recent retrograde of Venus through the service sector of your solar chart, in conjunction with Pluto at the time of the New Moon, also implies that you are looking under the covers of relationship for the deeper meaning. You are recognizing that while it is perhaps natural to want to ring out with your own voice in exclusion of the needs of others, rather than in subservience to those needs, unless you can find a graceful amalgam of both potentials you lose something precious. Mercury also begins its retrograde period on February 6th, initially in your intimacy sector and later through your relationship sector as it continues its backward motion, meaning that you are reconsidering the ways in which you find yourself operating in intimate connection as well as within the context of larger social groupings. This is a timely divergence for you — as you perhaps turn from your habitual relishing the spotlight, to sharing and adoring others as they bask in your glow. As 2014 begins to really get going, you are also delving into issues involving old wounding that you are ready to acknowledge and move past. Although this is particularly brought up by close relationships, or potential ones, and can be regarded as an opportunity to see more deeply into any intimacy issues that are present, it can happen in many other ways as you react to the conditions within you that have likely resulted from early childhood trauma of one variety or another. Mercury Retrograde is known for symbolizing complications in communications, and you could experience a degree of difficulty in navigating seemingly troublesome connections or sudden turns of events that trigger you. Regarding these apparent contretemps as opportunities for learning can be extremely helpful, and provide new insights into yourself and others. Saturn, representing limitation and contraction, is also highlighted this month, falling in your fourth sector of home, family, and psychological foundation, and is in sesquiquadrate to the revolutionary energies of Uranus, as well as parallel to Venus at the New Moon. This combination points to the transformation you are experiencing of your own feelings and emotional state as you relate to your near and dear ones. You may feel some obstacles in expressing what is true for you. As you dig deeper and grow more fully into your authentic self, it can be challenging for those who know you best to reorient themselves to the person you are becoming, versus the person they already believe and 'know' you to be. While there is a certain degree of challenge in this month, remaining in touch with positivity and the silver lining allows heightened states of enjoyment between the tricky spots. With Jupiter in Cancer in your twelfth sector of spirituality, and of celebrating your depths, you could find a tremendous sense of optimism and appreciation of how all the small moments in life contribute to your higher purpose. Life is calling you forth in a profound way, now. Within the inspiration of a higher mind approach, new perspectives become more readily available. You benefit by recognizing your own unhealthy patterns, and utilizing those realizations as an access point for opening to new ways of being, as you strive to forge the win-win for yourself and others of maximum health, vitality, and loving connection. Virgo (August 23 - September 22) Earth. Ruling planet Mercury. Top Your season of transformation continues, Virgo, both for your creative output and with regard to your connection with others. You are finding your way forward in a way that maximizes the benefit for your own process of growth and change, and for everyone around you as well. Your ruler, Mercury, retrograding through your opposite sign, implies that your connections to important others in your life become the object of increased scrutiny, along with spiritual commitment to your natural helpful orientation. Your sense of what might constitute service to others is therefore the subject of this month's extended meditation, while you are simultaneously looking more deeply into partnership issues that you may have been neglected for far too long. This all makes perfect sense as you more consciously inhabit an increasingly interconnected world. With the Aquarius New Moon from January 30th taking place in your sixth sector of health, mundane life, and work or service orientation, you begin February with a burst of energy in these areas. One way that this energy manifests for you would be to pour on the coal as you sometimes do, making lists and getting things done. And yet, with another part of yourself you are very aware of the input of others around you to your process, and of ideas stirring beneath the surface of your mind. Since by mid-month, your ruler, Mercury, is also retrograding through this same sector, a reevaluation of the way in which you exist from day to day is coming to the fore. There is simultaneously ample vital energy and subtle emotional nuance coloring your experience of the many moments that fill a single day, and ultimately comprise your life. Mercury begins its retrograde period on February 6th, initially in your relationship sector, and later moving backward through your sixth. With Venus hovering in conjunction with Pluto in your fifth sector of creative expression as the month begins, you are also more conscious regarding changes taking place in the way in which you bring things forth into the world. This could be significant with regard to your children, if you have any, and/or your creative process and offerings. This planetary lineup is most active in the early part of February, and brings further into the picture your energy for relationship with significant others in your life. You have been very aware lately of an idealized expression of relationship energy, perhaps even to the point of self-deception, and this month perhaps even more so, especially during the first two weeks of the month. Chiron is also active now, residing in your seventh sector of relationships, so that there may be an element of "birthing pain" as you strive to create something new, and as you relate to others in that process. As Mercury slows and changes direction it could also indicate a time when you become more conscious of painful places within you that are holding you back from the fullest expression of your partnership energy for others. Your saving grace amidst some of these challenges is represented by the shining symbolism of Jupiter in opposition to Pluto in your eleventh sector of networking. There is a fundamental emotional optimism that you possess throughout the troubled waters of this Mercury Retrograde period. Faith in the ultimate beneficence of the cosmos is available to you when you internally open to it. All it takes is a gesture, allowing you to come to a greater awareness of how the transformation occurring within you ripples out, ultimately serving the highest good of not only yourself, but your loved ones, community, and indeed all of humanity. Libra (September 23 - October 22) Air. Ruling planet Venus. Top This is an important month of transition for you, Libra. You are rocking it in terms of outer world pursuits and your success refracts back toward your depths to light them up in a new way. Home and family concerns become of utmost importance to get a better handle on and to see change as not only possible but also necessary. You are lately more introspective regarding all of this and opening to new vistas at the very core of your being, spurred on perhaps by partnership revelations. Your own transformation leads to a greater good for others around you as well. Something in your day-to-day activities is the subject of your recent reflections, as you refine and reinvigorate this ordinary area. You win by allowing greater scope to the daydream of potential and possibility. The Aquarius New Moon sets the tone for the current month, and in your case falls in your fifth sector of artistic output. Creative endeavors are where you find yourself drawn this month to innovate and evolve, perhaps adopting new and revolutionary ways of approaching your uniquely individual output. Mercury turns retrograde on February 6th, and by mid-month is also traveling backward through Aquarius, bringing to the area of your creative self-expression its typical issues around communication breakdown, stifled forward momentum, and reevaluation. Since Pluto is an important factor in this New Moon chart as well, being included by a semi-sextile from the New Moon itself, as you are opening to new avenues of expressing yourself that ring most true to you, you are simultaneously transforming at the very core of your being. Pluto represents the radically transforming energy for positive spiritual evolution that the universe dishes up to you when you need it the most. This can seem more difficult than that in the heat of the moment, but the changes that are more or less forced upon you though its agency can usually be seen to be for the greater good with the passage of time, and thus in your own best interest. Located in your fourth sector of home and family, the strength of his current position implies that something vital is shifting in this important area of your life. Your feeling of root psychological security itself is undergoing a complex metamorphosis. Since the Mercury Retrograde period of time also focalizes your sixth sector of workplace environment and day-to-day concerns, there will also be a sorting through of ways of being may no longer serving you, either from day to day activities or with regard to health issues. There are also implications for your feeling of what you need to do in order to stay in alignment with soul purpose. Because Chiron is strongly positioned as well in your chart representing this month's astrology, painful realizations about the past could accompany these reconsiderations, providing openings for new information and extra motivation for birthing newer and healthier habits. A profound and powerful time is at hand to contemplate your own roots and any past issues of inner wounding that might still be coloring your current relationships. One blessing of this current month for you is symbolized by a prominent Jupiter, in your sector of outer achievement, and representing that good fortune which currently smiles on all your outer endeavors. Your essential faith in your process is a huge positive factor that helps to ameliorate some of your more difficult conditions. While outward endeavors are thriving, the spirit of optimism you hold in this area of life could act as a portal of positivity — an access point if you will — to better enable you to deal with the challenging inner work that is also now required for your ultimate well being. As you bring your awareness inward, you provide opportunity to foster optimism for seeing your situation as a positive and ultimately healthy process of change that you find yourself in the midst of. Scorpio (October 23 - Nov 21) Water. Ruling planets Mars, Pluto. Top You are busy reaping what you sow these days, Scorpio. The focus is on others and the focus is on you, with interesting feedback loops generating overall more progress than dissonance. Home and family concerns lead you into a better understanding of yourself at all levels. You are delving into your depths for the next two months at least, coming up with the pearl of wisdom, as you continue on the huge learning curve that you have outlined for yourself in this oncoming climactic springtime. The dreamy creative potential that comes up for you now leads to new possibilities but not without a great deal of digging. This month is also an excellent time for further dialogue regarding the best utility of partnership dilemmas in terms of your own personal growth and for the benefit of all concerned. In the astrology of February, your co-ruler Mars takes an interesting spotlight, being somewhat hidden in your twelfth sector of spiritual insight, dreams and inner work. Since Mars is currently moving quite slowly, preparing to retrograde next month for most of the early spring, and residing in this area of your solar chart for an entire six months in all, this indicates a time when you will be getting more centered in the hidden areas of your own personality, where you will find a great deal of focus and strength. You are as well facing issues of bringing other-dimensional realities into concrete manifestation, because Saturn makes an aspect to Mars during the early part of this current cycle. The New Moon chart from January 30th also provides potent insight into your current month. With the Aquarius Sun and Moon coming together in your sector of home and family, a great deal of your energy and emotional centering is around these areas of your life, and you may find in yourself a very strong urge for new and innovative ideas to implement in your home environment. Mercury will begin its retrograde motion on February 6th, in conjunction with spiritually oriented Neptune in your self-expression sector, and also after mid-month, continues traversing backward through the sign of Aquarius, and this same sector. Family communication questions could arise. It is wise to note that the opportunity in any mishap at this time is reevaluation of current modes of being. Creative problem solving becomes the name of your game. You will likely find in your thought processes in a sharp and penetrating quality, because your co-ruler, Pluto, residing in your communications sector, is also highlighted this month in conjunction to Venus and sextile Chiron. This is particularly true of the way in which you relate to others, and in regard to the transformation you are undergoing for learning and growing by staying in better connection. This powerful combination is also symbolic of the understanding you are all the time gaining of yourself and those around you. Useful opportunities could come about to access and take a step toward healing the pain from old wounds, or you could experience a yearning to channel this process through creativity or some mode of outward expression. Jupiter is also elevated by this month's placement in your solar chart, and resides in your ninth sector of higher mind activity, beliefs and ideals. This symbolizes the steep learning curve that you are climbing, with positivity and an expansive perspective. As you navigate your own depths in these challenging and transformational times, a terrific sense of spiritual optimism is available to you. A balanced approach is the most viable, taking equally into account both inner and outer expression of your energies. You benefit from actively tapping into and allowing the power of positive thought and faith to be the grand vessel keeping your ideals and your spirits afloat as you voyage onward.  Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21) Fire. Ruling planet Jupiter. Top It is a vitally important voyage that you are in the midst of these days, Sagittarius, and yet it is one that you can take without even leaving home. You are spending most of this month and next touring inner regions and storing up the accompanying deep, and perhaps at times painful, realizations into your holding area for further analysis and reflection. The point is not so much what happened, or why me, but rather what can you learn from the experience. It might be that as the many layers unfold, your seven-week entry into a powerful springtime holds more questions than answers. The results of all your inquiry will take you into a more profound relationship with life direction and with significant partners, once you have more fully opened your heart to your own inner world. The New Moon chart from January 30th provides potent insight into the coming month, since it began the lunar cycle that lasts to the end of February. This New Moon took place in your sector of mental pursuits, so that you will find appearing before you a plentitude of new avenues of mind, and have the pleasant task of choosing which to stroll down and how to intelligently decide where the juiciest challenges for you might lie. Your communication is likely to be forceful and cogent, while writing and articulations of all kinds are favored with greater energy, particularly since transformative Pluto resides in close aspect with this New Moon energy. In exact opposition to Pluto in the New Moon chart we find Jupiter, your ruler, in your sector of intimacy, personal evolution and self-exploration. This indicates that you are on a more or less self-ordained mission to transform in your values and in your sense of purpose to be the best that you can be. As you find your way through the trails of initiation and into a greater and better-integrated sense of self, you are using the steep learning curve of the coming year to good advantage. Jupiter also provides his optimistic counsel. During the deeply challenging transformational times that you find yourself in these days, the power of positive thought and a higher perspective of faith is ever available to you. Saturn, symbolizing structure and limitation, and located in your sector of hidden information and dream work, is also highlighted in this month, particularly at the time of the mid-month Full Moon, when it is squared by the Sun and Moon. There could be a greater urge within you to know more about your own process of becoming than is truly feasible. The sorts of knowledge that Saturn represents is at odds with a different kind of knowing that is more at home in this spiritually-oriented sector, one that is fostered through channels other than the logical mind. A higher perspective is available to you when you pause to turn and look, that is perhaps only gained once more traditional control is relinquished. Indeed, something is fundamentally shifting in the way that you relate to and function in the manifest world, especially with Venus in your resources sector hovering conjunct transformational Pluto at the time of the New Moon. Perhaps triggered by wounds from past experience, or in the way of embracing changes that have been long in coming on, there is an opportunity here for contemplation around what you find to be most valuable in your life. Because Venus signifies relational energies, you are likely coming to a deeper understanding of what qualities you love and value in those with whom you surround yourself, and thus a greater knowing of what you love and value in yourself. Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19) Earth. Ruling planet Saturn. Top This is a powerful month for you, Capricorn. Your massive and thoroughgoing transformation goes on, with some particular circumstantial twists that bring you into closer contact with it. You are entering into a time of analysis and inward turning, as you balance security needs with the creation for yourself, and by yourself, of a future that you can really live with. Your professional public statement has been the subject of an increasingly intense inner scrutiny, leading you toward action, and your situation becomes more obvious as you look within. While your acknowledgment of the necessity for significant modification grows upon you, you are also blessed with the recognition of the possibility for meaningful change to come about. Partners in your life continue to provide an interesting and helpful perspective. The New Moon chart from January 30th provides powerful insight into your coming month. You are almost certainly feeling a powerful sense of transformational movement as the month begins to unfold, since change-oriented Pluto is highlighted in your identity sector, aspected there by stationing Venus and the New Moon degree, and exactly opposed by Jupiter in your opposite sign. This is a potent configuration, symbolizing ongoing pressure to grow past your own previous high-water mark of evolutionary progress. Resistance gives you greater pain than letting go, as the drum beat of change indicated by Pluto's long-term presence in your sign gets louder in your ears, and as you become more sensitized to the messages that are thereby receiving, from the universe or what could equally be termed your Higher Self. This factor of a stationing Venus in powerful conjunction with Pluto and in opposition to Jupiter also represents the deeply transformative energies you are experiencing in terms of knowing who you are in relationship to significant others in your life. You are lately learning new ways of relating, through the agency of helpful partners, and this is a touchstone for further growth. You benefit by employing a positive attitude, and reminding yourself that a state of trust forms the most likely basis for more authentic and loving connection with others. With the Aquarius New Moon taking place in your sector of materiality and values, your vitality and emotional centering is based largely around the way in which outer world achievement is reflecting (or perhaps not reflecting) what you treasure in your inner world. You are making a fresh start with finances now, which could be good news, and could also be the start of a different way of visualizing financial security for yourself. This is especially true since Mercury Retrogrades this month, and by the time of the mid-month Full Moon has begun moving backward through this same sector. You are therefore re-thinking all your possibilities in this are of the resources, financial and otherwise, that you bring to the table. This month's Mercury Retrograde period, symbolic of communication breakdown and of intellectually turning inward, begins on February 6th in your communications sector and in conjunction with numinous Neptune. This is a relatively spacey period of time, when rather than a strictly logical approach you find yourself instead speaking directly from the heart, and from the standpoint of a subliminal awareness of other-dimensional realms which you did not perhaps even know that you possessed. Saturn, your ruling planet, and symbolic of limitation and boundAries, is highlighted this month also, in your sector of societal connection and future plans. This area is very alive for you at the moment, and your vision of personal progress could begin to look very different than it did a few short weeks ago. You are also likely coming into a greater awareness around your sense of participation in community.  Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18) Air. Ruling planets Uranus, Saturn. Top This is a rather intense month that you are currently traversing, Aquarius, in this your birthday time of the year. You revel in outer world pursuits, while your inner landscape has become more important to you than ever as you continue sorting out the fundamental mystery of your existence. You are feeling loads of pizzazz, and the success of how well you are coming across to others, and yet it could all seem hollow when separated from an accompanying process of deeper reflection. Mercury's retrograde motion begins on the 6th and signals an essentially introspective period of time lasting through to the end of February and beyond. You are feeling the expansiveness of life to the extent that you can open to an internal mandate that eventually inclines you toward greater integration of all your parts. The New Moon of January 30th was a powerful one for you, and symbolizes the qualities of the currently unfolding lunation cycle. Since the New Moon cycle takes place in your sign, known as the identity sector of your solar chart, this is obviously a time when you are making an emotional investment in you. In a positive rather than a petty or a selfish way, you are quite self-centered now. The purpose of your current self-involvement, though, is not for you alone, but rather for the ways in which you can see yourself as a representation of the cosmic order of things, manifesting through you. These ideas are further supported by the intensely inner nature of the transiting energies that swirl about you now, supporting you to dig deep and to go within for the answers that you seek. Because Pluto is very much emphasized now, being conjuncted by Venus at the beginning of the month and opposed almost exactly by expansive Jupiter, in your heart center as represented by your sector of your secret emotions and inner work, you are more aware than ever before of vast developments taking place inside you. Inner wounding could come up for you as an indicator of the deeper places inside you. Pluto's aspect to your ruler, Uranus, makes this timing especially poignant. The internal development thus represented becomes even stronger in the weeks ahead, peaking for one particular phase by mid-April. You will have a feel for what to look for in these coming months by paying close attention to what is happening to you internally over the course of these four weeks of the current cycle, and trying to assess its meaning in your life. Because Mercury is retrograde for much of the month of February, passing mainly through your identity sector, as represented by your sign, logic flies out the window and you are encouraged to make the most of what you can find inside yourself to bring into the equation. There is a strong level of deep intuition that you always possess, which tends to be discounted and even reviled by the established consensus regard for rational logical process, but which nevertheless can give you information of a dramatic veracity when you consult your inner knowing with an open mind. There are also factors of a more outer nature operating for you. Your co-ruler, Saturn, is also emphasized, and located in your career sector, indicating that things are going well for you in this important area and have been for some time now. The real trick with this transit is to see it as part of a larger whole. It is not the case that you have come to this point in your life through accidental occurrence, or strictly as a result of some outside agency. When you can see this stage as part of an organic developmental process within you, then you will have come a long way toward being able to accept setbacks and honors with an equal sense of humility. Pisces (Feb 19 - March 20) Water. Ruling planets Neptune, Jupiter. Top This month represents an opportunity to shine, Pisces, although not in the usual meaning of the term. Your light these days definitely represents an emanation from the inside. Rather than hiding yourself in some way, you can let your essence radiate outward in peaceful harmonizing with whatever that your soul sense tells you is actually there to receive it. Your creativity is very active now, together with your feeling of important gains to be made in self-knowledge, as you attempt to seek out a venue for your activity that will neither rock your boat nor hijack it for nefarious purpose. Once you have made your peace with inner priorities, you will be in a better position to ride the wave of inner knowing toward a new and more clearly defined horizon. The powerful Aquarius New Moon that sets the tone for this month takes place in your sector of inner imagination, dreams and extra-dimensional intelligence. You are thus coming from a more introspective place for this cycle, attempting to look inside yourself and to find out what you can about your own inner workings. This is familiar territory to your fundamental nature, you who are so sensitive and inwardly directed normally. You might have been feeling even more so lately, with your ruler Neptune located at the very beginning of your solar chart for these past two years. Neptune moves very slowly, nearly as slowly as Pluto, the outermost planetary focal point as we currently know it. Neptune entered Pisces to stay in February of 2012, and has been a powerful factor there since that time for members of your sign, especially for those born in February. This month as well, when Mercury Retrogrades in your sign on February 6th it conjuncts Neptune to within 1 degree, therefore bringing the numinous into greater conscious awareness, while at the same time rendering your normal mental functioning a little less logical. This is good for artistic vision and for seeing more deeply into your own depths, although not as handy for business as usual on the external physical plane. Such activity might have to be put on hold or paid only minimum attention for the remainder of the month. You can utilize these three weeks to sense ethereal realms within you, finding the sensitivity within yourself that allows you tune in to where others are coming from, and better understand yourself at these deeper levels. This month as well, Pluto is extremely strongly placed in your eleventh sector of group affiliation and societal connection, being exactly opposed to your co-ruler, Jupiter at the time of the Aquarius New Moon. This implies that you are turning over in your mind the question of what you need to do to establish yourself in a better placement for the future, taking everything into account, including soul purpose. Your creativity is strong right now, and you might take heart from the ideas that, as the channeled entity Abraham tells us, you have only to sincerely wish for a desired outcome to have it come to pass. This astrological factor also has its dark side and you could find that your wishes and goals are subject to manipulations or attempts to coerce your approval for what in your true inner self you do not actually favor, and this could come at you from the inside as well as from outer influences. Either way this provides contrast and you might determine what it is that you truly want in the process of looking more closely into what is really going on. With Chiron also highlighted in your identity sector, and aspected by the New Moon, you are likely to be experiencing some degree of discomfort with the potential for early wounding to arise in the form of either reactivity or withdrawal. It is very helpful if such events do come across your field of consciousness to take the time to more fully explore the underlying root cause, and this month is the perfect opportunity to do just that. You are in a fundamentally optimistic place now, and for the remainder of the month, and committed to obtaining a better perspective on these and other issues as they arise, which could represent an extended blessing both for this current time frame and well into any conceivable future. Aires Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagitt Capric Aquar Pisces Overview Top Overview of the Planets this month: Top A Powerfully Introspective and Transformative February The astrology of February is complex, with three retrogrades of personal planets in either the beginning stages or having just ended, and with the Uranus and Pluto square still quite active, aided and abetted by an opposition/square from Jupiter and a sextile from Pluto to Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Saturn is also quite active, and actively aspected by both Mars and the antithetical planetary archetype of revolutionary Uranus. Due to all these inner planet retrogrades this is a very thoughtful time, when we are more internally focused than usual. We are examining more deeply both our own internal connection within and as well the times in which we find ourselves as this powerful year continues to unfold. The almost universally feared retrograde of Mercury is once more upon us this month, and definitely corresponds to a more reflective stance. The retrograde begins on the afternoon of February 6th, and ends officially on February 28th; although Mercury is likely to be wobbly for another three weeks after that as it escapes its retrograde shadow, well into March. The retrograde of Mars through the sign of Libra begins the very next day, March 1st. meanwhile, Venus, in retrograde motion all last month, having stationing direct only on the 31st of January, is barely coming out of her own retrograde period and remains in close proximity to Pluto for the entire first week of February. We have as well a hugely transformative month ahead since the Aquarius New Moon that kicks off the February cycle has Pluto conjunct Venus and simultaneously opposed by Jupiter to within a few minutes of a degree. Combined with the inward turning that is produced in symbolic resonance with the various personal planet retrogrades, and the aspect that Pluto still currently makes to Chiron, it is indeed a time for deep reflection concerning what we are truly up to at the innermost levels of our being. We will undoubtedly discover areas of our lives that need psychological weeding and pruning, perhaps long neglected. We are better able to tune in and to recognize these dark places within ourselves with the impetus of the events that come to pass over the course of an eventful late winter and early spring time period. Because Pluto is conjuncted by retrograde Venus at the time of the January 30th New Moon that began the current cycle, this symbolism signals also that as we grow and transform, not the least of the areas that deserve our attention are those influenced by the close relationships of our lives. This month represents an exciting and productive period that will be productive of many changes in the manner in which we see ourselves at the deepest possible level, and in consequence the way in which we relate to others around us. Pluto and Chiron remain in close sextile throughout the month, and with the formative Aquarius New Moon at their mid-point. We are therefore dealing with difficult issues of prior wounding as the month continues to unfold, and this is an important part of the story of our ongoing transformation of issues of identity refinement and relationship connection. When Mercury Retrogrades on February 6th coincident with the First Quarter Moon, its station conjuncts numinous Neptune within a degree, making the onset of the retrograde period of time just a little more confusing and as well suffused with deeper meaning. Neptune is featured later in the month as well. The very nature of prominent Neptune demands that we embrace the paradoxical notion that we might be able to understand soul-level realities as equal in scope to normal practical considerations. If we have the openness to be present for it, an immense mystery is therefore released this month into greater consciousness. Text ©Copyright 2014 AstroGraph Used by permission Web design ©Copyright 2014 Walter Zajac |