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(Refreshto load most current page)      Horoscope - August 2013    by Henry Seltzer

You'll get a more accurate horoscope if you read your Rising sign, and your Moon sign, as well as your Sun sign. Here's how:

Your Sun sign represents your Self, your way of being in the world. It can represent both the ego (mental) self and the higher Self (soul purpose). It symbolizes your will and sense of vitality.
Your Sun sign horoscope will tell you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

Your Rising sign represents your outer mask, the self you show to others. It symbolizes how you appear to others, how others perceive you, in your true interaction with the world.
Your Rising sign horoscope will tell you what to expect in these areas of your self this month.

Your Moon sign symbolizes your personal self, your feelings, your subconscious. It represents how you relate to others, how you have nurturing relationships with others, your intuition, your spiritual self, your sense of security, and your habits. The Moon symbolizes your feminine, nurturing side (we all have one).
The Moon also indicates the type of partner you will attract, since it represents your emotional self.
Your Moon sign horoscope will show you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

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     Aires   Taurus   Gemini   Cancer   Leo   Virgo   Libra   Scorpio   Sagitt   Capric   Aquar   Pisces   Overview

Aires  Aires Symbol (March 21 - April 19)  Fire.  Ruling planet Mars.    Top

This is an interesting summer, Aries. You are meeting self in novel ways, in the wake of the meditative Mercury Retrograde period from last month in your sector of home, family and tribe. You have been experimenting with familial connection in many different modalities. And yet, all your relations take you further into your own world, awaiting you in intriguing fashion, as long as you have the patience and the inclination to explore this vast and yeasty inner terrain. As you continue to find a subtle and somewhat nebulous satisfaction in getting both further and more mystically structured, you are experiencing startling new insights almost daily. The real task for you is merely to remain as receptive as possible, and to stay fully open to all your possibilities.

As the month begins, you are still coming down from a rather intense Last Quarter Moon at the beginning of the current week in which all four outer planets — Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto — were activated. Your ruler Mars was coming into square with Uranus and conjunct Jupiter. The symbolism suggests that you will continue to be experiencing sudden insights all through the present month of August. The conjunction of Mars and Jupiter, located in your sector of home, family and tribe, briefly opposes Pluto, while Saturn and Neptune in trine formation are also activated. This key sector of your solar chart corresponds to issues of root psychological needs, and as well your familial and tribal connections and needs, to include considerations of your dwelling space or land-based security. All these areas have been up for expansion, reorientation and transformation over these last few days before August 1st, with transformation uppermost.

All this past month Mercury has been retrograde in this same sector, so that the above areas have been subject to a meditative awareness that perhaps does not come naturally to your extremely active mind. With the Sun now located in your creativity sector your self-expression has been undergoing a sea-change in quality and quantity as you find ways to express what is going on for you deep down inside. There are rumblings of prior trauma that has been internalized as fragile and sensitive places walled-off within you. These are now coming closer to being able to be expressed and known, and eventually accepted by your more conscious understanding.

With Pluto highlighted in your career sector, also being activated this month is the way that you actualize in terms of outer world events. The changes that you are going through right now are also related to the presence of Neptune and Chiron in your sector of dream imagination and inner work. You find that whatever you do in the physical world, even of the most mundane variety, must be done with the recognition of soul purpose behind it. For example, if you relate to customers in your line of work, you must do it with compassion or else you will be missing one important part of the cosmic message. The same is true whatever task you perform; these tasks must be done with heart to be truly viable for you, or else they become an empty exercise; thus they will be a better fit with the scheme of things that you are beginning to find within yourself.

With Saturn currently located in your intimacy sector, and still aspecting Neptune, an aspect that morphs and changes, and then begins to retreat, as the weeks of this month's lunation cycle continues to unfold, you might find that you are somewhat shut down in your responses to others around you. While perhaps difficult, this has the benefit of allowing you to embody more fully focused your attention on your own process of growing awareness to your deeper needs. There is some truth to the notion that you have been put into this life to spiritually grow, pure and simple. By that by fulfilling that one objective, all else becomes satisfactory.

Taurus  Taurus Symbol (April 20 - May 20)  Earth.  Ruling planet Venus.    

This is your time to shine, Taurus. Your self-expression is very active now. Having survived last month's retrograde of Mercury through your communications sector, you are in a very different place regarding life and love than you were last month; and still journeying. This month gives you the chance to ground yourself as you also continue to explore your depths in ever new and ever changing ways. The best method of approach might be to regard everything that happens as an on-going learning experience applying at all levels. You find that the perspectives of others become even more valuable after they have been allowed to percolate for a while through your unconscious. It no longer works to dismiss what you cannot directly see, feel and hear with outwardly directed senses.

As the month begins, you are feeling somewhat frisky in the midst of a meditative excursion into the meaning behind the more obvious factors of your life. This could seem to be one way as far as the outer presentation and yet quite another when you take a more internal point of view into account — as you must to give full appreciation to the underlying facets of your existence. The last few days, stemming from the Last Quarter Moon on the final Monday of July, have been more than interesting in this mostly internalized fashion, and you have no doubt been feeling the intensity of the energy. There was on that day a double grand trine in Water and Earth that briefly formed a six-pointed star pattern known the star of David, to include the Moon in your sign, together with your ruler, Venus, currently residing in your fifth sector of creative self-expression.

If you are an artist your methods of production might have grown more magical over this space of time, and if not you could be feeling the inclination to pursue some form of creative endeavor. While the Star of David pattern fades as the month gets underway, there are several key outer planet positions that remain in effect. The most important of these are the presences of Uranus in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, which is to say inspiration in action, and Pluto in your sector of higher mind; also Jupiter in conjunction with Mars in your communications sector, having the symbolism of an important learning experience reflected outward into communication with others around you.

The prominence of Chiron the Wounded Healer, still located in your eleventh sector of friendship and group affiliation, is also quite amazing over the course of this month. Chiron, Uranus and Jupiter all line up in various intensities of aspects over the middle period, peaking briefly on the 1st, then again on the 14th and at the Full Moon of August 20th. In this context you are likely to find yourself in an ongoing process of rethinking your societal connection, taking into account both the wounded places inside you and also the way in which you might yet pass beyond them.

In the background of all these transformational elements beaming into your solar chart this month, Saturn and Neptune continue their nearly perfect trine aspect, fostering a trace of cynicism it is true, and as well the possibility for spiritual mentorship coming your way. You might be able to tap into a fundamental belief in the ultimate worthiness of your subtle and sensitive future trending, along with its unknown outcome.

  Gemini Symbol (May 21 - June 20)  Air.  Ruling planet Mercury.    

Your personal times are certainly still changing, Gemini. This is a month of reorientation for you, following the month-long retrograde of your ruler, Mercury, through your sector of resources and values. You are seeking to relate to others around you in a new way, and perhaps to neglected parts of yourself also. You have been taken rather far toward the inside, and are now seeking to integrate the information that you have gained over this sojourn, like a deep-sea diver coming up with treasure. This month is an excellent opportunity to journal or put your thoughts down in written or even spoken form. In this you are aided by the recognition of the paths of others, in some ways different but in other ways similar to your own.

As the month begins, you are getting into your feelings from some new and different angles. With your ruler, Mercury, just finished retrograding through Cancer, and with an emphasis on the Water houses of your solar chart, and with momentarily the Moon in your own sign, this is a softer moment than you might be entirely comfortable with, depending on how true to type you are as thinker and mental enthusiast. Certainly as a Gemini you do not necessarily fit the classic type, but taking that abstraction literally, your dominant conscious function from birth might be considered to be thought over feelings. If so, then this summer has been an exploration of the other side of the equation, your deeper feelings that go beyond words. This can be an extremely valuable exercise for you since thinking and feeling eventually balance out, as noted early in the last century by seminal psychologist C. G. Jung.

The most significant factor in the current month's astrology regarding the so-called Water houses, corresponding to the realm of feelings, might be Pluto, currently located in your sector of intimacy and personal transformation. Pluto is triggered in the month's early going, by its opposition to Jupiter in Cancer including the New Moon time of August 6th, and then again in mid-month, when also Mercury's aspects to trickster Uranus and to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, come into effect. With Pluto so activated, you have therefore been involved for many months now in a deeper exploration of the feeling realms, resulting in a greater degree of intimacy with others, and also within yourself. This is a potentially scary journey of discovery that pays off with patience and with the application of continuing and uncertain effort over time.

As well as the Water houses, the Water signs are also invoked in this summer's configurations, with Neptune in Pisces and Saturn in Scorpio continuing in their trine formation. Although no longer so directly triggered as they were last month, these two planets in combination reflect on the struggle to make more concrete the interior world of unconscious places that we find within. Since Neptune remains at the very top of your solar chart, while Saturn occupies your sixth sector of day-to-day experiences and sense of mission, you have a goal of getting more familiar with whatever you can unearth of your unconscious process.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer, which, along with Neptune, resides in your prominent tenth sector, is also activated this month, upsetting the apple cart of entirely smooth sailing; in bringing up old wounding this has as well the entirely beneficial effect of allowing you greater access to those trauma-based parts of yourself that have perhaps been hidden away from your conscious awareness for many years. The initial difficulty lies in acceptance of yourself in these dark and strangely lonely and cut-off places. Not that the rest is easy but like the journey of one thousand miles, that first step is the most important.

Cancer  Cancer Symbol (June 21 - July 22)  Water.  Ruling planet is the Moon.    

This is a month of vision and of new awakening for you, Cancer. You are stirred in unexpected ways at this time. Since the recent month-long retrograde of Mercury through your identity sector has passed, you are also likely to be mulling over the events in your life with the idea of rewriting the script. You are determined at this time to stand strong in a more uniquely individual attempt to be yourself and nothing but. You are feeling a sense of graceful epiphany and also sensing the transformational pressure to use this sense of fortunate progress to get on with what, indeed, you now feel that you came here to do; however that idea strikes you and whatever the task is that you feel most connects you to your deepest purpose.

As the month begins, you are likely reflecting on the week's events, which were initiated in correspondence with the very powerful Last Quarter Moon of the final Monday of July, when the Moon —of course a planet of special affinity for your sign — and Venus formed a six-pointed star with most of the outer planets: Jupiter, residing in your sign, Saturn in your self-expression sector, Neptune in its own sign of Pisces and forming your sector of higher mind activity, and finally, Pluto in your relationship sector. All these outer planet energies remain powerful factors for you, for August.

With Saturn so prominent recently you have probably been feeling the pinch of extra tasks and of an extraordinary sense of responsibility regarding in particular your creative output. This lasts to some degree all summer, well into the present month. Especially true in July, with the retrograde of Mercury through your sign, everything takes longer, or runs into snags, or has to be re-done several times. This can be extremely frustrating, and yet it has its reward in terms of long-lasting effects; it is a truism after all that what comes easily is not retained, while what comes to you by dint of hard effort stays with you.

Meanwhile there is this almost enforced creative output due to some form of mandate to produce. This has its nebulous side, since Neptune continues in trine with Saturn and brings an ethereal quality into the picture. Your worldview is expanding in unforeseen ways, and these new ways of perceiving involve the unseen and relatively little understood dimensions of life that are tied up with unconscious process. Your creative output, even as you strive to achieve it, partakes of this otherworldly element.

With Pluto emphasized in your relationship sector, the energy that you have for others is in some way radically changing. This is a big theme for August, and in fact, the Uranus-Pluto square continues to be prominent in your solar chart, for the remainder of the year and decade (punctuated by the November 1st exact hit). What form these changes will take depends entirely on what factors you need, at soul-level, to transform. The details are really up to you, but in cooperation with the surrounding cosmos, within the hidden spaces of some deeper part of your being, you know what it is that you have to do.

Leo  Leo Symbol (July 23 - August 22)  Fire.  Ruling planet is the Sun.    

Your intuition is sizzling, Leo. You have been for many weeks on a sojourn through the dark spaces behind your normal waking awareness and have emerged refreshed; you are now ready to take up the outer layers of the planetary ebb and flow with fresh vigor. Something in your day-today round of service to the surrounding collective is changing over time, and changing forever. The insights that you have gained over the recent month of meditative reflection do not stop coming, but rather intensify. As the summer wears on, in this your birthday time of the year, you are still continuing to delve into secret depths, perhaps with more focused concentration. Further exploration reveals greater hidden treasure in the form of old patterns that you are now ready to move beyond.

As the month begins, you are coming down off the month-long retrograde of Mercury through your sector of dream imagination, and as well the very high cosmic environment from the last few days of July, when the Last Quarter Moon was accompanied by a six-pointed star in the sky, based on the positions of Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto aligned with Moon and Venus. Even though the Sun, your ruler, was not one of the six equal points, it participated by being in square with Saturn and the Moon, while inconjunct to Neptune and Pluto. This was therefore quite a powerful configuration, although short-lived, and has you reconsidering nearly everything about your life from a slightly different and more informed standpoint.

Saturn in trine with Neptune continues to be highlighted in August. The Moon in the August 6th New Moon makes parallels to both these interesting and thematically antithetical outer planet archetypes. Neptune is located in a deep and profound place within your solar chart, and has a dream-like effect on your process. With Saturn located in your sector of home and family, there is some sort of structural adjustment there that is taking place, from the very beginning of the month. It could be your physical or your symbolic home front that is becoming either more restrictive or else, in rebellion, loosening up. The effect of Neptune on the Saturnian energy is to soften and universalize it, bringing compassion where there was formerly criticism, and an attitude of unknowing where there was over dependence on determinism. The dreams represented by Neptune find fertile soil in the deepest part of yourself, but they must be cultivated, nurtured and more fully grounded, and that is where Saturn is actually beneficial.

Chiron too is highlighted in the configurations of August. This brings up the wounded places within you that you would oftentimes rather not acknowledge. Any extra quality of focus and understanding that you can bring to bear in this area will have extremely positive results, because the lost places within you, corresponding to yourself at a much earlier age, needs all the attention from your adult self that you can possibly give.

Jupiter opposes Pluto on August 1st, while Mars in fading conjunction with Jupiter makes a nearly perfect square with Uranus. This repeats in different form on August 6th, so that the intensity of these positions continues into the present month. This emphasis on Uranus and Pluto throughout August represents an echo of their previous close engagements, most recently from last May, and a preview of their next exact hit at the very beginning of November. Since Pluto is located in your sixth sector of day-to-day happenings and health concerns, also representing the working week and health regimens, all these factors are in for en extended dose of new realizations and transformation. This is also the sector of your solar chart that noted astrologer Dane Rudhyar called that of "the discipleship to your higher self." You could find that, in correspondence with this important outer planet alignment, due to last throughout the remainder of this decade, your ideas are radically realigning regarding what you are really up to in this world.

Virgo  Virgo Symbol (August 23 - September 22)  Earth.  Ruling planet Mercury.   

The inner exploration keeps building, Virgo. This is a month of breakthrough and integration, following and partially based upon the recent retrograde of your ruler, Mercury, through your sector of friendship and group affiliation. You have therefore been reviewing and renewing yourself with regard to your societal participation, attempting to find the fit that will take you to the next level of your life purpose. You are more ready to make use of what you have gleaned from self-examination, and yet still in many ways dwelling within unconscious realms as you push forward into further discoveries. By staying open to your inner world you find new ideas and cosmic epiphanies that shake you up in a good way, and that create a new form of intimacy with others as well as with yourself.

As the month begins, you are feeling the excitement of shifting energy, since the month and also the progress of the July lunation cycle is equally in the flux of its turning. Your ruler, Mercury, is coming out of its dungeon in these early days of August, as it begins to escape its retrograde shadow. Then, too, the beautiful six-pointed star that marked the beginning of the current week is also fading out, as the Moon and Venus move beyond their Monday positions and as Venus in your sign opposes Chiron exactly and also makes an inconjunct with trickster Uranus. This latter configuration speaks to you of surprising enlightenment unfolding, possible in the context of relationship issues that could suddenly change, potentially bringing up old peer-to-peer woundings. If such factors do arise, there is a way to make the best of it by looking more closely into your own depths as they reveal themselves through these potentially taxing situations.

This has been an intense Mercury Retrograde period, inwardly inclining, and punctuated by several peaks, right up through the first weekend in August. Since the retrograde took place in your sector of friendships and societal involvement, your plans there might have been subject to multiple reversals and reconstitutions. On the surface level annoying, but the deeper spiritual meaning is that through these intense meditations you look to the inside and grow in your awareness of yourself at all levels. Nothing that you find within you truly carries a stigma; as Blake stated it, "everything that lives is holy." This is an entirely worthwhile concept to bear in mind as you pass through these difficult times, and as you discover fresh facets of your own inner world.

This month's shifting patterns also emphasize at various times both trickster Uranus and transformative Pluto, as they continue their square alignment, now growing closer toward another exact hit in the fall. Uranus is located in your sector of intimacy and personal transformation, and there speaks to epiphany as an evolutionary process. Although long-winded psychological therapy — the so-called "talking cure" with what is still playfully called a shrink — can take years, important progress can also occur in an instant when a significant realization hits your mind at just the right time. Pluto, the other important outer planet archetypal factor this month, resides in your self-expression sector, indicating that your creative output is still radically changing and that as it does, the seismic shift can be felt in all the areas of your life, most especially in its opposite sector of societal involvement and future plans.

By the end of August, after such an intensely transformational period as this summer seems to be, you come out the other side older in knowledge and wisdom, and yet perhaps younger in spirit, with a better will to move forward with your life in ways that satisfy deep down. This is an essentially fortunate period for you, one in which you come into much that you can treasure, perhaps even financially. The greater part however is what you can find not in terms of outer rewards but inside yourself.

Libra  Libra Symbol (September 23 - October 22)  Air.  Ruling planet Venus.    

Your journey toward wholeness continues, Libra, as you vision new possibilities for yourself that has a broader scheme as its basis. This is an important time of internal change and reorientation; another period when what is happening on the outside does not reveal anything close to what is actually going on within you. The recent retrograde of Mercury through your career sector symbolized a thoroughgoing review and re-examination of your goals for your work in the world. This combines with a newfound determination to succeed within the framework of a more solid understanding of yourself that takes your deep interior process more fully into account. You are receiving loads of intuitive information from partners as you move toward a more compassionate embrace of the universe that surrounds you.

As the month begins, you are taking in all that has happened recently, and attempting to more fully understand what has in fact transpired. The Star of David or grand sextile configuration, that six-pointed star from the last Monday of July — involving as it did the Moon in your intimacy sector and your ruler, Venus, in your sector of dreams and inner work — has lingered, if not in the actual sky, then within your mind and heart. This is in any case a time of inner imaginings as you contemplate the changing tides from the gradual attenuating of the Mercury Retrograde period of July that affected your solar chart quite strongly.

With Mercury recently retrograding through your career sector you have been in an interesting space of revising how you approach your life in general. This extends to professional choices but also applies to what you bring to any table — how you see yourself engaging with the world around you and the people in it. There are many pulls to the inside that are symbolized by various elements and aspects of transits to your solar chart right now. These are an indication that it is only by consciously integrating the vast unconscious places within you that you will find the right path for yourself moving forward. Greater wholeness within has its spiritual and also its material rewards; making it easier for you to deal with the pressures and challenges of modern day society.

The planets that participated in last month's grand trine and grand sextile are still emphasized in the current month, especially in the early going. With expansive and positive Jupiter, as well as Mercury, so clearly emphasized in your career sector, you have been in an optimistic place lately in many ways, and yet still drawn to your internal places also. There has thus been a movement toward better integration of all your parts that has been well started but that is still far from complete. Then, too, the emphatic presence of Pluto in your home and family sector, as well as Chiron in your sector of service to others, brings family relations and the concept of your contribution there very alive for you now as well. You have perhaps been dealing with what makes your home special to you, and this trend continues and even amplifies over the remainder of the year. This is also symbolic of what makes your feel secure in yourself. You could find yourself challenged and also rewarded as you dig down and deal with such issues.

Your ruler, Venus, moves into your sign after the middle of the month, and begins to aspect Saturn, representing a sense of limitation, and also Neptune, representing a numinous and yet also ungrounded freedom from the limits of the physical world, and again Chiron by the time of the August 20th Full Moon. More intensity and further impacts corresponding to the Uranus and Pluto square are coming to exact in the remainder of the year. There is a side to you that finds difficulties in these particular ingredients of your current arc of development and yet the work is there to be done and the rewards are great for following through and moving yourself along.

Scorpio   Scorpio Symbol (October 23 - Nov 21)  Water.  Ruling planets Mars, Pluto.   

This is another in a long series of interesting months for you, Scorpio. The transformational pressure that you have been experiencing lately does not let up, although it changes in form and dimension. You are in the midst of a powerful learning experience that has been spurred on by the recent retrograde of thoughtful Mercury through your higher mind sector, culminating in realizations that take you beyond previous limitations to your evolving worldview. This month is equally strong in bringing you to a new sense of purposeful intention regarding outer world commitments and career priorities, as well as new forms of self-expression generally. The surprising revelations of the early going might force departures from preexisting plans but are also just one further reminder to stay flexible.

As the month begins, you find that a sense of limitation is lifting, that also had its creative and philosophical focus, symbolized at its peak by the grand sextile in Water and Earth signs from the last days of July. In the wake of this transcendent moment, heading into the first weekend of August, you are actually philosophically quite bemused with the profundity of it all; serious Saturn is still activated and sitting on your identity sector, while your co-ruler Mars resides in your very active sector of higher mind activities, so that it is a natural time to be mulling over what has recently transpired in an attempt to gain a better understanding of the events of your life, and also to derive some clue about the further unfolding of these energies for change.

The Mercury Retrograde period of time is only just now fully ending, with the return of Mercury to the Zodiacal territory from whence it began its backward motion at the end of June. This has been for you a weeks-long meditation on the reasons behind the more obvious surface manifestations of your purely physical senses. With Jupiter there in opposition to Pluto as August gets underway, you are passing through an intense moment, should you choose to accept the invitation of the cosmos, of learning and growing your awareness. You might want to note that these sorts of changes within yourself that you have been witnessing will continue through to the fall and beyond, since Uranus and Pluto are continuing their series of exact square aspects for the next several years.

Through all this, Uranus resides in your sector of service to others, and to the surrounding collective, which seminal 20th Century astrologer Dane Rudhyar referred to as "the discipleship to your higher Self." There is a way that soul-purpose continues to manifest through your actions, sometimes in muted and muddled fashion, sometimes more clearly, all along this road on which you currently find yourself. One way to regard your task at this time of your life is to make your steps more conscious.

All through the current month of August there are various triggers for the powerful transformative energy of these two powerhouse outer planets. The action of Uranus is to open up the sense of possibility for new beginnings while that of Pluto is to blast away old structures of thought that stand as barriers to meaningful change. With Saturn so strongly constellated in your sign, and in fading trine to numinous Neptune in your creativity sector, you are also still struggling somewhat with accepting, even as you go beyond them, the inevitability of traditional methods of being and conceptualizing. It is a complex cosmic dance that that surround you now as you make your way forward into a better integration of all your parts.

Sagittarius  Sagittarius Symbol (Nov 22 - Dec 21)  Fire.  Ruling planet Jupiter.   

Your momentum of intense change is on-going, Sagittarius. This summer has been a powerful time of inward realization, with the long and intense Mercury Retrograde contributing, a trend that continues into the current month. This is an action-oriented month for you, although again mainly action on the inside, since your hidden places remain an important focus. You are a voyager in search of intimacy and connection, recognizing more and more clearly that the investigation begins with your own inner depths. There are dimensions to your recent experience that defy rational description, and that can only be referenced by a process of deep intuition. You are on a spelunking expedition to your inner world that will eventually bring up treasure, and it is fortunate that you now have the tools available to you to dig down.

As the month begins, you are riding the wave of enlightened inner exploration that arose with the dynamic Last Quarter Moon of the previous Monday, in the ending days of July. This was a Sun square Moon, with the Sun located in your higher mind sector, and with also a very beautiful configuration of a six-pointed star involving your ruler, Jupiter, along with the Moon, Venus, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto. This peaceful and productive energy is available to you now, in the days following this special moment, as you reorient to a new month and a fresh lunation cycle that starts this next week with the Leo New Moon of August 6th.

Mercury has been retrograding through your sector of intimacy and of depth exploration, and it still tends toward an inward orientation right through the first few days of August. This is because even though changed to direct motion last July 20th, Mercury does not escape its retrograde shadow until the afternoon of August 3rd and is accompanied by some significant aspects as it does so, including an opposition between Jupiter and Pluto, so that deep transformation accompanies every stage of this psychological journey.
All three outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, are emphasized at various times throughout the current month. Trickster Uranus is engaged in the early going, along with Pluto, and then again at the time of the Full Moon of August 20th when Jupiter squares him. Uranus resides in your self-expression sector, where for months now he has been symbolically resonating with sudden shifts in how you handle yourself and your creative output, primarily representative of your individuality and the unique viewpoint that you bring to bear. This is true even more so during August, with Jupiter making a strong chime with Uranus as the month unfolds.

You also have Saturn trine Neptune all month long, with Neptune continuing in an activated state for most of this monthly period while residing in your sector of home, family and tribe, corresponding as well to your psychological depths. This placement is a bit difficult to digest in ordinary states, and needs a flash of otherworldly orientation to truly thrive. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is also activated in this month's configurations, located in the same sector, referencing your psychological roots. This is more than a little crazy-making also, but things go better when you permit yourself non-judgmental access to dark places within you. This involves being able to pick up on the complexes within you that were spawned by early wounding, usually invoked by inadvertent parental behavior. You might have walled away certain parts of yourself to avoid the pain. This was a valid response at the time, but to continue this habitual reactivity in terms of present tense responses only prolongs the damage that was originally done.

Capricorn  Capricorn Symbol (Dec 22 - Jan 19)  Earth.  Ruling planet Saturn.   

The road is its own reward these days, Capricorn. You are on a transformational mission, as you have been for many months now, and you no longer even care very much where it might lead you. Fuzzy logic has taken over. Especially over the course of this slightly insane summer, you are finding spiritual sustenance in unusual places, and more specifically in the process of investigating your own inner depths. Your explorations on the inside involve intimate others, and helpful partnerships of all kinds, as well as important soul connection that serves as a catalyst to your own inner alchemy. Friendships are in flux, along with the group affiliations that you favor, as your worldview morphs to accommodate new ways of being in the world. For you right now it is truly stated that the way down and the way up are one and the same.

As the month begins, you are still basking in the glow of the six-pointed star configuration from the last few days of July, involving your ruler, Saturn, in combination with Neptune, Jupiter and Pluto, plus two of the personal planets, Venus and the Moon, thus helping to foster an emerging emotional connection with self. You are looking for new strategies to bring into your workplace, perhaps reflecting newfound stronger inner integration and self-connection. Having recently been through the Mercury Retrograde period that took place in your opposite sign, you have also been in the process of reviewing and reconsidering your entire relationship dynamic you are also exploring new frontiers in partnership.

The first weekend of August, Mercury finally moves past where it started in late June, when it began moving backward. All during this time, there has been a reflective impulse that in your case centered on how you relate to others, and of what committed partnership might actually consist. You might also look to the position of the Moon in your original solar chart for more clues, since the Moon rules Cancer, the sign on the cusp of your partnership sector, and therefore helps to enliven relationship for you. The nature of Capricorn being somewhat dry and structured, in relationship you look for someone who is emotionally available and nurturing. In the case of these current transits, including the position of the August 6th New Moon, you are being brought out of yourself to include within your own spiritual compass this more emotional and nurturing side of yourself, so that you are now engaged in taking back the projection.

The transformational energy of Pluto, residing in your sign for many months now, is as this month begins opposed by Jupiter and thus you are being given an unusual and very special boost of cosmic energy for change. All this outer planet energy contributes to new ways of seeing and participating in the world around you. As the first week of the month continues to unfold, you are mulling over everything that has gone before this moment in time with a novel openness of spirit and with new eyes.

All this relates back to the position occupied by your ruler, Saturn, currently transiting through the eleventh sector of your solar chart, which is the sector of friendship and group affiliation, societal involvement and networking. This sector is also referenced as one of future orientation: wishes, hopes and plans. All these factors form one focus of your most concentrated development over these current years, through to 2015, which is also a chime with your highest nature as a Capricorn; you are investigating how your own particular and individual genius of expression can make a difference, along the lines that you consider to be the most crucial, for the society that surrounds you and sustains you.

Aquarius  Aquarius Symbol (Jan 20 - Feb 18)  Air.  Ruling planets Uranus, Saturn.   

You are getting on with it, Aquarius. As you head into your own unique future tense, there are, in addition to the angel presences of your deep unconscious process, connections with significant others that guide you in your researches and assist you in finding your way. Coming out of a relative fog, you are making a fresh start on relationship; while at the same time you are also more fully aware than ever of a cosmic mandate to remain yourself at all costs. This current month is in one way a preparation for a more arduous time of even greater transformation, still to come over the latter part of this year and on into the next, that affects your entire understanding of your own inner world, the place where you are truly yourself and no one else.

As the month begins, you are in an interesting position regarding the contrast between inner and outer priorities. With your co-ruler, Saturn, well aspected at the very top of your solar chart, career priorities are one factor of your current forward momentum. You are likely enjoying success in terms of outer world recognition, but even as you are, there are features of your inner understanding of yourself that are crying out for some quality attention. This area of your life is simultaneously symbolized by Pluto aspected by your co-ruler, Uranus, symbolizing a force for recognition and deep transformation, located in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, and also the presence of spiritual and unworldly Neptune currently located in your sector of values and resources, therefore corresponding to a place of great consequence for your sense of who you are.

The recent grand trine from the middle of the past month spoke to this otherworldly Neptunian factor, since at that time, and also at the very end of July, Neptune and Pluto were on center stage within your solar chart, and occupying crucial positions. With these symbolic indicators involved there is simply no way to avoid taking your unconscious process more firmly into account, in spite of potential objections of your more rational mental process. As you find your own way forward you also confront the influence of others on your life, since the Sun is now in your opposite sign of Leo, and the New Moon thereon August 6th symbolizes a new phase of engagement in the relationship arena.
Since your co-ruler Uranus is also prominent in this month's aspects, and located in your communications sector, this is an excellent opportunity for writing or journaling; and for communicating in other ways with your peers. Over these first three weeks, you are experiencing a series of aspects to Uranus from the Sun, Mars and, finally, Jupiter. This last one, coincident with the Full Moon of August 20th, marks a profound moment. Jupiter in alignment with your co-ruler signals a spate of optimistic attitude on your part, and perhaps somewhat thorny progress toward understanding more about what you are up to, in your life, this time around.

The square between Uranus, and transformationally oriented Pluto, which heats up again in the fall and on into next year, can be taken on at least two different levels. One is subtle, involving the transmutation of your understanding of your own deep process, as has been alluded to in the foregoing. The clues are there for you to follow but they must be sought after, as they represent deeper factors within your personality, and in this position even Pluto does not come at you with a bang or a hit upon the head. The other is more obvious, a recognition that you are in the midst of deep and profound changes that affect you in your general movement forward in your life, toward the acknowledgment of who at soul-level you truly are.

Pisces  Pisces Symbol (Feb 19 - March 20)  Water. Ruling planets Neptune, Jupiter.   

This is another in a long series of life-changing months, Pisces. You are coming into yourself in new ways, and perhaps in sturdier fashion, following the tangle of last month's Mercury Retrograde experience in your self-expression sector. A fundamentally optimistic outlook has prevailed, but has also encouraged you to rethink and to in some manner redefine yourself. In the present month of August, a softer and more resilient you is emerging with however a continuation of the serious purpose and the sense of limitation that you have been feeling lately. There are definitely angels in the woodwork that are ready to come to your aid as you fight the good fight, struggling to understand and eventually transmute into gold your plans for a future that you can really live with.

As the month begins, you are still feeling the intensity of the Last Quarter Moon from the ending days of July, which featured a grand sextile, or six-pointed star formation that included your co-ruler, Neptune, in the early degrees of your sign. Those Pisceans born in February were the most affected, but the alignment had something for nearly everyone. The outer planets Neptune and Pluto were touched off by Venus in your opposite sign, the relationship sector of your solar chart, and by Saturn in your sector of higher mind, as well as by the Moon in Taurus, and Jupiter in your sector of creativity and self-expression. All these planetary archetypes have their role in bringing forth these various areas in ways that continue into the present month.

Most prominently, otherworldly Neptune in the identity sector of your solar chart continues its trine with Saturn through the first week of the month, representing a sense of limitation and practicality that holds back the wildest side of Neptune. This is highlighted by the August 6th New Moon. These antithetical energies have something to offer each other, since the focus and the concentration implied by Saturn serves to ground the visionary and idealistic impulses of Neptune into more concrete manifestation, while the Neptunian archetype opens up the universe to your emerging worldview beyond the narrow limits of Saturnian materialism.

Other psychologically significant planetary archetypes that participate strongly in this month's astrological line-ups are those of Chiron in your sign, along with Uranus in Aries, which occupy the same degree of their successive signs all through August. With the Full Moon configuration of August 20th, Jupiter, in a key position within your solar chart, aspects both. The trickster archetype of Uranus implies fluctuating resources, including finances, but with a positive bounce, while the presence of an activated Chiron in the identity sector of your solar chart implies that you are still dealing with prior wounding, and that epiphanies are likely to continue coming up, regarding how you have handled such early trauma throughout your life, and how you might more profitably shift your approach in this sensitive and vitally important area of ongoing endeavor.

Pluto, residing in your sector of future plans, is also triggered by the transits of the first half of August, and then again in the fall time frame when the square between Uranus and Pluto becomes once more exact. Pluto is the slowest moving outer planet and speaks to a long-term process of transformation of how you see yourself fitting in, meshing with the gears of the social process that surrounds you. It is coming into your psychological reality, deep down, that you do indeed make a difference and that every act of conscience that you make helps to bring the collective society further in its own evolutionary path, mirroring the amalgamation of the contribution of each one of its participants.

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Overview of the Planets this month:                                Top

A Transformationally Oriented August

The Astrology of August features Chiron, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Mercury is now in direct motion, and escapes its retrograde shadow on August 4th. This is a major shift in the energy, especially since Mercury goes right into Leo, by August 8th. Up to now, and continuing into the present month of August, it has been a powerful time for the Water, or feeling element, where three important planets reside: Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in its own sign of Pisces. At the beginning of the month, Jupiter moves away from the trine with Saturn and Neptune, and comes into opposition with transformative Pluto and then, following that, into square with Uranus by the time of the New Moon of August 6th. This is a powerful configuration, redolent of intuitional leaps and new beginnings in the realm of ideas and inventions. The New Moon also strongly aspects Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Pisces, bringing in with this crucial timing another dose of the feeling element.

Jupiter in Cancer, the sign of its exaltation, is powerfully activated currently, making strong aspects to Pluto and to Uranus as the month continues to unfold. Uranus, recently stationing to retrograde motion, is moving extremely slowly now and is thus even more powerful, as it moves backward through the middle decant of Aries, preparing to intersect with Pluto once more in the fall, on November 1st. The trickster archetype is alive and well, as dramatically strange headlines continue to reinforce, and represents the chance for unexpected enlightenment in our own lives as well, as events continue to conspire in bringing the potential for flashes of intuitional information and for startling epiphanies.

The Saturn-Neptune trine that has been so dramatically present all through July, now begins to fade, but remains as a background factor, with its symbolism of grounded spirituality and yet also an uncertainty with regard to outcomes. A T-square to Saturn at the very beginning of the month sets the tone for the continuation of this interesting and ultimately educational dynamic, while at month's end, Neptune is also activated, by opposition from the Sun at the time of the August 28th Last Quarter Moon.

Uranus and Pluto in combination are also powerfully configured in this month's patternings, as they begin to form again toward the next exact hit of their square aspect, the hallmark of this decade, coming up once more in the fall for the fourth of seven times. Jupiter begins the month of August in opposition to Pluto and ends in perfect square to Uranus, emphasizing their planetary aspect of revolutionary activity in both our individual lives, and in the life of the collective.

The most exciting — and yet also perhaps daunting — factor in this month's astrology is Chiron, the Wounded Healer, which is triggered at the time of the August 6th New Moon, and then again at the time of the Full Moon of August 20th by a trine from Jupiter and an ongoing aspect from Uranus. Venus begins the month in opposition to Chiron, so that, especially in the early part of the month, relationship issues could be a factor in triggering our deeper wounded places.

There was already in this summer's configurations a strong pull to the profound unconscious depths that lie within us, and this gives us yet another chance to look more closely at where we have in the past been wounded and how these early experiences play out in current circumstances, creating patterns of stuck places that will not respond to efforts at healing them until we are willing to apply our compassionate embrace to their issues. Only when we can accept ourselves at these deeper levels will we be able to move beyond knee-jerk reaction to a calm and studied response to interpersonal issues, as they arise.

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