You'll get a more accurate horoscope if you read your Rising sign, and your Moon sign, as well as your Sun sign. Here's how: Your Sun sign represents your Self, your way of being in the world. It can represent both the ego (mental) self and the higher Self (soul purpose). It symbolizes your will and sense of vitality. Your Sun sign horoscope will tell you what these areas of your self will encounter this month. Your Rising sign represents your outer mask, the self you show to others. It symbolizes how you appear to others, how others perceive you, in your true interaction with the world. Your Rising sign horoscope will tell you what to expect in these areas of your self this month. Your Moon sign symbolizes your personal self, your feelings, your subconscious. It represents how you relate to others, how you have nurturing relationships with others, your intuition, your spiritual self, your sense of security, and your habits. The Moon symbolizes your feminine, nurturing side (we all have one). The Moon also indicates the type of partner you will attract, since it represents your emotional self. Your Moon sign horoscope will show you what these areas of your self will encounter this month. What are your Signs? Comparison Interpretation of You and your Lover | Aires (March 21 - April 19) Fire. Ruling planet Mars. Top The cosmic tide is running, Aries, with the turning of the year, and you are the active surfer of the wild energy that it contains. You have to keep moving just to keep up, and to allow your head to remain above these swirling forces with a modicum of control. This is so, although, in another way, your task right now is to admit that you are not the sole pilot of your craft. You may yet find that letting go is an underrated art form that is truly necessary now. Partnership with others around you is key, and also respect for the winds of change blowing through you. What is no longer useful, nor even in any way functional as an element of your continued growth, might need to be discarded unmercifully. An overview for the entire month is pointed toward in your New Year's Day chart. This potent New Moon chart, taking place directly on the first, indicates themes not only for January, but for the whole of 2014. You may find your focus and attention this year being largely devoted to news ways of connecting and working with others, particularly as it pertains to your purpose in life, be it in your career or how you show up in the world for the greater good. The transformative Pluto-Uranus square is still activating revolution at a global level, and is now accentuated by Mars, your ruler, signaling greater focus and new growth in terms of the way in which you relate to others. Jupiter, in contra-parallel to the Sun, completes the grand cross formation with the heavyweight energies of Pluto, Uranus, and Mars, and hints at a seed of sweet optimism, when you center yourself in heart, home, and faith, in which all of these fluctuating forces of deep change can become anchored. Your ruler, Mars, is currently dwelling a bit sulkily in the relationship sector of Libra. The God of War is not fully activated in the Libran realms of egalitarianism and diplomacy, but perhaps it is a blessing in disguise that these fires are calmed a bit — for Mars is strongly positioned for you in this chart that pertains to this month and year: exactly square to Pluto, located in your career sector. You might find yourself re-evaluating the way in which, as you create your offering to the world, you allow others to be involved. Uranus is also located in an emphasized position in your solar chart, namely your sector of self and identity, and is amplified by Jupiter, by Pluto and by Mars, so that there are lessons for you, pertaining to the way in which you conduct yourself in the world and come across to others. You have, in recent weeks, been experiencing a strong urge for freedom and autonomy, and yet you are, in this new month and year, intrinsically drawn to connecting with others in new and creative ways. Simultaneously, feelings of restlessness and impatience could come up for you, as you explore the fine-tuning and the intricacies that are thereby required. You are perhaps discovering that there is an art form in playing well with others — one that requires a paradoxical relinquishing and surrender of control to allow a greater synergistic force to flow through you. What is at hand is an opportunity to deepen and grow into your potential in ways you may never have even imagined. And, as is perhaps counter-intuitive to your basic nature, this does not require trying harder, doing more, or talking louder, but rather a softening and a loosening of your grasp. When you practice trust, letting go of your need to control the outcome, you might find yourself pleasantly surprised by what happens. Transformational Pluto is positioned in this chart for the New Moon in the career sector of your solar chart amidst a stellium (or cluster) of planets. Surrounding him are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus moving retrograde, indicating the power of the radical changes that you are currently surmounting. Your vitality, emotional centering, mental engagement, and relationship conduct all hang in the balance. If you can allow what no longer serves you to melt away, a wealth of power and centered alignment with your greater purpose becomes available to you. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Earth. Ruling planet Venus. Top This is an exciting and vitally important year and month for you, Taurus, as life-changing information keeps flowing through you. A catalytic effect seems to be taking place whereby what is interesting in your immediate circumstance triggers a storm of meaning. While fully applying your mind and heart to the task, it takes days to sort out. Meanwhile the pace does not let up. You are entering into the crux of what you have really been up to all along, these past few years, and that is a cosmic learning curve of massive proportions that challenges you and transforms you. It is not too much to say that the knowledge coming your way this month will change forever the way you look at and manage your life; provided that you can allow it in. An overview for the entire month is indicated in your New Year's Day chart, which is a potent one, with the Capricorn New Moon taking place right on the first. This can be seen as the initiating energy not only for the month of January, but for the whole year, as well. A stellium of planets is clustered in Capricorn; the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Pluto are all within 2 degrees of one another. With all of these planets in the ninth sector of your solar chart, an emphasis is placed on travels, learning, teaching, and expanding into one's higher mind self. As such, much of your energy at this time is concentrated in coming to a more expansive understanding of the world around you, as well as the world inside of you, and in exploring the boundAries that lie between the two. All these planets, particularly Pluto, help your worldly Taurean nature, so rooted in the physical and earthly realm, to bridge the gap from the unseen into the manifest world. Now is the time to build the structure and foundations upon which the dreams and visions for your ideal life may begin to unfold. Transformational Pluto, being at the center of this cluster, speaks to the deep changes that are occurring for you in approaching things that are outside your realm of familiarity. This most likely has been occurring, at least in part, as a painful process of elimination. It seems that you must come to know what you DON'T want by means of direct experience, before you can form a distinct higher vision of what it is you actually DO want. In opposition to Pluto in your ninth solar sector we find Jupiter, the natural ruler of the ninth, positioned in Cancer and lending a helping hand in opening up your emotional state, so that new ideas can be more easily accepted and integrated on a feeling level. In this New Year's Day chart, also, Uranus and Mars are in opposition to each other, and in square to the Pluto-Jupiter opposition, forming a grand cross. There is thus an extraordinarily powerful amplitude of strong, fiery energy, with a tendency toward rashness and impatience. You could be acting from a place of restlessness and resistance to what is painful in the present moment. You can benefit by utilizing this bold energy, instead, to focus your will and attention on positive outcomes and a vision for a potent new year. This period of time is also made significant for you by Venus, your ruling planet, moving retrograde through Capricorn for the entire month. Venus changes to direct motion at the very end of January, just one degree away from Pluto. During this time, especially when Venus is conjunct the Sun and Mercury, from January 7th to the 17th, as she changes from the Evening to the Morning Star, there is an even stronger turning inward, away from outer relations. What is enhanced instead becomes examination of inner work and milestones of personal growth. At this time the transformational energy that has been building may come to a head, where you are faced with the choice of clinging to the comfort of your old ways, or embracing a new way of being. It might well be that stepping outside of your comfort zone will ultimately serve you greatly, allowing you to take action, in alignment with your inner vision, when the time feels right. Gemini (May 21 - June 20) Air. Ruling planet Mercury. Top This new year and month represents for you a significant leap forward, Gemini, which as luck would have it is also a leap down and in. You are moving toward realities within your soul that you had only partially glimpsed before this time. You win by asking no questions and simply allowing. This journey of inner exploration involves others as well as yourself, and brings dedication to your task of assessing where you are truly headed as you take on your normal duties with an extra sense of cosmic responsibility. If you are not able to fully submerge and explore, you will have yet further and more profound chances later on. This secondary world of your inner process informs this one and does not in any way invalidate it. An overview for the entire month is indicated by your solar chart for January 1st, featuring the Capricorn New Moon. This New Moon, taking place early in the morning on New Year's Day, provides a preview for not only January but also for all of 2014. In this regard, it is extremely important to note that your ruling planet, Mercury, is positioned at a powerful point in this chart, being closely conjunct transformative Pluto, plus the Sun and Moon. This clustering of planets, known as a stellium, is positioned in your sector of death and rebirth, sexuality and intimacy, and also of what I like to call personal evolution. With the death and rebirth transformational energies symbolized by Pluto located in this same sector, and highlighted over these past several years, you have likely been through the wringer, turning yourself inside out in order that you might burn away those aspects of your surface personality that are no longer serving you in the present era. The implication of this potent New Year's Day chart is that in this monthly cycle, you are facing still greater and more profound change than anything that you have experienced thus far. As a mutable air sign you are familiar with fluctuation and changeability, but these transformational forces lead you into something further: unexplored depths and hidden worlds within you. You have been going through some of this in recent months, and could be seeking the positive side. The ultimate result is definitely positive, although it could perhaps take all of 2014 for you to truly get to where you are longing to go. As suggested by the opposition of Mars and Uranus, which are both square to the New Moon stellium, the deep exploration of your own interior motivations is tied to your creative expression, as well as to your community and circle of friends, plus a new-found sense of your life path unfolding before you in accordance with your most deeply held beliefs and values, The final piece of this grand cross New Moon configuration is highlighted Jupiter, positioned in your material and resources sector, opposite Mercury and Pluto. You are experiencing changes in all these different areas of life, and reaching out for a balance point. With Venus moving in retrograde motion you are meditating deeply on how relationship with important others helps to refine your own self-expression as a manifestation of deep soul purpose. While this exploration may feel extremely profound and personal, it is not a journey you need take alone. Indeed the opportunity is there to incorporate others into your quest for a deeper knowing. Expressing yourself creatively in this conversation provides a crucial link in integrating new learning and ways of being into your community, where you are currently gaining your bearings as a revolutionary thinker, forging a path upon which others may join you. The great irony of our existence is that the only truly consistent state is one of change. During this somewhat intense month, the circle of life — constantly renewing itself through cycles of death and rebirth — comes to the forefront of your consciousness, and a great learning is at hand through your willingness to be transformed. You further your personal evolution by inquiring deeply into this ongoing miracle. Your thought processes, personal vitality, emotional centering, and approach to relationship are all deeply affected by the way in which you ponder and consider your own soul amidst this mystery. Cancer (June 21 - July 22) Water. Ruling planet is the Moon. Top This is an amazing month for you, Cancer, as you begin a new year ready to purge away some of the baggage from the old. Your ongoing transformation continues, and has huge implications for the way that you show up in the world, and also for the way that you do relationship. Your public presence is morphing along the fault lines generated by recent seismic shifts to your sense of identity, and the inner meaning of partnership. Outer accomplishment transforms inner recognition, and vise-versa. As the month progresses into a more graceful amalgam of self and other, you are left breathless, and yet, somehow, at least partially in control. Based on deep changes you are also seeing things rather differently on the home front, in a subtle distinction that actually changes everything. As an overview of the entire month, consider that the powerful New Moon configuration, taking place early in the morning on New Year's Day, provides an seeding concept not only for January, but also for the whole of 2014. The Moon, your ruler, and Jupiter, exalted in your sign, are poignantly positioned opposite one another; Jupiter in your identity sector, and the Moon in your relationship sector. You are therefore exploring new facets of your energy for partnering, as this forms a significant part of your own individual path ahead. It is necessary now to be aware that you are on an important drive to find yourself, and in an entirely new and unique way. You must also recognize that in doing so you cannot stand entirely alone. There is a cluster of planets surrounding the New Moon in your relationship sector, and in close conjunction: The Sun, the Moon, Pluto and Mercury, are all thus aligned, with Venus retrograde in late Capricorn as well. These are all significant for the shifts that you are currently experiencing in your approach to relationship. Something fundamental is changing for you in this vital area of partnership with others. This has been so for many months now, and is perhaps coming to a head over the course of this month and on into 2014. You are becoming more conscious of what it is that you do well in this department, and as well the various hang-ups that you have in this area. Your prior wounding affects you there as well, as is becoming more evident to you also; this is, of course, simply a fundamental part of the human condition. The presence of Chiron, the wounded healer, aspected by Pluto, Mars and Uranus, is worthy of mention, indicating that certain painful realizations may be in fact useful to you now in pointing the way forward into healing. A powerful Uranus-Mars opposition in the January first chart is also forming a grand cross with the New Moon configuration, bringing a tremendous energy to your process of transforming old, outworn and perhaps dysfunctional habit patterns. This perhaps manifests as restless impulse to get on with it, and you are also engaged in a tremendous drive toward new vision, especially in terms of your career or public sphere. These powerful outer planet archetypes, angular in your solar chart, speak to the issue of how you show up in the world and exteriorize what is going on for you at deeper levels of our being. With Jupiter traversing your identity sector, there has been a natural feeling of optimism as you've been learning to relate to yourself in new and largely beneficial ways, fostering love and faith within you. In this new month and year an opportunity also presents itself to allow the energy that has been generating within your own auric field to flow out to those with whom you relate and connect. This could appear in many facets, but particularly in a romantic or partnership sense. As you share your affections abundantly with others, they in turn might feel an ease in reciprocation, and the effect builds — both parties experience generosity and a sense of being nourished by the interaction. This is not to say that everything will be sunshine and roses, for you are in a process of transformation in this area of life, and, while you are certainly able to at least glimpse a vision of how lovely life can become, there are still likely to be painful moments along the way. It helps to remember that such moments are not intended for your suffering, but rather for your growth, and as you can bring the light of your awareness to these situations, you heal yourself, and in the process invite others along with you to accentuate their own healing journey. Leo (July 23 - August 22) Fire. Ruling planet is the Sun. Top It's an amazing month for you, Leo, presaging an eventful year of inner exploration. Like Magellan you are making cosmic history these days, by proving that your world is not round but deep. The insights keep arriving in multi-dimensional groupings that defy rational ordering and yet somehow coalesce into appropriate meanings. In the midst of rapid-fire learning experiences, you find yourself re-dedicated to your life path. You may note that while ego is useful as a starting position, and in forming an important backdrop for all that you do and say, it fares badly as an end point. In the course of the rather intense journey of these times, you are discovering by faith a grounding that is paradoxically not of this physical world; it nonetheless succeeds in holding you afloat. An overview for the entire month is indicated in your New Year's Day chart, which has a powerful Pluto placement, being located in your sixth sector of service, and as well the mundane aspects of life here in planet earth. On another level entirely, you may well find fresh incentive for coming out in style for soul purpose, as you currently conceive of it. This important sector of your solar chart is also, in more esoteric terms, a center for conception of a higher level of service, to your community and to your highest purpose for yourself, that which you came into this lifetime to accomplish. With Pluto and the conjuncting New Moon so powerfully aligned there, you might become more fully invested in a sense of mission; the path forward that makes sense for you and for the many different layers that you inhabit. It is important to note that you exist on different levels all at once. As you are gainfully employed you "render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's" and you might tend to ignore the rest. But it is vitally important that you recognize that which is strictly your own, inviolate, to be worked through in your own way, and on your own terms. This is independent of other voices, be they family and friends or work-related; the place inside you where you find your own definitive pathway forward into greater integration. With Venus also retrograding through this same sector you are in definitely a more reflective mode than usual, and the subject of your meditations could well be the significant relationships of your life. The ruler of your seventh solar sector of relationship activity is Uranus, currently located in your higher mind sector and also strongly aspected by Pluto and the New Moon, symbolizing that you are actively engaged in transforming your relationship dynamic as well as contemplating the deeper meaning of partnership in your life. You are caught up in both contemplation and constructive action that takes you forward along the lines of significant transformation, and it is interesting to note that nearly every area of your life is affected. The Moon, ruling your twelfth sector of dream imagination, is another important component of the configuration for this new month and year. Thus inner and outer unite; you might be able to feel this increasingly in the work that you carry forward, since Mercury is closely conjunct the powerful New Moon energy, and rules your sectors of values and future strategies. There is a way that you are now combining conscious choice with becoming more aware also of unconscious process, to arrive at a firm sense of innovative values together with a fresh look at your goals and plans. It is interesting to note that expansive Jupiter also provides an important presence for you, residing in your sector of dream imagination and inner work. As this powerfully climactic year of 2014 gets underway, you are enjoined to be in and of this physical world in all the usual ways, but with the added meaning of relying more completely than ever on Spirit within to see you through. Virgo (August 23 - September 22) Earth. Ruling planet Mercury. Top This is an intensely interesting month for you, Virgo, presaging an amazing year of 2014. Transformational vision is available to you now, even more profoundly than in prior weeks and months, and it has the potential to completely change your life. That sounds scary, but in the event might not really be so. You are operating in a reflective mode as the month begins, meditating on your sense of who you are, and how your resulting creative output and artistic style is undergoing an important and even a massive shift. While simply keeping on keeping on with some parts of your life, you are awakening to a new authenticity with others. The reality is that this involves a massive restructuring, involving facets of how your path merges with an emerging and powerful sense of soul purpose. As an overview of the entire month it is well to meditate on the placement of your ruler, Mercury, as the month begins, positioned in your fifth solar house in conjunction with the New Moon, and with transformative Pluto as well. This indicates that the metamorphosis that you have been experiencing throughout the closing months of 2013 is far from over, involving facets of life such as self-identity, relationships with children, and artistic self-expression. All these areas are undergoing a sea change and in an evolutionary way that, while perhaps painful, targets your ultimate benefit, moving forward. With Jupiter prominent also in your solar chart for the New Year, and located opposite this sector, you are as well riding these coattails of good fortune together with a spiritual mandate for expansion. You are growing in self-awareness and your creativity now reflects it. This Jupiter placement expands and enhances everything that you say and do right now, especially as you look towards the future with an optimistic perspective. You could be almost startled by the quality and the freshness of your inventive output, and have perhaps only to beware of even too much excess and ambition for yourself. The temptation is there to take on more than you can chew, so to speak, so that you might need to exercise caution and reign yourself in; not too drastically though, for you can afford to let yourself shine in the areas indicated. Your intuition is also extremely powerful now, and serves you well in this regard. The overriding test is to ensure that you are moving in the direction your gut tells you. With Venus in retrograde motion, moving backward through your fifth solar sector and about to conjunct Mercury as it moves forward, you are also in somewhat of a meditative mode concerning relationship in general, and in particular, with significant persons in your life. This brings in issues of higher mind alignment with what you are up to. Your values are also subtly shifting. This is an understated and yet significant part of your experience, especially during the first two weeks of January. Regarding relationship, this vital and evolving area of your life is definitely highlighted over this month's unfolding spiral of greater awareness. At the same time as acknowledging its ethereal qualities, the shifting sands of where you do and do not meet your potential partner's energies, you also recognize its importance to you. With Chiron, the Wounded Healer, also highlighted in this same sector over these last few weeks and months, and on into this current cycle, you might be feeling difficult levels of trauma inside yourself that relationship can stimulate, even as it also soothes. You are more whole and entire when you attempt to witness yourself in all your various layers, including the painful places, intending to more fully honor them in yourself, and in relationship, also. Libra (September 23 - October 22) Air. Ruling planet Venus. Top It is a complex and transformative month that is in the offing for you, Libra. This constitutes a very private period when you are yet also involved and even fortunate in the affairs of the world. You are quite intent on progress of a material kind, and a spiritual one as well. All that you are, and all that you intend to be, is coming to a singular focus and intention. Somehow though, your clock is running backward, and with good cause. Rather than blindly forging ahead with outer world plans, you are pausing to sort out core-level issues that could potentially be holding you back. This is ultimately something to be encouraged. All your future dealings will be enhanced and freed up by what you can learn this month and next by a deceptively simple process of deep reflection. As an overview of the entire month it is interesting to note that the potent New Moon that starts the month and year, taking place precisely on January 1st, has planetary alignments with important outer planets that form a grand cross in cardinal signs, thus reflecting sectors of your solar chart that are greatly emphasized for you. The most significant of these takes place at the nadir of the chart, in your fourth sector of home, family and tribe. With transformational Pluto in this sector, highlighted by the New Moon and Mercury, and squared by Uranus, you are encountering a potent metamorphosis in this area; this is a continuation of a process that has been going on for the past several years and that accelerates throughout this one. You are leaving behind old patterns that no longer serve you, and that actually obstruct your efforts. The way that you regard home and family ties is radically transforming for you, in an evolutionary arc of development that has implications also for the way that you regard yourself at deep levels. It is also possible that your physical housing situation is changing, along with your metaphorical home base. Your sense of identity, whether as family member, or as a separate individual, is in any case the subject of a great deal of internal reflection these days, since your ruler, Venus, is retrograde now, and traversing this same sector. Venus retrogrades through Capricorn all the way from the last part of the sign back to the 14th degree, where it comes close to meeting up with Pluto at the very end of the month. It is safe to say that this will be an extremely powerful month for you in regard to thoughtful consideration of where it is that you are actually heading with your life, as you more fully explore this process of self-definition and self-recognition. Also included in the grand cross that begins the month is Mars, in your sign, directly across the Zodiac from impulsive Uranus. Mars is the ruler of your relationship sector, and this volatile opposition implies that your energy toward connection with significant others in your life is changing, and in a startling and enlightening way, over the course of this monthly cycle. This month could therefore constitute a visionary experience for you. Insightful partners provide a unique perspective on your journey into wholeness. This can serve as catalyst for your own process of transforming at the core, most especially perhaps in the way that you regard home and family. All this is happening in he context of expansive Jupiter, greatly emphasized in your sector of career and professional life. You are extremely fortunate now in your outer circumstances, and this gives you plenty of energy to delve into these more subtle and interesting internal considerations. It would be a mistake to ignore either end of this seesaw balance between inner and outer. Both are extremely important for you now. Your intuition is particularly well developed at this time, and will tell you true about where you are needing to put your major focus, all other indications to the contrary. Scorpio (October 23 - Nov 21) Water. Ruling planets Mars, Pluto. Top This is an amazing and intense period for you, Scorpio, over the course of this month and, actually, throughout the year ahead. What is at hand is a rather significant time of profound learning curve. You are forging higher mind correlations leading to a revitalized set of values and goals. Inner work leads to outer solution plus communicative contact with siblings and peers. You are deep dreaming, both while waking and asleep, in a way that further refines and enables all your contacts. This includes partnership with important persons and connections that are strictly within your own mind and soul. Digging through the internal motivation of your relationship dynamic provides rich rewards for you right now, and could lead you almost anywhere. With the only caveat that you must open to it, an unimaginable future awaits. As an overview of the entire month it is important to note the placement of your ruler, Mars, in your sector of dream imagination and inner work. You are focused far more than usual on interior realms within, a place that you visit often but in which you hardly ever dwell. Your dreams are unusually powerful now, and there could easily be a more meditative and internal approach to everything that you do and say. This becomes your standard fare over these next few months. Due to retrogradation, it turns out that Mars remains in Libra, representing this sector of your solar chart, for seven months, until late July. The good news is that this is also an incredibly interesting period of time when you will learn a great deal that you did not consciously know about yourself and your deeper motivations. This latter observation is symbolized by another long-term transit for you, namely the placement of transformative Pluto in your communications sector. This month as well, Pluto is extremely highlighted due to an exact lineup with the New Moon and with Mercury at the very beginning of the month. You are pressing ahead with a rather huge learning curve at the moment, and before the ride is over it will take you to places that you never imagined. As with any human on the planet, there are areas of your life that are untouched by conscious thought process and thus remain relatively unknown, mysterious and deep. During the powerful and climactic year that lies ahead, these are the very areas that will be brought out by your process. In view of this it may be comforting to recognize that the universe only serves up to you what you are actually ready to assimilate. One area that is almost certainly up for you over the course of an intense monthly cycle would be that of relationship with others. The ruler of your relationship sector, namely Venus, is in retrograde right now, indicating that you are retreating somewhat from actual interactions with significant partners in favor of a more meditative approach from which you intend to gather a deeper level of understanding. There are also subtle patterns of dysfunction perhaps, stemming from early childhood wounding, that you are more than ready to move beyond. With Uranus, representing future vision, highlighted now, and involved in a key area of your solar chart, your deeper soul-level intentions are becoming more obvious to you. In this you are aided by a singular process of intuition that has been expanding over recent weeks. With many and further insights yet to unfold, you are nevertheless becoming more clear on where your road is ultimately leading.  Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21) Fire. Ruling planet Jupiter. Top This is an important time for you, Sagittarius, with major progress ahead on your issues, provided that you are willing to let go of what no longer serves you. Transformation is still alive and well in your life, with an even bigger push for that in this new month and year, involving your values and the resources that you command, as well as your connections with significant partners and your very self-definition. You are seeking the best possible alignment with soul purpose. If there is something that is not quite right with the way that you do finance or depend on others, then it is very likely to come to the fore for necessary course correction. You might forever benefit, if and when you decide to take up the requests that the universe is thereby making of you. As an overview of the entire month it is very interesting that in the New Moon of January 1st, New Year's Day, Jupiter, your ruler, is across the Zodiac from a powerful gathering of planetary entities, including transformational Pluto, located in your second sector of resources and values. All throughout this month, Jupiter is drawing closer and closer to its opposition with Pluto, becoming exact by month's end. Since Jupiter is located in your sector of intimacy and personal transformation, while revolutionary Uranus remains in square, this is therefore a very exciting time for you when the poignant vision of your manifold possibilities beckons, and when many things that you are only contemplating now are likely to alter. Uranus itself is located in your solar sector of creative self-expression, and it is equally true that you are visualizing success for yourself in a new way at this time, independent from the normalized lock-step of consensus thinking; a way that includes a better idea of the quality of your own personality factors and how these fit with how you come across to others and also what you are attempting to create in the world. This is remarkable period for you, as has been becoming more obvious in recent months. It represents both a continuation of the end-of-year period that you have just been through and a further development, in ways that are more definite, concretized and uniquely your own. As you go through the expansive feelings of personal success that are coming to you right now, it is vitally important that you do not neglect to refine your attitude toward your inner wounding that has also been in development over this recent period. There has been a huge recent emphasis on the planetary archetype of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, continuing into the present month and located in your home and family sector. The concomitant result is that you are aware more than ever of dark and painful places within you, the result of earlier trauma, that have perhaps been shunted aside from normal waking consciousness for many years. Like a small child, these places within you have been crying out for greater attention and recognition. Working with these hidden complexes is very valuable for you now. By forgiving yourself and attempting to let go of any associated shame, or even by simply acknowledging them, you lesson their reactivity and their ability to make havoc in your life at unexpected times. You might recognize that, although perhaps without any specific religious context, there is a distinctly spiritual quality to what you are intending now, as you move through this difficult and yet also very rewarding month, the prelude to an amazing and transformational year ahead. Rather than the sense of the material world as all-consuming, you are seeing it as a smaller piece of a functioning whole that includes your own deep process as a reflection of the universe that surrounds you. This is an almost sacred time for you with these outer planet energies conspiring in your favor to move you closer to where, in your secret heart, you truly want to be. The timing of the significant Venus retrograde, moving through the sector that she naturally rules, that of your resources and finances, is that she only stations to direct motion at month's end. In the meantime, there is definitely a contemplative quality to everything that you say and do, as mull over what you need materially and that which you do not, and as you recognize your grounding in the infinite. Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19) Earth. Ruling planet Saturn. Top You are delving more deeply into yourself, Capricorn, as another amazingly transformative month and year begins. In the midst of a darkly gleaming and yet nevertheless promising time, the energy is mightily available for proving out your outer world intention with deeds, as well as in the form of thoughtful realignments at the deepest levels of your being. Your future plans remain your focus, together with the efforts that you still make to align these goals with your own soul-purpose as you are coming to understand it. Partners continue to provide beneficial perspectives. Your career and your self-expression are the subject of extended interior meditation. It is exciting what you bring to the table: new vision that can move mountains, along with a renewed determination to be of true service to the world around you. As an overview of the entire month it is important to analyze the chart for the powerful New Moon in your sign, taking place right on January 1st. This chart is therefore also an indicator for the entire year of 2014. It features a close conjunction between the early morning New Moon and transformational Pluto, with Mercury, two degrees away from the Capricorn New Moon, implying greater conscious choice around the personal spiritual evolution thus represented and with also Mars, Uranus and Jupiter forming with this New Moon stellium of planets a grand cross. Though every Capricorn is affected, those of your Sun Sign born around this New Moon date, within a few days of the end of the year, in either direction, will be feeling the strongest push. In any case, the stars definitely incline toward making radical change a reality in your life, in the direction of soul intention. You are being symbolically stretched in many different ways. The ancient mystery of the four directions, epitomized by seminal 20th century psychologist C. G. Jung as the four functions of sensation, intuition, thinking and feeling, are all activated by this grand cross in cardinal signs on the angular sectors of your solar chart. Your deep intuition in particular is very alive for you right now, symbolized by Uranus in Aries, in your sector of home and family. There could be a degree of instability that you feel at the very core of your being, a sense of restlessness, with the possibility of rapid change and fluctuation within family structure or perhaps with regard to your physical home base. This contrasts with your more conservative tendency to hold back from change. This sensation of inner movement has been noticeable for many months and even years, and could be more and more disturbing with an associated feeling of volatility or insecurity. The up side is that within this basic instability lies the seed of greater conscious understanding of who and what you really are, independent of the mental filters of consensus opinion and early conditioning. Your past is rapidly being left behind, it seems, and your next steps are largely up to you. This is an idea that, once you get past the queasiness of the roller coaster ride that has gotten you this far, might yet prove exhilarating. Your resolve is getting stronger over the course of this potent monthly cycle, to carve out for yourself exactly what you need for your own soul growth from the vast array of potential choices; this is especially so since Saturn, your ruler, is highlighted in your sector of societal connection and future plans. The friendships you have and the social groups that you favor are all part of this newfound determination to make your future something that works for you at all the levels of your being. All this quantity of radical change throughout this present month is taking place in the context of the retrograde of Venus through your sign, coming closer toward the Sun and Mercury, as the first week of the year unfolds. This symbolizes a thoughtful and almost meditative stance regarding what you do in the external world, which you understand more and more completely to be a product of your own interior meditation. We are conditioned to see the world as made up of hard objects which the soft fuzziness of our ideas flow through, but it is actually the other way around. Your ideas are the hard objects that push through the soft fuzziness of the world around you and give shape to it.  Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18) Air. Ruling planets Uranus, Saturn. Top This is a deeply reflective time for you, Aquarius. You are forging ahead in outer world pursuits, but still more quietly involved with the inner. The subject of your meditation involves both relationship with significant partners and concepts of service to the larger community that surrounds you; thus you create a new sense of your own identity, plus better acceptance for the cosmic forces helping to shape your life. You are beginning to recognize that everything that you do and feel stems from what you believe at core level, and that an enhanced comprehension of yourself in your more unconscious places might yet become the path for finding your way forward. Greater and more empowered communication with others around you in both written and spoken form is one natural consequence. As an overview of the entire month it is well to meditate on the grand cross that your ruler, Uranus, makes with Pluto, Mars and Jupiter, in the chart for the New Year's Day New Moon that signals both the beginning of month of January and also for the year to come. This is an extremely potent arrangement, since the New Moon takes place only a degree away from transformational Pluto, and two degrees from Mercury, while feisty Mars remains in opposition to Uranus. Expansive Jupiter, opposite the New Moon and Pluto, amps up the entire arrangement, so that the general tenor of this configuration is for soul-level transformation stimulating a huge learning curve for you as you enter 2014. Your intuition has always been good, and a faculty that you rely on, although perhaps in a slightly unconscious manner. There is little logic to explain how you just "know things" in your gut reaction to events, yet nevertheless, when you need it, it is simply there for you. With the astrological patternings of this climactic month is it quite possible that you will develop not only a better and more conscious feel for your own intuitive abilities but also a spiritual grounding that makes sense, at least to the non-logical portion of your mind and heart. Your dreams could be unusually powerful as well. There is a strong focus within you now for deep work, by means of which your unconscious process becomes more available to your conscious mind. This all takes place with an extra emphasis on both written and spoken communication, also teaching and learning. You have a real push this month for higher mind affinities to take you further down your path of intellectual and philosophical development and to let others know this too, in an impassioned and structured way. You could be spending inordinate amounts of time in writing, be it a journal, blog or book that you are working on. It is essential also to note that many areas of your life are deeply affected by the massive series of changes that you are going through. An entirely significant combination of heart and mind is moving through you. Inner exploration leads to enhanced and altered worldview, accompanied by evolutionary developments in the way that you come across to others. Your self-expression is blooming with a deeper fire, and it comes out of knowing yourself more fully at soul level. This kind of learning curve is obviously not the more ordinary academic one, but partakes of a profound set of realizations that are currently available to you, extending past the end of this current month into a vibrant February and the further transformation and realizations of the springtime. Pisces (Feb 19 - March 20) Water. Ruling planets Neptune, Jupiter. Top This darkly beautiful month is for you, Pisces, a paradox and a wonder. On the one hand lies the possibility of a much richer life — as soon as you can manage to let go of certain behaviors that you have come to recognize as no longer in your best interest to maintain — while on the other there is the pain of that loss and the uncertainty of your next steps into an unknown future. As your own intuition is telling you more and more urgently, and as significant persons in your life also convey, you have the world at your fingertips and it is only a gesture away. The next few months represent the process of your exploration of the very nearly infinite potential for you that begins with this current moment. As an overview of the entire month it is interesting and even providential that the New Moon at the very beginning of January aligns with your future orientation. This chart for the new month coincides with New Year's Day, and therefore represents the year as well. The Capricorn New Moon, located in your sector of societal connection and future plans, includes an impressive lineup, making a close conjunction to transformative Pluto and also mentally active Mercury. This is a time when whatever it is that you truly wish for can come to you, with the caveat that it has to be in alignment with your deep soul purpose, as you are coming to understand it. There is a tide in the affairs of men, and women too, that leads on to fortune, says Shakespeare in one of the plays, and so it is with you, this month and this year as well. With Pluto highlighted in this very same sector of your solar chart, symbolizing the level of profound metamorphosis that you have been experiencing lately regarding your plans and goals, this monthly cycle is also likely to represent further challenges and changes to the way that you connect with both refining and fine-tuning your idea of your pathway forward and also your participation in group affiliations that you favor; these perhaps serve as stepping stones to your ultimate purpose. Your notions regarding your actual intentions could be hazy at this point, since you are perhaps proceeding from a more or less unconscious perspective. This could be further clarified by events of this current lunar cycle. In any case it is helpful to note that this area of your life — including circles of friends and associates, and your networking activities in support of your objectives — is huge for you right now. With Neptune, your ruler, located in your sign, namely the identity sector of your solar chart, and emphasized in recent weeks and also in these current January skies, you are in any case undergoing a tremendous shift in self-definition and in the manner in which you come across to others. You might in addition be facing down old habit patterns stemming from early wounding, getting past them although perhaps not entirely eliminating them. It turns out that these types of issues are really part of you, like the flaw that defines and completes the hand-woven carpet. You can definitely come to better terms with your own inner workings, and a working acquaintance with the dark places inside you. As you come into a renewed understanding of yourself and of the way in which you want to see your life evolving, you might notice as well that as many areas in your life subtly alter, your relationship to the material world is a moving target also. Your finances are likely to be in some form of fluctuation, perhaps for many months now, and what you are sensing this month is a new way of relating to that information. It is like the material world is not the only way that you can float your boat. They say that the happiest people in the world are not necessarily the richest. What's different also is that you are coming into a renewed determination to form your own sense of security, in your own way, independent of the dollars stored up or the possessions that give you feelings of comfort; and this is a useful attitude to carry into the remainder of this transformative year. Aires Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagitt Capric Aquar Pisces Overview Top Overview of the Planets this month: Top An Intensely Transformational Month of January January's astrology is also in relationship to the entire year's since both begin at midnight on the 31st of December. This year, as well, the planets conspire, since the Capricorn New Moon also takes place directly in the opening hours of January 1st. This New Moon is very dramatic, since it closely conjuncts Pluto, and is accompanied by a Grand Cross in cardinal signs, involving, along with transformative Pluto, the trickster energy of Uranus opposed by feisty Mars, with the additional amplification of Jupiter. There is thus a very active lineup of extremely powerful astrological indicators for the New Year. Venus is now retrograde, so that relationships of all kinds are on our minds as we meditate on the changes that 2014 will bring. One keyword for this particularly important period of time would be transformation. The idea of beneficial change is in any case subtly on our minds as we roll over the calendar year, a cycle that we take in on more than one level. The underground of our dreams and schemes involves among other things the prospect of continual and profound change. This is the breath of life — without which we are virtually non-existent. Profound change is, after all, a normal part of that continual process of metabolism and metamorphosis that is vitally necessary at the cellular level and in terms of psyche as well, as we come into closer and closer alignment with our deepest intentions. Then, with Mars in square with Pluto as the month begins, and opposite Uranus, we have not only an extra push toward necessary transformational change but also the potential for hasty action that we might in time come to regret. Reactivity is always lurking, and with Mars and Pluto combining in this way over a number of days leading up to and just past the January 1st event, we have a real potential over this period for hidden anger suddenly coming to the surface, a danger that is also an opportunity. Being forewarned, we have the chance to rise above knee-jerk outburst and the temptation of hasty moves by taking the time to reflect on ourselves, contemplating from where the reactivity is stemming, and based on what underlying simmering energy, which perhaps goes back to core issues, or the residue of early trauma. Regarding the storied Uranus-Pluto interaction, we have seen, in recent times, their square increase in intensity with each succeeding year, representing a corresponding urgency within each of us for the personal transformation that is symbolically implied by this important collision of outer planet archetypes. We can observe, over the past few months and years, the increasing intensity of revolutionary societal change coming around on a collective as well as a personal level, since the vibration of collective is in essence nothing more than the sum total of every individual contribution. It is as though every one of us is a holographic integral component of the whole; when we are able to change ourselves, the world around us changes. Now, with the advent of 2014, this process is even further intensified. This shows up in the increasing frequency of the exact hits of Uranus-Pluto, coming up again on April 21st of next year; and we can also see this exemplified in the extremely energized grand cross of this New Year's chart and the January 1st New Moon. There is also now the highlighted presence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, emphasized last month, and very prominent in these January skies. Transformation implies leaving something behind that is not working; that is the difficult part. This is one place where the painful process indicated by Chiron is appropriate symbolically. We might note as well, it is by the recognition of where we have in the past been wounded, and where we might yet move beyond that early trauma, that our most important and healing transformations begin to take place. Text ©Copyright 2014 AstroGraph Used by permission Web design ©Copyright 2014 Walter Zajac |