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(Refreshto load most current page)      Horoscope - October 2013    by Henry Seltzer

You'll get a more accurate horoscope if you read your Rising sign, and your Moon sign, as well as your Sun sign. Here's how:

Your Sun sign represents your Self, your way of being in the world. It can represent both the ego (mental) self and the higher Self (soul purpose). It symbolizes your will and sense of vitality.
Your Sun sign horoscope will tell you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

Your Rising sign represents your outer mask, the self you show to others. It symbolizes how you appear to others, how others perceive you, in your true interaction with the world.
Your Rising sign horoscope will tell you what to expect in these areas of your self this month.

Your Moon sign symbolizes your personal self, your feelings, your subconscious. It represents how you relate to others, how you have nurturing relationships with others, your intuition, your spiritual self, your sense of security, and your habits. The Moon symbolizes your feminine, nurturing side (we all have one).
The Moon also indicates the type of partner you will attract, since it represents your emotional self.
Your Moon sign horoscope will show you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

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     Aires   Taurus   Gemini   Cancer   Leo   Virgo   Libra   Scorpio   Sagitt   Capric   Aquar   Pisces   Overview

Aires  Aires Symbol (March 21 - April 19)  Fire.  Ruling planet Mars.    Top

This is a big month for you, Aries, and it involves others as well as yourself. Your idea you have been getting into lately of being in the sole possession of your own unique destiny is well-justified, and yet partnership is an equally essential ingredient for you in this period of major change. The essence of life is more than the surface components, and that deeper factor consists of paradoxical truth that can represent an opposite without somehow a contradiction. Thus, you need others and are even constrained by that need, yet then again you have nothing really to limit or constrain you but your own evolving self-identity that has no physical boundary. Similarly, as the month progresses, in one way your path lies clearly before you but in another you are confused and barely feeling your way.

As the month begins, you might find that you are still feeling the effects of paradox and deep interior meditation brought about over these last few days of the previous month when partnership and also inner work were both highlighted. You have been in a process of reassessment ever since the Last Quarter Moon of September 26th. You are in a mode of taking in surprising revelations coupled with an urgency to do something about them, even if only internally for now. Especially if you were born in late March you have been through the wringer recently, with some of the most intense effects still to take place over the remaining three months of the year.

Uranus and Pluto are coming closer to their next exact hit, and the lunations of these ending months are triggering their action and making more evident their factor of massive transformation. Like the reverberations of a bell that grow stronger with each blow of the striking hammer, each of the seven exact hits that Uranus forms with Pluto of their square alignment during this decade of the "turbulent teens" has additional meaning that takes what the universe has to tell you from a vague whisper to a shout. The more conscientious you are about tuning in the less the shock builds up. Ignoring the message for as long as possible will have its definite price when next these planets align with the angular houses of your solar chart, as is coming up in November and further into the holiday season.

We can categorize the major transformation that you are involved with as affecting both life structure and also delicate sensibilities that are more appropriate to monastic mediation than to the more obvious form of activities in the playing field of the physical plane. Partnership with others in your life is another current factor that will affect how these changes and challenges strike you in the present month. This relates back to the recent entry of the Sun into Libra, your opposite sign, and comes to a peak with both the New Moon of October 4th and also the Lunar Eclipse in your sign two weeks later. Neptune is involved most especially in the latter configuration, making the eclipse period a moment of both spiritual uplift and also potential confusion in earthly matters.

The planetary archetype of Neptune is active in your twelfth sector of dream imagination and inner work, where an activated Chiron also resides. Neptune represents the numinous spiritual presence of other dimensions than the purely physical, and thus represents unconscious process that you cannot see and feel by means of your five physical senses, but only indirectly. This can of course be confusing. You are being encouraged, on the part of a benevolent cosmos, to embrace paradox. When you are willing to try to hold two contradictory ideas in your head all at once, such as your need for freedom and your need for collaboration, you are on your way.

Taurus  Taurus Symbol (April 20 - May 20)  Earth.  Ruling planet Venus.    

Your world is growing wider, Taurus. This is a big month of change for you, presaging further transformation still to come as you head into the fall and winter. You are getting the feeling for what it is that you have to do to reclaim your destiny, and it is your own unique way through. Yet still, intimacy with important others in your life remains a necessary ingredient, especially after the first weekend of the month, when you may feel a shift into a more inclusive mode of relating. This could include a more compassionate approach to others and also toward yourself at the deeper levels of your being. To reach out to others you must reach inside, and to find your way forward into clarity you must be willing to muddy the waters of everything that you once believed.

As the month begins, you are likely still somewhat reeling from the impression made by the September 26th Last Quarter Moon. This heralded a time that includes this first week of October when you are very much aware on the one hand of your powerful ideals and quest for collaborative partnership to help you in fulfilling them, and on the other of your need to be setting your feet quite firmly on your own unique path. Mentors can seem to either help or to hinder, and idealism can alternate with over-commitment and potential illusion about what is possible as you move forward.

These conflicting ideas add up to a potentially quite confusing time over the course of this month's arc of unfolding, perhaps in no area more so than in the area of partnership. You have amazing resources at your disposal in this current monthly timeframe but you must use them wisely. Along the lines of spiritual development or inner work you are in alignment with cosmic forces that will see you through to new high water mark in evolutionary development. In more mundane contexts they lose some steam and tend to bring barriers and self-deception rather than sparkling progress.

Throughout the next lunation cycle you could find that you have extraordinary demands placed upon you, which can be more or less difficult depending on your previous efforts at making peace with your destiny. If you have in fact been ignoring the indications of where you might be intended to be heading – and this of course refers more to inner than to outer requirements – than you naturally have greater ground to cover in order to catch up. The evolutionary pressure represented by the Uranus – Pluto square continues to build, and is located within your solar chart in philosophically intense placements, namely in your sector of dream imagination and inner work (Uranus) and in that of higher mind pursuits and foreign perspectives (Pluto). You might find that unexpected events or epiphanies come along to change your thinking in these areas, or to invalidate plans that you had made. Perhaps new arrangements regarding teaching or travel will suddenly spring into being in an entirely unplanned manner.

By symbolic correlation with numinous Neptune, along the lines of the purely physical plane, your journey right now is further confused; however this reverses and your life becomes enhanced when you take this otherworldly viewpoint more directly into account. Neptune's numinous energy strongly influences your sector of societal involvement and future vision, giving you important clues for your best way forward into a future that you can not only live with, but also for.

  Gemini Symbol (May 21 - June 20)  Air.  Ruling planet Mercury.    

Your unique self-expression is sizzling, Gemini. A disorienting sense of participation mystique has overtaken you and nothing is quite the same as it once was. Your outlook on fame and outer world presence is deeply compassionate now, and it affects how you see your future progress. Your very identity is shifting and encouraging you to vision new possibilities for yourself, and in decidedly unexpected ways. As you experiment and begin to allow yourself to think outside of the box, you cannot help but embrace a vastly different viewpoint on your participation in the surrounding society, and your concept of service to the world at large, especially after the 21st when your ruler, Mercury, is in retrograde. Everything in your life in flux, so that all you can do is consult your intuitional inner knowing and move ahead as best as you can. Fortunately, it is enough.

As the month begins, you are engaged in a deeply meditative review of life and love, and more importantly your own unique pathway through it all that you are forging. This is one that you must make for yourself, in spite of the aid that could also be forthcoming from friends, or from helpful partners. Neptune remains activated, throughout the month, near the top of your solar chart, representing career and professional life, so that plans there remain more nebulous than you might have hoped, with also a tinge of visionary longing.

The New Moon at week's end opposite Uranus in your sector of societal involvement also implies that intuition and spontaneity are on the rise regarding both friendships and your future plans. With Uranus so intensely emphasized, and so placed in your solar chart, you have a powerfully visionary and forward-going future concept that is impossible to ignore. This will take you far, the more so when you can fully allow yourself to open to the entire spectrum of your possibilities.

Pluto is also emphasized in this month's configurations, and, being located in your sector of intimacy and personal transformation, symbolizes your engagement in the transformation of your general approach for many areas of your life. You are delving down into the deep unknown portions of your psyche, there to uncover your true desires, the wellsprings of your motivation. You might also encounter where past trauma has conditioned you to negative habitual responses that you benefit from more closely looking into. This might be true more specifically with regard to friendships or intimate partnerships in your life, which are in a huge process of transformation.

Your ruler, Mercury, begins retrograding in your service sector the last third of the month, and on into November. there are indications that you will spend quite a lot of time reflecting and as you do, reviewing the details of your day-to-day involvement with your work scene or with habitual structures of play and exercise. You might be changing your perceptions there over the course of these weeks, lasting until almost the end of November when you take the shadow period into account. You could emerge out the other side with the determination that you begin allowing for your idealistic future vision to become more concretely realized.

Cancer  Cancer Symbol (June 21 - July 22)  Water.  Ruling planet is the Moon.    

This is a vitally interesting October for you, Cancer. You are continuing to transform at the very core of your being, and it involves a thoroughgoing reconstruction of the way that you do interpersonal relationships without sacrificing your own self-expression and self-determination. When you look at it in a different way, what seems on first analysis to limit you can become a driving strength. In the midst of rapid change, you have perhaps been struggling to define yourself in a way that makes sense to you. This quest is accentuated in the later part of the month, when Mercury begins retrograding through your self-expression sector. You are in some important ways rethinking your creative output. A way of seeing the world around you in more compassionate terms might provide further keys to what you are trying to accomplish.

As the month begins, you are in a meditative mode of reassessment and inner research, following upon the interesting Last Quarter Moon of September 26th when the Moon in your sign brought you out socially, while simultaneously the Sun residing in your home and family sector by contrast took you farther and deeper toward the exploration of your inner world. The prominence at that time of Neptune in your sector of higher mind represents a similar symbolism of inner over outer, fantasy over reality. This presents you with another conundrum since the reality orientation of Saturn is also plentiful for you this month in your solar chart. You are therefore entertaining feelings of greater responsibility to convention, and to others in your life, while at the same time being drawn in accordance with these more subtle inner requirements to the important act of determining the proper overall path to tread.

Uranus forms a strong component of this picture as well. With his trickster energy of sporadic fits and starts located in your career sector, the implication is that all outer world considerations are in huge flux for you right now. Since Uranus combines strongly with Pluto, residing in your relationship sector, this also involves the discovery of novel concepts of how partnership actually operates in your life, and how your relationships can contribute to your outer world pursuits. Their forming square is becoming quite close now, implying that both relationship and also the way that you show up in the world in general partake at this time of revolution that is actually spiritual evolution.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is also powerfully configured for your solar chart in this month's lunations. You are likely to come to realizations about where you have been wounded in the past, and how you can use the present moment to help mend these tears in your psychic fabric. Although nothing that has taken place in prior years can be changed, attitude can yet make a world of difference in the way that you relate to your inner world, and in the way you hold the memory of these difficult and traumatic events.

With Saturn, ruler of your relationship sector, in the picture now as well, and is located in your sector of creative self-expression. As Saturn is being conjoined by a retrograding Mercury in the latter part of the month, you might well feel that you are reconsidering everything of importance in your life as the month transitions into November and then the holiday season. This will be a season of sharing that will turn out to include not only gifts, but your deepest self-examination along the lines of home, family and relationship dynamics.

Leo  Leo Symbol (July 23 - August 22)  Fire.  Ruling planet is the Sun.    

This is a good month for learning and growing, Leo. You find yourself in some strange conceptual territory, with hardly anyone to guide you, so that you must become the local expert on unfamiliar terrain. Enlightenment dawns not slowly but in rapid fits and starts. Your concept of home family and tribe, your basis for psychological security, as well as other important ties, is changing and being refined by means of a process of deep reflection. You might sometimes feel like you are participating in a mystical game of self and other, with no boundaries and with no real rules, so that you have to make them up as you go along. Somewhere down deep inside yourself you believe that this is all for a very real soul purpose, so that embracing this concept could prove be your guiding light.

As the month begins, you are feeling the pinch of circumstance. You are engaged in reviewing your entire situation and attempting to find the pieces that fit and examine those that do not with a strong motivation to make necessary changes. This will vary from individual to individual, but the chances are that some element of perception that has been omitted from your conscious understanding until recently is beginning to grow on you in such a way as to demand more concrete results. There is an obvious idealism that you must be present to in order to have the vision for change, and a gut-level determination that demands that you see it through.

With the Sun, your ruler, occupying the communications sector of your solar chart, there may be a new willingness now to engage in learning activity of an important kind, as well as be more communicative about what you are going through to trusted others in your circle of advisors or perceptive partners. Throughout the first week of the month these intuitions grow and you feel the restlessness implicit in inaction until perhaps coincident with the energy of the New Moon, you stop resisting and begin to actually do something about it.

Both Uranus and Pluto are activated at the end of this first week, and represent a one-two punch of impressive dimensions that incline you to new and more productive vision. You are feeling the conviction that you need to make your life count for more than just a placeholder for the common conceptions of consensus thinking. Pluto resides in your sector of day-to-day concerns and health regimens so that these areas might be up for review, as well as how you show up in the world in greater or lesser alignment with your deepest soul purpose. Your way forward is unique to yourself or it is not working for you any longer. These subjects become the object of a more meditative concern later in the month, after Mercury has begin its retrograde motion in your sector of home and family, and your psychological roots.

How you choose to handle the tough aspects of this monthly time frame has implications as well for the intimate relationships of your life, which are also in transition. There you might feel the pull of both idealism and confusion, and the painful necessity to dig down deep within yourself to see what you can of what makes you tick as you pursue close connection with others. You go far by accepting that you are in transition, that the cosmos is your friend, and that everything that is happening to you now is for a real reason. By simply putting one foot ahead of the other with some degree of faith in your process you are doing a lot to sustain yourself in the midst of change, and to make a productive start on these next few months when your world is in further major flux.

Virgo  Virgo Symbol (August 23 - September 22)  Earth.  Ruling planet Mercury.   

You are in the midst of a process of powerful change, Virgo, and there is no longer any sense in attempting to deny it. As you move through major seismic personality shifts this month you are also focused on the resources that you bring to the table, including your finances. You are learning to see fluctuations there as part of a useful process of integration with other values that you hold dear, although not necessarily at the forefront of your consciousness. Your ruler, Mercury, turns to retrograde motion later in the month in your communications sector, and you might feel almost shut down in this area, and forced back to yourself, which brings your inner work to even greater focus. The world of your vast and yeasty interior has its own hidden agenda that has brought you this far, and from which you ultimately benefit. By valuing the internal process that moves you toward wholeness and integration, you honor yourself at these deeper levels.

As the month begins, you are comfortable in you own skin, with the Moon crossing into your sign. You are also in a meditative mode, still taking in recent information that came to you over the last few days, likely from both external and internal sources, following the Last Quarter Moon of September 26th. This phase, lasting through the first few days of the present month, aligns with a thorough-going reassessment of everything that has gone before it in the lunar cycle, and is a particularly important juncture for your particular sign, because your ruler, Mercury, has been making important aspects to transformative Pluto, indicating that transformation is up.

The subsequent transits of October bring the outer planet energies of Uranus and Pluto more completely into the picture; although in many ways these two powerhouse planets have been active in your solar chart for the last few years. It might be only now that you are beginning to really catch on that the signals are there for you to observe: your world is changing, and in unexpected ways. This is really nothing but a good thing, since stasis is impossible in nature, where everything that lives remains in constant flux.

With Neptune at an angular placement in your solar chart, residing your relationship sector, you might find you're your concept of partnership interaction is idealized and also somewhat confusing, ethereal and misty-vague. You are aware that something about your significant relationship energy has a strong dose of Spirit about it now, and could perhaps be providing an opening for better exploring your own emotional depths. Thus, as your self-concept continues to evolve, partnership issues are idealized and difficult to pin down in concrete terms.

Since Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is also activated in this same sector of your solar chart, it is also possible that old wounds or habitual reaction patterns will arise in the context of interpersonal connection. If so, the best idea is, by silently witnessing your reactivity, to dispassionately explore these areas, likely the residue of unresolved childhood trauma. When you make better friends with your own internal process in this fashion, you pave the way for better acceptance and healing of these wounded places within you.

Libra  Libra Symbol (September 23 - October 22)  Air.  Ruling planet Venus.    

This is an important time of transition for you Libra, as your birthday season continues to unfold. Your world is being made new again, but it is a very different one than you inhabited even a few short months ago. At the same time as you revel in outer pursuits, you are being guided to the inside by unseen presences that have your own best interest at heart. You have in some ways recently been through a wringer of difficult emotions, but with a fundamentally optimistic attitude that stands you in good stead. You are more fortunate in your material standing than recent appearances would indicate. Mercury is retrograding through your resources sector later in the month and you enter into a meditative exercise in deciding just what it is that you truly value.

As the month begins, you are still very much riding the currents that were stirred by the powerful Last Quarter Moon in your career sector that took place late in the final week of September. This was a time when you were urged toward a meditative and reflective mode, in keeping with the ending phase of this lunar cycle, and when also you were drawn to make a more profound exploration of your emotions than is natural for your airy nature. You feel something powerfully stirring on the inside and it is difficult to characterize with the hard and fast logical mental tools supplied by consensus thinking. You might be ready to go beyond the bounds of what you previously thought you knew into the unknown territory of the deeper psyche.

There has been for you an emphasis this past week on Neptune, and on Mars, that lasts into the first half of October. While Mars represents the physical, and the more normative male-oriented outgoing assertive principle, and rules your relationship sector, Neptune represents numinous otherworldly planes of existence beyond the purely physical, where the soul actually dwells. Since both are active now, and because Neptune is located in your sector of day-to-day work and habitual practice, as well as service to others and higher purpose, all these areas are tinged with something strange, the feeling that, in the midst of the ordinary, a sense of the mystical is upon you, or what in Zen practice is called the creative void. You are learning, perhaps, to accept the idea of paradox; that in fact the opposite of what is for you a great truth need not be eliminated, but might turn out to be yet another great truth.

As you attempt to integrate concepts of uncertainty and the potential richness of your inner world, you are even more aware of the presence of the two other outer planet energies. Prominent in this month's line-ups as well are trickster Uranus and the radically transformational energy of Pluto. This is so especially at the time of the New Moon in your sign of October 4th. Uranus is located near the descendant of your solar chart, thus in your relationship sector, and brings surprises to this area, with the secret gift of unexpected enlightenment. There could be habitual ways you have been relating to significant persons in your life that are overdue for a second look or even a total revamp. This kind of reevaluation is never easy, but your understanding of where you are situated with respect to important others might be up for a lightening bolt of awareness that brings to renewed consciousness all that you have long ago buried away with the vault of your unconscious process.

Pluto, the wrecking ball, also has his place for you now, as you take more decisive action on behalf of long-hidden soul agendas that have been emerging into the light of your more recent understanding. Pluto as well as Uranus is located on an angular placement, namely your nadir, there to generate transformation in areas of home, family and tribe, places within your psyche that are responsible for your feelings of soul-level psychological security. You are therefore in the uncomfortable position of a person who is trying to stay on their feet while having the rug pulled out from under them, or who is sawing away at unnecessary deadwood on a tree limb that is unfortunately also their support.

Since your ruler, Venus, has been traversing through your sector of values and resources, where Saturn is also located in strong aspect to Pluto, there is a multiplicity of archetypal symbolism for the shake-up that you are increasingly going through. Saturn being located in your sector of values and resources, including your financial resources, implies a period of focus, and also of limitation. As you navigate the twists and turns of your pathway forward into this end of year time frame, it is helpful to recognize that austerity is part of the plan. All you can do for the moment is to keep on keeping on, placing one foot ahead of the other in the hope that the mists will disperse and your path lie clear before you once more. With time, and with your faith in the universe to sustain you, all this and more will eventually come to pass.

Scorpio   Scorpio Symbol (October 23 - Nov 21)  Water.  Ruling planets Mars, Pluto.   

This is quite a mystical month that you find yourself in the midst of, for several reasons. One is that the New Moon near the beginning of the month takes place in your sector of dream imagination and inner work. This is a profound time for you, and one in which you are encouraged to grow in your understanding of inner priorities. Another factor is that, just as the Full Moon of October 18th manifests, your ruler, Mars, moves into your sector future plans and there exactly opposes nebulous Neptune. As the Sun comes into your sign later in the month, Mercury begins to move backward through it as well, initiating a meditative and reflective period of time that lasts, when you take the time of Mercury's shadow period into account, nearly all the way through November. These cosmic indications are quite telling. You will emerge out the other side of these next few months, leading up to December and the Winter Solstice, with a more open attitude toward what you truly hold dear, hidden away on the inside.

As the month begins, you are focused on communication, although not of the glibly talkative kind of which you have never really been so fond. Instead you are aligning with deep soul revealing utterances, which surprise even you at times with their intensity and their glimpses of an even more hidden meaning. Your co-ruler, Pluto, in your third sector of curiosity, of written and spoken communication and as well of teaching and learning, has some very strong connections to both Uranus in your service sector and to Saturn in your identity sector, not to mention Chiron in your sector of creativity and self-expression.

This is a philosophical and an inner time period for you, in these weeks leading up to your birthday time of the year, a period that is inevitably devoted to inner contemplation and the past as prologue to your next phase. Saturn, sitting on your forehead for many weeks and months, represents dour taskmasters who will nevertheless honor you with a deeper understanding of your truth when the time is right. You have felt his sense of isolation and his regimen of enforced limitation and slowing down of your activities in order to gain this understanding; and it is equally to recognize that the rewards of Saturn are there for you as well, although you have to enter into his tabernacle with a rather serious attitude in order to appreciate them.

This serious attitude is merited. You indubitably and irrevocably find yourself, along with everyone you know, in the midst of a series of profound changes. Their ultimate purpose is the only real question. You are discovering the pain of not knowing, and of having to follow your own instincts as a clue, without the comforting safeguard of a more refined and logic-based understanding. Only by painstakingly and carefully following the Ariadne's thread of your own inner process will you come to the center of the labyrinth, there to confront the monsters of your hidden wounding and the pot of gold that is the treasure of your own individuation that you so fervently seek

Mercury is slowing down this month, being about to enter its third and final retrograde period of the year. With Sun moving into your sign, and your co-ruler Mars getting ready to enter your networking sector by the time of Mercury's station on October 21st, you are both engaging in connection and equally shunning it over these last ten days of the month and on into November. It's an odd mix of energy. The Mercury Retrograde time is one when it is best to go slow and watch out for having to repeat an action several times before it's taking hold. This is also a time when you are enacting a more reflective stance, to match the deep intuitional process that has been engendered this month and your preoccupation with inner work. All this attention to your priority tasks as they present themselves will serve you as you continue to voyage onward into the teeth of the storm as one climactic year comes to an ending and another begins.

Sagittarius  Sagittarius Symbol (Nov 22 - Dec 21)  Fire.  Ruling planet Jupiter.   

The is an altogether beautiful and yet also a terrible time for you, Sagittarius, as you are brought face to face with your deep unconscious process of growth and change. This, in one way of looking at things, is a wonderful series of opportunities to affect the world around you in a vastly different way, and is also more than a little scary. You might feel as though you were caught in a trap of your own devising with no real escape. Being able to see the bars on your metaphorical cage has been however a truly positive development. You are in an excellent position now to do something concretely about your situation, in terms of visioning future possibilities for yourself in a way that syncs up with what your deep interior process has been whispering to you all along.

As the month begins, you are in a meditative mood, still reflecting on the emotional intelligence that has come your way in the wake of the powerful Last Quarter Moon of September 26th. This took place with the Sun newly entered into your sector of societal connection, squaring the Moon in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution. The Moon also at that time completed a grand trine in Water that aligned with your solar chart. It is possible that, since then, novel emotional frontiers have been opening up before you. You find yourself on a voyage of discovery, which you in any case love, although in this instance down into the deep interior spaces beyond and beneath the level of your conscious mind. You are being invited by the cosmos to connect – heart-fully and mindfully – with the emotional spirit deep inside you; and this is so that a new stage of integration might begin.

All three of the outer planet energies represented by Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are in aspect to the current lunations, and therefore emphasized. The first and last of these are a potent, even revolutionary combination, as they draw closer to their intense square that perfects by month's end. The Uranian wake-up call is combined with the destructive power of Pluto to make sure that transformation moves along.

Slippery Neptune remains in the mix as well, located in your sector of home, family, and tribe; thus your gateway to psychological security. He's a little crazy-making there, especially as emphasized as he has recently been, but this all comes out right in the end, once you fully adjust. You could be experiencing renewed profundity in your familial relationships, or these could somehow prove illusive or over-idealized. The same goes, in a different sense, for projects or activities around the home, such as a remodel, or with extended family. Whatever the surface details there might be that are connected with root psychological experience, the mission has to be the one that has heart.

Saturn in Scorpio is also very active in your solar chart, being aspected by Uranus and Pluto, as well as Chiron. The other Water Sign planet in the mix is a completely different sort of energy from Neptune, for the action of Saturn is to hold things back; rather than to be expansive, Saturn is limiting and contracting. Saturn resides currently in your sector of inner work and dream imagination, whose natural ruler is Neptune, signifying, the imaginary, glimmering and paradoxical half-truth rather than the concrete no-nonsense actual situation. Saturn located in this elusive sector implies that you are currently in the process of allowing the vastness and mystery of your inner world to be more directly perceived, made more concretely available. You might be going through some difficult times over this end-of-year period, and yet these are enlightening as well. You will emerge with an altered life structure, more solid and also transformed in important areas.

With Chiron, the Wounded Healer, highlighted and occupying your home and family sector along with Neptune, an important part of what comes through for you at this time might well be a new and more compassionate look at old patterns of behavior that have outlived their usefulness for you. These often stem from early childhood trauma that has not completely healed, but rather has been set aside with little or no connection to your conscious mind. Accepting these dark places within you is the most important thing that you can currently do for yourself. Better internal connection begins to flow just from taking that first step.

Capricorn  Capricorn Symbol (Dec 22 - Jan 19)  Earth.  Ruling planet Saturn.   

You are in many ways no longer the same person of a few years back that started down your present road, Capricorn. This month continues the intense lunations that have been so prevalent lately. You are seeing everything differently now, so that your very identity is no longer solid and unyielding but morphs and shift like quicksand beneath your feet. You could feel like you have nowhere to come home to anymore, but this too is an illusion. You have plenty of energy for putting yourself out into the world in new ways and the question is what stance to finally adopt in consideration of these changing realities. The time has come to place your faith in the grander vision that has come to replace the old standby. And this one more nearly corresponds to the new internal reality that has begun to tune you in.

As the month begins, you are feeling confident and yet also well aware of your responsibilities, both to the society that surrounds you, and, perhaps more importantly, to yourself. You are feeling even more poignantly the transformational pressure that has been upon you now for many weeks and months, referring to the growing necessity for making profound and meaningful changes in your life; and it has you more or less convinced. As is symbolized by the Sun in your career sector coming into closer connection with your ruler, Saturn, located in your sector of societal involvement and future plans, while also making intense aspects to transformative Pluto as well as to trickster Uranus, you are right now more fully invested than ever in both outer and also inner world requirements.

The pace has definitely been accelerating for your ongoing realizations about what you are really up to in your life at this time, and why, and where it might be that you need to be eventually heading. Pluto in your first sector in combination with Uranus and aspecting your chart ruler constitutes a powerful mandate for evolutionary change to be upon you. There is a strong sense of the importance of inner work as you do so, in contrast to your usual emphasis on getting things done out in the world, because Uranus is currently residing in your sector of home, family and tribe. It is also true that important others in your life also come into the picture, reflected by Jupiter transiting through your relationship sector. The ongoing stream of deep realizations surrounding your future patterns of connection becomes a flood over this end-of-year period that encourages you to cast off from your moorings at the dock of the past and begin to move beyond it.

This is a particularly important month to begin to sort things out. The lunations of October coming as they do in your sector of career and outer achievement, tempt you away from inner work and at the same time allow you to feel the incompleteness of a purely surface approach to what is going on with you over the course of this climactic year. At mid-month, when Mars, ruler of your home and family sector, makes its entrance into the sign of Virgo and thus your sector of higher mind, you might find that you feel the shift. You are attempting in this second half of the month to feel into a more profound understanding of what your deep intuition is trying to tell you.

The fact that Chiron is also powerfully invoked at this time contributes another significant factor to your ongoing process of spiritual evolution, an indication that, as you transform, old patterns of behavior might be coming up that reveal the places inside yourself that stem from early childhood trauma. Acceptance is the key. Once you move past your fears and into a more intentional involvement with their source, you will see an entirely different world begin to open up before you.

Aquarius  Aquarius Symbol (Jan 20 - Feb 18)  Air.  Ruling planets Uranus, Saturn.   

Your universe is changing, Aquarius. This is an important time of reaching out to others in a new way. As you rethink your presence on the public stage in the light of recent developments in your conceptualization of the world around you, there is a dawning that is taking place deep within you and there is no turning back. Vision precedes action. You are in many ways acting on existing professional goals, only with a subtle twist to the inside, as you begin to recognize the vital importance of hidden parts of yourself for everything that you say and do. With Mercury Retrograde in your career sector for the last part of this month, you are spending this time in an important process of recovering these missing puzzle pieces and fitting them back into your existing picture of how you operate.

As the month begins, you are philosophically inclined, working through a process of reassessment and coming to greater consciousness surrounding your actual working presence in the world. There is a powerful visionary presence implied by Mercury, newly entered into your career sector, in trine with numinous Neptune occupying your sector of resources and values. Your finances might be somewhat nebulous at this time, but you are the richer for it, in terms of self-appreciation and a thoughtful new take on what you are truly up to in this life.

The configurations of this month are challenging but also rewarding, as you begin to get the broader picture of what is going on, both within and also outside of you. As difficult as it might be to initially imagine, everything that is happening to you these days is part of a larger theme of interconnection. In this potent monthly cycle, Uranus and Pluto in square make up only one piece of the story, since Saturn, Neptune and even Chiron are also powerfully activated. Your co-rulers, Saturn and Uranus, are occupying rather different sectors of your solar chart, with Saturn in your fame sector, which presages public recognition for outer world achievement, and with Uranus located in your communications sector, making written and spoken productions paramount as you go through the changes that you, along with everyone else, undoubtedly continue to experience. It is clarifying to share your thinking with others around you, or with yourself in the form of journaling.

Pluto is located in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, normally Neptune's realm, and from that inner standpoint continues to wreck havoc with your normal conception of what goes on beneath the surface layers of your personality. As Freud and Jung famously discovered at the beginning of the previous century, what is below consciousness, and relatively inaccessible to it, is a vast and numinous arena that is far more central to the affairs of the outer world than we are normally able to admit with our logical minds. This month gives you a magnificent opportunity to transcend this boundary and enter into the richer and stranger world of your unconscious process.

As you do you are still responding to the exigencies of the physical world, which, with Saturn so strongly configured, is also symbolically quite active. It is difficult to be able to focus on both ends of this dyad but not impossible. The retrograde of Mercury later in the month through your sector of outer world involvement speaks to this issue, of being simultaneously inner and outer directed.

With Chiron in strong aspect to both Saturn and to Uranus, as Pluto aspects them both as well, you are also likely to have the opportunity for old trauma from the past to arise for the purpose of enabling you to find greater self-acceptance with regard to these ancient wounds. These likely stem from early childhood, when parental mis-direction or problems with peers caused you in painful reaction to bury part of yourself away into the unconscious, where these pieces of your personality could have become walled away from the surface layers of your personality. Any movement toward restoring your conscious awareness to these parts of yourself will be richly rewarded as your inner exploration continues, and will make that first important movement toward their healing.

Pisces  Pisces Symbol (Feb 19 - March 20)  Water. Ruling planets Neptune, Jupiter.   

This is a time of new beginnings of an interior variety, Pisces. You are always tuned to subtle vibrations and now you must listen carefully. There have been fluctuations in your finances, and these may be in the process of becoming even more massive, but greater insight is also available to you now. You are going down inside yourself in order to come up to the surface with your faculties more whole than when you started. With Mercury retrograding through your sector of higher mind, you are rethinking the ways that you have come to see the world around you and where that worldview might need to shift. You are being nudged by cosmic forces to find a new way of seeing, and of being, in the world, and it takes an act of faith.

As the month begins, you remain with the aftermath of the Last Quarter Moon of September 26th, which powerfully aspected your ruler, Neptune, located in the early degrees of your sign. This phase is in any case associated with a reassessment of what has been your experience of the preceding three weeks of the September lunar cycle. A grand trine in the Water element took place in sync with that rather difficult and intense configuration included Neptune and the Moon, along with both Chiron, also located in your identity sector, and Saturn in Scorpio in your sector of higher mind. You therefore have a greater degree of focus for delving down into your own unconscious process and for establishing a philosophical distancing from this material that is useful as you continue to attempt to make sense of it all.

This month is a powerful one for you, regarding both your sense of your own identity and the exploration of your inner world. Saturn is activated in your higher mind sector. The highlighted presence of both Uranus and of Pluto, in square with each other, and with Pluto residing in your sector of societal involvement, symbolizes an extreme evolutionary pressure to modify in some way the very structure of your beliefs and your future plans that are based on this way of perceiving the world around you. You could find within yourself a dogmatic tendency to speak out for a cause that you are actually on the point of abandoning, and this could be based on a very understandable fear of the unknown, as your life continues to change in unforeseen ways.

With Mercury retrograding through this same sector of higher mind later in the month, you will likely make many attempts to sort through what is going on inside of you at the present time. At some point you might have to simply let go and recognize that logical analysis fails to get to an entire understanding of the matter at hand, which is nothing less than a thorough reevaluation and recasting of your experience in a way that better integrates the less conscious parts of yourself to make a more well-rounded whole.

As you go through the relatively intense trials of this time period, and your thoughtful reactions to these, you could find that patterns of early wounding also come up for your consideration. There might be places within your psyche that you seldom visit, stemming from childhood years, when trauma that was too painful to remain conscious became walled away behind a veil of obscurity. If so, now is an ideal time to really begin to accept these dark places inside yourself as an important part of your story, and to thereby construct a larger sense of your personality. This will serve you well as you traverse the challenges that still lie ahead.

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Overview of the Planets this month:                                Top

An Intensely Transformationally Oriented October

The Astrology of October features Mercury, Chiron, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto. Mercury has its final retrograde period of the year beginning on the 21st, and the lunations of this quarter highlight the forming Uranus-Pluto square as well as Chiron. The October 4th New Moon forms a T-square with Uranus and Pluto, and is also accompanied by an exact inconjunct between Saturn and Uranus, while Neptune is highlighted at the time of the October 18th Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. With all these outer planet activations over this three-month period, we are heading for another strong dose of the evolutionary mandate that has been stirring within all of us over recent years, in this turbulent decade. The situation that we are in, both individually and collectively, is dire but not impossible. It might be time for each of us to step up to the plate and take a good swing at what we need to do, in order that we make the best of what we are now facing and make an important move toward forward motion into our next evolutionary stage.

This late fall period is punctuated by the next installment of Uranus in perfect square with Pluto, taking place on November 1st, the fourth of seven exact hits in this decade. All through these ending months of 2013 the energy will be strongly felt. Saturn is also an important part of the picture this month, aspecting both Uranus and also Pluto. This was a powerful archetypal factor during the height of the revolutionary sixties, when Saturn opposed Uranus and Pluto simultaneously with their conjunction. This Saturn pass is a bit more esoteric, being an inconjunct aspect to Uranus and a sextile to Pluto, but it still symbolizes that things are stirring up. Revolution – in addition to spiritual evolution – is definitely in the air.

What this means for each of us individually is that there must be a corresponding revolutionary movement in our own individual lives as well, to break away from whatever is stagnant and calcified into an unliving form. As Dylan famously put it back in the heady days of the sixties, "everybody not being born is busy dying." These words ring true even more so for us now. It is an individual matter; we, each one of us, knows at some level of our being exactly what we need to do; we only need to face up to the task with courage and determination, and with the realization that we no longer have any real choice but to get on with it.

Mercury is retrograde from October 21st to November 10th and does not escape from its retrograde shadow until November 27th. This particular retrograde period of Mercury is made more difficult by the fact that Mercury, throughout its backward and then forward progress, is involved with Saturn and with the North Node of the Moon. Mercury conjuncts Saturn three times in the course of this entire period, the final time in line with the Last Quarter Moon of November 25th. We can expect to see even more starkly the usual symptoms of the Mercury Retrograde period, in missed communications and mechanical breakdown, and we do well to recognize that the best use of this time is that we put our minds to a meditative reflection on where we are going, and why.

Chiron is also highlighted in these October skies, remaining in close aspect to Uranus and Pluto, and also to Saturn in the first half of the month. Chiron indicates where we have been wounded in the past and might yet heal, and is therefore one of the primary factors in transforming dysfunction into graceful functioning. As we continue to grow in our understanding of ourselves at these deeper levels, acceptance is the most important key, since once we forgive ourselves and our early caregivers we are better able to forgive others also.

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