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(Refreshto load most current page)      Horoscope - November 2013    by Henry Seltzer

You'll get a more accurate horoscope if you read your Rising sign, and your Moon sign, as well as your Sun sign. Here's how:

Your Sun sign represents your Self, your way of being in the world. It can represent both the ego (mental) self and the higher Self (soul purpose). It symbolizes your will and sense of vitality.
Your Sun sign horoscope will tell you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

Your Rising sign represents your outer mask, the self you show to others. It symbolizes how you appear to others, how others perceive you, in your true interaction with the world.
Your Rising sign horoscope will tell you what to expect in these areas of your self this month.

Your Moon sign symbolizes your personal self, your feelings, your subconscious. It represents how you relate to others, how you have nurturing relationships with others, your intuition, your spiritual self, your sense of security, and your habits. The Moon symbolizes your feminine, nurturing side (we all have one).
The Moon also indicates the type of partner you will attract, since it represents your emotional self.
Your Moon sign horoscope will show you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

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     Aires   Taurus   Gemini   Cancer   Leo   Virgo   Libra   Scorpio   Sagitt   Capric   Aquar   Pisces   Overview

Aires  Aires Symbol (March 21 - April 19)  Fire.  Ruling planet Mars.    Top

This is a wild month for you, Aries. Everything in your life has turned topsy-turvy, and yet with a secret purpose; a special form of enlightenment that involves concrete action toward inner goals rather than outer. Your approach to the world of business and career is in deep transformation, that is true, but the secret to what might be called winning is that you deeply tune in to every nuance of what your soul is trying to tell you. This does not necessarily lead to success in the eyes of the world, but it is the key to unlocking your own sense of inner happiness, which in turn will lead you through to where you really need to go. What follows is that you will eventually get everything that you truly want.

As the month begins, you are on the fast track for massive change. Impetuous in any case, for this particular month, and as a majorly transformative year begins to wind down, there is a veritable torrent of realizations coming at you, which lead to a necessary and a revitalizing metamorphosis in your life. Relationship with significant others is involved, and you might even come to recognize that this month constitutes nothing less than a thorough-going revision of how you feel about their impact on your life, and of the way that you explore intimacy together. You might come to feel as well that with the changes that are taking place in this important area, it is your own inner discoveries that are the fundamental component.

Mercury is retrograde and therefore inclining you toward introspection, and conjuncts the Sun in aspect to Chiron, Uranus and Pluto, so that you are very aware of deep changes and as well your fears regarding these. It is also possible that over recent weeks and especially now, old patterns of behavior will come up for intuitive examination and better understanding. With Mercury in retrograde an internally oriented stance is being called for, so that this is indeed an excellent time for meditation regarding who you are at the deepest levels of your being.

The Solar Eclipse taking place on Sunday, November 3rd, in your eighth sector of intimacy and personal evolution, is also worthy of note. The energy of this powerful moment in time will last you well into the following year, and presages greater intimacy over this period with significant others, and also with yourself. There is a way that you are digging down into perhaps long overlooked and yet extremely important layers of your psyche. These exist below the level of fully conscious acknowledgment, but you can feel them there when you tune your attention inward. The secret of a better relationship with potential partners is greater self-acceptance; with better internal connection between the deeper parts of yourself, you are beginning now to recognize this simple and quite valuable factor in your own terms.

The New Moon eclipse is quite close to making a perfect trine aspect to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, while your ruler, Mars, sextiles the New Moon and opposes Chiron. This indicates that old trauma has the strong potential for coming up at this time; this is indicated by the sudden recognition of old patterns, likely stemming from early childhood. The best use of this kind of eruption, rising up from out of your hidden places, is in order that you might be able to move beyond such wounding into healing.

The transformationally active planetary energies of Uranus and Pluto, in perfect square with one another, are also fully energized in this month's powerful configurations, and in aspect to Chiron, so that there are sure to be important repercussions taking place mainly at internal levels. It is vital for your future well being that you attempt to stay as open as possible to the changes that are coming down so intensely for you, and as well to your own rather inchoate and extremely internalized feelings. It is helpful when you can do this without judgment or expectation, since it is very much recommended that you stay in the moment — as much as you can — for all that is currently happening to you over this climactic end-of-year period.

Taurus  Taurus Symbol (April 20 - May 20)  Earth.  Ruling planet Venus.    

Your world is still transforming, Taurus, and you along with it. The pace of change even accelerates as the year winds down, and you find yourself going all out for understanding. Partnership with significant persons in your life is more important than ever this month, as you reexamine its foundations with yourself. You are puzzling over both where your life is currently leading you and also what has engendered the pain of the separation you may feel, as you move forward into your more authentic self. When you examine your own hidden motivations you discover the true gold of your circumstance, involving relationship with important others in a new way, and an unfolding sense of new levels of self-acceptance. The reward is ultimately in the journey, and in the realizations that it brings.

As the month begins, you are likely feeling strong surges of emotional energy around issues of partnership in your life, and connected as well to your own inner reaches. You could also be feeling some degree of pain in refection on relationship in your life, or perhaps on social ties in general, especially those that have not worked out as fully as you would have liked. This vAries with individual cases, within the concept that no matter how well you are currently getting along with significant others, you are feeling into the deficit side of the ledger. This is in any case a contemplative period for you, and one in which you are examining partnership from every angle.

The first three days of November are fairly intense. The Solar Eclipse and New Moon taking place in your opposite sign on Sunday, November 3rd, really lights up the area of relationships, This is especially so since Mars, the ruler of your relationship sector, is closely aspected by the New Moon degree. Then, too, you could find yourself attempting to relive the past in some way, since retrograde Mercury, conjunct the Sun on November 1st, has moved to the degree of the transiting North Node by the time of the eclipse two days later on. You might feel a fated connection of some kind, either forming or in reflecting on past events. The inner working of your relationship dynamic is the subject of your scrutiny. You are also potentially examining issue of prior wounding.

Since all this takes place in the context of Uranus in perfect square with Pluto, aspected by Chiron, Mars and the eclipse degree, there are transformational implications for everything that winds up happening for you, relationship-wise. With transformationally oriented Pluto located in your higher mind sector, and emphasized by not only the New Moon eclipse energy but also the pending conjunction with your ruler, Venus, once Venus slips further into Capricorn by the second weekend of the month, you could say that your word view is mightily morphing, and you along with it. In a way, your vision creates what it beholds. Visionary Uranus in powerful aspect occupies your twelfth sector of dream imagination and inner work, so that these two powerhouse planetary energies are setting you up for success of a very different kind than is normally recognized in the eyes of the world.

Neptune is highlighted as well in November's configurations. Residing in your sector of wishes and hopes, goals and societal association, this numinous planetary archetype symbolizes an idealism and a heart connection regarding where in this world you might be heading after the transformational storms of this end-of-year period have passed. It continues to be even more vital that you maintain an inner perspective in balance with the real-world viewpoint engendered by your multiplying set of outer responsibilities.

  Gemini Symbol (May 21 - June 20)  Air.  Ruling planet Mercury.    

This is a strange and wonderful monthly cycle for you, Gemini. The meditative period of the Mercury Retrograde is quite special, and for your sign in particular. You have entered into a thoughtful period of time and when the end of the month rolls around, could find that you know yourself just a bit better as a result of your recent musings. There is a focus on soul-purpose that is as remarkable as it is productive of fresh insights. You have an unusually high degree of service-orientation now as well, so that, along with the prayer of St. Francis, you might be willing to state: "Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved as to love."

As the month begins, you are inwardly focused, operating in a more reflective mode than usual. Even though the subject of your meditations might well be your plans and goals for outer world achievement, regarding these matters you are coming from a standpoint of both inspiration for success and also your fears regarding actually getting what you want. In this time of the retrograde Mercury, you are coming into a better sense of what those fears actually are and how best to navigate around them. You also this month have a deliciously active set of intuitive realizations coming your way regarding where in this world you might be heading The first week of November will be spent, in part, in dreaming into being a new dawning for yourself in this way.

Mercury spends this month and part of next in traversing your sixth solar house, representing on the most esoteric level what seminal astrologer Dane Rudhyar called the "discipleship to your higher self." This fits well with the close Uranus-Pluto-Chiron configuration that is one of the most prominent features of this month's astrology, described in greater detail below. The sixth sector also represents health and fitness, including daily exercise regimen, the day-to-day concerns of the workplace and the most ordinary aspects of life on planet Earth, as well as issues of service to others, and to the greater collective. All these areas of your life are subject to a great deal of introspective thinking and re-thinking as the retrograde of your ruler, Mercury, continues to unwind. Mercury stations to direct motion on the 10th, and the few days surrounding this event represent some of the more intense moments of the retrograde.

Uranus and Pluto have reached the latest installment of their exact square alignment with the advent of November, and Mercury aligns with these planetary powerhouses for many of the subsequent configurations of the month, in particular in the first few days with the Solar Eclipse New Moon, and then again two weeks later, in the days following the mid-month Full Moon. Since this is so, you are dealing with massive transformation in your life, characterized by a combination of revolutionary insight and drastic metaphorical death and rebirth. You are continuing to see more and more clearly where your best shot actually lies, regarding a future that you can live with and for. You are simultaneously delving down into your inner core for a better understanding of your deepest motivations regarding the inclusion of others into your life. You might perceive that you win by coming from a place of fullness rather than of lack.

In this, another profound contribution is made by the energy of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, located in your tenth sector. With Chiron emphasized, you are potentially quite aware of both fears and dysfunctional patterns regarding how well you take it when you achieve what you are after. This relates back to soul-level, and whether you have the courage of your inner convictions. With the otherworldly influence of Neptune an enormous factor this month as well, you are able to tune in to soul perspective and approach the world from that interior and numinous standpoint, inside out. You are constantly tempted to avoid this more cosmic perspective, which does not mesh well with materialistic consensus thinking; yet you ignore it to your peril, for this dip into the inner depths of your being represents the very stuff of life for you now.

Cancer  Cancer Symbol (June 21 - July 22)  Water.  Ruling planet is the Moon.    

All your systems are go, Cancer, as you continue forging ahead to the inside. With the impetus of the Mercury Retrograde in your sector of self-expression, the creativity that you unleash will naturally be more of an internal affair. Your inner perspective informs and underlies all that you see and do. Meditation and journaling opportunities are recommended. You are transforming mightily in your self-concept and in the way that you see yourself going forward into a new world, in terms of career, for yourself personally, and as this relates to more global considerations. Your evolving partnership dynamic is also a potent focus for you now. Fears may still come up but with a philosophically viable approach they decline in their importance, and in their former power to derail you from your soul intention.

As the month begins, you are in a contemplative mood. You are a sensitive soul normally and the planetary alignments that begin this month incline you further into an even more internalized direction. This reflective stance is in keeping with the final lunar phase that is ending and with also the currently highlighted retrograde of Mercury though your sector of creativity and self-expression. You might feel artistic impulses stirring within you, and if so these will likely be expressed in otherworldly fashion, since Neptune is highlighted right now. One-on-one communication has its mystical side that counts for more with you right now than the merely physical world of ordinary logical connection.

As the Moon moves to join the Sun in a Solar Eclipse timed for the beginning of the first week of the month, on Sunday, November 3rd, there are also extreme outer planet alignments, that are also tightly aspected by the actual Scorpio New Moon degree. Uranus is sitting at the top of your solar chart and aspected by the New Moon, so that his famous square with Pluto is therefore doubly emphasized. Uranus resides in your tenth solar sector of career, professional life, and public actualization, while Pluto has settled into its square with Uranus, occupying your relationship sector, where it has resided for the previous five years. Together this combination suggests that inspiration for career is fluctuating and varied, so that restless could reach a peak for where need to get yourself to, both professionally and personally, and this will guide you forward into a new direction that has long been coming. Important others in your life are included along with you in this powerful train ride, and could be fundamental for your transformed approach.

One of the biggest emerging factors for you in the months leading up to this climactic end-of-year moment has been the idea that a new way to do relationship itself could lead you further along the evolutionary arc of your development than the outer components of your life. You are inclining to the inside over the course of this monthly cycle, and are in the midst of an evolutionary development that has you questioning and eventually reformulating your entire self-definition.

This is complicated by new understandings that you have recently come to concerning inner wounding, since Chiron is equally highlighted by the cosmic configurations of the early part of this month. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, located in your sector of higher mind, is an active participant in these new directions for you. New understanding could be emerging through this meditative period, of your inner wounds and the potential for healing. Jupiter in your first, or identity, sector, is also active now, and brings the expansive potential for new beginnings in these areas.

Leo  Leo Symbol (July 23 - August 22)  Fire.  Ruling planet is the Sun.    

This is a powerful month of realizations, Leo, and also in some ways a confusing time as well. You are being pulled to the inside, in a form of meditative trance or dream, and it is difficult for you to imagine how to react or if any conceivable reaction is appropriate. A multiplicity of realities keeps swimming into your view, as though you were suspended above a deep-sea garden with many and varied fishes and alternately immersed. The picture that emerges when you reflect might simply be too vast to accommodate with your logical mind; and yet, still you try. Exhilaration, trepidation and transformation are all part of the mix, as well as release from fears in favor of basic movement forward, one foot ahead of the other, into a brand new universe of your own contrivance.

As the month begins, you are wading deep in feelings of an introspective nature. You partake of an interior focus now, in keeping with the final lunar phase of reassessment, leading up to the November 3rd New Moon, and with the retrograde of Mercury in conjunction with the Sun in your sector of home, family and tribe. You are perhaps somehow attempting to discover a new basis for your psychological security in the turning of the year. This will no longer be able to be founded in terms of outer or other-derived sources, but must spring from deep inside your own psyche, as you are coming to understand it.

There are terms of service to the collective, and as well to important persons in your life, that you also are striving to integrate, as is symbolized by the presence of transformatively oriented Pluto in your sixth solar sector. This planetary energy is especially highlighted this month as it is exactly squared by Uranus and sextiled by the New Moon. There is transformation around any of several possible levels and areas of life, which could include the workplace, exercise and health regimens, service freely given versus by some form of dysfunctional compulsion, and a concept of dharma or life path consistent with higher purpose.

There are ancient patterns of past behavior that are also very much up for you right now, since Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is also highlighted and appearing in your sector of intimacy and persona evolution. You are feeling your way into a new sense of connection with intimate others, and in terms of partnership, acknowledging a different and more integrative tactic. This is something of a paradox; for on the one hand you are going all out for your own individual approach to things, not settling for merely going along with the consensus viewpoint, while on the other you are using this vision that is uniquely your own to forge new links in the chain that binds you to others around you.

Uranus, residing in your sector of higher mind, occupies a special place in your solar chart as well, as it is presently constituted. There are various combinations elevating Uranus in your awareness now, including the aspects made to Pluto and the eclipse New Moon. This Uranus factor, accompanied by the station retrograde of Jupiter, taking place in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, is productive of many and varied insights and shifts in Weltanschauung. You are seeing the world around you in an entirely different way, and making that unique vision your own territory. As you do, the world around you changes and you along with it.

Virgo  Virgo Symbol (August 23 - September 22)  Earth.  Ruling planet Mercury.   

This month is another that will test your soul, Virgo, but in a good way. As you navigate the inner fires of these powerful days you have the opportunity to burn off all that is not truly serving you. Your exploration of your own hidden places continues. The dramatic transformation of your creative output over this year has been productive of new insights, and now these very realizations take you into new directions. With Mercury in retrograde motion over the first ten days of this month, everything is stop and go. A contemplative stance takes you further along the path of your spiritual evolution than a strictly outer orientation. The fun comes from discovering what treasure you will be able bring with you as you rise back up to the surface.

As the month begins, you are finding that as your communication with others has slowed, your connection with the remainder of your universe has grown, almost in proportion. Ideas are coming fast and furious, but what might stop you from actualizing them is a two-fold pulling back that is well symbolized by the retrograde of your ruler, Mercury. Also during the beginning few days of the month, active Mars in your identity sector lies in forming aspect with the conservative energy for holding back represented by Saturn. The Solar Eclipse New Moon that takes place on Sunday, November 3rd, represents a huge cosmic line-up and might represent a great time for seeing where you are actually heading with all your internal revelations.

This results in strange forward motion that might look a lot like no motion at all. The dampers placed on forward momentum for you as represented by the Mercury Retrograde period has several stages, with the first stage completing on November 10th, when Mercury changes to direct, or forward, motion. Since Mercury is at this time standing dead still in the sky, at least in its apparent motion, this is one of the most difficult and uncertain days of the entire retrograde cycle. After that, Mercury slowly escapes its retrograde shadow, comprising the lost degrees of Zodiacal longitude that it must again traverse due to its former backward motion. By the time of the November 17th Full Moon this final part of Mercury's retrograde cycle is easing, and by the 27th the retrograde shadow period is completely over.

The really big astrological news this month is, of course, the fourth installment of the Uranus-Pluto square, the second this year, that has been forming all summer and early fall. Although the moment of exact is on November 1st, there are triggers for its powerfully revolutionary energy all through this month of change, most notably on the major lunations of November 3rd and November 17th. With active Mars in your sign as well right now, you do have loads of energy to be moving forward in your life, and have only to figure out exactly what that means for you, given your interesting and largely internal perspective.

Uranus and Pluto are also in close aspect with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, all month long, and this has implications for you as well, especially with regard to key relationships in your life. You might find that old wounds could come up for healing in this area. When Mercury stations to direct motion on the November 10th, it is in perfect trine with the numinous planetary archetype of Neptune. This energy is also triggered by the Last Quarter Moon of November 25th. Since Neptune resides in angular placement in your solar chart, on the cusp of your relationship sector, there are implications for how you perceive partnership in your life, as either confusing and mystically unknown or else in a spiritually idealist fashion.

Libra  Libra Symbol (September 23 - October 22)  Air.  Ruling planet Venus.    

This is an amazing month for you, Libra, a continuation of the series of deep changes that you have been encountering all year long. As you head toward year's end, the cosmic tugs on your consciousness become if anything more extreme. This is transformation from the very base of your being outward, and it involves a new mandate for others in your life as well as for yourself. Family and home will never be the same. Thoughtful reflection provides more profound seeing for issues such as material versus spiritual reward. You are, through it all, making your move to the inside, there to discover both pain and joy. The pain can be the stimulus for process. Others provide inspiration but in the end, you have got to be the one to light your own fire.

As the month begins, you are feeling the inward tug brought about by the retrograde of Mercury through your sector of resources and values, where the Sun, being in Scorpio, also resides. This puts you in a reflective mood. On the very first day of the month, in fact, the Sun and retrograde Mercury meet in perfect conjunction, amplifying the message retrograde Mercury. Since this is a core area of your solar chart, productive of material well being and the sense of psychological security that comes from having your ducks in a row, be they financial, organizational or spiritual ducks, this is an important month for you as you meditate on where you, in these many ways, are actually at.

This month heralds as well the actual exact square of Uranus and Pluto, the fourth of their seven close encounters of the difficult kind that take place over the course of this pivotal decade. This symbolizes revolutionary activity, both for the collective and within individuals, and is further highlighted by the powerful configuration of November 3rd, when the Scorpio Solar Eclipse New Moon takes place in aspect to both. We find that Uranus occupies a position that is also quite important within your chart, namely that of your relationship sector, symbolizing the activity of others in your life. The activity of Uranus, greatly amplified by Pluto, and in the current skies by the eclipse degree, and by Mars and Chiron also, is to provide unexpected insights regarding the value of relationship for you and for the way in which you conduct this vital activity. This is a complex question and does not admit of a simple answer, but rather an ongoing meditation and investigation.

Transformational Pluto, amplified as well, especially at the time of the New and the Full Moon, is also located in an important placement, residing in your sector of home, family and tribe. Astrologers also recognize this area of the chart as being in close symbolic linkage with the roots of your psyche, and with feelings of psychological well being. There are many and intense changes that could in fact be going on for you in these areas, such as to your physical home in a phase of rebuilding, or the same with regard to family issues or with tribal alliances. These areas of life could potentially be causes of suffering for you now, and in the prelude to the ending of the year, but this is darkness that leads you eventually into the light.

With Neptune an important factor in this month's astrology, being aspected by the station of Mercury on November 10th, and also by the Last Quarter Moon of the 25th, you are both inspired and unsure. Neptune is located in your sector of health and day-today activities, and of the discipleship to your higher purpose. There is a vague sense of unfolding spirituality that accompanies your adventures in awakening to what you possess inside. This is a confusing placement, and you at times might not know how to think about what you have going on, or how to blend soul intention with practical considerations. It might be best to regard everything that happens as tinged by Spirit in some way and leave the details up to Goddess.

Scorpio   Scorpio Symbol (October 23 - Nov 21)  Water.  Ruling planets Mars, Pluto.   

This is a season of deep work, Scorpio, but the rewards are correspondingly weighted. Some painful places inside yourself are being exposed to the light of a more conscious understanding. It helps to remember that any difficulties that you may encounter along the way are there for the surmounting of them. You are engaged in a tremendous learning curve, based on forging better communications with others around you, leading you into new mental and emotional territory. There are concepts that you are ready to abandon, making room for the new. Your very self-definition is a moving target now, a kaleidoscope of wonder. You are also finding inspiration in ordinary day-to-day routines which, when you look at it right, become suddenly charged with meaning. In the simplest of things, you may find intimations of life purpose.

As the month begins, you are a bit bollixed and confused, symbolically affected by the retrograde of Mercury through your sign. The Mercury Retrograde comes to one peak at the very start of the month, and then to another when it stations to direct motion on November 10th. During this time and beyond, you are more inner-directed than is usual. In the course of your meditations, you might well be considering how to more fully relate to fields of social engagement such as friendship, group affiliation and goals that you aspire to in a way that affects the society that surrounds you. This is because your ruler, Mars, is aligned with Pluto and occupying the sector of your solar chart that corresponds to these areas of your life.

Pluto is actually in close aspect also with both Uranus and with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, as the month gets underway, highlighted by the Solar Eclipse New Moon in your sign. This month also signals the next installment of exact hit for the famous Uranus-Pluto square that heightens the effects of each. Pluto is located in your communications sector, and it is possible that there has been a mild form of revolution in the way that you share ideas with others around you, and as well in the information that you receive. This continues and accelerates into the present month and beyond, heading toward year's end. You might be on course for a complete turnaround in the way that you see and communicate with the world around you.

Uranus is located in your sixth sector of service to others, health and fitness, day-to-day situations and soul purpose, and all these areas of your life are also subject to the enlightened vision brought about by his collusion with both the New Moon in your sign and also Mars in your sector of societal involvement. You could be encountering sudden twists and turns of events, or else experiencing unexpected enlightenment and transformation with regard to these areas. Since Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is in close semi-sextile aspect to Uranus, there could also be unexpected recognition of the wounded places within you that suddenly come to view. You benefit by allowing daylight — as represented by your conscious mind — to connect with these dark places within you.

Numinous Neptune, is also highlighted in these November skies, and prominent in your chart as well, occupying your sector of self-expression. Since it is easier to project than it is to integrate difficult material, there could be fantasy articulations of secret meanings within you that come to the fore in a form of splitting away from the heart of the matter. By opening to fantasy expression and then looking more deeply, you do yourself the enormous favor of bringing darkness to the light, and light to the darkness that lies within your all too human nature.

Sagittarius  Sagittarius Symbol (Nov 22 - Dec 21)  Fire.  Ruling planet Jupiter.   

This is another in a series of intense monthly cycles for you, Sagittarius. The good news is that you are in many ways more ready for it that you were even a few short months ago. It has been a trying year, and as it comes to the end, perhaps even more so, but the silver lining is in increased self-knowledge applying to the deeper layers of your being, and in a better understanding of others as well as yourself. Many areas of your life are currently affected, including your creative self-expression, which is sizzling and transformatively oriented, but the most significant progress is happening on the inside. Your dreams could be quite active now, and definitely worth writing down. Inner and outer are but two sides of the same coin and the one informs the other.

As the month begins, you are exploring the connection between your outer expression in the world and your own deep interior process, typified by a set of realizations that might be glimpsed only indistinctly from the standpoint of your conscious awareness. This connection is symbolized by the extremely highlighted retrograde of Mercury, the ruler of both your relationship sector and as well your sector of career and professional life, through your twelfth sector of dream imagination and inner work. You are likely to be in a reflective mode for most of the remainder of this month and potentially exploring these and other key areas of your life and the connection between them.

This unusual combination of inner and outer actually becomes an opportunity for better integration of your most private spaces within together with your public persona. As famously characterized by noted psychologist C.G. Jung, the deep unconscious process balances the less prominent features of conscious egoic awareness by means of compensation; for example, the strongly intellectual person in waking life will find that his or her unconscious world is full of unexpressed feelings, revealed most commonly in dreams and unexpected outbursts of emotion.

Your ruler, Jupiter, standing nearly still in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, symbolizes a descent into unconscious process. It is well said that the secret of greater intimacy with others lies in greater intimacy with oneself. When you have come to a place inside representing a surprising fund of hitherto hidden knowledge, you might come to recognize that this is actually your own home base and you are now encountering for the very first time.

This type of inner exploration is a chime with a more cosmic evolutionary path toward which the important outer-planet energies of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto incline. The configurations of the beginning and the middle of the month also connect strongly with these numinous planetary archetypes. Uranus, residing in your sector of creative self-expression, provides vision, while Neptune, natural ruler of unconscious process, and also highly emphasized for you at various points in this monthly cycle, provides a different form of inspiration that feels more like dissolution. Pluto resides in your sector of values and resources, and represents the wrecking ball that destroys the old order so that you might build anew on the former site. Thus you escape entrenched beliefs and behavior that have long ago lost their useful applicability to your current circumstances.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer, also prominent in these late fall skies, resides in your sector of home and family, the other so-called "Water House" of your solar chart, along with Neptune. This area of your life is also transforming. Feelings of lack resulting from unintegrated sense of early wounding could come up for you over the course of this monthly cycle, and if so, present you with an excellent opportunity for greater understanding of yourself in these deeper levels. Chiron here represents a re-discovery of the deep interior process perhaps walled away from consciousness for many years, a product of ancient trauma; such buried complexes of habitual behavior benefit extremely from shining the light of consciousness upon them. The great thing with your current situation is that there is nothing, really, that must be done, nothing to do. You just need to get out of the way of your process and let it continue.

Capricorn  Capricorn Symbol (Dec 22 - Jan 19)  Earth.  Ruling planet Saturn.   

This is a magical month for you, Capricorn, in some ways the culmination of a transformative year of change. With the New Moon and Solar Eclipse taking place in your sector of goals and societal involvement, you are networking like mad and placing your bets on a more positive future than has been the recent past. This involves partnership with others, and a re-orientation of values, family life, and even your concept of personal identity. With Mercury retrograding through this same sector you could be massively re-thinking how your operate in the world and where you are heading, so that it pays to wait until at least the second half of November before making any drastic moves. Still you can plan, and dream, intending to refine your vision still further toward month's end.

As the month begins, with your ruler, Saturn, highlighted in your eleventh solar sector of wishes and hopes, societal connection and future plans, you are seeing your way clear to what looks like a fresh start; you have the visionary feeling of a better path forward that the one that you may have long been treading. This idea of new beginning is, however, richer conceptually than in actuality, due to the natural caution of your sign and also to the backward motion of retrograde Mercury. Mercury stations to direct motion on November 10th, in one of the peaks of the entire cycle, and then slowly straightens out over the following two weeks until by the 27th it is entirely beyond its retrograde shadow period. Since Mercury also rules sectors of your solar chart associated with higher mind activities and getting clearer on soul purpose working its way through you out into the world, there is a distinct chime with finding your way forward, beyond notions of what might be based on consensus thinking or conventional attitudes, in a direction that is unique to your own inner compass.

The Solar Ellipse and New Moon of Sunday, November 3rd, constitutes a powerfully cogent reminder of what is actually possible when you put both your mind and your heart to work on a given situation, from the standpoint of your future self. This extra-intense lunation triggers Uranus and Pluto, square to each other and occupying angular sectors of your solar chart — as they have for many months. Pluto in your identity sector sponsors an on-going sense of metamorphosis that changes nearly everything about your life. Uranus in your sector of home, family and tribe promotes fluctuation in this fundamental area. These energies represent factors in interaction with your current arc of development in a manner that has thus been obvious to you for many weeks and months already. There is room for greater going evolution of awareness in the fact that some of the ways that these two powerhouse planets contribute to your ongoing transformation may have only recently become fully known to your conscious mind.

Chiron, known as the Wounded Healer, is emphasized in the current outer planet combinations, and speaks to the recognition of wounding and its amelioration in graceful healing. Chiron resides in your communication sector, along with Neptune, and while you could encounter old wounds rising to the surface of your awareness, there could be recourse in the aid of friends and helpful others. Chiron represents buried complexes, the residue early trauma, that are coming to your attention for a reason, that you might be empowered to get to the point of acceptance of all that you have gone through in the past, acknowledging resulting reactivity or painful places within you.

The massive transformation that is coming down for you at this time is perhaps some amalgam of divine intervention and your own efforts to find yourself. The potent Neptunian factor in the current monthly cycle allows you to recognize the deity in yourself and in others. Mercury makes an exact trine aspect to Neptune,, as it stations on the10th and Neptune is also highlighted at the time of the November 25th lunation, and can appear very confusing to a materialistically based mental process. You might well feel as though the bottom were dropping out of earthly communications with others around you; although by the time the end of the month is reached you might feel more inspired than disillusioned.

Aquarius  Aquarius Symbol (Jan 20 - Feb 18)  Air.  Ruling planets Uranus, Saturn.   

This is a season of change for you Aquarius, as you take on the world around you in an entirely new way. You have been mulling over your approach to outer world performance since Mercury turned to retrograde motion in your sector of career and professional life, over the final ten days of October. You are finding that spiritual goals eclipse material ones in allowing you to arrive at an internal accord within yourself. Equally present are questions about finance and how to gather your resources to prepare for achievement in a way that does not violate your principles. Communication with others around you is one key to the puzzle, and is productive of a series of unexpected revelations over the course of this month that will help to see you through.

As the month begins, you are operating at peak efficiency and in the eye of public recognition, although with Mercury currently retrograde in your career sector you are also feeling a pull to the inside. You might feel even more poignantly the sense of exposure that comes from being out in the open where others can fully witness you, and long for your interior spaces that seem in some way safer and in which you are more at home. Actually, because the inner precedes and gives rise to the outer, the reverse might be true. One of the key revelations of this climactic end-of-year period is that you are in any case exposed by the process of life itself, and the living of it, and are no safer at home than on the street.

The New Moon and Solar Eclipse that takes place in the early days of November brings to your awareness and to the potential for direct action issues of inner versus outer and of isolation versus communication. With Pluto residing in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, in square with your ruler, Uranus, you are deeply drawn to transform at inner levels, and are finding that as you do, your outer performance changes in corresponding ways. It is also true that as an important archetype unto itself, Uranus is productive of extraordinary insights that could arise in conversation with others or in other forms of learning, and that shake you up in terms of how closely you align with consensus thinking and social tenets of received values.

In another way of looking at the outer planet configurations that peak at the time of the eclipse, you are dwelling more completely than you would care to admit in a sense of yourself that derives from outer achievement and recognition, and are becoming increasingly aware of the shortcomings of this method of arriving at self-worth. In this regard it is very interesting to note that Chiron, the planetary archetype of the Wounded Healer, is also aligned with Uranus and Pluto and occupying your sector of values and material security. It could be that over the course of this month you search out and see more clearly into ancient patterns of behavior that you are ready to move beyond, and that have been engendered by ancient trauma, perhaps stemming from early childhood.

All these ideas are the subjects of your deep reflection, during nearly this whole month of the Mercury Retrograde that is taking place in such a prominent placement within your solar chart. Even though Mercury changes to direct motion on November 10th — representing yet another key moment of the entire retrograde period — it does not escape its retrograde shadow, representing the zodiacal degrees lost while it was moving backward, until November 27th. It does seam however that mental process does become more and more normalized as this secondary period continues to unfold.

While Mercury is straightening out throughout the latter half of the month, you are spending loads of time dwelling within yourself, focused on adjusting your perceptions of the world and indeed your very beliefs. This is a mystical time, and the ideas that are here engendered, concerning the collusion of Spirit and the material world, will last you well into the rest of this year and into the next, and perhaps for the remainder of your life.

Pisces  Pisces Symbol (Feb 19 - March 20)  Water. Ruling planets Neptune, Jupiter.   

This is an amazing month for you, Pisces, full of what could be construed as trials, and yet, when you look beyond the difficulties, replete with progress of an unusual kind. A powerful eclipse early in November takes place in your higher mind sector, leading to starting new conclusions of an interior variety. You are in any case looking within, in a symbolic chime to the retrograde of Mercury through this same sector. Old habitual patterns that you are more than ready to move beyond could also arise for the healing. While painful places within you are revealed, a startling series of epiphanies opens inner doorways in a way that more than compensates. In spite of all appearances to the contrary, the world is what you make of it.

As the month begins, you are filled with the energy of transformational inner motion, inspiring action that is far from obvious but that is drastic nevertheless. There is in these first few days of the month an almost perfect storm of outer planet connections. Mental process, symbolized by retrograde Mercury in exact conjunction with the Sun, is in close aspect to Chiron, Uranus and Pluto, just as the Uranus-Pluto square also perfects. This implies that powerful energy for revolutionary transformation is available for dealing with inner wounding. This is especially true since Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is located in your sign, representing the identity sector of your solar chart. Considering the Mercury Retrograde, this has more to do with inner realignment that with any form of outer activity, and yet it is capable of moving metaphoric mountains. As your perception of the world changes, you do as well, and possibility opens.

The Pluto-Uranus combination of energies is so powerful because it combines revelation with revolutionary activity within you, based upon new perception. Uranus is located in the sector of your solar chart referring to resources and values, including your financial resources. This implies a certain amount of fluctuation in the material realm, as perhaps you have been seeing evidence these past few years, since the Uranus-Pluto square began to become active. The unfortunate effect is loss of stability but the compensating benefit is to destabilize as well the supposed certainties of assumption that can lead to stasis and end up stifling inner growth and awareness. Change is a constant reminder that you are in the midst of life, because life itself is change. Nothing that is evolving or growing stays static for very long.

With the larger picture view of reality that is fostered by Uranus in a core sector of your chart comes also the revolutionary/evolutionary action of Pluto in helping to break the crust of old and outmoded structures in your life. Pluto is located in your sector of societal involvement and social networking and you have likely seen many changes in this area as well as recent years have unfolded. Your ideas of where to plug yourself in socially are still evolving. These twin areas of your solar chart that are occupied by Uranus and Pluto will likely see still further changes, both for this month, and as the year continues to wind down. This transformation must ultimately come from your own inner sense of where you need to be heading, both for your own sake and for the sake of the surrounding culture, and this simple fact — which is being made more obvious over the course of this current monthly cycle — is perhaps the most important lesson of this period of time for you.

Mars, ruler of the Scorpio eclipse and located in your relationship sector, is making close aspects to the New Moon and to these outer planet energies. The initiatory energy symbolized by Mars is therefore also an important factor this month and indicates that future actions that you take do not happen in a vacuum but in collaboration with significant others in your life. A delicate balance is reached wherein you go it entirely alone and according to your own set of realizations about your situation and that of the world around you, and yet you paradoxically act in concerted effort with others around you. This idea is perhaps revolutionary and yet familiar, illustrating that an important part of your intellectual maturity in fact lies in being able to embrace the paradoxes of the human condition.

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Overview of the Planets this month:                                Top

A Mystical, Difficult and Confusing November

The Astrology of November features an eclipse plus Mercury, Venus, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Mercury of course is in full-on retrograde as the month begins, stationing to direct motion on Sunday the 10th and only escaping its retrograde shadow on the 27th. Most of the month will therefore represent a time of missed connections and mechanical breakdown, where you might have to do the thing three times to get it right. This is an excellent opportunity to turn inward, to journal, and to experience your authentic self.

The Uranus-Pluto square is very much with us as well, being exact on November 1st in an extremely volatile configuration that includes retrograde Mercury in conjunction with the Sun, so that we are at one peak of the entire retrograde period. Both the Sun in its forming eclipse and Mercury are in close aspect with Chiron, Pluto and Uranus, with Mars is opposite Chiron and trine Pluto. The implication is that we will start off the month of November with a bang not a whimper — or perhaps with both at once.

The Solar Eclipse and New Moon taking place on Sunday, November 3rd, is kind of a big deal, with this same configuration highlighted by the eclipse degree which is in turn in close conjunction with Saturn as well. Meanwhile Mercury has slipped a couple more degrees backward and is conjunct the nodal axis. Since the energy of an eclipse lasts longer, for as much as six months, we are in for a very intense end-of-year period. It is quite significant to note that the Uranus-Pluto square, coming up for yet another exact hit in the spring, on April 21st, is triggered by the November 25th Last Quarter Moon and the December 2nd New Moon, as well as by the chart for the New Year. A tough early going for 2014 is definitely presaged, and this puts quite an interesting spin on the next dates for economic policy show-down on Capitol Hill, which are January 15th and February 7th. It is also increasingly obvious that major changes in political realities in this country and for the world in general are vitally necessary for the health of the planet and for ourselves.

It is interesting to note that Neptune is also highlighted in recent lunations, and comes up again as Mercury stations on the 10th in exact trine to Neptune, and with the Last Quarter Moon of the week of Thanksgiving, taking place on November 25th. Neptune in its own sign of Pisces represents a necessary turning to the spiritual side; this is an otherworldly dimension of higher reality that is also a confusing side as far as business as usual is concerned.

Alongside the collective changes that we can all see coming down, there are personal ones that are perhaps even more urgent, and that we can witness in the development of in our own individual lives. These, too, peak over this intense season between the ending of one climactic year and the early going of the next. Uranus and Pluto have a total of seven exact hits of their square, with the after-effects lasting until very nearly the end of the decade. These next two, counting the current month of November and April, 2014, are the fourth and fifth, and in some ways the most intense of the lot of them. We are all caught up in the fires of transformation, exploring the places in our lives where we are stuck in some dysfunctional way. And these stuck places, while they must indeed eventually yield in favor of our continued spiritual evolution, do not yield gracefully.

Only consciousness provides a way forward, so that we owe it to ourselves to be as aware as possible, as consistently as possible, for the sake of our children's children, and for ourselves.

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