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(Refreshto load most current page)      Horoscope - September 2013    by Henry Seltzer

You'll get a more accurate horoscope if you read your Rising sign, and your Moon sign, as well as your Sun sign. Here's how:

Your Sun sign represents your Self, your way of being in the world. It can represent both the ego (mental) self and the higher Self (soul purpose). It symbolizes your will and sense of vitality.
Your Sun sign horoscope will tell you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

Your Rising sign represents your outer mask, the self you show to others. It symbolizes how you appear to others, how others perceive you, in your true interaction with the world.
Your Rising sign horoscope will tell you what to expect in these areas of your self this month.

Your Moon sign symbolizes your personal self, your feelings, your subconscious. It represents how you relate to others, how you have nurturing relationships with others, your intuition, your spiritual self, your sense of security, and your habits. The Moon symbolizes your feminine, nurturing side (we all have one).
The Moon also indicates the type of partner you will attract, since it represents your emotional self.
Your Moon sign horoscope will show you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

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     Aires   Taurus   Gemini   Cancer   Leo   Virgo   Libra   Scorpio   Sagitt   Capric   Aquar   Pisces   Overview

Aires  Aires Symbol (March 21 - April 19)  Fire.  Ruling planet Mars.    Top

This is a startlingly intense and mystical time for you, Aries. Your very concept of who you are and whither going might be called into question multiple times during the course of this month. Wild ideas keep coming to you, and yet, while these concepts might seem strange to the ordinary run of superficial events connected to consensus thought, as you align more closely with your own inner truth, you feel their important connection to life purpose. Partnership is potent for you now. You might feel as though intimate connection holds important lessons for you, and that it is difficult to move forward in the way that you would fully wish without absorbing some of these clues for growth, and that you have to take almost everything that is happening to you on both outer and inner levels into account in order to fully benefit. Although you have perhaps not fully acknowledged it, you are in the midst of massive change, and there is no way around but only through.

As the month begins, you are likely still reeling from the intensity of the grand cross quarter Moon from the middle of the last week in August. This was a time when Uranus and Pluto were both triggered, and when also Neptune was strongly highlighted in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, indicating that the forces for change which are sweeping through you have a powerful spiritual component for you now. Your dreams are more intense and if you can recollect them, provide great clues for your future process. The square between Uranus and Pluto, indicating the evolutionary pressure upon you now for major change, becomes ever closer, over the next few weeks and months, leading up to the end of the year.

In the present monthly cycle, there are several triggers for Uranus, and for Pluto the transformational energizer. Pluto is like the wrecking ball that readies a building site to make way for new construction. Their combination corresponds to a revolutionary and an evolutionary tidal wave that has been active in recent years, and that was also the hallmark of world-shattering sixties counter-culture, as well as in the seismic shudders of twenty-first century collective. In your own individual life also, there is a wave descending on you that cannot be taken back, and that could leave chaos in its wake. But the chaos is an important and necessary component of new birth.

Uranus is currently residing in your identity sector. You are now, with one major part of your being, for freedom at all costs, no matter how far it takes you away from everything that you thought you were constrained to be. Especially since Jupiter has recently been in the picture in aspect to Uranus, brilliant ideas are flowing to you daily, and require only the flexibility on your part to be able to open to them. In another interesting chime with the Uranian planetary archetype, you will also continue to be involved is a trending toward synchronistic happenings by means of which a seeming coincidence takes on additional symbolic meaning. Though outside the explanatory methodology of modern science, such meaningful coincidence has been known throughout the centuries as the mystical face of the grace of goddess unfolding.

With Neptune also activated in the configurations of the current month, there is a strong push toward spiritual values and artistic goals over more ordinary consensus thinking. To live with Neptune requires the same kind of openness as for Uranus and Pluto, and equates to living with paradox. Logic breaks down, but the heart knows no such restrictions or linear requirements and therefore you can begin to recognize how you dwell simultaneously in at least two worlds at once. The surface reality of the egoic mind holds true in many ways, but there are some equally valid places where the egoic mind cannot go, and where the soul nevertheless needs to go.

Taurus  Taurus Symbol (April 20 - May 20)  Earth.  Ruling planet Venus.    

You are coming from an essentially good place, Taurus, making the best of challenging circumstances. Partnership has powerful lessons for you now. A responsibility there could be feeling like a burden, or holding you back. Is this strictly a matter of other people's expectations and of outer events, with little to do with your own process – or is it somehow a part of yourself that you struggle with' You have a need for inner freedom that is hard to get a handle on and is yet fundamental to your process of detaching from old and outmoded beliefs and perceptions. The pain that you feel could be a question of getting used to a different internal mandate for fundamental change, not only for yourself but also for the society that surrounds you, from which you inevitably draw nurture.

As the month begins, you are riding out the energy waves from the tension-filled Last Quarter Moon of the middle of the previous week, when your ruler, Venus, participated in a grand cross with both Uranus and Pluto. Although the intensity of this aspect pattern has subsided by the beginning of September, Saturn in Scorpio begins to closely sextile Pluto as early as the 5th, and this further emphasizes the combination of revolutionary insight (Uranus) and dramatic action for change (Pluto) which is therefore all month long resonating more thoroughly through your being. You could take this a harbinger of further transformational stresses still to come, in the weeks leading up to the next installment of an exact square between these two powerhouse planets at the end of October.

Uranus is located in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, the relatively unconscious portion of your solar chart, manifesting as a form of deep intuitional knowledge without the need for rational explanation. A powerfully placed Neptune in your sector of future plans echoes this idea of information without words for it. You benefit from taking in this deep intuitive sense from inside your psyche, even though this might feel like a push for you who are so practical. The inclinations that come upon you now through the aid of these cosmic forces could also be recognized as angel guidance or the intuitive information from your higher Self, and providing the vision for the place that you somehow feel that you really need to be at this point in your life, and that precedes more concrete steps that you might take to actually get yourself there.

With Pluto currently residing in your sector of higher mind, the changes that will continue to take place within your psyche over the next few months, and even years, will have a lot to do with shifting belief systems and new mappings of the reality that you ultimately find yourself to exist within. You are indeed stretching in your perceptions, and it alters the very fabric of your life, the background from which you move and feel that your life has its meaning and its purpose and this is no small thing.

The other planetary archetype that is strongly emphasized in this month's configurations is Chiron, the Wounded Healer, also prominent in your solar chart, and located in the same sector as Neptune, of friendship, group affiliations and future plans. The emphasis here on feelings of pain and grief could reflect fears for such massive departures from existing plans and structures as are indicated by the level of change that is happening to you over these important weeks of transition. There is also the strong potential for you to be able to more directly tune in to deeper and perhaps more deeply wounded places within yourself. Your higher Self is thus gently nudging you to generate greater wholeness and health as you accept these more difficult places, along with the joyous parts of your psyche, and honor them as well.

  Gemini Symbol (May 21 - June 20)  Air.  Ruling planet Mercury.    

This is a terrific time of great change for you, Gemini, even though its raw power might at times be a bit difficult to take. Considerations of home, family and tribe loom large for you. You are coming into yourself in a new way over the course of this monthly period but you first must wrestle with a few dragons inhabiting the deep inner spaces within you. They become less scary as you get to know them. Old patterns, perhaps stemming from early childhood trauma, have held you in thrall for far to long, and are at last ready to shift. It takes a combination of imagination and determination as well as the recognition of the need to make significant changes. Fortunately you now have all three of these in large supply.

As the month begins, you are feeling the transformational pressure mount with the advent of the fall timeframe, and with the aftershocks from the powerful grand cross Quarter Moon from the middle of the last week of August. All three outer planet archetypes, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are emphasized in this interesting and intense month of September, with nebulous Neptune located at the very top of your solar chart and therefore highlighted. This is confusing as well as exhilarating, since the function of Neptune s to take you quite literally out of the physical world and into other-dimensionality that is best represented by poetry, music and dance. One clue that you might reflect on will be to consider that, even if living in the Midwest, you are metaphorically no longer dwelling in Kansas any longer. By this I mean that you do best to take every experience as a fresh one, the harbingers of a world that is only now coming into being. Experiences are available for closer examination to elucidate the deeper meaning, in terms especially of soulful growth and personal transformation.

You have enormous opportunities now to anticipate the changes still to come as this special and transitional decade of the turbulent teens continues. Vision precedes action becomes a viable touchstone for what you and everyone else is going through these days. In your case this is especially true as your ruler Mercury makes several important aspects to both Uranus and Pluto as the month continues to unfold. Uranus is located in your sector of possibility, the ideal placement for a powerful emerging future orientation. You might want to review whether your plans actually match up with your own deepest soul purpose, as that purpose is beginning to reveal itself to you. With Pluto located in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, you are sensing that you will benefit from considering some changes in the way that you connect with others, or indeed the way that you connect deep down with yourself at all levels – which paradoxically comes to the very same thing.

For the first part of the month your ruler, Mercury, is located in your sector of home and family, where the September 5th New Moon also takes place. Therefore your current explorations have much to do with this basis of your psychological security. Your actual physical dwelling place could be involved, but more likely the changes and increase of energy that you will be experiencing affect relationships with family and with tribe that complete your metaphorical dwelling space that you hold inside.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is another important archetype that is emphasized with the major lunations of the month. With both Saturn and Pluto involved by aspect, this speaks to the difficulty of the shift that you are undergoing, and the potential for hurt places within you that might as a result become opened up to the light of your conscious awareness. As painful as these experiences are, they are immensely valuable for you as well, as long as you can make the best of them and seek understanding above all else. You evolve as a human being as you continue to grow, and continue to acknowledge yourself and these deeper places within you.

Cancer  Cancer Symbol (June 21 - July 22)  Water.  Ruling planet is the Moon.    

Welcome to the next stage of your voyage of inner discovery, Cancer. This is an enormously potent time for you, as the year begins to wind down and as the transformational pressure mounts upon you yet again. You are in a mode of brilliant ideas, leading to innovative future plans, so be sure to write them down. Journaling in general is recommended now because of your healthy self-focus and your growing recognition of internal patterning. The massive changes that you are in the midst of now have everything to do with relationship factors of adjustment and enlightened understanding of old dysfunctional patterns, and yet in another way are all about you and your own ongoing process of getting to know yourself better, from the inside out.

As the month begins, and during the days leading up to the first weekend of September, you are feeling more intensely than usual the full weight of the pressure for metamorphosis and change that has been a fairly constant factor for you lately. Like the butterfly engaged in forming the chrysalis you are all intention, with little tolerance for distraction, alert for the bright being that you will eventually become. Meanwhile, it is true, some difficult episodes that are yet an integral part of your process could, as in the case of the disappearing caterpillar, cause you pain. The best idea is that, rather than the relative chaos of your transition, you focus on the birth to come.

You are delving down into your inner depths yet again, and linking up this experience your evolving beliefs and your future vision, with Neptune emphasized in your higher mind sector and with the New Moon opposite Chiron. Intuitional epiphanies beckon, as symbolized by Uranus, located at the very top of your solar chart and highlighted by many connections from both outer and personal planets. If enlightenment comes over you in fits and starts, that is only to be expected as that is the nature of the Trickster archetype that Uranus represents. As is only natural with your shell uncovered and your softness thereby exposed, there could be fear as well as joy that comes up for you.

As the month of September continues to unwind, you could well feel that your connection with important others is transforming in unexpected ways. The way that you do partnership is definitely a changing landscape; perhaps in this area the rug is being pulled right out from under you. Further details are yet to unfold over the course of another month of growing awareness. The work is mostly performed by staying alert to your own process, and by paying the closest possible attention to everything that is happening to you, while staying as open as you can to all manner of ways of looking at the situation. When you more fully connect to your own presence then you also more closely connect to significant others in your life.

As you move deeper into your process, your situation is in some ways more clear, and in some ways paradoxical. Your future is unfolding just as it should; that is one side of the paradox. The other is that you must, through your attentive participation, help it along in the active moment as best as you know how.

Leo  Leo Symbol (July 23 - August 22)  Fire.  Ruling planet is the Sun.    

The summer madness continues, Leo. This is an exciting month for you, when healing, creativity and unexpected enlightenment abound, with also the not unlikely chance for a curve ball of two coming your way as well. A painful process can become a joyous one as lessons are absorbed deep down under your skin; nothing about what is going on for you right now is superficial. As you dig into the practical side of your life, new ways of seeing and of becoming are right around the corner. You are feeling simultaneously a big push to go forward and other cosmic forces that are putting the brakes on hard to stop any and all forward momentum right in its tracks. This is only frustrating if you decide that it is, since everything that is happening to you now is also a huge learning opportunity.

As the month begins, you are still riding out the wave from the powerful Last Quarter Moon of the preceding week. This featured several interlocking squares, indicating creative tension, and aspect patterns including Saturn in combination with Pluto. A potent T-square to the Moon from your ruler, the Sun, and nebulous Neptune in its own sign of Pisces took center stage. The general effect has been a stop-and-go haze of confusion with the joy of spiritual discovery peeping through the fog.

This week, you have Mars in your identity sector, which could manifest as an urge to forge ahead, willy-nilly, with boldness and active presence. The mitigating factors in this same connection however are stolid and slow Saturn in your home and family sector, along with Neptune in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, with Mars aspecting them both. There is a tendency to let go of your verve and forward motion in favor of dream landscapes of otherworldly realities beyond the physical, while hunkering down in your fall-out shelter to wait for the storm to pass. In terms of close relationship interactions, there could be confusion and illusion to contend with, and also a spiritual glow surrounding everything that is currently taking place. The real treasure in interpersonal connection is your own profound sense of yourself at the deepest levels, and in this voyage of discovery you are fortified.

With Chiron, the Wounded Healer, also located in your intimacy sector, where it has been for many months, and directly opposed by this month's Virgo New Moon, it is possible that interpersonal events could bring up ancient trauma for you, or outmoded patterns of behavior based on inner wounding. If so the other planetary alignments at this time indicate that you have an excellent opportunity now to move beyond some of the earlier pain and avoidant behaviors that you might be habitually exhibiting. You win when you can transition into acknowledgment of these dark places, leading to acceptance of your whole entire package that you bring with you into the world, maintaining all the while an open heart concerning your own self and others. It seems to be true that when we understand and accept ourselves we automatically have more compassion for others also; and that when we cease being hard on ourselves, others around us are magically able to do the same

The other major factor for this current astrology, lasting on into the fall and winter months, is the Uranus and Pluto square that is currently once more forming. Triggered by the current lunations, and with the gap between them with respect to exact shrinking to a little over 2 degrees, so that the impact of their square becomes quite intense. The transformational pressure rises, to be in this lifetime all that you can possibly be. Only you know what that means, and what it will take to get you there. Your intuition is strong now, and allows new perspectives to flash into your awareness with startling regularity, while all along you have the feeling that you can morph your deepest sense of yourself into an on-going mission statement of joy over pain, and of service over self-interest.

Virgo  Virgo Symbol (August 23 - September 22)  Earth.  Ruling planet Mercury.   

The stars are inclining in your favor, Virgo, although you might not know it yet; it's a very special birthday season that is upon you. Only a possible series of difficult interactions between you and significant partners could slow you down, and yet this simultaneously represents your opportunity for growth. In terms of relationship, you could perhaps encounter some degree of confusion as to what is truly going on, detect a tendency on your part toward self-deception or bask in the glory of a lovely illusion that could turn out to perfectly match up with the ultimate reality that you experience. This is all happing in the context of massive ongoing identity shifts so that it helps to remind yourself that you, after all, are your most important product.

As the month begins, you are self-involved, in a good way. You are particularly aware of the winding down of this lunation cycle that began early in the previous month, especially since it has been going through a most intense last quarter phase that was kicked off in the middle of the last week of August when your ruler, Mercury, in conjunction with the Sun, aspected both nebulous Neptune and transformative Pluto as they occupied key sectors of your solar chart. With Neptune in your relationship sector, and greatly triggered by the current configurations, you have been experiencing all manner of different energies, and concepts of connection, surrounding the idea of partnership with significant others in your life.

The archetypal presence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, looms large as well in your relationship sector. This could be in symbolic synchronicity with partnership issues that arise now and that remind you of old childhood woundings from an earlier time. Even though long past and gone, this ancient trauma has the power to affect you in terms of current patterns of relationship interaction. At times you might be tempted to play the blame game and find fault with someone "out there" other than yourself; if so, it is by recognizing where your own triggers have been activated that you can begin to journey within, and observe more closely those places inside you that you have kept hidden away from the light of day and from your more conscious awareness. By simply acknowledging these patterns, and the darker places within you, you have taken a major step forward on the road to healing these wounded parts of yourself and moving beyond them

This is especially true because the transformative planetary archetype of Pluto is activated now, increasingly over the next few weeks and months. Pluto is the force for change that comes directly upward to your more conscious awareness through the agency of your deep and relatively unconscious desire nature. This concept of self-renewal is facilitated by the placement of the Sun, together with your ruler, Mercury, in the identity sector of your solar chart. This includes the Sun's New Moon moment of increased glory later on this first week. Meanwhile, Pluto currently resides in your fifth sector, also representing your creative identity. Pluto is in trine with the New Moon, therefore highlighted, and is also aspected by Mars, Mercury and Saturn so that you find the transformational pressure to change all through the mid-month period leading up to the September 19th Full Moon.

The greatly highlighted presence of genius trickster Uranus can also be of great assistance in your efforts at transforming stuck places within your psyche. Uranus is activated right along with Pluto, and it allows you to understand, in lightening-like flashes of inspiration, exactly how you are held in relative stasis. The door opens for a brief moment in this late 2013 period of time, and if you have the motivation, and the courage, to step through it at that time, you can effect lasting change in your life.

Libra  Libra Symbol (September 23 - October 22)  Air.  Ruling planet Venus.    

This is your time to shine, Libra, as your social interactions continue to speed up and expand out. And yet, lots more is going on beneath the surface than is readily apparent. You are discovering more of yourself at deep levels than you originally bargained for. And yet, self-knowledge, like rainbows or butterflies, can never be too much of a good thing. By mid-month your character-building moments mount, as the accumulation of profound life changes intensifies and gradually percolates up to consciousness. You are asked to supply a goodly amount of determination for your true goals; your difficulties could bog you down, although faith in your process is there in abundance for you and will take you far. You are on the right track when you feel the world turning beneath your feet and realize that it is your own motion that you are sensing.

As the month begins, you are still slightly reeling from the energy of the Last Quarter Moon from the middle of the previous week, when your ruler, Venus, was prominently placed and in direct opposition to trickster Uranus residing in your relationship sector, while in square with Jupiter in your career sector. You may well be the current recipient of brilliant ideas and new schemes to further your outer world presence and to take advantage of helpful partners. As well, your relationship energy fluctuates. This is a powerful time for you, and one that presages more intense transformational cosmic energy still in the cards as you head into the rest of September and the ending months of the year.

Pluto is also increasingly an important factor in your solar chart for September, and heading into the ending time of the year. Its placement in regard to the unconscious factors that are powerfully operating within you now is great, since located in your sector of home, family and tribe. It might easily be that your feeling of family that you have with close friends is in a profound process of evolution, which extends, with even greater psychological value, to your natural family or your dwelling place, which can be seen in symbolic as well as physical terms. All these areas of life could be seen as being in major transition now, and leading to a positive transmutation of your basic feelings of emotional security and belonging.

In a significant chime with the above, also emphasized this month is the twelfth sector of your solar chart, your sector of dream imagination and inner work, which also leads you toward interior exploration. You have a meditative presence for yourself at these deeper layers of your personality and do well to take advantage of this important factor. You are pulled to the inside, through dreams, waking visions, and a deep process of reflection, and have the opportunity to make more conscious whatever hidden parts of yourself that you can connect with in this way.

The Virgo New Moon near the beginning of the month also opposes Chiron, located in your sector of everyday life and work. There could be a grand awakening to deeper factors of your habitual behavior that arises through the meditations brought about through the agency of the intense inner experiences of the present monthly cycle. You might be able to better understand where you have been wounded in the past and how such early trauma has been suppressed but not forgotten, being still carried forward in an unconscious manner into your present moment. In yet another chime with unconscious process, there are strong triggers for Neptune now as well, located in this same sector.

With Uranus, Neptune and Pluto all strongly configured, you have before you a powerful as well as a challenging opportunity to exceed prior limitations and barriers to growth that you have long been carrying. The discoveries and subsequent breakthrough must come for you in your particular manner that is suited to you, which no one but yourself can discern, and on your own natural timing. You are, however, on your way.

Scorpio   Scorpio Symbol (October 23 - Nov 21)  Water.  Ruling planets Mars, Pluto.   

This is an excellent month for progress, Scorpio, as the path ahead of you becomes while not easier, at least more obvious. You are settling into your vision questing journey now, and nothing can derail you. This is one of those tides in your affairs that can be very productive for you if you go with it like a bold surfer of new waves. You have the ability this month to vision new possibilities for yourself into being. There have lately been cosmic factors that seemingly hold you back but in fact lend focus and concentration to your efforts at redefining yourself. Your creative self-expression is mystical and partakes of unknown qualities, which, if you were to more thoroughly and unflinchingly explore them, would lead you to a treasure house of untold spiritual riches.

As the month begins, you are somewhat stuck in your process, but while you wait for enlightenment to dawn you are finding great spiritual beauty in your surroundings. This has been recently a fairly intense time of new beginnings and of great mental focus that seems to have no easy subject to draw upon. Your ruler, Mars, having entered tour career sector at the time of the Last Quarter Moon from the middle of the last week of the previous month, is also making a difficult aspect to Neptune, located in your sector of self-expression, symbolizing the idealism and the foggy illusions of a totally otherworldly viewpoint. Your creative output could therefore take on a mystical glow that carries meaning but that is extremely difficult to define in terms of a hard and fast logical thought process.

You could be eager and even a bit compulsive this month about sharing this kind of information with others around you because your co-ruler, Pluto, also highlighted in your solar chart, and is located in your communications sector. Uranus in square with Pluto signifies that something important in your life is transforming, and that everyday events could come to be seen in a different light, and could also become a magical source of intuitional information. Something that you thought you fully understood may suddenly show an unusual side and provide a glimpse of multi-dimensional realities.

The symbolism of Saturn is antithetical to these numinous planetary symbols, and Saturn is also prominent in your solar chart and located in your identity sector, as represented by your sign, where it colors the way that you come across to others and the way that you think of yourself. Over the summer this has been a much more intense factor and you have felt like you were stopped dead still in your tracks, or else taken on side tracks to the point of discouragement. Looking back however you might be able to detect progress that has been slow but sure, and that has lead you in some rather startling new directions. The mills of Saturn grind slowly but they grind exceedingly fine.

Sagittarius  Sagittarius Symbol (Nov 22 - Dec 21)  Fire.  Ruling planet Jupiter.   

You are on a wild ride lately, Sagittarius, and it is not ending yet. You are fortunate now in outer circumstances and in taking advantage of a combination of good luck and skillful management, plus your recent proclivity for seeing more deeply and of working with helpful partners. This all comes with a responsibility to take account of inner priorities as well as solving the conundrums of the outer. There is treasure that you must somehow reach, guarded in a cave in deep waters and by a series of mean and graceless dragons. As soon as one is slain, another arises to take its place. This might seem discouraging except for the fact that, every time, something important is gained, a new foothold on your spiraling climb upward and into the light of your more conscious understanding.

As the month begins, you are in a mystical and highly evolutionary place. Your changes are still in process. You could feel as though you are reeling from the recent outer planet configurations of a powerful August, with more to come in the current month and leading up to the end of the year. It helps to remember that everything that happens to you now is holy, as long as you are able to step back and dispassionately witness so as to reflect on the inner meaning. You are energized toward outer world performance and accolades but the real work for you right now is on the inside. There, the concerns of home, family and tribe of are uppermost. Once you begin look more deeply, and a confusing and potentially painful set of circumstances begins to straighten out, it is productive of long-term benefit.

The presence of highlighted Chiron in your home and family sector correlates to the archetype of the Wounded Healer, so that with the painful places inside yourself that are now called to your attention comes the distinct possibility of healing these walled-off parts of yourself and being able to move beyond stuck places stemming from early childhood trauma, which this archetype typically represents. This influence continues at least through the first half of September, since the September 5th New Moon closely opposes Chiron from its position across the zodiac in mid-Virgo. The problematic effects of early wounding largely stem from the lack of conscious recognition of the buried parts that have reacted to the trauma by shutting down and descending into the unconscious, simply acknowledging these dark places within you can work wonders.

With this fall season comes as well the next installment of the Uranus-Pluto square, perfecting on November 1st, and very active as well in the weeks ahead, leading up to this high-intensity moment. The New Moon also aspects both Uranus and Pluto, as they occupy their respective placements. Pluto resides in a prominent location your resources sector, and there symbolizes the thoroughgoing transformation of issues relating to security and material well-being; while Uranus symbolizes freedom in all things and influences this same area of your solar chart. Uranus meanwhile is located in your self-expression sector which can thus be said to be currently sizzling with unique perspectives, and in surprising ways.

Security factors, including, as the most obvious physical plane correlate, your finances, have therefore been up for you lately, creating the opportunity for the transmutation of your attitude toward basic security needs. As your understanding has grown concerning this important factor in life, you are on your way to becoming relatively more free of illusions in this area, such as the one that you require a certain income level to be secure, and that you must subject yourself to a particularly unpleasant situation in order to maintain feelings of well-being.

The outer planet archetype of Neptune has also been emphasized in recent weeks, and in this current mid-month period as well. Neptune represents a symbolic representation of otherworldly extra-dimensionality, as separate from the physicality of the known three physical ones symbolized by Saturn. Neptune is currently located at the nadir of your chart, the key placement for your home and family sector and for your basic sense of psychological centering between conscious and unconscious factors. Reaching a better balance between surface and deep factors in your personality was fully delineated by seminal 20th century psychologist C.G. Jung in describing his process of individuation. Neptune's presence at the nadir is difficult and confusing, but ultimately leads to creating the sense of internal balance that Jung identifies as essential for the healthy functioning of the psyche.

Capricorn  Capricorn Symbol (Dec 22 - Jan 19)  Earth.  Ruling planet Saturn.   

This continues to be an interesting year, Capricorn, especially so as you head into year end. All the outer planet archetypes are heating up once again, those starry messengers that are indicative of the vast changes taking place within you personally and also in the world at large. You have both physical and metaphorical journeys before you in this transitional month. Surprising enlightenment is always just around the corner for you these days, it is only that you have to know where to look, and be willing to take the chance. Your very idea of your own basic identity is up for grabs, and you also might feel that your dwelling space is in more than one kind of flux, symbolic of a sketchy sense security or a house built upon a moving carpet. When you let go of any and all preconceptions you are very much on the right track.

As the month begins you are reassessing once more where in the world you thought that you were going, and where you actually are. This feeling of flux is related in part to the presence of trickster Uranus, prominent in your sector of home, family and tribe, while Pluto, that mighty astrological archetype of transformation, is equally strongly highlighted and residing in your identity sector. These forces are confounding, and much more so if you choose to look back to the security of a vanishing way of being that is no longer really viable. Things go better when you can take off your conceptual blinders that, while natural for such as we, earth-oriented beings that we are, nevertheless hold you in thrall to an unworkable set of assumptions. Your ongoing reassessment of your most basic identity is still rolling; with many more twists and turns before you come out the other end of the tunnel of change. In one way of looking at things this is a totally scary proposition, of course, but then, by a single reversal of figure and ground, the idea becomes wildly exciting. You have nothing, as they say, to lose but your chains.

The other prominent factors currently configured by the planetary positions of September are nebulous Neptune, nemesis of cold-hearted, plain-dealing rationality, and Chiron, the Wounded Healer, together located in your communications sector. This is a position within your solar chart of learning and growing intellectually, through the agency of these non-intellectual feeling archetypal presences. It has been and continues to be an interesting assignment. You are certainly growing through these associations of the non-physical, and in ways that you have in the past thought unlikely. You might, in the course of this month's journeying, encounter some degree of frustration at being at all able to express yourself logically or else a new respect for heart over mind might find its flowering. It is true that the mentality of pure logic wins the day for engineering and for logistics, which you therefore need to be available to you to get through, but for the many variations of soul experience, a tolerance for paradox is also required. You could be coming nearer to the ideal of being able to hold contradictory notions within your mental grasp at the very same time, without a qualm.

It is also possible, with a powerfully configured Chiron, that old patterns of behavior could yet arise to take over from below, as it were, and that these could have to do with intellectual fears of not being smart enough, or articulate enough, or with siblings or other forms of peer-to-peer interactions. If such issues do arise, they come to you at this particular time for some very excellent reasons, and have the capacity to lead you further into your own spiritual evolution. as a result of making themselves so clearly evident. You win when you simply witness and accept as valid all the parts of yourself, even the dark places where you languish from the perceived trauma of earlier years.

Aquarius  Aquarius Symbol (Jan 20 - Feb 18)  Air.  Ruling planets Uranus, Saturn.   

You are really cooking, Aquarius. This is an incredible time of multifaceted activity and of also plumbing your very depths for their ultimate philosophical essence. You are very aware of your outer world responsibilities, and satisfying a fair number of them with grace and style. Thus you are busy doing exactly what you came into this world to do, although in another way, you are still a babe at the breast of the universe trying to find out what it is that you truly are up to. Cosmic energies conspire to teach you – through the agency of scintillating communication with others in your circle of peers, and as well through your own dream fantasies and waking visions – more of what your higher Self yet wants to make of you as you pass through this exciting amalgam of earthly and spiritual planes.

As the month begins, you are finding that you have more learning and discovery yet to accomplish, directed toward the treasure to be found within your inner world; you might even be coming to the conclusion that this adjunct to the way that you have been steaming ahead with career initiatives will only improve on your prospects there. As you continue to reassess your situation based on recent revelations, you are getting a more integrated feeling between inner and outer agendas, and are working toward better connections between your various parts, inner and outer, in what Jung referred to as your "process of individuation."

There are several different outer planet archetypes currently activated in your solar chart, and these activations continue through to the end of the year. One of the most noticeable is the augmented presence of your co-ruler Saturn in your career sector. You have been going all out lately for your outer world presence and it has likely been paying large dividends for you. There is another important influence however, namely Pluto, located in your sector of dream imagination and inner work. This one speaks in more subtle undertones that could be characterized as Spirit, or your angel guidance, or your Higher Self. This is the voice that always tells you true, but for which you must listen closely with interior awareness.

Another important spotlighted planetary archetype is that of your other co-ruler, Uranus, currently located in your communications sector. Peer-to-peer and learning-teaching relationships are quite important to you now as a result. You are more yourself when you allow your mind to flow freely and your conversation as well. It is also the case over this crucial end of year time period that you allow yourself to think and plan with your own inner guidance for your only companion; the communication becomes communion with yourself, and can be recorded in the form of journals or in art.
The lunations of this current month also highlight nebulous and slippery Neptune, which currently resides in your sector of resources and values, where you also encounter Chiron, the Wounded Healer. This latter is triggered at the time of the Virgo New Moon. Neptune is that representation of other-dimensionality that represents an orthogonal direction to the well-known three of the purely physical plane. With Neptune activated, some aspects of your material world are slowly disappearing, or changing form. Your finances are revolving and evolving. With the little mind of consensus thinking this could seem more alarming than if you are able to apply a truly big picture attitude, which you also posses lately in good supply. As your concept of your inner world morphs and grows in conscious recognition, in compensation, the worries and preoccupations of distracted modern living begin to shrink in relative importance, and this, at least, is a great blessing.

Pisces  Pisces Symbol (Feb 19 - March 20)  Water. Ruling planets Neptune, Jupiter.   

This is an important month for you, Pisces, in the midst of an important year of transition. In spite of encountering difficulties, you are getting stronger and more comfortable now with your own transformation, and also in recognizing that this is not change for the sake of change, but rather resulting from a series of signals that the universe is moving in some very definite directions, and is taking you along with it. You are forging new strength and a new determination to thrive in terms of your own priorities. You are going through not so much an identity crisis as an identity explosion, at least in metaphorical terms. When the pieces are ready to return to earth, they fall, but not by chance. They will take up a new configuration far closer to what you truly feel is important to you, on the inside.

As the month begins, you are still taking in the information gleaned from the recent quarter Moon that took place in the middle of the last week of the previous month. This featured a grand cross with Pluto and Uranus, bringing once more to the forefront of your consciousness the idea of radical transformation. Simultaneously with the sense of your world moving beneath your feet, you are mulling over recent events to extract their meaning for you, as you also reach out in your connection with important others in your life. This has been a summer of deep reflection and the thoughts you have generated have each served to move you closer to where you needed to be. It is in this form of shifting awareness that the seed is planted for the future.

Your ruler, Neptune, located in your identity sector, is highlighted in this month's configurations, as is also your relationship sector. You are concerned with the effect of others upon you, but in the final analysis it is your own ongoing transition to which you must mentally return, again and again as the twists and turns of this monthly period unfold.

Equally prominent in the configurations of this month is Chiron, the Wounded Healer, located in your identity sector, and therefore very prominent now in your solar chart. Highlighted Chiron represents the recognition of where you have in the past been wounded and how these earlier traumatic events might have become calcified into a hidden place within you of painful feelings to which you have no real access. If the evidence arises for such buried complexes of feelings, this represents an opportunity for greater awareness and acceptance of these difficult places inside you. Better connections with your inner world, including these dark and painful, perhaps even shameful aspects of yourself is of the utmost importance for your future well being

Also looming large for you this month are the twin activations of Uranus in square with Pluto, an aspect that will become more intense yet leading up to year's end. Uranus is located in your sector of values and resources and is dramatically triggered by the lunations of September. As material resources – including financial resources – fluctuate, the transformational wave is upon you, increasing to the end of the year. The cosmos is asking you to advance your spiritual rather than your mundane agenda as the pressure mounts for meaningful change to take place in your life.

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Overview of the Planets this month:                                Top

September Promises a Powerful Dose of Radical Revolution

Pluto, in Capricorn, stations to direct motion on September 20th.

The Astrology of September features Mars, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Mars entered Leo just before the beginning of the month, and thus becomes an astrological factor that is even more feisty than usual. He stays in this compatible Fire sign all month long, and is therefore emphasized. There is also an inconjunct made from a stationing Pluto on September 11th, the twelfth anniversary of 9-11, which is part of a yod formation to Mars involving both Chiron and Pluto, so that this is a time when emotions of pain and anger may run high. In addition, Mars makes several close aspects at the key lunations to Neptune in Pisces, bringing in a shape-shifting quality to this monthly period as well, a time when reality seems only as real as our idea of it, and chameleon-like, changes to fit changing circumstances or momentary moods.

Chiron too is greatly emphasized in this month's configurations. Chiron represents the archetype of the Wounded Healer, and, accompanying these powerful archetypes for change, represents the pain of leaving behind what no longer works for us. Then, too, an important part of the transformation that will become increasingly necessary as this tumultuous decade unfolds is the recognition of where we have, in the past, been wounded and how we can help ourselves to heal. When you first, acknowledge and then accept the places inside yourself where the residue of early trauma remains, you can begin to welcome all the various parts of yourself to the table. This sets in motion a powerful healing effect, so that as you continue to witness the events of your life, and your responses to them, to begin to unwind the twists and turns of childish reactions to prior wounding.

Pluto, in Capricorn, stations to direct motion on September 20th, just before the weekend of the Fall Equinox, and only 2 1⁄2 degrees away from his forming square with Uranus, which will perfect at the end of October. This will be the fourth hit out of a total of seven, with effects lasting throughout the decade. Uranus and Pluto in combination means that whatever has outlived its utility will have to go. Although this can be a difficult process unless we are prepared to let go, just as with the pruning of a rose bush the ultimate effect is for the benefit of new growth. The triggering of these two outer planet heavyweights becomes more frequent in the weeks ahead leading up to their exact hit on November 1st and still activated during the seven weeks that follow in the run-up to the year's ending

A close sextile aspect from Saturn also increasingly triggers the Uranus-Pluto square as the month unfolds, so that the momentum builds over the weeks ahead for a more powerful dose of this radical revolutionary and evolutionary combination. Bringing Saturn into the equation increases the momentum for structural changes of lasting value that will eventually coalesce.

We are, all of us, still in process, and after several years of this beginning of this decade of the tumultuous teens, what is more, starting to recognize it. Mary Oliver's poem The Journey sums the situation before us quite nicely when she begins:

One day you finally knew what you had to do and began
though the voices around you kept shouting their bad advice...
Little by little, as you left their voices behind,
the stars began to burn through the sheets of clouds,
and there was a new voice, which you slowly recognized as your own.

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