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(Refreshto load most current page)      Horoscope - April 2013    by Henry Seltzer

You'll get a more accurate horoscope if you read your Rising sign, and your Moon sign, as well as your Sun sign. Here's how:

Your Sun sign represents your Self, your way of being in the world. It can represent both the ego (mental) self and the higher Self (soul purpose). It symbolizes your will and sense of vitality.
Your Sun sign horoscope will tell you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

Your Rising sign represents your outer mask, the self you show to others. It symbolizes how you appear to others, how others perceive you, in your true interaction with the world.
Your Rising sign horoscope will tell you what to expect in these areas of your self this month.

Your Moon sign symbolizes your personal self, your feelings, your subconscious. It represents how you relate to others, how you have nurturing relationships with others, your intuition, your spiritual self, your sense of security, and your habits. The Moon symbolizes your feminine, nurturing side (we all have one).
The Moon also indicates the type of partner you will attract, since it represents your emotional self.
Your Moon sign horoscope will show you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

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     Aires   Taurus   Gemini   Cancer   Leo   Virgo   Libra   Scorpio   Sagitt   Capric   Aquar   Pisces   Overview

Aires  Aires Symbol (March 21 - April 19)  Fire.  Ruling planet Mars.    Top

This is an amazing and transformative month for you, Aries. You are full of energy as everything that was building comes together, like a compressed spring bouncing free. You potentially need to be wary of even too much exuberance and enthusiasm. In the midst of a complex month that includes unexpected shifts in the psychic weather, beware also of reactive responses to sudden twists and turns of fate. It might be better to withhold judgment over whether any particular event bodes good or ill; after all, the one can sometimes morph into the other with amazing rapidity. Good advice that never seems to go out of style comes from the Chinese sages of the Tao Te Ching when they make the claim that success and failure could be considered as equal ailments.

As the month begins, you are riding the wave from the powerful Full Moon from the end of last month that took place in your opposite sign. This Full Moon emphasized relationship considerations, and it might easily be that partnership activity of all varieties has seized your attention lately, along with the determination to embark upon a new way of doing things in this area of your life. There is a great determination within you now to buckle down and make important changes happen, and not in this area alone. There is also present within you a spiritual mandate that is urging you into taking a different track than business as usual, although it simultaneously feels scary to actually contemplate such a radical move.

In truth, the culture itself and all individuals within it, including yourself, are rapidly moving out of their comfort zone with the necessity for through-going changes and there is no way to predict what will be the result of these, as you head toward an uncertain future. It can of course also be exhilarating to recognize that your life will never be quite the same as a result of this transformational decade that we are now more fully entering into. You might want to buckle your seat belt because the configurations are heating up, and continue that way for most of the remainder of this year.

In specifics, you find that the way that you show up in the world of business and professional considerations, and the way that you exteriorize yourself in productive deed, is changing radically in accordance with perspective shifts resulting from equally radical learning curve that you and everyone you know are currently engaged in. On the relating front, you might discover that this affects not only relationships with friends, intimate contacts and business partners also, but your depth relationship with yourself as well.

There is a sense of isolation and loss of illusion that leads you to a more thorough investigation of what makes you tick from the inside out. This is coupled with intense intuitional realizations that come to you rapid-fire these days, and that lead you further to the inside, and closer to the truth, as you can make head space for these bolts from the blue and allow yourself to feel into the possibility that the information could be accurate, even if it does seem to fly in the face of logic.

In the midst of rapid change, there is certainly the potential for pulling back at least a little; but the truth is that the only genuinely productive thing to do is to get out of your own way and prepare to relax and enjoy the ride. This is easier said than done, although any form of movement in this general direction is likely to be on the right track for you.

Taurus  Taurus Symbol (April 20 - May 20)  Earth.  Ruling planet Venus.    

This continues to be an interesting and quite rewarding period of time for you, Taurus, especially in terms of internal over external rewards. For the first half of en empowering month of April, you are reaching for the gold ring down inside; living within the illusory domain of a land of dreams, only partly involved with the machinations of the so-called real world. This changes dramatically after mid-month, but for these first two weeks you are dwelling on your own recent researches into a fully altered life direction, inwardly tuned to otherworldly realms within you that contribute more than you might think to your everyday actions and decision making. By month's end, new initiatives abound, made more poignant and emotionally relevant by the weeks that you have spent dreaming the dark into renewed life.

As the month begins, you are far more inner than outer, as you continue to ride the wave from the potent Full Moon from the middle of the last week of March. Transformation is increasingly in the air for you. You have been through a major series of changes over these past few months, so that the concept of massive reorientation is far from new, but no matter how much time goes by there remain further resistances to be plowed through and a further settling that still needs to take place. There is loads of energy available to you right now, including the mystical and surprising enlightenment of Uranus, occupying your sector of dream imagination and inner work, and this trickster archetype might help you to push something through as you take a thoughtful and meditative look at your core process; and as well at partnership in your life.

Uranus represents a strong sense of intuition, a glimpse of the architecture of the universe, and your intuitional access is in fact huge right at this moment. This is a good thing, because the kinds of information that you are ready to receive, and the kind of discrimination that best serves you, do not lend themselves to logical thinking or correspond in any way to business as usual. It is a deep connection to soul-purpose, and nothing else that brings you to the place that you truly need to go. The universe is conspiring with your angel guidance — or in more practical terms the wisdom of your Higher Self — to allow greater scope to a big picture viewpoint on the events of your life.

As you navigate the fairly intense changes that are coming down upon you, partners seem to count as mentors for you now. This is symbolized by the presence of Saturn in your one-on-one sector, in aspect to Pluto in your sector of Higher Mind. They are available to you as both advice givers and also as that critical voice of consensus thinking that seems to be there solely in order that you might have the chance to rebel against it. Either way these important others in your life are providing a service, although it will be strictly up to you to figure out which function they are gifting you in each moment.

The future is opening up for you so that you have an internal sense of a green light and go for it. And yet there is another way that all this is scary, and you quail at such a prospect. It might perhaps seem that a dysfunctional arrangement that you are used to has advantages over the unknown possibility. Nevertheless you are intent on finding the right amalgam of caution and bravado, for you, right now. The universe has your back and you are most likely in exactly the place that you need to be.

  Gemini Symbol (May 21 - June 20)  Air.  Ruling planet Mercury.    

This is an amazing month, Gemini, when you are coming into some very new goals and plans. For you, this springtime month of April begins like a lamb and then begins to roar. With the advent of the Aries New Moon on the 10th, you begin a journey of exploration that takes you into some very altered and excitingly novel life directions. You have in some ways lately been putting yourself through the wringer, and everything in your everyday existence now begins to shine with renewed and purposeful meaning. You do well to reassess yet again your chances in the light of this fresh understanding, and yet if you resist the changes that the cosmos is offering there is no downside; the intensity of your situation will merely repeat until you get the message.

As the month begins, you are feeling the evolutionary pressure upon you to get moving that was triggered by the recent Full Moon in your sector of creativity and self-expression. Your ruler Mercury has been prominent in your chart, and its recent retrograde motion has been the signal to stop and think about what you are up to. Although you have been at this for some time now, this month you are taking the plunge into still deeper layers of your personality and of your true purpose for being here. You have a powerful vision for the future that is slowly coming to a head, and it is operating from a standpoint of inner vision and in accordance with your deepest soul-level desire for yourself as you dive.

Pluto is in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution and triggered by this month's configurations, as its aspect with inspirational Uranus gets closer once more for this current year. These two heavy-weight planetary archetypes, whose combination with each other implies revolutionary change, actually closed in perfect square alignment with each other last June and then again in September. You could be feeling in this month's turns of events something familiar that could take you back almost a year to that point in time. The months of exact in this year of 2013 are May and early November, so that the next hit is coming right up now, only a few weeks away.

At this time Saturn is also involved in their configuration, from the standpoint of your sector of discipleship to your highest purpose for yourself; meanwhile, Saturn makes an aspect to Jupiter in your identity sector. What this implies for you is that as you optimistically proceed with your plans, there are deeper implications waiting in the wings for their time to be on stage, and that restrictions and practical limitations are likely to arise, and perhaps surprising twists and turns, resulting in the need for unforeseen course corrections. Jupiter is a very joyful and an optimistic planet though; and being on your side, you can take it.

Then too, the presence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, near the top of your chart conveys that as well as joy, there is suffering involved in bowing to the will of the universe as it takes you through these hoops and ladders of a powerful spring. You win by paying the closest possible attention to everything that is happening to you now, and by accepting what comes as, though not necessarily fun, important from the standpoint of soul-level progress.

Cancer  Cancer Symbol (June 21 - July 22)  Water.  Ruling planet is the Moon.    

It's an interesting springtime that is emerging for you, Cancer. Through all the ups and downs you are experiencing a strong inner presence that transcends everything more mundane and sustains you through the rough places as you rethink your conscious priorities. Your inner guidance is more available to you than ever; it reflects back on and informs your higher mind viewpoint on your situation. Career and profession represent the dominant theme for you right now, pulling together nearly every other element of your life. It's not that you are living strictly for your work in the world; it's that your work focalizes all other aspects of your life and brings them into a form of integration that is new for you, going beyond anything that you have previously experienced.

As the month begins, you are finding, in the wake of the very powerful Full Moon from the last week of March, just how much you need outer as well as inner accomplishment. You are usually more content to tend your own garden, so the thought of being out there, and exposed in this way, seems challenging. And yet, here you are, with the Sun and five planets in your sector of career, public life and outer achievement; you are being given the great gift of seeing for a change how the other half lives.

The presence of the ruler of your relationship sector in your sector of self-expression, tying together these two areas of your chart, is another indication that some important new perspectives are on their way to you. In fact this particular indicator has been there for months, but is recently more prominent. You are being cosmically encouraged to take an active role in putting yourself out there, and in finding your own unique voice as you do so. This is also in the context of a more sober-minded approach to everything that your are currently engaged in.

Antithetical to this sense of caution, it is also significant that the planetary archetype of trickster energy, Uranus, is coming to prominence as well and is elevated in your chart this month, highlighted especially in the early going. This brings surprises, which could always turn out to be delightful ones, and the epiphany of startling enlightenment to your process. There is a way that you need to trust in your intuition to guide you now, in spite of all evidence to the contrary, or thoughts of caution. You might only need to visualize what you really want and then let yourself unquestioningly react to that vision as you move ahead with what you are trying to accomplish.

What you are going through only you can really say, but it is certain that it involves a thorough-going transformation of some area of your life, perhaps involving partners of one kind or another or your attitude toward them. This is symbolized by the presence of Pluto in your relationship sector, just as the Uranus-Pluto square is becoming more intense. Another month of massive change, and the preparation for change, is in the works for you and it doesn't let up, not till almost the end of the year. The good news is that the universe will never send your way anything that you don't truly need, or are not ready for, at some deep and perhaps only recently emerged level of your being.

Leo  Leo Symbol (July 23 - August 22)  Fire.  Ruling planet is the Sun.    

It's a long road that has no turning, Leo, and you are more than ready for a change. Startlingly novel perspectives are emerging to provide you with the perfect opportunity to experiment. You are on an important verge. You have for many weeks been delving down deep inside yourself, into the secret and hidden places of your soul, searching for answers and finding partial ones, or just getting confused. The magic of existence has perhaps been right there at your fingertips all along, yet remained obscure. Starting now you are wrapping all your previous experience into a ball — a new kind of knowledge that you can roll with you into an amazing and colorfully altered set of potentials; a different future than what you had been visualizing, but still, somehow, the right one.

As the month begins, you are riding high with ideas and with a systematic dedication to bringing your inner world closer to your outer, and the depths of your unconscious process closer to consciousness. Especially since the very powerful Full Moon of the middle of the last week of March, you are opening up lines of internal communication and studying how best to make your mark on the world around you in a new way that is consistent with your highest ideals for yourself, going forward.

The prominent outer planet archetypes of Pluto, Saturn and Uranus in collision and collusion with each other are very active this month, suggesting that you along with everyone that you know is caught up in a pressure cooker of massive change. In your case, much of the transformative power for you lies in converting your everyday pursuits to a closer fit with what your spiritual process is attempting to convey to you as your true path; that is to say finding your actual dharma — the work in this world that you came into this lifetime to fulfill — in spite of the multiple distractions of ego and of the discouraging thought forms of the surrounding consensus.

With Uranus and five other planets placed in your sector of higher mind, it is the area of philosophical pursuits such as teaching, learning and even travel that have the most to offer. You are also very future-oriented right now, so that the opening is there for a more optimistic assessment of goals and plans that take such new perspectives into account. Optimism exceeds caution although both are present. Saturn is actively participating from its location in your fourth solar sector of home and family, and this implies holding back, so that you have plenty of both strategies in your current cosmic patterning. You are concentrating your intention on issues of family, dwelling space, and tribe in a way that could translate into a sense of isolation while you sort things out, but ultimately leads you to profound changes regarding this area of your life.

As you step tentatively forward into new ways of thinking and being, it is also possible that ancient trauma — perhaps stemming from early life and the inevitable conflicts with parental figures, or with siblings and peers — might arise to haunt you. There is a very real potential for these kinds of realizations now, as symbolized by the active presence of Chiron, the planetary archetype of the Wounded Healer, in your intimacy sector. This area of your solar chart refers as well back to your own inner explorations. It is with more complete self-knowledge and ultimately self-acceptance that you will find if not the antidote than at least the amelioration of the intensity of such wounding and its power to side-track you.

Virgo  Virgo Symbol (August 23 - September 22)  Earth.  Ruling planet Mercury.   

This is the first month of the rest of your life, Virgo. Important relationships have been mightily morphing recently and can now be seen in a new way. Is it the partnership itself that has changed, or merely your perception' Problems that as recently as last month seemed too vast are somewhat settling into place at last. This is not to say that no difficulties remain; it is more that these are present in less gigantic proportions, assuming their rightful place in the natural order of things — a part of the cosmic landscape. You are potentially feeling the vitality and freedom of a new mandate that allows you to step forward into wholeness. This applies to the evolving structure of your relationship dynamic and also to the dark places within yourself; now suddenly illuminated.

As the month begins, you are very aware of your possibilities, sensing that the way that you have been taking things with one foot just ahead of the other could be preparing to shift. The powerful recent Full Moon from the last few days of March brought up issues of self and other, and your process of metamorphosis that you have been feeling into. You have for some time now been mulling over the important partnerships in your life, perhaps mentally rearranging the way that you handle the very concept of relationship. This meditative stance is shifting now as you replace it with a more action-oriented approach.

The outer planet archetypes that are so prominent in current skies are sending you a cosmic message, gently and sometimes not so gently, that the time has come for you to become more fully committed in your work in the world, because more solid in your self-concept. You are in some ways searching for a psychologically secure home base, while yet on the whole remaining more comfortable, rather than within your secret self, out in the world producing for and in connection with others. Pluto, representing transformation, resides in your creativity sector. You could be finding, through the course of this month's transformative fires, that when your self-identification is on one side of the scale too isolated, or on the other end too other-oriented, you lose yourself spinning around. The answer lies with internal exploration and, your with own artistic creativity, when you can find the space within yourself to give it a chance.

Chiron, symbolized by the archetype of the Wounded Healer, continues to be very active in your relationship sector, and it is possible that internal complexes of wounding could be hanging you up and holding you back from being all that you can be. These are the residue of early trauma in your life, perhaps with issues of peer-to-peer connection. If this is true, and if difficult events are providing the context for these hidden places within you to become momentarily visible, you have an excellent opportunity now. Rather than allowing them to remain walled away, it pays to nudge these dark places deep inside you to come out into the open by giving them encouragement, nurturing and acceptance.

This is an important time, a pivotal month that when your life can change for the better, and when your depths are crying out to you for greater internal connection. A new cosmic mandate is on the table, daring you to fresh action. This in fact represents the key to the integration of both private and more public concerns. The best part of this is that it is totally win-win, since you can always return to your established habits if something seems not to work out, while pressing ahead could be wonderful. You have nothing to lose but the chains that are holding you back.

Libra  Libra Symbol (September 23 - October 22)  Air.  Ruling planet Venus.    

This is a pivotal month for you, Libra, in the midst of a crucial year. Partnership is very much on your mind. While this seems like business as usual, below ground the tectonic plates are shifting. Your metamorphosis involves taking personal responsibility for your own arc of development as you allow your interaction with others to inform your inner work. Relationship at times seems to flood you, and all this focus on others is powerful, but less so if only the warm security bath of a double fantasy. Somehow this experience of significant connection with others can and must be brought back home to your own evolving self-concept, as you forge ahead on your own unique path. Then you are set up in such a way that relationship in your life works to guide your own profound process of increasing awareness.

As the month begins, you are enjoying the benefits and also the stresses of a pivotal month in what you will eventually come to know as a pivotal year. The recent Full Moon in your sign, from the middle of the last week of March, was an intense one for you, and brought up sudden and surprising epiphanies which you might still be in the process of integrating. The way that you connect with others around you, and with significant partners in particular, is definitely on your mind, and a deeper examination of these matters is likely to continue to evolve as the month unwinds.

With Saturn and Uranus in difficult aspect, and with the transformative symbolism of Pluto in the picture, residing in your sector of home and family, this is a good time to consider issues of self and other, and also questions of coming into better alignment within yourself regarding family issues, or those of your own basis of psychological security. Saturn in your sector of values and resources, including financial resources, brings difficulties and restrictions as well as concentration and focus to this area. Uranus is located in your relationship sector, and there could be unexpected events for this area of your life also. In contrast with the restrictions of Saturn, surprising freedom and enlightenment is yours as well, countering the potential difficulties elsewhere.

Your very concept of relationship and of service to others could be the subject of internal mediation, perhaps barely conscious, and of profound intuitional insight. You are reflecting on what it really means to be in close connection with another person, and this applies as well to friendships and to business partnerships along with intimate alliances. There is a way that the total impact of two individuals is greater than the sum of its parts, this much is true, and yet another competing principle is also extremely relevant for you right now. That is that your individual evolution must take place within your own mind and heart, relatively independent of other perspectives or voices. It is a delicate balance that you are exploring over the course of an interesting month that emphasizes both sides of this equation.

As this arc of development unfolds, new perspectives begin to emerge. As a partner-oriented person, you are accustomed to accepting the value and the validity of partnership in your life you, and get along well with almost everyone. If you are discovering a strong streak of independence in your current partners, you might be counter-balancing with the offer of a closer concept of relating. If on the other hand, the idea of taking an autonomous stance of your own might be a relatively new one, you could be striding forward into independence. In some ways you might be like a young person just starting out, beginning to understand a new concept of love and connection.

Scorpio   Scorpio Symbol (October 23 - Nov 21)  Water.  Ruling planets Mars, Pluto.   

There is transformation in the air for everyone these days, Scorpio, and for you perhaps even more so. You are on the verge of new discoveries regarding gains in transcending a sense of limitation that you sometimes feel and additionally how you relate to important others in your life while proceeding along your own unique path of self-development. These last few weeks and months have been a time for getting your ducks in order and your act to where you would like it to be, in such a way that you might now be ready for launch. You are finding within yourself an unusual degree of dedication to finding the true fit between you, partners and soul purpose. You benefit by continuing to incorporate — to the extent that you can let it in — surprisingly deep intuitional clarity regarding these matters.

As the month begins, you are reaping the full benefit of the strongly intuitional presence of Uranus in your sixth sector of day-to-day concerns, workplace and health. There could be surprising events transpiring in this area of your life in this first week of the new month, or perhaps over the past few days, as well as insights gained. This last week of March has been an active one, with the presence of the powerful Full Moon from mid-week that took place in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, and saw the Sun in your sixth sector in conjunction Venus, the ruler of relationship in your life. This inevitably brought issues to the table of self and other, and of spiritual presences in your life versus the practicality of everyday concerns.

The Uranus-Pluto square that is forming now was also triggered by the recent Full Moon, and by the presence of your ruler Mars in close conjunction with Uranus. It is likely that you have also recently encountered new perspectives on learning and on where you feel that you are headed with your life. Further, Saturn in your identity sector aspects both of these outer planets indicating the limitations, restrictions and lessons symbolized by Saturn having taken their toll on you, you are ready to emerge out the other side a bit older and wiser for having gone through that trial.

The restrictive archetype of Saturn, prominent now in your sign, is also an indicator for isolation, being thrown back upon yourself, and while not particularly fun, this side of Saturn is definitely educational. You are learning, at bedrock level, what you are made of. There might also be a tendency to controlling behavior, and to taking the surface appearance of things at face value, so that you feel trapped by circumstance. If difficulties arise with others, there could be a corresponding feeling of negativity, where neither yourself nor anything else is good enough.

These tendencies are countered in your current skies by the presence of Jupiter in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, as well as Pluto, strongly placed and insisting on transformation. Thus, the inner exploration and transformation that you find within, which take enormous faith in yourself and in the surrounding cosmos to pull off, are the counter-weight to Saturnian negativity and surface concerns. It is in Spirit that you will find relief from the misery and isolation that accompanies difficult times, giving you a philosophical perspective that will long outlast the present moment.

In all this, you are demanding of yourself that you find a new way forward, an easing into your actual purpose of what you have been put upon this earth to accomplish. Without such a sense of deep soul purpose, it is indeed difficult to find the point of all the suffering that can and will be encountered in the course of a lifetime; and with it, all things are possible.

Sagittarius  Sagittarius Symbol (Nov 22 - Dec 21)  Fire.  Ruling planet Jupiter.   

This is a productive period for you, Sagittarius, in which you might find the resolution for several recent conundrums. There is a shift in the cosmic weather that presages if not exactly an easier passage, then at the very least a more fruitful one. You are in some sense being reborn in the current monthly time frame, particularly in the way that you apply your creativity. You are also, after a period of thoughtful reassessment, moving past some of the intensity in dealing with issues of self and other, working out where full-on partnership with significant others makes sense for you and where you must find your own way. You win when you allow key relationships in your life to breathe, fostering closeness and creative tension and even distance in equal measure, neither actually taking over and swamping the boat.

As the month begins, you are exploring issues of self-expression and relationship, riding out the wave from the very powerful Full Moon of the last week in March. You have been mulling over fundamental factors of connection in your life, with family, friends and close personal associates, considering the way you relate to these important others benefits you while still allowing your sense of personal identity greater scope for action. When you get caught up in personal achievement you could neglect the collaboration that is necessary for ongoing relationship sharing, and yet there is perhaps a way that full-on partnership commitment can enhance rather than limit your sense of yourself as an independent agent.

There are inherent limitations in any shared linkage with another entity, although these can be difficult at times to discern, and this concept of tuning in to what constrains you in the context of relationship is currently symbolized by your ruler Jupiter residing in your relationship sector for the first half of this year, and now in aspect to Saturn . You are transforming in this and many other areas of your life, and you sense that the limitations and restrictions, and the lessons, can be helpful in making the changes that you need to make in the way that you relate to significant others. Just as form gives shape to art, so too, your natural creativity can benefit from the constraints posited by the relationship quest with respect to different types of important connection.

With Mars and Uranus so prominent recently, the potential is there for reactivity in your connections with others; if this has been coming up, it likely stems from the undigested residue of prior trauma. There have been formative situations from your early days that must also be considered as factors, and that still contribute their influence in terms of both encouragement and trauma. The pain of old wounding is also present for you now, as indicated by the close aspect connection between Jupiter and Chiron, the Wounded Healer, located in your sector of psychological security. Cosmically speaking, you are in a good place to continue working through such issues by checking in with yourself in deep meditation, and by witnessing your internal complexes by staying as open as you can to exploring the emotions behind any reactivity that might surface.

With several planets, including Uranus, Mars and Venus, massing in your creativity sector you are also feeling into the tremendous urge just to be yourself. As you discover your desire for freedom, and for meaningful connection without compromising that important attribute, you are well aware of how you represent your own center — apart from everything else that is happening around you — and yet remain in another sense a cog in the machinery of friendship and societal interaction and of your past also.

Capricorn  Capricorn Symbol (Dec 22 - Jan 19)  Earth.  Ruling planet Saturn.   

This is an important time of getting back to your roots, Capricorn. There is an emphasis on home, family and tribe, a sense that this area of your life provides for you important connection to the earth, and to your sense of ease and safety in a chaotic world. This thought could apply to your physical home or to the figurative baseline established by familial connections with those who are important to you in this way. As you enter into a new monthly cycle, you might find that home is suddenly a living experience, part of a significant experiment in discovering for yourself new pathways forward that can outshine previous limitations and undo the conditioning of prior situations. Your heart is stirred and shaken, producing surprising and almost entirely positive results, especially when you take the long view.

As the month begins, you are still riding out the wave of the powerful Full Moon from the last week of March that took place in your career sector. This was accompanied by an action-orientation focused on Saturn, your ruler, located in your sector of societal connection and plans for the future. You have indeed been going through some fast-flowing ideas regarding your possibilities, and whether you could discover a way forward that puts you in greater alignment with your deepest sense of what you are trying to accomplish. The higher meaning of your sign is in fact that you sense the direction that both you and the surrounding society are heading find the best way to put your shoulder to the wheel of improvement. You also have to take note that this might not be progress in the meaning given to it by the short-sighted consensus thinking that is currently prevalent.

If this is so, then making your move in such a way as to truly benefit deeply perceived social needs requires great courage, as you are swimming upstream, counter to the general run of mass consciousness, like a salmon to spawn; otherwise you are lost in the mire of circumstance that seems to surround all ordinary endeavor. In this concept, optimistic reliance on the universe as co-creator is your agent of transformation. Only by placing great faith in your process are you able to continue in a way that meets your most profound soul requirement.

The Uranus-Pluto square that is forming to perfection over the next few weeks, and then again in late September through November, has special relevance for this discussion. As you know, Pluto sits in the midst of your sign right now, and is being aspected by Uranus, which is placed in your sector of home and family. The implication is that you grow as you take inspiration from your deep intuitional presence, and your family circle, in order that you might change. You are growing by cutting away everything that is not really you, as the snake sheds its skin, to emerge young and skinless.

It is paradoxically your inner world that is leading the charge in this progress, while your outer presence, normally so active, sits and watches in silent amazement.

Aquarius  Aquarius Symbol (Jan 20 - Feb 18)  Air.  Ruling planets Uranus, Saturn.   

This is a fascinating, difficult and ultimately rewarding period for you, Aquarius. You have been through a confusing time of reorientation. Informed by the reflective stance that you have been taking lately regarding inner priorities, you are beginning this month to spring forward into renewed action. Your real-world focus is amazing right now, and you are also beginning to trust that inner guidance could become an immense factor for you as you explore the full range of your possibilities. Working within the framework of consensus thinking is one thing, perhaps not truly satisfying, while putting your shoulder to the wheel in support of what you fully believe in, down to the ground, might yet be tentative. This month constitutes a time of experimentation and intense learning, when some of the answers that you seek begin to swim into view.

As the month begins, your communication is sizzling, coupled with a higher mind approach that comes from somewhere inside you that is perhaps only partly known. You can learn a lot by paying close attention to the messages that you are creating through one form or another, and as well to the responses that you receive. Your ultimate intention is to make better peace with yourself in interior realms as well as outer, and that a marriage of these is the result so that your real-world presence is coupled with your soul-purpose agenda, as you are beginning to understand it.

With Saturn occupying your sector of career and professional life for several months now, you have been in a very active place lately with your presence in terms of outer world visibility and achievement. It is not only in monetary terms that the rewards are there for you, and you may be tempted by the attention that you have been receiving to keep your thought process more or less in line with what your public or your organization expects. It is important that you give equal attention to what you, as an individual, require of yourself, and how you see your process unfolding. This process itself might exhibit some new characteristics lately, as the interactions between these heavy-duty outer planet archetypes continues to heat up, and to evolve.

In particular, you are paying closer and closer attention to your inner world and its messages. Just as the iceberg has its being for the most part unseen, with nine tenths of its substance below the surface, so, too, does your personality keep itself largely out of the sight of your conscious understanding; it is a common mistake to think that that unseen part simply does not exist. This hidden part of your personality is however becoming more and more prominent in your thought process, since the Uranus-Pluto square is drawing nearer, implying new-found understanding leading to transformation, and because Pluto is itself located in your sector of dream imagination and inner work.

As you continue to explore your depths, and to reach out for a different sense of a more inclusive identity that takes both inner and outer into account, you find that there is more to your characteristic behavior than you realized. You win when you open your inner perspective and at least half close your literal eyes. Then watch as what you hold inside yourself continues to rise to the surface; to a crescendo of meaning.

Pisces  Pisces Symbol (Feb 19 - March 20)  Water. Ruling planets Neptune, Jupiter.   

This season represents a new dawning for you, Pisces. An exciting month of renewed energy for projects and for stabilization makes up for a shaky start to the year. You are seeking a toehold on reclaiming ownership of your life purpose. This follows upon a time of personal reassessment and of questioning family values as the psychological basis for your own feelings of security. You have taken in recent events, and emerged out the other side with a firmer grasp on your own internal wounding. You are coming to see this as, rather than a stigma, part of an important process of growth, the acknowledged result of poorly digested prior run-ins with figures out of early childhood. The enlightenment from this period that you are now passing through is you most important product. It comes slowly but inexorably and it is lasting.

As the month begins, you are still somewhat reeling from the powerful effects of the Full Moon from the middle of the last week of March, which took place in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution. You are exploring issues of self and other, and also of your depths, instilling within yourself a new sense of identity, based on the deeply mystical investigations in which you are currently engaged.

The recent Full Moon and this month's subsequent configurations involve the heavy-weight planetary archetypes of Pluto, Uranus, Chiron and Saturn, in combination, symbolizing massive changes at deep levels of your being and including your societal connection and your plans for the future. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, occupies your identity sector and is in aspect with all three of these others, signaling that the changes and the growth that you are going through have had their difficult side emotionally. You are forced to cope with challenges to your former way of seeing things as you feel into your future, corresponding to your next stage.

Your co-ruler, Jupiter, residing in your sector of home and family, is prominently placed within this configuration also, and is located in your home and family sector, such that the very core of your being is invoked as you go through what could turn out to be quite a pivotal month, on the way to further and deeper changes as the year continues to unfold.

With Saturn in your sector of higher mind, you bring to this area of your life an almost scholarly approach, although you might tend to get stuck at times rather than letting go to take a more flowing approach. The experience of Saturn in the sector connected with beliefs and intellectual values has several stages. In one of these nothing seems good enough. In another, there is a determination to get to the bottom of the mystery, and replace vague and inchoate ideas with a more meaningful set of procedures and beliefs. There could also be a tendency toward dogmatism which results from a fixed structure of belief that is seen as unassailable, but in regard which there is usually a creeping form of doubt beneath the surface utterances.

As you go through one or more of these emotional highs and lows in connection with changes in perspective, you find that they are leading you forward into a very different future that the one that you thought planned, at the level of egoic personality. Although the little mind often has no real idea of where things are headed, you Higher Self knows more answers than it is telling.

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Overview of the Planets this month:                                Top

The Subtle Fires of April Astrology

The Astrology of April features Venus, Mars, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus and Pluto. These last four are in relatively close aspect to each other, with the much-discussed Uranus-Pluto square moving to within 2 degrees of exact by mid-month. Regarding the revolutionary symbolism of these two powerhouse planets, the precise months of their exact square aspect this year are coming up in May and November. In early April, Chiron in the same degree of Pisces as Pluto in Capricorn is in thus in perfect sextile with Pluto, while Saturn closes in on a perfect quincunx to Uranus, plus remaining sextile to Pluto and in trine with Chiron. These outer planet combinations suggest that for each of us individually and for the collective reality that we all experience, planetary archetypal principles of massive revolutionary transformation, together with the fear and reactionary pulling back from transformation, are powerfully present for the next two months, and beyond.

The Aries New Moon, taking place on Wednesday, April 10th in the 21st degree of that sign, also conjuncts both Mars and Venus. The Aries line-up at the time of this New Moon includes Uranus also. Regarding Mars and Venus, it turns out that these male and female personal planets are within a few degrees of each other for the entire early part of this month, with Venus beginning by trailing Mars, then passing, so that they are within orb of a conjunction until the 15th of April, when Venus enters Taurus. Mars enters Taurus himself on the 20th but it will be almost two years before they are again as close together in the sky as they were over these first two weeks of April.

Relationship issues take on a special quality over this first half of the month. There is a conscious and an urgent effort to achieve connection, and a testing quality to the connection achieved. It is interesting as well to note that while as the month begins, Venus is in the sign ruled by Mars, while by the last third of the month we find that Mars has entered Taurus, the sign ruled by Venus, which Venus then occupies. We therefore have a two-week period of Marsy relationship energy that is very action-oriented, yielding eventually to a more Venus-like period of relationship in the second half that is rather than urgent, is slower and more peaceful, relating for the pure physical pleasure of connecting.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio of the last week of the month, taking place on Thursday, April 25th, is a potent one, since the eclipse Sun is conjunct Mars, as well as opposite Saturn, making it an extra-powerful time of frustrated action, and lessons, while bringing up the urgency of individual desires against the relationship principle symbolized by prominent Venus. This also fights against the requirement to slow down and be less rather than more active, represented by a prominent Saturn, which is conjunct the eclipse Moon.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer, remains in the ongoing picture of this month's energy in its combination with Saturn, Uranus and Pluto. At the time of the eclipse, and also of the April 10th New Moon, it is possible for relationship fears to come up, especially relating to the fear of control either imposed upon you, which might represent your own projected authority, or else imposed by you on another. Either of these situations could be difficult, depending on your prior situation, especially regarding experiences arising out of the ancient past such as early childhood wounding. And yet fear is always an illusion.

There is a great mandate for change that is upon us now, both individually and culturally, so that the fear of change is another significant factor in this month's astrology. We might recognize our dysfunction with certain situations, and yet hold onto it for all that we are worth to avoid the uncertainty of a changed situation that corresponds to the healing of these issues. This is the great conundrum of our times, applying equally to personal relationship wounds and to our society's inability to deal rationally with problems such as hunger, environmental degradation and global warming. Only by somehow putting aside our fear of an unknown future can we proceed.

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