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(Refreshto load most current page)      Horoscope - March 2013    by Henry Seltzer

You'll get a more accurate horoscope if you read your Rising sign, and your Moon sign, as well as your Sun sign. Here's how:

Your Sun sign represents your Self, your way of being in the world. It can represent both the ego (mental) self and the higher Self (soul purpose). It symbolizes your will and sense of vitality.
Your Sun sign horoscope will tell you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

Your Rising sign represents your outer mask, the self you show to others. It symbolizes how you appear to others, how others perceive you, in your true interaction with the world.
Your Rising sign horoscope will tell you what to expect in these areas of your self this month.

Your Moon sign symbolizes your personal self, your feelings, your subconscious. It represents how you relate to others, how you have nurturing relationships with others, your intuition, your spiritual self, your sense of security, and your habits. The Moon symbolizes your feminine, nurturing side (we all have one).
The Moon also indicates the type of partner you will attract, since it represents your emotional self.
Your Moon sign horoscope will show you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

What are your Signs?

Comparison Interpretation of You and your Lover

NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming Certified Practitioner

     Aires   Taurus   Gemini   Cancer   Leo   Virgo   Libra   Scorpio   Sagitt   Capric   Aquar   Pisces   Overview

Aires  Aires Symbol (March 21 - April 19)  Fire.  Ruling planet Mars.    Top

You are coming into your own, Aries, although you might not yet know it. The recent cosmic emphasis implies that in order that you take full advantage of your opportunities, it is more important than ever that you make fundamental changes in your mission statement. You are in a good place to aim carefully, and it is vital that, as you do, you take inner priorities more fully into account. With Mercury Retrograde all month long, this is not the time to push ahead without carefully thinking everything over, and from several different standpoints. You win when you base your thoughts on your deeper feeling level, making use of the powerful intuitive information that currently floods into your being. There, true information is to be found whenever you can make space and allow it to come in.

As the month begins, you are riding the wave of the very powerful Full Moon from the beginning of the last week of the previous month, which brought you to a mystical place and an amorphous feeling that anything and everything is possible. This implies difficulty in deciding on correct choices; or perhaps even in imagining that there is such a thing as the one correct choice for each circumstance. At the same time you might suspect that there is a lot at stake. This feeling of powerful process, tinged with confusion, continues into the present monthly time frame and beyond, through to the first week of April.

Since your ruler Mars is entering your sign on the late evening of March 11th, it is likely that from the 12th onward you detect a shift in your real-world presence, plus on how you perceive things in general. This transition to greater availability for friends and significant others is intensified by the 20th, the date of the Spring Equinox, by definition the time of the Sun’s entrance into your own sign of Aries. As you move from the shadowy side of your personality into your more conscious awareness over these few weeks, you do well to bring the memory along with you of the dark places within. Much light proceeds from what you might have been able to perceive in the course of your sojourn there.
Another factor, again for the second half of this month, would be the startling and unexpected bounty of enlightenment represented by Uranus, still residing in the early degrees of your sign. This connection with the trickster archetype, what one astrologer has called the “freedom from the known” is also amped up by strong aspects from Jupiter and from Mars, your ruler. There could be unlikely events to contend with; as previously noted, even accidental collisions are possible.

All this is happening within the context of the powerful Saturn-Pluto sextile. Saturn is located in your sector of personal evolution and relationship intimacy, so that there is a “stop and go” element to your journey through this important month, which is also a spiritual one. You might find unexpected barriers cropping up that interfere with what you had formerly perceived. This is so even though these might have been your clearly understood and stated objectives. It is best to take everything that happens as it comes, without judgment or worry. Even if difficulties arise or other events unfold that are not fully in accord with your preconceptions, you might find that you can take these as an important lessons.

Taurus  Taurus Symbol (April 20 - May 20)  Earth.  Ruling planet Venus.    

It is a brand new world for you, Taurus, as the winter of your discontent begins to fade and you enter into a springtime of renewed opportunity. You are benefiting from recent realizations regarding partnership priorities and how these affect your world view, and, going forward, on your life in general. You are mulling over your actual plans for a more vitalized soul future, but you are still learning how to navigate the incredibly powerful mix of energies that swirl around you. Next month will be a better time to finalize important decisions that are still coming into being – currently stewing in the reflections of a thoughtful March time frame. For now, you do well to continue to watch and wait, and enjoy your growing confidence as well as the trepidation of anticipated new birth.

As the month begins, you are very aware of goals and societal endeavors, the way that you plug yourself in. The eleventh sector of your solar chart, referring also to friendships and group affiliations, is currently highlighted. A mystical idealism within you allows you to think very positively about your possibilities in this area; in some ways, the sky is the limit as you consider your future plans. Friendships too are emphasized and somewhat idealized or potentially confusing. All these areas are filled with potential and also a bit foggy and vague, just a little too mystical for the actual world of practical events.

You are also entering into a period of internal reconsideration and recalculation as you consider your goals and your group involvements. This is especially so with Mercury Retrograde in this same sector for this entire month, when you take the period of the retrograde shadow into account. As Mercury regains its lost zodiacal longitude in the second half of March and on into April, you might find that you are reformulating your plans yet again, hoping this third time around to get it right both for your own sake, and for the sake of those that are most closely involved with your decisions going forward.

The other factor that takes you into a more impetuous direction over the first half of March involves your values and your finances. With expansive Jupiter emphasized in your sector of resources you might find that you are very energized and positive in this area. You might even be prompted to take undue risks. While everything in the area of finances is upbeat, with Saturn also emphasized, and since Mercury is retrograde, a slow and steady progress is the best bet for this time period.

Then, Uranus is another powerful factor in your chart these days that takes you toward activities that are even more internally based, such as meditation, dream-analysis and other inner work, or journaling. You are this month in an excellent position to go toward your own somewhat neglected inner realms, a fertile subject for continued investigation that is vast in scope and effects, and associated with rich rewards in terms of self-knowledge. There are also painful places inside you that you could learn more about by concentrating on this type of self-exploration. If so, it is important to pay the closest attention to these dark places inside you as they come up, and to make a March pact with yourself not to turn away.

  Gemini Symbol (May 21 - June 20)  Air.  Ruling planet Mercury.    

This continues to be a powerful and an optimistic time for you, Gemini. You have been in an essentially optimistic place, despite being put through the wringer lately. The transformational beat continues into the heart of yet another intense year. You are coming now to a marked shift in your energies, with your ruler, Mercury, retrograding through your sector of career path and productive works. You are entirely serious about understanding your actual life mission, that which will make you not only successful but also happily so, and now is the time to solidify those gains, as you pause to collect yourself. On into April it will be soon enough you to be pressing ahead with a new mandate for a future that you can not only live with, but for.

As the month begins, your ruler, Mercury, is retrograding through the tenth sector of your solar chart, associated with career, professional life, and all forms of outer-world manifestation including issues of authority and control and potentially with your opposite-sex parent. This implies that you are engaged in an active process of mulling over and rearranging this area of your life. Of course the Sun and several other planetary archetypes, including Venus, Mars and Chiron, remain in this part of your chart for varying amounts of time, so that this is definitely an active area for both thinking about and acting on during this entire month.

In the case of career moves, while Mercury is in retrograde, through the shadow period extending into early April, it is of course recommended that you do not leap to any new conclusions from this month in the sense of directly acting on them. It is not however contra-indicated that you act whenever it turns out that you are following through on a pre-existing plan. This is a terrific time to engage in graphic art work in support of professional goals, since your fifth-house ruler, Venus, is in the tenth sector and all forms of artistic endeavor are favored. It might be especially valuable to consult and do research on possible new moves either in this area, or perhaps on networking possibilities that are coming up for you as you pursue career potentials.

Since Chiron is prominent in your chart these days and with many other planets making close aspects, the concept of where you have suffered in the past is a likely background to any other activity that you are currently engaged in. The value of more deeply meditating on previous trauma might seem unappealing, but if there are issues that you have long neglected, could actually be vital to your continued well-being. There could be hidden reactivity in your habitual actions that you are not really aware of, perhaps in the area of knee-jerk reaction to authority or in interpersonal relationships, either business or personal. The good news is that you do not have to do anything to change your current behavior; it is enough just to pay attention to these partially unconscious behaviors when they come up. That step will be enough.

There is opportunity in this type of inward research for you over the course of the beginning months of this year – centered on this current monthly time frame – as you think over and review your deepest feelings. With Jupiter focalized in your identity sector, you are in a fundamentally optimistic space and can use that energy to move forward in these important inner aspects of what you are about. There are deep changes stirring within you, affecting how you see you basic life mission, going forward, and it is more than likely that you will make important progress with these, although in a sense that corresponds more to inner rather than outer work.

Cancer  Cancer Symbol (June 21 - July 22)  Water.  Ruling planet is the Moon.    

It’s an interesting time for you, Cancer. You know you’ve been through something major over these last few weeks, and it is still ongoing, although it might be hard to pin it down exactly what it is. Your emotional center has been rocked; there is an evolution that is taking place within you. The result over this current monthly cycle is a new world view and new vision for where you are potentially heading. A deep exploration has come about without specific planning, as though a hidden passage through the center of the earth had suddenly opened up at your feet resulting in free fall. Where you will land only goddess knows, but it certainly won’t be Kansas anymore, or anything at all like the place where you began.

As the month begins you are still feeling the excitement of the recent Full Moon from the beginning of the last week in February, which took place in your communications sector. The Moon, your ruler, was emphasized there, along with Mercury also in the opposite sector of beliefs and world view, and there is a likelihood that you were more talkative than usual both with others and within the privacy of your own unique mental apparatus.

You have an interesting way of looking at things, from the inside out, so that even when its about speech and logical combinations it is always ultimately about emotion. This tendency within you is even stronger this month, with so many planets massing in emotional Pisces in the higher mind sector of your chart. You might find yourself grappling with an unusual point of view as you move through your working world, and as well in your thoughts about what is real to you; what really matters. The way in which you determine how you see the world around you is changing. Since Mercury is retrograding through this sector you are entering into a period of radical renovation of the internal décor of your characteristic thoughts and feelings.

There are other important factors to consider as you navigate a particularly tricky and mysterious month. As Jupiter grows stronger in your sector of inner work, this implies a strong spiritual bent almost overtakes you at times, urging you to inner dream realms that seem more real than anything that you can see and touch in waking life. For another thing, Pluto is still a major factor that continues to upset the apple cart of anything remotely normal in the way that you see the structure of your life unfolding before you. There is simply the recognition of massive transformation, especially regarding the way that you connect with others around you, and how you can see the development of your creative self-expression in these months of change.

Then too, your intuition and sense of the unique talent that you possess inside yourself is especially powerful these days as well, as represented by the planetary archetype of Uranus residing in your career sector. The cosmos is calling and you might find that you cannot any longer go forward with your life in terms of consensus thinking, nor in any style of quiet acquiescence. The only path that is of sustained interest is the a bit on the wild side, the beauty of it available to your own inner gaze and to a manner of thought that is uniquely your own.

Leo  Leo Symbol (July 23 - August 22)  Fire.  Ruling planet is the Sun.    

This is an interesting month of introspection, Leo, with the retrograde of Mercury through your sector of personal evolution, and following the intensity of the last days of February when everything seemed to fall apart only to pull together again in new ways. You have been caught up, for many weeks now, in the exploration of your interior process, leading to a better, further, and deeper commitment to yourself. You are beginning to entertain, in a new way, the idea that you include Spirit as a normal part of your waking life. It suddenly becomes important that you allow family and relationship with others to rise nearer to the top of your priority list. You are digging deep over this month and the next, first preparing, as you refine your purpose; and then, finally, as you are ready, to act.

As the month begins, you are swimming in the depths of your secret self, more fully examining the dark places within you that complement your outer consciousness by opposing them in the profound caverns of inner development. This inner exploration was highlighted by the recent Full Moon in your resources sector from the beginning of the last week in February, when you might have seen your own process reflected in the eyes of others or among the realizations stemming from the intricate workings of a special relationship.

An entirely mystical process has overtaken you, with Neptune, Venus, Chiron and the Sun conjunct in your sector of personal evolution and intimacy with significant partners. This sector of your chart occupies the dark shadows of your personality rather than the sunlight that represents a more natural part of your basic nature. This inward tendency is magnified by the presence of retrograde Mercury in this same sector of your chart. Instead of mainly outer experience, you are looking to the inside now for information and for sustenance. Intimacy with yourself at deep levels is equally implied by this configuration.

While the Mercury Retrograde implies that this month is not the best time for direct action, you are still actively thinking and even dreaming about a future for yourself that involves a radical shift in priorities. You are very much cognizant of a coming change in your psychic weather, and perhaps also seeing this shift as a move into closer alignment with soul purpose; this is one key to where you are heading right now.

Another touchstone for what you are currently going through is represented by a more alert sense of your own inner wounding. This is represented symbolically by the highlighted presence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, prominent in your intimacy sector. You might be in the process of learning something important regarding inner wounds that you carry, and if so, this awareness is the start of healing these issues. It is enough right now to bear witness. You don’t have to do anything but silently observe, with a steady gaze, everything that happens to you over this monthly cycle, and to take it all in as manifestation with some positive sides; rather than a problem, a piece of the cosmic plan, an ingredient of the solution.

Virgo  Virgo Symbol (August 23 - September 22)  Earth.  Ruling planet Mercury.   

This is quite a time you are having here in the first few months of 2013, Virgo. Now, with six planets in your relationship sector, including Mercury in retrograde, you are deeply committed to partnership concerns, and also to refining and reformulating your viewpoint on life and love. This is a time of plumbing your spiritual depths, and regarding relationship, of both rampant confusion and also the discovery of ethereal beauty emerging, unannounced, between the lines of everyday occurrences. You could also be discovering that you just can’t push the river, but must let it roll on with a life of its own to which you are merely witness. Even though tempting, you might need to put the attractive magnet of outer world pursuits on hold this month as you sort things out.

As the month begins, you are still integrating the realizations that came to you during the Full Moon in your sign from the beginning of the last week of February. At that time, with the Moon opposing so many relationship sector planets, you were faced with issues that seemed to come upon you suddenly, catching you almost unaware, and that filled in some blanks for you in questions that were long percolating regarding the way that you do relationship connection in your life.

Your ruler, Mercury, is now retrograde through this same sector of your chart, and for the entire month when you take into account the period of its retrograde shadow. This is symbolic of initiating a process of deep reflection concerning how you blend your own energy with that of another. You must give in order to get, and yet not too much, or you give yourself away. There is the sacrifice of your own needs for those of another in a way that is freely chosen, which is beautiful. Then there is, on the other hand, the potential for a sense of self-sacrifice that seems compulsive or selected out of early conditioning in habitual ways that no longer serve you.

The presence of Neptune, prominent in its own sign of Pisces, and therefore aligning with this same sector of your solar chart, is another key factor in how you flow into this current month. With Neptune it is always multiple ways of seeing things, both idealizing the very conceptual framework of relationship and also finding it confusing to sort out the factors that truly apply. The things that you are mulling over during this month do not in any way represent a new story for you, but there are perhaps different aspects to it now that make it seem fresh. Likewise, the current month will not completely resolve things in this area, but will undoubtedly represent important progress.

With Chiron also very much emphasized, as you are attempting to sort things out you might find that old issues stemming from early childhood arise in the form of reactivity or unexpected inhibition of your desired action; and the difference is that by paying careful attention you might be able to bring greater conscious awareness to your patterns in this regard. Just becoming more aware of how profoundly early trauma can affect your current choices makes for an enormous step forward.

All this is happening in the context of a transformative year, the pivot of still greater cycles of change that will take the remainder of the year and in fact most of the rest of this decade to fully comprehend and stabilize. You are in the hands of the cosmos and do well to respect the natural flow of your life onward, and in this sense change is not only inevitable, but entirely healthy and vital for your continued well-being and forward-looking spiritual evolution.

Libra  Libra Symbol (September 23 - October 22)  Air.  Ruling planet Venus.    

You are seeking fulfillment amidst the ordinary, Libra. You are making a breakthrough to new levels of understanding, of yourself and of where in the world your life could be heading, although the details are more than a bit confusing, mystical and vague. Since Mercury is also retrograde until the first week of April, when you take into account the period of the retrograde shadow, it may be best not to try too hard. You win if you can wait to forge ahead with plans until you have a good sense of what you really want, down within the deepest centers of your being. One stage of this evolving process, when significant others enter even more into your picture, takes place with the Full Moon in your sign during the last week of March.

As the month begins, you are more aware than ever of the mandate upon you now and throughout your life to rise to the occasion and transcend limitations that seem to hold you back. This might be because of recent experiences of difficulty which you have had to surmount, or it might be a preparation for further trials still to come, but in any case you are on the cusp of a move forward that you can choose to take or to let go of the possibility for at this particular juncture. There is a sense of idealism right now, and of optimism that you can find your way through, although these might need to be tempered by practical considerations.

This is because of the massing of planets, including mystical Neptune, in your sixth sector of everyday process and the discipleship to your higher self. This concentration of cosmic energies includes your ruler, Venus, still in the early stages of entering this sector of your chart, which concerns health and well-being in your work as well as in other forms of service to the surrounding collective. This also involves your dedication to that which you must inevitably become through your efforts. Mercury retrograding right all month long through this same sector, moving backward through the zodiac since the final week of February, implies that you will be spending loads of time within the current monthly cycle thinking about these basic realities of life on planet earth.

It might be that an impending situation will get your attention, forcing the recognition that you need to muster your forces in a more positive direction. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is a significant part of this configuration, and it could be that issues of reactivity could arise, perhaps concerned with issues of service to another or to an employment situation. Since Chiron is strongly aspected by all the other outer planet energies as well, any issues that arise could also relate to the house position of your natal Chiron, so that many other scenarios are potentially possible. You are encouraged during this relatively internal time period to meditate on the ways that you have been wounded in the past in such a way as to affect your present and future choices, although with Mercury Retrograde it is enough to witness for this entire current monthly period. It might be that you have been unaware, or not as aware as you could be, of the power of the hidden complex within to take over your behavior from below. You benefit when you can pay more conscious attention to painful places inside you, places that have been neglected and ignored, at least consciously, for far too long.

After the middle of the month you will be focused on these same issues but from a slightly different perspective, as Mercury returns to direct motion and as Mars, ruler of your relationship sector, enters that sector and conjuncts Uranus there. This might provide surprising information or partnership activities that lead you to new information. All in all, it is necessary to pay the closest possible attention to whatever happens to you over this entire month of March so that you will be in the best position to take action, once action is required.

Scorpio   Scorpio Symbol (October 23 - Nov 21)  Water.  Ruling planets Mars, Pluto.   

This is an important time, Scorpio, when you are continuing to explore your inner world, and when you have also been feeling your way into a better relationship with your own personal power. When you think that you have the capability of exerting the most control is when, paradoxically, you have the very least. Over the course of this current month, your self-expression and creativity is blazing up in a new fashion that takes your deep unconscious process into better account, recognizing that at base, not everything you do is fully conscious. You are on the way to affirming your path forward in a very different way, one that rather than the misplaced conditioning of an era that has lost its relevance to your present understanding, takes soul purpose more firmly into account.

As the month begins, you are feeling both incredibly optimistic and also reserved and cautious, which is more than just a little paradoxical; but then, the nature of the soul is paradox. You have first of all the powerful presence of Saturn in your identity sector, signaling setbacks and a sense of limitation, and renewed in strength with this month’s configurations. Really, though, Saturn has been hanging out there for many weeks already so that you might be getting used to it by now. Then again, the positive presence of Jupiter in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution makes it so that you are ripe for going off adventuring and perhaps making an even overly gung ho estimation of situations so that you might have to hold yourself back at times.

The best way to use this positive side of your energy is to pay close attention to everything that happens now on the emotional level with the idea of getting into better relationship with your own inner workings. With Mercury Retrograde for this entire month and a week beyond, when you take the period of the retrograde shadow into account, you are actually in a meditative mood in any case. You are intent on reviewing your sense of self and your involvement with both the physical world that surrounds you and with significant others in your life, but both more from the standpoint of how these reflections show you who you at soul level. You have a chorus line of planetary energies flowing through your sector of creative self-expression so that you are your own primary product for the moment at least.

This is a time of taking a second look at whatever it is that you feel most completely explains what you consider yourself up to, and why, but it is also a time of intensity in terms of active involvement. Following through with what you started in mid-February or before makes perfect sense for you now, as well as doing active research on new directions. It is important to exercise discernment however as far as the impulse to stretch your wings and flow toward plans that are entirely novel; that kind of endeavor might be best reserved for mid-April after Mercury regains its lost zodiacal longitude.

Then too, this is definitely a monthly period of finding renewed inspiration in what is really important to you regarding day-to-day activities, health issues and general life direction, especially toward the end of March. It is important as you move through this tricky month that you keep your eye on the true prize, namely that you are attempting to learn and then follow your true soul-purpose agenda of greater conscious awareness and more internal growth, whatever means you take to get yourself there.

Sagittarius  Sagittarius Symbol (Nov 22 - Dec 21)  Fire.  Ruling planet Jupiter.   

You are on a roll, Sagittarius, but it is not all easy. As an intense winter makes way for spring via the dynamic transition point of the recent February 25th Full Moon, you are even more greatly focalized on important interpersonal connections. These include relationships with significant others, and also those with home, family and tribe; where you find that you are reviewing and renewing your priorities. There might be a better way forward than you have previously attempted. This is correlates as well to the psychological basis of your security, and you might find that in the course of these investigations you are discovering what makes you tick, deep down inside. As you do, you gain a better grasp on a top-to-bottom integration that brings you into closer connection with others and ultimately, with yourself.

As the month begins, you are riding the wave of the Virgo Full Moon from the beginning of the last week of February. This took place in your career sector while simultaneously a massing of planetary energies was occurring in the most private sector of your solar chart, the one at the very bottom concerning home and family. With so much energy racing through this sector it would not be at all surprising if you find that you are carefully thinking over your relationship to family members, questioning the structure of your home life, thinking about a move or even engaging in remodel.

Relationships in general are on your mind this month, with your ruler, Jupiter, residing in your partnership sector and increasingly aspected by both Saturn and Pluto as well as retrograde Mercury and Chiron. This could bring up the joyous and also the deeper elements of your relationship dynamic, with the unspoken goal of a better sense of integration all around. The way that you meet others is changing, in parallel with the way that you conceive of your own process of growth and transformation, including the attention you pay to inner priorities over the course of a challenging year. In specifics there could be details that come to light as you go through the relationship dance that cast illumination upon the way that you and important partners interact. You are truly on a voyage of discovery in this area.

This exploration paradoxically also strengthens your internal connections within yourself. There are parts of your personality, perhaps the ones that you are normally unaware of, that may have been projected in the past onto partners, and this period of reflection is an opportunity for you to take back the projection and ownership of your own psychic material. In particular, previous trauma that has been buried away in your unconscious has a good chance to come up for you now, as you work through whatever might be arising in the relationship arena.

Along with the revelations that arise from your inner depths, there are also creative opportunities that will undoubtedly emerge over this powerful monthly time frame. Uranus is highlighted in the second half of March and your sense of identity and your self-expression is thereby enhanced, and your sense of personal creativity given a unique spin in the process. In a month devoted to relationship encounters and learning experiences of an interpersonal nature, there are plenty of opportunities to get to know yourself better in all ways. You come out the other side of this reflective period of time slightly older and much wiser than when you entered.

Capricorn  Capricorn Symbol (Dec 22 - Jan 19)  Earth.  Ruling planet Saturn.   

This is an interesting time for you, Capricorn, especially for learning new things about yourself. A tremendous transition period has been underway for many weeks, affecting how you see yourself moving forward into the uncertainty of a changed and changing world, and you remain in the thick of it. There is a way that you have never fully explored what might be termed soul purpose to the depth that you are exploring it now. You are refining your perception of what this means in terms of life direction and how you can best respond. With Mercury currently retrograde, it isn’t the time to push the river. The moment for more concerted action will come mid-April. For now, it makes for the perfect time to write down your observations or to discuss them, and to quietly watch and wait.

As the month begins, you are finding your way forward into an early springtime of emotional reactions and pursuits while you navigate some perhaps neglected areas of your life with an amazingly altered perspective that differs from even the most recent past. With Mercury retrograding through your communications sector, it is the right time for creative introspection and for journaling concerning experiences of an inner nature, although not so good for scintillating conversation of whatever kind might present itself from others around you. You are mentally inward now, and it benefits you to recognize it and to therefore act in ways that align with to this cosmic prerogative that has been handed to you. This Mercury Retrograde lasts all month long and one week beyond, when you take the shadow period into account.

An uncharacteristic fuzziness and idealism in your conversational habits extend also to the mode of business communication that you choose. Everything is now based on inner rather than outer priorities. You are going all out for a future that you can really live with and more or less reveling in the learning experience required to get you there. This joy in higher and deeper learning is combined with questioning afresh your own identity issues that you have been dealing with for many months now. You self-concept has been changing rather dramatically over the previous year and is now again.

Transformation and restructuring have taken their toll as well on your business and professional life. A shift in priority from outer to inner is affecting this area of your life also, so that you are thrown back upon your own concept of the truth and no other. Your inner explorations might also involve an in-depth look at where you are caught by the residue of past trauma that have created areas of complex within you or that contribute to issues of reactivity that come up for you from time to time.

A basic instability at the very core of your being, represented by a greatly enlarged Uranian archetype, representing concepts of unique and intuitional clarity of perspective, is both a cause for concern and for celebration. While it brings up insecurity it yet also has the beneficial effect of allowing you the fluidity of motion to throw off previous stuck places in side yourself. You must find the middle ground In the ongoing tug of war between the ideal and the merely practical. Either way, you will be the better for your ongoing struggle for integration and wholeness.

Aquarius  Aquarius Symbol (Jan 20 - Feb 18)  Air.  Ruling planets Uranus, Saturn.   

This is an important time of transition, Aquarius, as you more fully explore public persona and simultaneously your role as a creative and free individual. You are examining your position through the wrong end of a telescope, looking in a new way at the details of how you live your life, and it becomes an excellent time to journal or to meditate on these observations. You are very much in the physical world, and yet not really of it. While still remaining the proving ground of practicality, your world has turned into a symbolic statement of how you connect with others around you, and with your own inner universe. You see both these ideas in a kind of double-vision that will drive you mad if insist on simple logic rather than choosing a mystical approach, and simply enjoying the ride.

As the month begins, there is a concentration of planetary energies in your second sector of resources and values. Your financial and other resources are a big factor for you over the present month, but in no simple manner. There are ideals that you have been tuning in to within this area and you are also subject to a spate of good fortune that is helping to pave your way. Yet, you are also beginning to recognize the emptiness of mere possessions or wealth without a unifying principle behind these gifts resulting in a better sense of yourself and of your life purpose.

This is a meditative month for you with Mercury retrograding through this same sector, also concerned with feeling of security and belonging. You are perhaps finding yourself somewhat engaged this month in re-examining what it means to be spiritually rather than materially centered. You are in an essentially positive and artistically creative personal environment, since Jupiter is highlighted in your self-expression sector and Venus blends with idealistic Neptune as you evaluate your resources, both spiritual and material. There is some level of confusion inherent in these placements, or potentially the possibility of over-idealizing financial or other possibilities for yourself so that adjustments to your thinking is required as you go through this interesting and inquisitive monthly cycle.

Even though you are in a relatively good place right now, you are also participating in the transformational tenor of these times. There are important life changes and structural adjustments that you are faced with, and a certain amount of painful process that you are dealing with. These are symbolized by the highlighted presence of the limitations and restrictions of Saturn in your career sector, transformative Pluto in your sector of inner process and Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in your resources sector. These powerful archetypes are in favorable and very close aspect with each other and together provide a theme of potentially painful and thorough restructuring of some important life factors; painful because so thorough – you are a fixed sign after all and in addition to being innately stubborn you also have a tendency to not do so well with massive change.

The changes come from deep inside you and concern both the career and financial underpinnings of your outer circumstance. You are seeking a better alignment with your underlying soul purpose in these areas. There is actually less to fear than you might think, and this is true to the extent that you have been doing your homework. As the channeled Source called Abraham always says, if you have a problem, and you ignore it, don’t worry! It will get worse until it has your attention. Contrariwise, if you have been already paying attention, there is less chance of a major collision with soul intention.

Pisces  Pisces Symbol (Feb 19 - March 20)  Water. Ruling planets Neptune, Jupiter.   

This is a powerful time for you, Pisces, one of meditative reflection and self-definition. With the timing of the recent very intense Full Moon in your opposite sign from the last week of February, you have turned an important corner. In the wake of that event and the simultaneous retrograde of Mercury through your identity sector, while still engaged with the world, you are spending a large amount of your time simply thinking and feeling. There is a way that you are becoming more aware that, along with recognizing more ordinary sources of information, there are vast realms of knowledge concealed within the intimations of an almost entirely unconscious deep intuition. Although you gaily participate in social interaction, this void of profound silence within you might be the one thing that is really worth a listen.

As the month begins, you are still taking in the message of the recent Full Moon in your opposite sign from the beginning of the last week in February. That was a powerful configuration for you, and brought up identity issues that you are currently still in the midst of; and as well questions regarding your relationship intentions together with considerations of home, family and tribe. Since this configuration was so dynamic for you, you are still riding out its tidal wave of emotional charge and thought process that has been percolating through you since this event.

In the current month there is also plenty of activity in your identity sector, with six planets residing there including Venus, Neptune, the Sun and retrograde Mercury. These additionally symbolize relationship concerns for you, since Mercury is also the ruler of your seventh sector of partnership and since Venus conjuncts your ruler Neptune, right there in the early degrees of your sign. You are therefore spending this month more closely examining all the relationship dynamics that you habitually bring to bear along your life path. And while this is important in and of itself, and for your future relationship happiness, it is also true that significant partners are in another way a reflection of your own personality coming back at you, constituting perhaps the best way to see yourself more clearly. When you stare into the calm pool of love you see your own face looking back at you.

This is definitely a meditative period of time for you, the time of the Mercury Retrograde, lasting for the remainder of this month – and on into April when you take into account the stretch required for Mercury to regain its lost zodiacal ground and return to the degree where it began last February 23rd. While you are thinking and re-thinking your basic concept of what you are up to, and regarding relationship concerns as well, you are undoubtedly taking a closer look at familial connections that provide emotional security to your efforts. The emphasis there grows as the month continues to unfold, and might include factors within your physical environment as well as with family and family-like friendship and your basis for psychological security that comes from deep within you.

With Pluto and Saturn so definitely highlighted in this month’s configurations also, and especially since they are in close sextile to each other, you are facing the changing of the guard in terms of how you conceptualize the world around you, and where you feel that you are ultimately headed as a consequence of this renewed vision. This is basically an optimistic time period for you, one in which you will come into better alignment with soul purpose and with your own sense of fitness and the happiness that derives from intelligent striving. It does take work to get there.

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Overview of the Planets this month:                                Top

The Inner Transformations and Investigations of March

The Astrology of March features Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Chiron and Pluto. Mercury is still in retrograde from late February, and only escapes its retrograde shadow on the 6th of April. Therefore the entire month of March will be one that partakes at least to some extent of the usual Mercury Retrograde symptoms of missed connections, communication mishaps and mechanical breakdowns. These interesting phenomena can usually be traced to false assumptions or overlooking something on the part of our own mental apparatus, and do not seem to much affect those persons born with Mercury Retrograde natally.

Venus, relationship planet and the astrological archetype of beauty and the arts, is also highlighted this month, now in Pisces and there conjuncting Neptune. The March 11th
New Moon in Pisces also conjuncts Venus, so that a softer and more compassionate take on inter-personal connection is even more than usual on our minds and in our hearts. Additionally, with the Mercury Retrograde period ushering in a more thoughtful attitude, the focus of our meditations will likely be the very nature of our world as a relationship planet, as well as on our various relationships, our soul’s life blood.

The same New Moon that features Venus is accompanied by Mars leaving Pisces and entering into its own sign of Aries, there to come into closer and closer conjunction with Uranus as the second half of this month unfolds. This brings a series of sudden surprises and an extroverted counter-point to the internal energy of the Mercury Retrograde. The possibility of accidents cannot be ruled out so that it is best to proceed with caution. We might continue our month-long meditation by focusing on the many ways that we bring one-pointed and self-motivated activity to the altar that relationship provides. When we more closely look, and look truly, we are able to recognize where indeed the very structure of our lives must radically transform.

Meanwhile, Jupiter in Gemini, ruled by both Mercury and, in esoteric terms, Venus, is once again the focus of a yod formation from Saturn and Pluto - as was found at the time of the Winter Solstice on the 21st of December, 2012, and also in the chart for the New Year. Saturn with Pluto represents the radical transformation of structures; our own, and in the life of the surrounding collective. The Jupiter emphasis lends an optimistic air to the proceedings as we continue to explore what we need to do - both individually and as a society - to make the necessary life changes that will enable us to get through this pivotal year, recognizing it as one important turning point of a turbulent decade.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is also very prominent in this month’s configurations, being increasingly aspected by Jupiter, and by retrograde Mercury as we make our way through March. This indicates a primary focus on the challenges as well as the rewards of this period. We are caught up in a struggle to accept the necessity of massive change. There is also the realization that, as we do go along with the flow of the cosmos working itself out through our lives, our relationships must also undergo continual adjustment and repair. It is important to recognize that change opens the door to healing, and is vital, representing the only way that we will be able to make our necessary transition into wholeness.

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