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(Refreshto load most current page)      Horoscope - June 2013    by Henry Seltzer

You'll get a more accurate horoscope if you read your Rising sign, and your Moon sign, as well as your Sun sign. Here's how:

Your Sun sign represents your Self, your way of being in the world. It can represent both the ego (mental) self and the higher Self (soul purpose). It symbolizes your will and sense of vitality.
Your Sun sign horoscope will tell you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

Your Rising sign represents your outer mask, the self you show to others. It symbolizes how you appear to others, how others perceive you, in your true interaction with the world.
Your Rising sign horoscope will tell you what to expect in these areas of your self this month.

Your Moon sign symbolizes your personal self, your feelings, your subconscious. It represents how you relate to others, how you have nurturing relationships with others, your intuition, your spiritual self, your sense of security, and your habits. The Moon symbolizes your feminine, nurturing side (we all have one).
The Moon also indicates the type of partner you will attract, since it represents your emotional self.
Your Moon sign horoscope will show you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

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     Aires   Taurus   Gemini   Cancer   Leo   Virgo   Libra   Scorpio   Sagitt   Capric   Aquar   Pisces   Overview

Aires  Aires Symbol (March 21 - April 19)  Fire.  Ruling planet Mars.    Top

You are tumbling into excitement these days, Aries, so that you don't always know which end is truly up. Your inner world is calling out to you from a subtle otherworldly dimension, and you ignore it to your peril, even as you also continue to pay important attention to the normal run of day-to-day commerce and connection. Communication is a big part of what you do right now, and of how you make sense of what you do. You are enjoying the recent steep learning curve, even as you sometimes feel confused by it. You do better when you can throw away any and all preconceptions and simply accept the various happenings, however strange, as the universe speaking to you in all its multiplicity of colorations.

As the month begins, you are meditating within a period of thoughtful and reflective awareness leading up to the New Moon a week away. As you continue mulling over recent events, you remain stimulated by the eclipses of May and the more emphatic collision of revolutionary ideals represented by the extremely active Uranus-Pluto square in your angular houses. You might be attempting yet once again to figure out your life. With your ruler, Mars, now in Gemini, you are thinking deeply and also speaking out concerning your deductions, perhaps journaling, and these activities are quite helpful. Key relationships in your life also provide important perspectives, although more so after this first week has expired.

Over the course of another fairly intense month — with highlighted Saturn located in your intimacy sector and in close aspect to Neptune, therefore even more greatly emphasized — you might find that your connection with important partners seems stuck or on hold, or perhaps subject to extra heavy duty concentration and focus. This could feel troubling, but in another way normal for the current state of your psychological condition. At the same time, the exploration of your own depths, a mystical self-involvement, becomes even more absorbing and leads you to long-lasting lessons regarding who you really are at the deeper levels of your psyche.

Neptune, located in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, speaks powerfully to you as well. Your active imagination takes you down some rather different roads and into interior spaces far removed from the normal run of surface events and personal happenings. With Chiron, the Wounded Healer, also invoked in this same sector of your solar chart, in some very significant ways you embody the shamanic path right now. This solitary preoccupation with inner truth might seem scary, but it is in your best long-term interest, and is always available to step into and then out of, in slow oscillations, so that you do not feel utterly alienated.

Meanwhile, Uranus and Pluto, in powerful placement in your chart, remain in close square aspect with each other. Uranus is in your first, or identity, sector. The implication is that inspiration will continue to descend upon you in unexpected ways. As Grateful Dead lyricist Robert Hunter puts it, "Once in a while you can get shown the light / In the strangest of places if you look at it right." In collusion with the massive life changes represented by Pluto residing in your career sector, especially if you were born within a few days on either side of the beginning of April, this means that, in fit preparation for the later stages of the this difficult decade, a feeling of delicious excitement and creative trouble descends upon you in order to rock your world. It will leave you both shaken and stirred by the end of the present year.

With transformative Pluto in your sector of career and professional life, perhaps the most profound changes you are currently going through involve the way that you show up in the world and for the benefit of the surrounding society. This is a difficult passage and one that is rendered easier when you can simply surrender to it.

Taurus  Taurus Symbol (April 20 - May 20)  Earth.  Ruling planet Venus.    

This is an interesting month of contrasts for you, Taurus. You are learning as you go, and the lessons are all-consuming and profound. Partners seem like mentors and also magicians. You feel as though you are plugged into a kind of cosmic network that downloads a high-volume set of glimpses of the very architecture of the universe to your almost unbelieving eye and then vanishes when you blink, leaving only a puff of smoke. Your idealism and faith in your potential only fails when you happen to look down. This is a heady ride that leaves you with more questions than answers; you are however grounded in a sense of relationship to the surrounding cosmos, and, through faith, riding the wave of your future expectations toward a completely unknown destination.

As the month begins, you are feeling unseen presences that seem to guide you toward a very different path than society might dictate. Neptune is highlighted in your sector of societal connection and future plans. This is a confusing and scary time for you, and yet an optimistic one as well, in which you feel empowered to buy into the dream of a more involved and relevant future by shucking the false images and knee-jerk reactions stemming from ether consensus thinking or your own formative conditioning. There is also to consider the residue of early trauma, which has created patterns of behavior that were once valid defenses but perhaps no longer actually serve you, and that might still be with you in buried fashion.

All through this current month of June you are also dealing with the heightened presence of the revolutionary combination of Uranus and Pluto, which make a subtle but powerful impact upon your psychological reality. Uranus is located in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, and speaks directly to you through a greatly enhanced intuition. He is calling you to pay closer attention to the vast and yeasty interior realms that are so very important, underlying all your behavior, and yet not always fully present to your conscious level of awareness.

Pluto, the wrecking ball, is also emphasized in your current astrological weather pattern. Located in your higher mind sector, this transformational energy promotes revolution from within, as a result of radically changed, and changing, worldview. Archimedes reputedly said that if he had a lever long enough, and a place to stand, he could move the earth. Taking his statement metaphorically, the place that you are coming from is all-important, and gives you the perspective that you need in order to enact the deeds for which your soul is craving.

Saturn, your friend and fellow earth-sign ruler, is located in the relationship sector of your solar chart. There are ways that this placement can seem limiting, or critical, perhaps reminding you of early parental voices that spoke to you in negative terms. But yet there is a beauty and a lasting value to the concentration of energies that Saturn represents, symbolizing a focus of effort and attention that might show how much you really care about a particular partner. A mentorship relationship could be part of this story. You are also tempted to idealize this relationship at the very same time as you hold back from full-on acceptance.

Summing up, the outer planet energies that are so strongly placed this month are nudging you toward a more inclusive outlook on life in general, and yours in particular, that permits you to shine in some very different ways than heretofore. There is also a definite yet slow trend toward progress involving a different view of partnership considerations and where you can make your impact on society, but fears of empty illusion for this process still need ot be sorted out. The river is muddy but begins to clear, with patience, over the course of a climactic summer.

  Gemini Symbol (May 21 - June 20)  Air.  Ruling planet Mercury.    

This is an important month of discovery for you, Gemini, beyond your usual curiosity-seeking mental apparatus, a time when both your head and your heart are fully engaged in wrestling with false gods and looking inside yourself for the answers that conventional thinking has denied you. With this month's New Moon in your sign, you are making a fresh start. Your financial and other resources are very present for you now, and are equally in transformation. A fresh breeze is blowing through, allowing grace to enter. You are stepping into a uniquely different future plan with new possibilities opening up, so that you do not necessarily have to be continually re-running the same old script. It's all up to you, which can be both scary and exhilarating.

As the month begins, and your birthday time of the year continues, you are perhaps still reeling in the wake of the powerful Full Moon eclipse from May 24th that took place in your opposite sign. That moment and the days following have been a amazing time for you as you reassess your take on partnership interaction, and continue your exploration of your own deeper feelings. Meanwhile Mars has entered your sign, giving you fresh energy for the pursuit. Your ruler Mercury, newly entered into Cancer, makes a grand trine in Water with Saturn and Neptune, closely linked together in a tight trine formation all summer.

Saturn and Neptune reside in your sector of service to others, and your career sector, respectively, and there has likely been important movement for you in these areas, which will continue. The Neptune archetype at the top of your solar chart is very prominent for you now, basically positive, and yet confusing in many ways, since it could represent idealism bordering on self-deception, illusion, confusion as to motivation, and as well a deep and abiding appreciation for Spirit working its way out into the concrete world through you. As far as career choice goes, it is only the path with heart that has even the slightest appeal for you now.

The presence of Saturn in your sixth sector, which can be summed up as your sector of day-to-day concerns, health, and service to others, represents a grounding factor that can seem like unnecessary limitations, but is actually extremely useful to you as you navigate the tricky waters of Neptune. The general prescription is that you watch and wait, to see what message circumstances are actually bringing you. For in fact you can read your experience just as you would a dream, for the symbolic meaning; it is not only at night that you get subconscious messages from the richness of your inner world. The restrictions and the focus of concentration that you might feel from the presence of Saturn, prominent in the midst of your day-to-day activities, actually constitute an opportunity for taking a meditative approach to your life, base on the evidence provided by all that you are going through.

The sixth sector is also termed that of the discipleship to your highest purpose, and this could also be an important focus for you now. With the startling enlightenment of a prominent Uranus in close contact with transformative Pluto and occupying your sector of wishes and hopes, societal connection and future plans, you are looking ahead in a brand new way toward a future that you can really live with. Pluto, residing in your sector of intimacy and personal transformation, is a huge and ultimately helpful factor. You are on the road to big changes in the way that you see the world around you, based on how you see yourself from the inside out. In this you are aided by the perspective of others, and by your own self-development, which is proceeding apace this month, accelerated by the New Moon in your sign. This is not to say that everything is rosy; things might be difficult indeed. But your road is made easier by the simple faith in yourself and in the universe that is also a tremendous factor for you in this month's turnings.

Cancer  Cancer Symbol (June 21 - July 22)  Water.  Ruling planet is the Moon.    

This is an intense period of time for you, Cancer, and one in which you must be prepared for a series of significant ongoing inner realizations that will take you far beyond where you thought you were. You have a sense of vital internal responsibility that seems to steer you to what is totally right, or considered in some way wrong, but such judgments could also prove illusory. You are full of the surface qualities of life, so that it is difficult to discern which, inner or outer, is the most attractive. Each is a telling path for you right now, in your journey toward wholeness. Your mystical self-expression and your feelings in general, as always, play an all-important role as you come more fully into yourself; as you are and as you will become.

As the month begins, your unconscious process looms large, in the wake of the extremely powerful Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse of late May. This triggered the Uranus-Pluto square that also perfected around that time, and which occupies angular solar houses in your nativity, namely those of career and relationship. Their combined transformational transit is never easy, but it does lead to opportunity — to the extent that you are open. You have been experiencing unusual changes in career objectives that continue to arise in a way that revolutionizes your outlook and steers you away from the commonplaces of consensus thinking. This might be connected to partnership activity as a catalyst and as a determinant for unusual developments there also. Another piece of this idea is that your very concept of relationship continues to morph, and becomes a catalyst for your own metamorphosis, in unexpected ways.

Jupiter is another important planet for you, said to be exalted, or triumphant, in your sign. Due to its late June entrance into Cancer, Jupiter gives your self-concept a huge boost by the time the end of the month rolls around. In fact, during the latter third of the current month, after the Summer Solstice, you will likely be feeling a greater degree of familiarity with yourself and excitement for new opportunities. This feeling begins now, but subtly and through a meditative approach to your own inner domains, the inner being the foundation for the outer.

Saturn and Neptune are also prominent in this month's astrology, which features several different instances of a grand trine being formed, that highlights this aspect between them and for any of your natal planets that occupy the early part of your sign. Therefore, for you, what is greatly emphasized is the power of limitation on the one hand, holding you back, and the potential for imagination, idealism and illusion on the other. The best use of this energy lies in taking spiritual lessons quite seriously now, while allowing yourself to turn inward. Personal creativity might feel almost shut down, which actually enables you to go quietly toward the inside, there to concentrate your thinking toward higher planes of perspective. This would be especially true if you are born in June rather than July. With a look at your actual solar chart you could find which of your other personal planets occupy this same part of the tropical zodiac, namely the first 10 degrees of Cancer.

Mercury Retrogrades as well during the last week of the month, and this too is an indication for you of inner contemplation coming to the fore. The retrograde period lasts throughout July, when you take into account the period of the retrograde shadow, so that this is a weeks-long opportunity to get a better handle on your life by a process of deep reflection. Through this later time of June you are being given important gifts from the universe, and the rule is that you are never given anything that you are not ready for, even though it might prove to be a stretch.

Leo  Leo Symbol (July 23 - August 22)  Fire.  Ruling planet is the Sun.    

The world is opening up to you, Leo, at times rather suddenly. This is by means of inner rather than of outer exploration, and results in some measure of misstep or perhaps confusion aboveground. Like the observer in a glass-bottomed boat, you can marvel but you cannot enter into the interior realms you silently witness, and yet the glimpse that is afforded you influences all your future activities. As you continue radically transforming in your conception of your path forward, you are steadily becoming more consistent with soul purpose. Further, your process of discovery jumps ahead in its acceleration over the course of this month and an active summer. Although many weeks and even months have gone into this exploration, and many more might be required before it is anything like complete, you are on your way.

As the month begins, you are feeling the pressure of the unknown in shaping your life. You are beginning perhaps to recognize that it is not what you know, but rather what you do not, that becomes an important focus for the weeks ahead. This is because nebulous, idealistic and spacey Neptune is so sharply aspected lately, stemming from even before the time of the Full Moon eclipse of the last weekend of the previous month, when it was extremely highlighted, and this heightened influence continues throughout the present month.

Neptune is highlighted in your intimacy sector, which is also your sector of personal evolution in inner exploration, and there symbolizes intense feelings of spiritual oneness that seem quite beyond run-of-the-mill day-to-day concerns. There is a way that you are powerfully drawn to your inner world at this time, and yet are also somewhat confused about and fearful of its influence. It might be that significant partnerships in your life also partake of this strange and otherworldly energy from beyond the boundAries of the known world. You attempt connection but it does not fully materialize, or, when it does, it manifests in illusory or deceptive ways.

Since Uranus, Pluto and Saturn are also powerfully triggered at this time, you are feeling the transformational effects of their concerted activity in your solar chart. Uranus stimulates your concept of future possibility as applies to worldview; while Pluto in square with Uranus lights up your sense of divine or soul purpose, which has been shifting for you in recent months. You likely have a very different understanding of what you might be doing than a few years back. Saturn is located in your sector of home, family and tribe. You might be going through a remodel, or other reconfiguration of your home environment, either literal or figurative. If family ties are changing for you in some important way, it might feel limitations and restrictions or perhaps an added sense of responsibility in this area.

This all contributes to a sense of a changing of the guard as you swing into summer, your favorite time of the year. In this instance you are struggling somewhat with how to nail down your evolving self-concept. As you do, there is the seductive pull of ego desires and needs, telling you to make the most of what you have to work with. Then there is a countervailing sense of ego-less service that sometimes comes over you as well. As you sort out what you truly want for yourself, this might be the month when you reach the tipping point. Probably the best clue is that you need to constantly check in with soul purpose, as far as you can actually discern it. When you get that green light from deep inside it provides unmistakable and dramatic confirmation that you are on the right track.

Virgo  Virgo Symbol (August 23 - September 22)  Earth.  Ruling planet Mercury.   

You shine in accomplishment right now, Virgo, as career and professional objectives prove expansive, although with a strange twist to the inside. The complete picture for you right now must involve the dark and somewhat confusing spaces hidden deep within your psyche. At the same time, the link in your mind's eye between values, concept and execution has never been stronger. As much as you are summoned to outer world activities, you are equally brought back for a meditative take on what is perhaps the real story. Opportunities are huge, and speak to you powerfully, and yet your future direction seems incomplete unless you take into account this dark and unknown part of yourself that is crying out for attention in such a way that you are actually beginning to hear its call.

As the month begins, you are rocking along, enjoying even greater visibility in career and professional life while reeling into closer scrutiny the insights gained over the last few days of May as the final lunar phase brought you into a philosophical turn of mind; enjoying an almost perfect blend of concept and execution. Things are going so well in terms of outer achievement that you might be tempted to pay no attention to an otherworldly and potentially confusing glimpse of your inner depths which is also speaking volumes to you at this time, but you ignore these dark unknown parts of yourself to your peril.

A prominent Neptune in your relationship sector, together with the presence there of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is the astrological signature for that which goes beyond the here and now of the purely physical and touches upon inner wounding. It could be that a primary partnership exhibits characteristics of the illusory or the unknown; it could also be that a partner shows you the way to fruitfully confront your inner demons with an imaginative approach that takes you out of your usual set of knee-jerk reactions to situations and interpersonal disconnects. The best way to approach the archetype is through the creative arts, such as music, dance and poetry. It is possible that one of these types of visionary artistry will show up in your relationship field.

Your life direction is a bit up in the air these days. It is likely that you will be exploring new facets of your personal goals, your feeling of where life and career is taking you right now, since your ruler, Mercury, is located in your sector of societal connection and future plans. Mercury Retrogrades later in June and you might be seeing things in an entirely different way by the time the retrograde ends in early August. Mercury returns to direct motion on July 20th, but does not escape its retrograde shadow until August 4th. Until then, you are in the process of questioning of what you are up to. With Saturn also prominent in your communications sector, in trine with Neptune, you are also slowed down and more serious in your expressing your thoughts in writing or with peers, and at the same time more fanciful as well.

The backdrop of all these potential changes is the Uranus-Pluto square that has been brewing these past several years, with several more still to go. This hits you in your creative self-expression, and in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, so that new information is flooding into your consciousness all the time. This eventually becomes entirely useful in showing you the way toward a shifting self-concept that will eventually partake more fully of both inner and outer realms.

Libra  Libra Symbol (September 23 - October 22)  Air.  Ruling planet Venus.    

This is an interesting month, Libra, filled with contemplation, daydreaming, and with concrete action in your very best interest. You are taking your enlightenment straight up these days, no longer on the rocks, and you win when you make the most out of this new-found sense of grace unfolding. You are dwelling in the arms of the universe, resting within a sacred circle of perfection, with the only rule that you need to obey being that you recognize radical life change as the only constant. Unexpected enlightenment from many sources school you to no longer ignore this potential for transformation. Your changes are far from the superficial layers of your personality and instead run quite deep. Your continued success in the outer planes depends upon your adherence to an internal mandate that your first priority is to grow in your understanding.

As the month begins, you find yourself in the midst of important transition in several different ways. By the end of the first weekend of the month, your ruler, Venus, is crossing into your career sector, while the Moon makes its way through your sector of relationship. This implies that partnering takes you further down the road of outer world success than going solo. Mercury at the top of your solar chart forms a grand trine with Saturn and Neptune in Water signs. These last two heavyweight planets are located in your resources and service sectors. When Venus gets a bit further into your career sector by mid-week, another grand trine is formed, so that these two planetary archetypes, which are basic antipathy to each other, are making peace by joining together in these softer trine configurations. Saturn holds a grounding space for Neptune, and Neptune vitalizes Saturn with its watery wisdom.

Saturn is found in your sector of resources and values, including financial resources, and it might feel as though you were suffering somewhat in feeling the limitations that are currently upon you in this area. It might prove a blessing, however, to take your eye off the strictly material as you count up the actual treasures of your situation. Meanwhile, Neptune, located in your sector of day-to-day work and health, and of the discipleship to your higher self, brings these areas to both greater attention, and to as well a sense of nebulous intensity that does not easily find a logical resolution.

Uranus and Pluto are highlighted also this month in their ongoing square alignment, which is angular to your particular solar chart and therefore even more emphasized. Uranus in your relationship sector implies that surprises abound and almost any unexpected thing can happen. This has its disconcerting side, just as with the symbolic effects of Saturn and Neptune, but also its reward in terms of an eventual more complete understanding of yourself at deeper levels. Pluto, currently residing in your sector of home, family and tribe, indicates that the revolution in values that is part and parcel of your growth during this powerful year of great change must involve your appreciation of yourself as part of a family or a larger collective. And that understanding is an ongoing discovery that is still evolving.

Any sense of isolation you might be feeling in your life generally still exists, but in a modified way as you consider both the blessings and the drawbacks of family membership. These considerations are heightened by the retrograde of Mercury through Cancer, and in your career sector, which takes place toward the end of the month, on the 26th.

This month is pivotal, then, in coming to an acknowledgment of needed adjustment to nearly every aspect of your life and your outward reach. The changes are far from over, and in some cases just beginning, but the recognition is very key. You, along with all your peers, find yourself in the midst of massive change, both societal and personal. There might in fact be no easy way out of the partial trap that you find yourself in. There is, however, a way.

Scorpio   Scorpio Symbol (October 23 - Nov 21)  Water.  Ruling planets Mars, Pluto.   

This is a time of enormous transformation, Scorpio, for everyone around you and for you in particular. Even for someone who makes a habit out of constantly changing and evolving through many worlds, this month could represent something of a special stretch. You have been frustrated lately, perhaps, with the presence of Saturn in your sign, slowing down the rhythm to a snail's pace. The energy has been building for quite some time and now evolutionary forces are conspiring to allow you an outlet in terms of creative visualization and by means of a hole punched through into a completely different dimension. It is your imagination that provides the key. And it is the honesty of the cosmos, rather than the mere reality mode of consensus thinking, that, in providing your own specific kind of truth, will indeed set you free.

As the month begins, you are still searching for answers to questions that you didn't even know that you possessed. You are caught up in the pressure wave from recent weeks that has emphasized the Uranus-Pluto square taking place in the third and sixth sectors of your solar chart, namely those concerned with communication and day-to-day activities including health practices and service to others. Saturn, placed in your identity sector, has been holding you back while becoming now closely connected to mysterious Neptune in your fifth sector of creative self-expression. You are therefore ready to move, although stalled, and are reaching out to others in new ways. In addition, Mars, your ruler, has begun to traverse your intimacy sector, referring as well to personal evolution, where the Sun also currently resides. The stage is set for a new pathway forward that takes you not around your dilemma but through.

Your salvation, while deeply personal, is intimately tied to others at this time. They are not necessarily agents of change for you, although they could be, but are rather the catalyst that allows your own inner amalgam to cook up and transmute into a useful critical mass that is suddenly capable of moving you along. Uranus, representing startling enlightenment that comes to you in a heartbeat, is closely connected not only with Pluto but also with soul intention, and connects as well, as the month unfolds, with the planets streaming through your sector of higher mind. A change in perspective is indicated, one gesture of figure-and-ground reversal that allows a new and different image to appear.

The sector where Uranus resides, connected to the concept of service to the surrounding collective, was termed by seminal astrologer Dane Rudhyar as that of the discipleship to your higher self. By this he meant that when the time has come to reorient yourself to your higher purpose, the key to this important transition might well reside in this sector. So salvation in service, yes, but in the specifics of meaningful service to others, or to yourself, and in fulfillment of a cause in which you truly believe.

Pluto also represents a large piece of the revolution of values that you find yourself in the midst of. Located in your communications sector, and representing destruction and rebirth, the implication is that something drastically has to transform in the area of interpersonal connection and of learning; again a new perspective must be brought to bear in order that you move along the pathway that was designated for you by your higher self, perhaps even before you came into this particular incarnation.

With mystical Neptune fully activated also, and occupying your creativity sector, which is closely linked to your evolving identity, your true mission is found to possess elements of the beyond as well as the here and now, to the consternation of that part of your personality that remains content with pleasantly superficial solutions. But you are not one to be so satisfied, and will continue to feel the itch for more and further change as long as you still breathe. It is in a way refreshing to be moved beyond your normal compass, and also perhaps more than a little scary. But it is what you have before you now, so you win when you can relax, make the best of it, and try your best to enjoy the ride.

Sagittarius  Sagittarius Symbol (Nov 22 - Dec 21)  Fire.  Ruling planet Jupiter.   

You are opening up to the universe within yourself, Sagittarius. This is a summer season of in-depth spiritual bonding with others and, through inner work, for establishing a better connection also with yourself. New relationship energy is coming in, and as always when the cosmos washes over you, some parts of yourself must be let go as other parts are strengthened. Such profound change has been prepared for by a process of depth exploration of your relative unconscious places that has taken place over the past few weeks and months. This process will eventually lead you to a more integrated approach; a marriage of right action and intelligent goal formation that will lead you, not into the promised land, but rather into the places that your soul journey has prompted you toward.

As the month begins, you are still riding out the wave of the extremely powerful Full Moon eclipse from the last full weekend of the previous month, which took place with the Sun in your opposite sign of relationship, and which triggered also the presence of Neptune in your home and family sector. This latter indicates a loss of grounding and is a more than a little crazy making, and will continue to be a major theme for the month ahead, since the emphasis on Neptune, with also Saturn in trine, persists.

Neptune, especially in its own sign of Pisces, represents an otherworldly sense of multiple dimensions, beyond the physical. This placement in your sector of psychological security gives a slightly queasy sensation of shifting foundation beneath your feet, and yet can also be exhilarating when you relax into it. Perhaps a feeling of cosmic family, as opposed to the strictly biological, that gives this astrological signature its strange appeal. Due to retrogradation, Neptune continues through the first week of August in close combination with Saturn in the like-minded Water sign of Scorpio, where it brings contraction and focus, emphasizing feelings and inner work over and above the more fully conscious mental realms wherein we moderns so routinely dwell.

Uranus and Pluto are also emphasized in the current skies, and in key areas of your solar chart relating to a sense of security and to your creative self-expression, which is cooking right now. With Pluto in its long-term placement within your second solar sector of resources and values, there are lessons to be learned from finances, and from applying yourself to the task at hand. Your ability to rely on self as opposed to counting on the opinions and the abilities of others also be in serious transformation. Uranus represents flashes of enlightenment that come from deep intuition rather than your conscious mind alone, and is also greatly highlighted now, and over the past few weeks as well. In your sector of self-expression, the implication is that you are finding more and better ways to be strictly yourself, at all costs, and not what others or the standards of consensus thinking might dictate.

All in all, this is a powerful month for you, and one in which relationship continues to play a key role. Your emotional values might well be the trump card in this arrangement; over the course of an intense month of coming to terms with what you have deep inside, you are more available to yourself and to others. And this is a beautiful complement to your more usual values of intellection and joviality.

Capricorn  Capricorn Symbol (Dec 22 - Jan 19)  Earth.  Ruling planet Saturn.   

The time could be right for an enormous shift, Capricorn. You have likely known for many weeks now that big changes were in store for you. The pressure of these transformational alterations has been building. Intuitive information from deep inside, plus recent partnership perspectives, and the unexpected enlightenment provided by members of your family, household or tribe, together are facilitating a radical departure from your the outmoded norms of the past. You could find yourself mulling over where exactly your personal evolution might be taking you these days, perhaps toward a destination more in line with deep soul purpose as you are coming to know it. As you re-think the details of your relationship connection and focus to an even greater measure on inner understanding, you are getting closer and closer to making your move.

As the month begins, you are finding your way mystically forward. Nebulous Neptune in Pisces is in a tight trine formation with your ruler, Saturn, and this aspect is increasingly triggered by various personal planets moving through your opposite sign, as the month of June wears on, forming several stages of a grand trine in Water signs. Your usual form of endeavor bespeaks of hardnosed reality, but these archetypal combinations are suggestive of an entirely different mode of behavior that you must discover the way to somehow incorporate into your own. These forces work by intuition over logic, and by subtle indirection rather than by means of direct action. They are still strong actors in the cosmic drama, making a channel for peaceful yet powerful activity to emerge in your life as water wears away the stone.

Saturn, your ruler, resides as it has for weeks in your sector of societal involvement and future plans, and as this placement is affected by the symbolic influence of these other watery forces, you might find yourself turning to your secret emotional depths for the life direction that you know intuitively that needs revitalizing. All through this month and next, the potent presence of Neptune in close aspect to Saturn rules you, as it were, from below. Meanwhile, as the month of June continues to unfold, the travel of Mercury through your relationship sector, followed by Venus and eventually, on the 20th, the Sun, presages that important others in your life will represent important catalysts and change agents for you as your metamorphosis ripens.

Uranus and Pluto have had their recent square, which is still forming again this fall, and this summer marks their increased activity as the pattern of the lunations continues to trigger their aspect, which remains close, less than 2 degrees most all of the way through June. Since Uranus dwells within your home and family sector, it represents there a species of deep intuitional knowledge that does not come from the action of mind alone. There are also like surprises in store for you in this important area of your life, connected to the safety and security of your psychological basis. You might feel somewhat destabilized by this powerful activity at the very root of your solar chart, and yet also exhilarated.

With Pluto in your first, or identity, sector, your very self-concept is in major flux, as it has been for several years now, and with several more still to go. This notion of the time frame for major transformation to make its way through your life is overwhelming when taken in one conceptual gulp, but becomes easier to contemplate in smaller sips, and the grand trine in water of this month and next, while Mercury is also retrograde, is one such sushi-sized morsel. The Sun's passage through your opposite sign of Cancer, ending on July 22nd when Mercury also changes to direct motion, will be quite a ride.

Aquarius  Aquarius Symbol (Jan 20 - Feb 18)  Air.  Ruling planets Uranus, Saturn.   

You are full to the brim with accomplishment in the eyes of the world, Aquarius, although lately it all seems a bit hollow. The responsibility that results is definitely a two-edged sword that has the illusion of great success, while also some unexpected drawbacks, limiting you from being all that you can be. You are reinventing yourself in some important fashion, and, as you do, finding that it might be inner rather than outer priorities that hold the most sway. A process of spontaneous internal combustion has given you a very different idea of your future than you had previously entertained, and it involves getting to know yourself better at the deeper levels of your psyche. You might just need to abandon ship on everything that stands in the way of achieving these softer and more mysterious aims.

As the month begins, you are feeling pulled to both more bountiful creative self-expression and communication, and as well the actualization of that expression in terms of public recognition. With your co-ruler, Saturn, extremely highlighted in your career sector, at the very top of your solar chart, you are putting yourself out into the world in some truly interesting and innovative ways, and it's working. This is an exciting season of positive change in this regard, and in taking spiritual values forward as you do so.

Simultaneously, based on the position of your ruler, Uranus, in your third solar sector of communication and writing, you are exploding in this arena also, with long letters or blog entries, or good old-fashioned conversation with your peers. Such is your enthusiasm that you might need to be careful about coming on too strong with your ideas but there is always room for subsequent adjustment as necessary. Uranus in your third sector also associates with his much-discussed square with Pluto, residing in your sector of dream imagination and soul work, in connection with unconscious process, so that as these two powerful planetary archetypes receive a major boost from each other, you are more open than ever before to inner work as well that finding its outlet in the more obvious outer world activity that society espouses.

With Neptune strongly configured in your second solar sector of resources and values, it is possible that illusions or confusion might crop up concerning financial or other resources. You are in an extremely idealistic place right now, and this is basically an excellent place to be, even if you find that you must temper your enthusiasm with a dose of caution from time to time. With Saturn so prominent in your solar chart, representing critical limitation, you are actually in a very good space to do that as well. Additionally, your everyday workplace concerns, and also your health and exercise choices, will over the course of an active month likewise partake of these twin pulls in a classic tug-of-war; to be a wild-eyed extremist, or not to be.

So much of the month of June actively promotes your third solar sector of writing, learning and communication, and also your sixth of day-to-day activities and deep intention, that you might feel pulled also to communicate regarding what it is that you are truly up to, starting from the inside out. Your inner world is actively calling you to pay fuller attention to these subtle and largely unconscious parts of yourself, and there could be gold in the observation of inner feelings and in actively delving down. It might help to communicate these feelings to others around you as well, as you prepare for an active summer of change.

Pisces  Pisces Symbol (Feb 19 - March 20)  Water. Ruling planets Neptune, Jupiter.   

You are slowing down in order to gather to your fullest momentum, Pisces. This is a powerful month for you, consisting of both contemplation and purposeful action. With all the multiplicity of possibility that you feel, you might have to make a pause to more closely examine what you actually want, as you enter your next stage. Perhaps this space of quiet time will allow you to get the greatest benefit from consulting what deep intuition is trying to tell you. Home in all its symbolic meaning is an important focus as you begin to narrow down and close in on what you truly desire. You may find that, indeed, your connections with your own roots and with inner promptings grow stronger, with the unexpected result that you find yourself planning for a future more consistent with soul purpose.

As the month begins, your ruler, Neptune, is greatly highlighted in your identity sector, with recent activity also in your career sector and your sector of home, family and tribe, meaning that you are feeling an extra-strong pull of your dharma unfolding through all areas of your life. In this you are aided by the presence of Saturn in close trine with Neptune and occupying your ninth sector of higher mind. This gives you a focus and a concentration of energy on providing yourself with more relevant blueprints for finding your way forward, and with new perspectives upon the entirety of your situation.

The recent Full Moon from the last full weekend in May formed a T-square to Neptune. It might easily be that, since that time, perhaps with a peak of intensity during the recent quarter Moon in your sign that took place on the 31st, you have been more strongly feeling the changes and challenges of the road beneath your feet as you attempt to navigate these perilous times that we are all living through. A fundamental optimism possesses you now, but it requires that you remain centered, and pay the closest possible attention to the meditative spaces within you, in order that you make the most beneficial forward motion.

This month, also, the transformational energies of Uranus and Pluto loom large, enjoining you to find a new way forward in your life. With Saturn and Neptune in trine with planets moving through your creativity sector, your self-expression takes on a special position in your ongoing transformation, and might represent the key that could unlock the doors inside yourself that need to open. As you move toward greater wholeness and integration within yourself, in part by concentrating on your own issues, you might find yourself expressing these inner facets to others around you by means of artistic articulation of simply by virtue of your increased presence.

This remains a rather internal month for you, with Neptune stationing retrograde just before the New Moon, and with Mercury retrograding through your creativity sector after the Full Moon toward the end of the month. Your well-known sensitivity thus gets another strong impulse thereby. Through all your changes you are preparing for an emergence that has a fuller style and is more conducive to the direction in which your soul is busy telling you that it wants you to go.

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Overview of the Planets this month:                                Top

A Cosmically Oriented Month of June

The Astrology of June features Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Neptune. Mercury resides in the sign of Cancer for the entire month of June — and also throughout July — because of its upcoming retrograde on June 26th, a week after the Summer Solstice of June 20th when the Sun itself enters Cancer. Thus, in the last week of June and for the first two thirds of July, and potentially into August, we will likely suffer the usual Mercury Retrograde symptoms of mechanical breakdowns and mismatched communications, while our interior dialogue looms large and feels more profound.

This is the second such period in 2013. You might reflect back on whatever happened for you in late February. All three Mercury Retrograde periods this year, including the one coming up next October, are in fact in Water. Since Mercury symbolizes a mental energy, and the astrological element of Water represents the emotions, these times are edgy, as Mercury is not entirely at home there. You could look at this in two ways. On the one hand, everyone's thoughts are confused and "at sea" so to speak; and on the other our emotional detectors are on alert and are more directly stimulated, improving the connections within ourselves between mind and heart.

Venus, too, is emphasized in June's configurations. At the time of the June 8th New Moon and slightly before, Venus aligns into a very close grand trine with Saturn and Neptune. All through the first week of the month, in fact, either Mercury or Venus participates in combination with these outer planet energies, which are in and of themselves antithetical to one another. Saturn and Neptune's close trine, lasting through to mid-August, does allow them to have a constructive dialogue with each other, and with these two inner planets that represent factors of mentality, communication, and relationship connection.

Each of us is therefore pulled in two very different directions all through the month, and especially in the early going. Saturn has the symbolism of restriction and limitation, serious purpose. Relationships partake of that energy, meaning that you could encounter obstacles, forcing you to evaluate the degree of serious purpose that you bring to each partnership encounter. Can you go the distance, make things work out in spite of everything'

Meanwhile, with Neptune in the mix, fantasy and idealization have their full sway, a feeling that no obstacles, or bound Aries, even exist. We can dream, and perhaps deceptively imagine, all kinds of ideal circumstances that fly in the face of reality, or perhaps — by taking the other side into account of what we can visualize and plan for — we can come to ground our vision more concretely. I like Richard Wilbur's poem, called Mind, which has the opening lines

Mind in its purest play is like some bat
That beats about in caverns all alone,
Contriving by a kind of senseless wit
Not to conclude against a wall of stone.

We might think of this as the corrective influence of Saturn upon mental function. There are limits to thought, such as the paradigms of science, that constrain it: not everything is possible. On the other hand, just as the paradigm of Newtonian physics had to yield to the more complex vision of Einstein, and just as the current materialistic world view must eventually yield to a more spiritually inclusive one, there are those moments which could be characterized as Neptunian — escaping the boundAries of time and space.

His poem concludes

And has this simile a like perfection?
The mind is like a bat. Precisely. Save
That in the very happiest intellection
A graceful error may correct the cave.

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