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(Refreshto load most current page)      Horoscope - May 2013    by Henry Seltzer

You'll get a more accurate horoscope if you read your Rising sign, and your Moon sign, as well as your Sun sign. Here's how:

Your Sun sign represents your Self, your way of being in the world. It can represent both the ego (mental) self and the higher Self (soul purpose). It symbolizes your will and sense of vitality.
Your Sun sign horoscope will tell you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

Your Rising sign represents your outer mask, the self you show to others. It symbolizes how you appear to others, how others perceive you, in your true interaction with the world.
Your Rising sign horoscope will tell you what to expect in these areas of your self this month.

Your Moon sign symbolizes your personal self, your feelings, your subconscious. It represents how you relate to others, how you have nurturing relationships with others, your intuition, your spiritual self, your sense of security, and your habits. The Moon symbolizes your feminine, nurturing side (we all have one).
The Moon also indicates the type of partner you will attract, since it represents your emotional self.
Your Moon sign horoscope will show you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

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     Aires   Taurus   Gemini   Cancer   Leo   Virgo   Libra   Scorpio   Sagitt   Capric   Aquar   Pisces   Overview

Aires  Aires Symbol (March 21 - April 19)  Fire.  Ruling planet Mars.    Top

This is the time of your life, Aries, and you must employ it. Coming on the heels of a surprisingly intense start to the springtime, you have before you a great month for looking within yourself and for getting things done. You are exploring all facets of profession and career development, and as you do, consistently finding new wrinkles regarding your work in the world that bring primary focus to those issues that truly matter to your personal evolution, long-term. The rest you are increasingly able to let go. Your finances are on your mind as well, but, again, you win by picking and choosing only those aspects that further your personal evolution. Your ultimate goal is to be all that you can be and to become all that you can, in good conscience, become.

As the month begins, and following upon the recent Lunar Eclipse of April 25th, which took place in your intimacy sector, you are taking a closer look at relationships in your life and your own sense of isolation that might also be a current factor for you. This is because the time of the eclipse and the weekend that followed emphasized Saturn in this same sector of your solar chart, representing limitations and consequent lessons. There is a strong focus now on delving down into your own inner world, partly as a reaction to what is going on for you right now, perhaps best described as some sense of blockage to deeper connection with others. The truly interesting thing here is that, as you concentrate on tending your own garden, you emerge from that process in deeper touch with yourself and in better shape to connect with intimate others as well.

This is also the month of the next exact hit of Uranus in square with Pluto, as I have recently been mentioning, an echo of the fast-paced sixties when revolution was in the air and flowers were poked into the barrels of the mobilized soldiers' guns. There are indeed themes from that time that are now returning, and even more crucial for your own development there is also revolutionary activity taking place within you. You can get a clue as to your particular process of (r)evolution by the placement of transiting Uranus and Pluto in your solar chart and in aspect to your natal planets. Although nearly everyone is involved, the way that these powerhouse planets hit your chart definitely matters. The degree of their 2013 collision is the 12th of their respective signs, and if you were born near the beginning of April, or if you have the Moon or personal planet within two degrees of 11 — especially in one of the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn — you are more greatly affected, and your life might indeed seem turned upside down with the drama of the changes coming to you.

This idea of life at a standstill is in many ways an illusion, even if directly experienced. Like the farmer who said "we'll see" when his neighbors consoled him for his son's broken leg (an injury that subsequently allowed this same boy to remain at home while the others were called up to the war front) the trouble that you currently find yourself in could turn out to be a blessing in disguise. In spite of all appearances, the cosmos brings you what you need, and what you are ready for. A long period of dysfunction could be coming to an end with the stormy weather of this climactic year, and this month is one important crossroads of that action.

Uranus in your sign therefore transits your sector of identity and self-concept, while Pluto in close square occupies the career sector of your solar chart. The trickster energy and startling enlightenment represented by Uranus allows you to see the world in some very new and different ways, marking a break-out from the rut of routine conceptions. Since Pluto is acting on this same point there is undoubtedly a transformational effect as well, so that old and outmoded positions can be permitted, with awareness, to begin to melt away like the unsubstantial dew that they really are; thus allowing new ideas and new self-identifying concepts to enter in. Similarly with career and profession. The changes there are major, having been several years in the making, and lead you away from what was no longer serving you in this important area. You can go more easily by embracing the change, or more slowly, and more painfully, as you wish. Nevertheless change is inevitably coming to you and it is powerful and far-reaching in its effects.

Taurus  Taurus Symbol (April 20 - May 20)  Earth.  Ruling planet Venus.    

This is an exciting time to be alive, Taurus. You are joyfully participating in higher meaning along with the plain and difficult task of walking your walk as you work your path. You are also finding stern guidance from mentors in your life, who provide one key to your movement forward. Your worldview could be even more dramatically shifting, as multiple epiphanies tumble into your awareness. Along with an openness to compassionate communication within your circle, you possess a powerful idealism as to outcomes and an unwillingness to let anything get in the way of your dreams. You are crossing over, and it makes less and less sense to deny it. In following the impulse of your heart you make it easier to integrate your deeper feelings and for others around you to do likewise.

As the month begins, you are still reflecting on the potent energy revealed by the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse last April 25th which took place in your opposite sign. The Full Moon is always about relationship, posing two primal astrological archetypes across the Zodiac from each other, and in this case, for you, even more so since it lights up your seventh solar house of partners and significant connection with others. This configuration also posed your seventh sector ruler, namely Mars, across from Saturn, having the effect of emphasizing and slowing down the partnership component in order that you might have a good close look at exactly what relationship means to you, long-term.

With your ruler Venus currently located in your sign and opposing Saturn also, you might well discover this to be an excellent time for examining your relationship dynamic from the inside, and to meditate on issues of self and other. There has undoubtedly been a slow-down lately in getting your objectives met; from outer perspectives this could be viewed as unfortunate, an obstacle to getting more and more done. This very slowing down of your activity does provide a hidden blessing however of enabling greater awareness of every aspect of what you are up to in the midst of these changing times, including your relationship dynamic.

The other major components of these current skies are Uranus and Pluto, coming into their third of seven perfect square configurations this month. May 20th marks their moment of exact, but the entire month of May and year of 2013 are powerful in this regard. The energy for revolutionary and evolutionary change, that has been building all these past few years, peaks this month and indeed over the entire summer.

Since, for you, the startling enlightenment represented by Uranus is located in your sector of dream imagination and deep process, this trickster archetype brings to you a stream of intuitive information at the deeper levels of your psyche, which you barely know to trust, and invites you to tease out the unusual meaning by a consistent dedication to self-exploration. The rewards of such a practice are huge for you now, and more available than ever. Meanwhile, transformative Pluto is also powerfully invoked; Pluto is located in your higher mind sector, indicating that perspective shift is the order of the day. Partners help with this transition, perhaps by providing a contrasting point of view, and perhaps by shining example. You are really seeking mentorship from your significant connections over criticism, but everything can ultimately serve to further your soul purpose, which can be summarized as greater awareness of our own inner depths and of that part of others.

  Gemini Symbol (May 21 - June 20)  Air.  Ruling planet Mercury.    

This is a subtly exciting period of time for you, Gemini, as you work your edge and explore the boundary between ideal and real. The first half of the month you are extremely tied to your inner world, engaging in a dreamy time that is also productive of new insight. Then, leading up to the Lunar Eclipse of May 24th in your opposite sign, you are fully re-entering the world of events and social interaction, with the additional advantage of the distinct memory of your time that has been spent in other-dimensional super-realities. You are finding that the more you look, the more you recognize an accompanying unseen world. The hidden realm within you carries more weight than you might have imagined, informing and underlying everything outside of it that you say and do.

As the month begins, you are likely still reeling from the intensity of the energy lately, perhaps centered around the previous week's Lunar Eclipse that lit up your solar chart's 6th and 12th house axis. As many of the current planetary archetypes combine to remind you, you are being powerfully pulled to inner exploration, and to service work with a mystical element strongly present. You are also feeling a depth of dedication to finding yourself through discovering the world path that belongs uniquely to you and you alone.
You are called ever more definitely to a way of being that does not take the opinion of the surrounding society as its starting point, but rather is based on the touchstone provided by your understanding of your own inner depths. In support of this position you are dwelling largely on the inside, in your own world, although with an optimistic feeling that all this dreamy activity will somehow blossom into a physical as well as a mental rebirth.

This recent Full Moon eclipse a week past brought you closer a more definite appreciation of what you hold within yourself that no one around you can really see. The follow up will be the New Moon and Solar Eclipse taking place a week further, in the same sector of your chart, which becomes an important launch pad for the next phase of the transformational journey in which you are now engaged.

It is also important to note that your journey of interior exploration is happening this same month as the next exact hit of the Uranus - Pluto square alignment completes. These potent outer planet archetypes represent revolutionary activity and cultural upheaval in social terms — and within your individual psyche as well.

Uranus is located in your sector of group affiliation and future plans, implying that you are feeling inspired to forge new pathways forward and to assist society to do likewise. Meanwhile the metamorphosis symbolized by a strong Pluto coming at you from your sector of intimacy and personal growth, creates a double-whammy of transformational ardor that you are being drawn further and further into. It's not a question of change or die, not quite that dire, but perhaps it is this: change or regret the lost time.

This is the moment for your evolutionary process, when you can make great strides that are not necessarily visible from the outside. All you can do is try to keep your head on straight with each foot following the other, as the immense plans the cosmos has for you continue to unfold.

Cancer  Cancer Symbol (June 21 - July 22)  Water.  Ruling planet is the Moon.    

This is a potent month, Cancer, with the prospect of extra energy as future plans expand in innovative ways. You are cautiously optimistic as you make your move, and as partnership considerations in your life continue to transform. The eclipses of this powerful monthly cycle shore up the spiritual basis of how you see yourself progressing, and symbolize a more satisfying process that could nevertheless feel confusing when seen as a strictly mundane set of circumstances. Your worldview is expanding, although in somewhat nebulous ways. As you make definite advancement toward important life goals you are simultaneously distrustful of that movement forward. You must constantly ask yourself the all-important question of whether your angle of adventure matches your most profound soul purpose, and if so, then take that as a yes and forge ahead.

As the month begins, you are still feeling the energy of the recent Full Moon eclipse from the 25th of April, which took place in conjunction with Saturn in your sector of self-expression. This provided extra energy and a sense of balance and integration, while at the same time emphasizing the holding back and sense of isolation symbolized by the Saturn archetype. The concreteness and limitation of Saturn has two sides; on the one hand, it represents restrictions on your possibilities, while on the other, by denying the superficial, Saturn gives you a sense of freedom to do what you truly feel called upon to accomplish.

That sense of a calling is very important for this month's powerful lunations. The Sun in your eleventh sector of societal connection, wishes and hopes, also future plans. This is a perfect chime to the idealism of Neptune, also strongly aspected this month and residing in your higher mind sector. Thus along with the sense of being somewhat stuck, you have the immense capacity right now to dream your way out of whatever box you might currently find yourself in. Uranus is the visionary planet, and as his square with transformative Pluto comes into perfect alignment on the 20th, provides an ever more insistent call to see the full possibilities of your situation.

Pluto, being also powerfully configured during this pivotal month, gives you a tremendous boost of energy for changing the way that you do relationship with important partners, either of the personal or the business variety. It could be that you will uncover better ways to connect with others, and to use your force of character in a more integrated way by a process of inclusion rather than strictly one-pointed activity from your own isolated standpoint, or by contrast giving in.

There could also be old patterns of behavior, and of relating, that have outlived their usefulness will come to light as this month continues to unfold. This is signaled by the presence of Chiron, also strongly placed, and in your sector of higher mind along with Neptune. There are hidden places within you, until recently perhaps unavailable to your conscious awareness that can be explored to your advantage. This can be a confusing time, but an entirely rewarding one, as you wrestle with your inner demons and come to some breakthrough moments of a better integration of all your parts.

Leo  Leo Symbol (July 23 - August 22)  Fire.  Ruling planet is the Sun.    

This is a powerful month of new initiatives for you, Leo. Career and public life are truly up for you this month, with the attendant set of logistics and choices for making that happen. There is now more than ever the added subtext that of all your career choices it is only the professional path with plenty of heart that actually interests you; it is your soul needs that are the most urgently calling out to you. You posses an intelligent and forward-looking attitude that takes you far, especially when you allow yourself to recognize that your priorities are changing in ways that were previously unforeseen. It's always possible to ignore the new mandate and continue with former habits, but the evolutionary pressure upon you is strong, so that you might just need to go with it.

As the month begins, you are still feeling the effects of the recent Full Moon eclipse from the middle of the past week, which took place in your fourth sector of home and family. The Sun and Mars are still residing in your career sector, making for an interesting stretch between public and private concerns. Since Saturn is also there in your fourth sector at the nadir of your solar chart, this powerful configuration makes an exclamation point for the recent focus on your private life, and your home base in particular. You could be faced with decisions on remodeling your dwelling space or, in a more metaphysical sense, concentrating on the roots of your psychological security, which the fourth solar sector also represents.

You might have been feeling somewhat blocked over recent days in the execution of your career goals, even though there has been an increase of interest in getting them met. On the other hand, with the slow-down comes a concentration of energies in order that you might better understand of what these outer world objectives actually consist. You have at this time a fundamental optimism regarding future expansion, as symbolized by a prominent Jupiter in your societal goals sector, meaning that you possess a forward-looking assessment that the potential really is there for telling a new story as you continue forging ahead into a pivotal year of the remainder of this important decade that lies before you.

And indeed everything about your life is refreshing itself in some way, being seen as both old and new as you make your way forward. This is partly because of the startling enlightenment of Uranus, located in your sector of higher mind, and receiving great emphasis this month from another exact hit of his square to transformative Pluto, residing in your sixth sector, which seminal astrologer Dane Rudhyar referred to as 'the discipleship to your higher self' or a reflection of soul-purpose. Finally, there is Chiron, the Wounded Healer, aspected by both and positioned in your intimacy sector, and symbolizing the factor of prior trauma in understanding current patterns.

This ancient wisdom from the very depths of your being is coming to light in surprising ways as the year continues to unfold. You might be finding that you can become more fully an exemplar of your own unique self as you make your choices known, and yet still fit in with the general plan that society expects of you. It's not exactly being in disguise, but rather being more than you appear on the surface, not to be revealed unless the timing is right and the audience appreciative and somewhat ready to receive the larger scope of what, at the deeper levels, you actually have to offer.

Virgo  Virgo Symbol (August 23 - September 22)  Earth.  Ruling planet Mercury.   

Your destiny is calling, Virgo, and it is a high-priority message. Recent depth explorations have given you new perspectives, critical to your chances for true forward movement. Like the extra-high tide that comes only once, this opening can be seized at the flood for great and fortunate progress, or left unanswered. An idealized and almost dream-like experience of relationship is part of this. Even though the temptation is strong to follow the crowd, or your partner, you find when you check inside that you must remain true to yourself at all costs. Illusions glimmer, offset by critical voices within you, but these contrasting factors can be navigated successfully when you keep your eye on the prize. As your radically altered self-expression reveals, you are transforming at the core and there is no looking back.

As the month begins, you are finding your way forward in the wake of the very powerful Full Moon eclipse from the middle of the last full week of April, when the Moon conjoined Saturn. Your next phase is beckoning, but requires that you take on a new mandate regarding how you organize higher mind activities and your emerging worldview. With Saturn involved by opposition to the Sun and Mars in your ninth sector, there is an intense concentration of energy there, together with a frustrating slow-down which is however productive long-term. Your ruler, Mercury, is very active in this month's configurations and so, by extension, are you. The full meaning of what you are currently about will come more clear over time, but for now, at least you know in your gut that you are called to something, and that that something is significant.

This is the month that Uranus and Pluto come into exact alignment for the third time of seven over the course of this climactic decade. Their square is stressful, but it is also creative, and as well as to the surrounding culture, brings much-needed evolutionary change to you individually.

With Uranus currently residing in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, you are definitely on a sputtering path of hugely important self-development; this comes and goes in fits and starts, but the bottom line is that you are seeking within yourself the keys to your freedom from previous unintentional type-casting, and that you will find relevant and surprising information deep inside you to the extent that you can open to it. There are also implications for partnerships in your life that continue to amaze you with their multi-faceted qualities.

Then, with Pluto residing for this decade in your fifth sector of creative self-expression, the artist in you is coming to the fore, in an on-going emergence that has taken place over the past few years. In many ways, your self-expression and the way that you present has been in a complex metamorphosis that has had the effect of allowing you and others to see you as you really are by burning off the unnecessary parts as a sculptor removes the excess marble. In the end, only his intended creation remains. All these dynamics are accelerated over this pivotal summer; by fall you might not even be able to recognize yourself.

Neptune too, is powerfully invoked at this time, and especially by month's end, located in your seventh sector of partnership. You are very idealistic and optimistic regarding all aspects of your life and particularly significant relationships, either personal or business. These too are undergoing a transformative effect over the course of this year. Partnership connections are key for you right now, although somewhat slippery and difficult to pin down and define. Your strong sense of idealism colors your perceptions and leads you to the conclusion that everything is perfect. As only makes sense, self-deception in these matters is possible, perhaps leading to deception on the part of others, or on yours.

It is difficult to discern the important pieces in all this whirling chaos, and it is vital that you do so. You are blessed with a powerful intuition, which helps immensely. A strong Saturn is also part of this mix, representing caution and limitation, and this also serves you in the way of intelligent holding back as well as rushing into the new, which is actually also very key for you as you go through the changes of the coming months.

Libra  Libra Symbol (September 23 - October 22)  Air.  Ruling planet Venus.    

Your exciting voyage has only just begun, Libra. You are exploring the world around you through intimate connection with others and a powerful component of that process takes you right back to yourself. It is vitally important for you to recognize the degree to which you are becoming more familiar with yourself in these deeper places, and how that increase in understanding eventually morphs into enhanced feelings of personal security, and a better sense of your own home base. New perspectives come to you rapid-fire in the course of this month's evolutionary journey of unfolding wisdom. They bring a glimpse of the ideal that you would very much like to aspire to, and might yet find the capacity for. An interesting amalgam of heart and mind takes you both farther out and simultaneously further in.

As the month begins, you are still taking in the revelations from the Full Moon eclipse in your second sector of values and resources. This stretched you and brought up issues of self and other, and of the exploration of your own inner world versus relying on the pronouncements of partners, or the surrounding society, to tell you when you are OK. If you might have been feeling that the financial gifts the universe has to offer have been coming a little stingy lately and this could be affecting your sense of security, the good news is that there is a feeling of psychological security that stems from deep within you, and that you are plumbing now.

This is also the time of the Uranus-Pluto square, and that beam of revolutionary insight is also directed right at you, where you live. Pluto resides in your sector of home, family and tribe, meaning that these hugely important factors in your life are undergoing a restructuring. This could be affecting you quite literally in terms of your physical dwelling space, and still more likely, metaphorically. Your sense of psychological security also comes from good connections at the very roots of your being, and these connections, like partnership ones, are vital to your continued well being.

In relationship also you are experiencing a massive shift. All kinds of partnerships are involved, business as well as personal. There could be quite an eclectic assortment of ingredients to this particular area of our life right now, with electricity in the air in many different ways. This has either an uneasy feeling associated, because of the inherent instability, or else has proven exciting and revitalizing for the key partnerships in your life. In any case you have grown accustomed to change in this area.

Relationship is an important area of life for you, so that transformation there has its associated angst. In this regard it is quite significant that Pluto has been highlighted in the area that symbolizes your deep core process. There is a from of self-reliance that involves a reaction to the potential for linking up with others, a steering away out of self-defense, and also a way of being yourself that permits of fruitful connection and even fosters it. In the self-exploration that this month provides, you are enabling this transition.

Scorpio   Scorpio Symbol (October 23 - Nov 21)  Water.  Ruling planets Mars, Pluto.   

This is an exciting moment for you, Scorpio. You are learning constantly these days, with not all of the lessons planned, although the ones that come crashing in out of the blue somehow still seem to fit. Your evolutionary path is new, and yet also partakes of traditional ways of looking at the world. You are adjusting to a sense of limitation, allowing for it and making it work for you. Key relationships in your life have also taken on a novel form of luster, with perspective changes that are major; some pieces familiar, with a different twist, while others entirely unique in your experience. This is all part of an ongoing metamorphosis that affects everything, and that allows your everyday practice to shine with a subtle light that illumines distant horizons of meaning.

As the month begins, you are still reeling from the aftermath of the very powerful Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in your sign that took place on Thursday, April 25. This initiated a powerful time for you that was both contemplative and action-oriented. Partnership comes into consideration now since the eclipse was activating the first and seventh sectors of your solar chart, of self-identity and other-orientation. Saturn was conjoined with the eclipse Moon in your sign, opposed to the Sun in your opposite Taurus with your co-ruler Mars. The implication is that a concentration and focus is applied to issues of self and other, both in the current month and for several months to come. You are in any case fascinated with depth partnership connection, and are taking a closer look, which involves the long-term lessons as well as the slowing down and holding back effects of Saturn.

With Mars opposed to Saturn as the month of May begins, there is a degree of blocking of forward momentum that is in the air for everyone, and most notably for you in particular, since these very planets are emphasized by their position in your solar chart. You are feeling the exquisite frustration of thwarted desire, and can decide to rage or sulk, and you can also choose to use these sensations wisely, as a way of focusing in on what is truly important to you. Everything in the cosmos has its special benefit for we earth-dwellers, even when it seems difficult to find the blessing.

It is also important to note that the other powerhouse outer planets of Neptune, Uranus and Pluto are strongly invoked all month long, as the square aspect between Uranus and Pluto comes to its third exact alignment of seven on Monday, May 20th. These latter two archetypes are therefore affecting each other, creating an evolutionary pressure that hits you in particular areas. Uranus is currently located in the sixth sector of your solar chart, corresponding to health and day-to-day concerns, and to finding your dharma, your true path forward. By contrast, Pluto is found in your third sector of communication and learning. It could easily be that your life will radically alter in both these areas over the course of a creative summer.

Pluto brings material up from your very depths, revealing deeper desires and needs than you are able to consciously grasp, or be entirely ready to acknowledge. The cast-off parts of yourself that you might encounter could be scary at times, and yet benefit you as well when you can stay the course and get to know them a bit better.

Toward month's end, nebulous Neptune becomes even more emphatically highlighted, located in your creativity sector. Your persona automatically takes on a more otherworldly presence as your self-expression waxes mystical. You might try to hide in your armor of normality, but this essence has a way of showing as you communicate and artistically offer yourself to others around you.

Sagittarius  Sagittarius Symbol (Nov 22 - Dec 21)  Fire.  Ruling planet Jupiter.   

This month represents your next step, Sagittarius, although at least initially things might look sketchier than that. There is a crux of transformational energy directed toward you and through you that allows you to make a significant move. This seems confusing at times, but actually represents steady momentum along the evolutionary arc of personal development that you have long been sensing. Relationship is a huge factor in this transition, and helps you to make space for both thinking and feeling your way through. You are challenged to make use of a growing sense of practical spirituality that is being presented to you by the cosmos, in order that you prosper internally. This creates a lasting adjustment to your relationship dynamic that allows your partnerships to breathe, and the rest of your life as well.

As the month begins, you are faced with extra challenges that stem from the time of the recent Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, from the middle of the previous week, which took place in your house of dream work and inner process. The natural ruler of this sector of your solar chart is Neptune. Since Saturn currently resides there as well, conjunct the eclipse Moon, there is a concentration of your energy for inward-turning imagination. Yet Saturn is made of more practical stuff, and speaks to the limitations and the practicality of the physical world, while Neptune's realms are more magical and mystical, best expressed in music, poetry and dance. For many weeks now you have been dealing with this basic conflict of archetypes, typified by a strange focus on your inner world that does not easily find its resolution.

Just as the practical concerns represented by Saturn are tugging at you to provide greater focus to the little-understood, deeper and more hidden parts of yourself, Mars comes into the picture in strong opposition to Saturn. Mars together with the Sun in your sixth sector of work, health and day-to-day concerns implies that you are struggling to discover a path that is consistent with soul purpose. This aspect remains active through the beginning of the current month and indicates that the urge to push forward is being held back in a kind of pressure cooker effect, which increases the energy while concentrating it. This feels like frustration, but as you deal with it, ultimately implies greater awareness of what your true desires really are.

Over the course of this pivotal month of May, the radical shift implied by Uranus-Pluto in square perfects for one more go, the third of seven exact hits over the course of this half-decade. This month is therefore a quite crucial one for you as you find your way forward into your next major phase. Partners continue to be a huge factor in the shift in values and in creative self-expression that accompanies the revolutionary times, both personal and cultural, implied by this major alignment.

Uranus placed in your fifth sector of creativity unlocks your powers in unusual ways. You find surprising enlightenment around every corner, and your artistic self-expression reflects it. Meanwhile, Pluto in your sector of values and resources churns away. In that department; you are shedding whatever has lost its aliveness for you; perhaps financial success no longer dominates in the same way that it once did, or your efforts there becomes modified so as to provide a deeper and more real sense of security. The ground beneath you is transforming and you must alter your stance in accommodation or be caught off-balance. The good news is that you are doing just that, one way or another, as you continue to tune in to what is happening for you below the more obvious surface.

Capricorn  Capricorn Symbol (Dec 22 - Jan 19)  Earth.  Ruling planet Saturn.   

The adventure continues, Capricorn. This is a difficult period in some ways, as deep transformational change is not an easy path. Acting in accordance with core-level principles becomes a studied artistic expression and remains a work in progress. You are finding that the urge to simply be yourself and for discovering what that might truly mean for you has crucial ramifications for how you set your future course. There is a way that you can remain perfectly happy, in spite of circumstances, in spite of everything; this is an elusive target, requiring a leap of faith. You are setting new standards for accomplishment, which have recently tended toward inner achievement prioritized over outer. Now, this month, you are perhaps beginning to admit this to your conscious awareness as an explicitly stated goal.

As the month begins, you are still rolling in the wake of the very powerful Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse that took place on Thursday, April 25th, in your house of future plans. You have been very invested recently in the area of your life symbolized by this sector of your solar chart, which also includes friendships and group affiliations, as well as the way that you plug yourself in to the spinning gears of social progress. In this way you choose that portion of society's unfolding evolution that you feel inspired to foster through active participation. With the eclipse lighting up your ruler, Saturn, there, your focus on this important area of your life is magnified.

There is also the near collision this month of Uranus with Pluto, in terms of their square alignment, which is increasingly active now and becomes exact by the 20th of May. Since these powerhouse planetary archetypes reside in cardinal signs, this is especially poignant for you, with Pluto, representing massive transformation, progressively more highlighted in your identity sector. The symbolism there suggests that not only are you going through big changes, but that these are long-term in your best interest. Just as a rose bush needs occasional pruning, there are parts of you that become stuck and non-operational for the continued growth that is life itself. A clearing out becomes necessary, and humans being what they are, it might sometimes seem like overkill, the wrecking ball that destroys the entire existing structure in order that it be rebuilt closer to your true heart's desire.

Meanwhile, Uranus in your sector of security and home base has been both an inspiration and a bit of a trial as well. You might feel as though you were living in a house on roller skates, with nothing taking for granted any more. You might also feel exhilarated with the rapid motion, perhaps a recent move or opening up of family or household to new influences. As the transformational pressure continues to mount, you might be able to accommodate these changes relatively gracefully as in any case something to live through and to enjoy as much as you can. Although fears get in the way at times, a simple figure and ground reversal makes this kaleidoscope home life suddenly fun.

It is also important to note that, as the month continues to unfold, a profound and mystical learning process is taking place within you. This has the effect of making everything resonate with a deeper meaning that you see and hear on the surface level. Inner and outer can be seen as but two sides of the very same coin. It could amount to an important transition for you, when you can let go of logical practicality to follow wholeheartedly the unreal authenticity of your deep intuitive understanding.

Aquarius  Aquarius Symbol (Jan 20 - Feb 18)  Air.  Ruling planets Uranus, Saturn.   

You are turning to the inside, Aquarius, at the same time as you continue to bask in outer world achievement. As you come to understand your own deeper motivation, an evolutionary pressure builds within that inspires you to learn a new language of the soul. Communication and learning are your favorite things, and this is where you are truly at, as information — amidst a series of profound changes — continues to pour forth from you and to you. The world of events and of outward presentation is one important key to who you are, and yet you are beginning to acknowledge that your performance also rests on another base; a reality orientation of a subtler kind. This one brings your hidden places to light and allows the dark and relatively unconscious parts of yourself to join in and to finally have their voice.

As the month begins, you are being almost gratefully pulled in two very different directions all at once. The outer world holds great power and promise for you now, as was perhaps even more clearly revealed in wake of the recent Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse from the middle of last week, which took place in your sector of career and professional life. It is true that the recognition that you deserve and also to some extent seek these days has been given a few incredible boosts recently, and it is equally true that another part of yourself remains deeply private also, as symbolized by the Sun and Mars in conjunction in your house of home, family and tribe.

Meanwhile, this is also the month of the next re-occurrence of the outer planet square alignment that characterizes this decade of revolutionary and evolutionary activity, namely that of transformative Pluto, in your house of dream work and inner process, in profound collision with Uranus, your ruler, located in your communications sector. It could be that your most important commutative efforts lately involve this deeper part of yourself that rarely sees the daylight of conscious awareness, and yet is currently coming out in a more and more definitive way. It could also be that hidden complexes and woundings are coming closer to the surface as a result or your conscious collaboration with this deeper portion of yourself.

You also have to consider the highlighted presence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, currently residing in your sector of resources and values, and also a big part of your current picture, remaining in strong aspect both to your ruler and as well to a similarly placed Pluto. Over the course of an intense month, buried trauma could surface. With your unique perspective on life, you could also have issues — exacerbated now — with ever being positioned in such a way as to feel entirely comfortable in your own skin; at home in the world and fully secure. All this could come forward for acceptance and healing.

You win when you can put aside your fears and gaze unflinchingly at your hidden places, therefore being able to simply acknowledge the unseen depths within you; by giving them an equal voice along with your more obvious conscious part of yourself, you come a long way forward in your almost secret agenda of creating more interior integration within you. Then, you can take in your outer world accolades more gracefully, as one reflection on the wider possibilities that you have engendered — wholly characteristic of the real you.

Pisces  Pisces Symbol (Feb 19 - March 20)  Water. Ruling planets Neptune, Jupiter.   

An unusual season holds sway, Pisces. You are coming into yourself in some very novel and exciting ways, so that you discover a renewed sense of inner purpose. Security is there for you in plentiful supply, with a feeling of extraordinary confidence at the very core of your being that does not correspond to any easily recognizable cause. You seem to be clutching at the void and yet it is creative, graspable, only not in ordinary terms. You require a sort of double-vision to maintain your equilibrium now, a willingness to let the cosmos have its way with you; all the while the deal remains in effect that when you need to return to mundane affairs for this or that particular moment you will be able to.

As the month begins, you are on an immense learning curve, likely still digesting the intensity from the Full Moon eclipse from the middle of last full week in April. The eclipse Moon was in conjunction with Saturn in your sector of higher mind. The presence of studious Saturn there implies that you have been focalized on a shift in worldview; absorbing intuitive information and decoding clues that over these next few years will take you though an important doorway. This could also be a time of concentration of your energies in the direction of teaching, learning or encountering alien cultures or ideas foreign to your own. All of these possibilities contribute to the expansion of your perspective. Since Saturn represents a slowing down of your energies in this area of higher mind pursuits, it has the effect of making your focus there more concrete.

As you increase your focus on higher knowledge, there is also the highlighted presence of your ruler Neptune near the beginning of your sign, so that you are going through an identity shift that brings you to a new sense of self. This also allows you to forge new pathways to the future, since the other two heavyweight outer planets, Uranus and Pluto, are coming together for their next exact hit of their square alignment this month as well. Unpredictable Uranus in your sector of resources and values, together with Pluto in that of goals and societal connection, are amping each other up, so that these areas of your life are vitally active now, and also more closely connected to each other.

The way that you define your contribution to the direction of society, in concert with your morphing self-image, is therefore making a similarly intense shift over these pivotal years leading to the middle of the decade. You could find that the things that used to excite you no longer do, as you prepare to put your efforts behind new ways of thinking, being and relating. You were perhaps more complacent in the past and are now less so. Although perhaps never fully content with the status quo of the social matrix, you are more determined than ever to make a difference to it.

You could thus be redefining yourself in terms of service to the surrounding collective. You could also be pulling back from a sense of personal exploitation that you have been experiencing, through no real fault of your own. Something is radically changing deep within you, so that your life on the other side of this divide will be forever changed.

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Overview of the Planets this month:                                Top

The Enlightening Transformations of May

The big news this month is the converging of Uranus and Pluto for their third encounter of the close kind, which happens on May 20th.

The Astrology of May features Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto plus two eclipses. Mercury runs through Taurus during the first part of May, being conjunct to the May 9th Solar Eclipse taking place in the 20th degree of that sign, which also conjuncts the South Node of the Moon and makes a quintile aspect to idealistic Neptune. Mercury then enters Gemini, the sign of its rulership, on the 15th, just in time to host the Sun for the powerful Gemini-Sagittarius Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse of May 24th, the third eclipse in just this one thirty-day period, encouraging us to think as well as feel our way through. Eclipses are more intense lunations — as recent headlines also indicate — making these transformative times that we are currently managing to live through even more poignant and accelerating the drum beat of change.

The big news this month is the converging of Uranus and Pluto for their third encounter of the close kind. This happens on May 20th. There were two previous exact hits last year of their revolutionary and pressure-packed square, out of a total of seven, with reverberations echoing down to the final years of these "Turbulent Teens." We are, all of us, caught up in the vice of change and we might as well acknowledge this simple and straightforward fact. No one will emerge in the same condition as they started. The culture itself will undergo massive and radical transformation before we are finished, or else we are finished in quite another sense of the word. We must hang together now in collective action that is both local and ultimately global, or we will dangle separately.

Not only is Uranus in Aries amped up, bringing unique ideas and out-of-the-box strategies to bear, but also Pluto is emphasized in Capricorn, representing societal structure, which indicates that the very bedrock of our individual as well as our collective lives must transform. What is dysfunctional and outmoded in our approach will have to be pruned away. This is also the sign of Saturn's rulership, and as this two-month period unfolds, Saturn in fading sextile to Pluto begins to make an increasingly close trine aspect to Neptune. We can dream big during this period, and we can also see our dreams come crashing down to a more practical level. When that happens the recommendation is that we do not despair. It is rather — having utmost faith in the universe, whether termed Spirit, or higher Self, or angel guidance — that we choose to rebuild as necessary.

The otherworldly Neptunian archetype is not only aspected by the May 9th New Moon eclipse but also is extremely activated by the May 24th event, when the Sun and Moon in exact opposition make a T-square to Neptune. This is a time when idealism holds sway, and when this can and will be confused with illusion, potentially tinged with self-deception or even outright deception that we might encounter on th part of others. The upside of all this Neptune energy is that we can more fully appreciate that we live in a magical and multi-dimensional world, where everything that we see and hear tells only a small part of the story. As the poet William Blake reminds us, "How do you know but every bird that cuts the airy way, is an immense world of delight, closed by your senses five?" And we ourselves are like those birds, when we can suspend disbelief and open our minds to the parts of ourselves that allow us to dream.

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