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for January 2006 by
Henry Seltzer
get a more accurate horoscope if you read your Rising sign, and your
Moon sign, as well as your Sun sign. Here's how:
Your Sun
sign represents
your Self, your way of being in the world. It can represent both
the ego (mental) self and
the higher Self (soul purpose). It represents your will and sense
of vitality.
Your Sun sign horoscope will tell you what these areas of your self will encounter
this month.
Your Rising sign represents your outer
mask, the self you show to others. It represents how you appear
to others, how others perceive you, in your true interaction with the world.
Your Rising sign horoscope will tell you what to expect in these areas of your
self this month.
Your Moon sign represents your personal
self, your feelings, your subconscious. It represents how you relate
to others, how you have nurturing relationships with others, your intuition,
your spiritual self, your sense of security, and your habits. The Moon represents
your feminine, nurturing side (we all have one).
The Moon also indicates the type of partner you will attract, since it represents
your emotional self.
Your Moon sign horoscope will show you what these areas of your self will encounter
this month.
are your Signs?
Interpretation of You and your Lover
are caught on the wheel of life this month, Aries, and the wheel is in
spin. Your values and finances are subject to fantasy dream wishes and
extreme transformation right now, while you are somewhat inhibited in your
self-expression but still taking it to the top in your career and professional
life. Everything is in process and where the moving ball drops no one knows.
It pays to be ready for anything. Just don't forget to include a healthy
dose of spiritual ecstasy into the equation.
As the year begins, you are in a more or less practical and real-world mode
of operation, although this will likely change over the course of the month.
You are experiencing a fresh start in your career possibilities at this time,
along with the necessary discipline to make good things happen for yourself.
You are also in an expansive place with respect to intimacy with others, although
there are potential conflicts between taking care of your own security and
meeting the needs of others in a positive way. The pressures of life on planet
earth are forcing changes upon you right now, and the only real question is,
will you go willingly?
An increasing sense of higher purpose and a heightened idealization of your
future possibilities accompany your journey right now, especially around the
time of the First Quarter Moon of Friday, January 6th, and then a week later
with the Full Moon of Saturday, January 14th, which represents a culmination
of the arc of development that you are engaged in, and also an intensity of
potential confusion regarding goals. Your plans are very much up in the air
at this time, and you may be thought of as either partaking of a spiritual
acceptance of your prospects entirely beyond this earthly sphere, or else suffering
from an illusion that will eventually have to come to earth. Only time will
is a tough month for you, Taurus, disturbing, different, and potentially very
joyful as well. You may find yourself becoming lost in the play of images that
crosses your mind during this chaotic period, as you sort out the distinctions
between self and overly helpful other. Your work in the world is dissatisfying
only when you lose interest in heartfelt solutions, and joyous to the extent
that you can let go of prior conceptions and enter into a new philosophy of
life and living. You are digging deep inside your soul for answers that you
have somehow known all along, in a temporarily walled off portion of your mind.
As the year begins, you may feel yourself to be in a somewhat internal state
of mind, reflecting on the past rather than coming into whole-hearted participation
in the present. Self-esteem concerns may be coming up for you as well, and
you have a real chance to move beyond these types of issues if you play your
cards right. You are taking necessary steps to get clear on what was, in order
to come into more presence with what is, with the help of benevolent partners.
It may be that you are ready, finally, to see your life as more of a continuum,
physical to divine, with less separation into component parts.
The Full Moon, of Saturday, January 14th, is a very powerful time for you,
one that again emphasizes the numinous side of existence, beyond the physical.
There may be confusion inherent in your experience at this time, since the
ways of God(dess) are not easily known to man or woman on this earth, and especially
in this time and place.
The weekend of the 20th to the 22nd is another powerful time, including the
rise of your ruler Venus as the Morning Star and Sunday's Last Quarter Moon.
Your philosophy takes on new wings and prepares you for flight. You are challenged
to observe the ideal and the merely practical and to mediate between them without
losing sight of either one. A good trick if you can pull it off.
You are truly getting in deep this month, Gemini. The time is ripe for cosmic
reorientation and a new take on intimacy, both with significant partners in
your life and, most importantly, with yourself. You are finding an entirely
different way of inhabiting your world and it's scary exciting. If you dare
to step forward and meet the expanding universe halfway, you'll be glad you
As the New Year begins, you are in the thick of the transformational stew.
Communication is slowed down and more serous than usual right now, as you suddenly
find yourself playing for keeps. You are developing a star-power sized concept
of where you are heading with your life these days, and how badly you want
to get there.
The First Quarter Moon of Friday, January 6th, is a moment of tension in your
process of growth and change, and potentially also confusion about the new
direction your life is taking, or else the joy of moving totally beyond everything
that you previously believed.
The Full Moon of Saturday, January 14th, is another powerful time for you,
and perhaps a difficult one, the more so to the extent that you try to hold
on to prior conceptions. Things go better the more fully you allow Spirit to
act itself out in your life.
The weekend of January 20th to 22nd is also a time of deepening awareness.
All through this monthly cycle you are engaged in a process of letting go,
and allowing new perspectives to percolate through your consciousness. The
way that you do partnership may never again be quite the same as a result.
Truly is it said that the road to freedom lies in detecting the direction that
the universe wants you to take, and choosing to go that way.
You are dealing with issues of self and other this month, Cancer. There is
the potential to give too much away. You have a genuine feeling right now of
idealizing intimate partnership connections in your life, and you may be giddy
with the possibilities, or perhaps coming into a bit of a fog. Everything will
turn out fine in the end, especially if you keep your wits about you and remember
to include a healthy helping of “me first” into the mix. This enables
you to balance the energy and to see where you yourself are heading so that
you are able to make necessary course adjustments.
As the year begins, relationship with others predominates in your world. You
are balancing between others' needs and your own at this time, with a focus
on security and your goals for the future, and on seeing how well you can integrate
your relationship dynamic into the soup of your own concerns. You are in a
truly expansive place socially these days, which does bring a certain joie
de vivre to your deliberations.
With the advent of the First Quarter Moon of
Friday, January 6th, you may hit a few snags in your unfolding struggle to
connect gracefully with significant partners. You are seeking and perhaps even
finding a mystical connection at this time that takes you out of yourself.
The Full Moon of Saturday, January 14th, is a powerful time of sharing your
varied activities with an intimate other in your life, or perhaps with your
Higher Self. It is a period that is not without its tensions, not the least
being the potential collision between the ideal and the merely real.
Issues of connection are likely to arise at this time for eventual healing,
and perhaps even more so on the following weekend, of the 20th to the 22nd.
Then the mystical may turn transformative, as you seek to inhabit the unique
destiny that you were meant to all along. Your creative presence in the world
is rapidly changing in response to circumstances, unless you have been asleep
all this time. Better to acknowledge the light of morning streaming through
your window.
You have been taking a closer look at significant relationships in your life
with an eye to more fully understand your own process, Leo. You are very active
both physically and psychically right now. You are finding your way forward
into your higher purpose, while taking advantage of the help that compassionate
partners can bring, although not without perhaps some degree of tension, as
you struggle to integrate a more inclusive sense of self. Later in the month
you will likely come into some increased consciousness regarding your situation,
to the extent that you can keep your eyes wide open to the possibilities.
As the year begins, you are likely to feel powerful impacts upon your freedom
engendered by recent responsible positions that you have been taking on. In
a way, you have more freedom to be yourself, although if you are doing this
right you may feel a sense of loneliness from coming so fully into your own
sense of who you really are and where you are really going, independent of
societal role models to which you have previously subscribed. There will be
a time later in the month when you are more ready to include others into your
At the time of the Full Moon, on Saturday, January 14th, you are poised for
taking more risks in this area, but still feeling your way forward in terms
of emotional connection. There is a nebulous and unformed movement toward higher
and more ideal forms of relationship at this time, as though your own being
and work in the world come first for you right now, and you are generating
a connection primarily to Spirit, acting itself out in your life through partnership
with others. You are meeting others from a very ethereal place inside yourself
that may actually conflict with the ordinary ways of bonding. This is confusing
and stressful only to the extent that you buy into consensus thinking.
After the powerful weekend leading up to the Last Quarter Moon of Sunday, January
22nd, you may find your way through to an entirely new conception of your world
and your place within it.
You are grasping for greatness right now, Virgo, stocking up for success.
Your creative output is very much your focus these days, but you are thinking
beyond mere self-expression. You are attempting to discern where life is leading
you at this time, and the best way that you can convey your whole inner nature
rather than merely your outer personality. Sudden shifts in partnership interaction
may help you to find what you are looking for, in a surprising way. Where you
are attempting to explore is not easy; it takes a deeper look to the inside
than the world around you is ready to accept. You might just have to go there
The year begins with some intensity, as changes that have been in the works
for quite a long time begin to pop to the surface. You are sifting through
the shards of past experience, deciding what to keep and what to discard with
the old year rapidly receding. An important partnership in your life is forming
in a new way, and changing before your eyes, perhaps taking on a spiritual
connection with the unseen world all around that you rarely get to acknowledge.
At the time of the Full Moon, taking place on Saturday, January 14th, you are
being stretched in several directions at once and you may find yourself running
in place just to keep up. There is a wild idealism that you bring to your workplace
during this mid-month period of time, or perhaps you are getting starry-eyed
about the future you find is calling to you. The temptation is there to over-do
and you may eventually find that the illusion doesn't quite match up to the
reality. Discovering the good stuff in what you vision for yourself at this
time is part of your discriminatory process.
The Last Quarter Moon, of Sunday, January 22nd, may represent an important
turning point. You are transforming at the very core, and you may need to take
a time out for yourself. You are full of newfound mystical awareness right
now and the mundane world may need to take a back seat while you sort things
out more fully. Old patterns of how you serve others instead of yourself may
also come up for you at this time for more conscious awareness and eventual
healing. You are on the roller coaster ride of your life and you just have
to hang on, but the scenery along the way is exciting and the eventual destination
Life is difficult for you at this time, Libra, and yet in another way so easy.
You are dreaming large these days and working hard to make those dreams come
true, and you have a fortunate set of circumstances pulling for you right now.
Discerning where exactly to place your effort is the hardest part. Once you
do, then everything will come to fruition for you. You are delving into your
interior realms and searching there for answers to the riddle of your existence:
how and why to live your life. Have faith in your process and keep searching,
for you are on the right track.
As the year begins, you find yourself reviewing and revising your self-expression,
how you put your foot forward into the world, partly on the basis of recognizing
old patterns of behavior in this area that no longer serve you. It may take
a thoroughgoing revaluation of how you see yourself at the deepest level to
make concrete the necessary changes that you can clearly see and feel but perhaps
not fully practice as yet. It affects your communication with others and where
you would like to be, going forward, in the most optimistic assessment. The
changes that you are in the midst of are not complete, and yet you can no longer
return to the illusory safety of denial. Watching and waiting is difficult,
but that may be the only way through.
The Full Moon of Saturday, January 14th, is a powerful time for you, when you
are drawn unwaveringly to the inside to witness your changes and to attempt
to take the high road with security needs that come up for you, and with issues
of self-reliance versus depending on others to pull you out of the soup. It
is a time when you just have to trust in the benevolence of the universe to
see you through.
You may encounter some similar difficulties also on the following weekend,
when your ruler Venus reemerges from a difficult traverse through a symbolic
underworld and your situation may start to lighten up. Through all these trials
and potential challenges to your discrimination, a potentially confusing time
can yield up some excellent information for finding a new way forward into
wholeness, if you give it a chance.
You are going for the gusto these days, Scorpio, but not in the traditional
sense. Your month is characterized by depth researches into the unknown territory
of your psyche and also working out an attempted compromise between different
points of view in relating to others. It's an intense journey for you but an
entirely fruitful one. The prize is a better and deeper feel for your own motivations,
at the core, together with a better sense of integration at all levels, especially
in how you treat and are treated by the significant partners in your life.
As the year begins, you are preparing for greatness, with work-related enterprises
predominating in your thinking. You have an expansive attitude toward partnership
with others these days, and with the sense of your own possibilities. Communicating
your feeling of strength to others around you is key.
The Full Moon of Saturday, January 14th, tends to emphasize both your private
home life and getting on in the world as well, but not without some snags in
your process. You may feel yourself making the effort of diving down into your
root psychological issues to find what is ultimately true for you, pure and
simple, although sorting through the many layers of meaning that you encounter
on this journey of self-discovery can convey confusion in addition to enlightenment.
Your process of increased self-awareness comes to another culmination with
the weekend of January 20th to the 22nd, when you grow in proportion to how
well you can acknowledge your limitations, and remain calm amidst the tension
between what you are trying for and what you may have to accept. It helps to
keep your eye on the prize, which is nothing less that a better integration
between all your parts. You are striving for a new synthesis of heart and mind,
and it isn't easy, since it involves a suspension of your disbelief in yourself
as primarily a spiritual being. You have been running around in your body for
so long now that you may have confused it with your higher Self.
You are entirely grounded into practical concerns at this time, Sagittarius,
but not really. A goodly percentage of the pragmatic approach that you favor
during this monthly cycle goes beyond the physical. You are feeling your way
into other realms, the territory of your almost unconscious dream visions and
the numinous spaces of vast inner truth behind and beyond your normal thought
process. You are seeking to give concrete substance to a new integration, a
way of understanding being in the world that transcends consensus thinking;
a way that is more real than real.
As the year begins, you are finding your way forward, through concerns regarding
your security needs, attempting to come to a new understanding of the true
basis for your safety and comfort, as coming through your higher Self awareness
rather than being determined by financial and material factors. There is a
mystical level to your communication at this time, and the potential is there
for spiritual bonding and as well confusion or deception in the way that you
connect with others around you. You are partaking of the mystery and it can
throw you off course in handling the world of mundane concerns. You may over-idealize
the information that other people have to offer you or perhaps they may miss
the point that you are trying to make. It is good to try especially hard to
be very clear with your words right now.
The First Quarter Moon of January 6th is a time of difficulty with these issues,
and so is the Full Moon of Saturday, January 14th, when concerns regarding
the proper boundary between self and other may come up for you. You are settling
into a better understanding of what you are all about and what you are trying
to accomplish in this lifetime.
In terms of the changes that you are in the midst of, the weekend of January
20th to the 22nd is also an especially profound period of time. You are taking
the world seriously in a different way than you ever have before, and it is
actually half playful as well, serious playfulness in service of ultimate transformation
of your life stuff into something rich and strange, and more fully integrated
with your higher purpose, moving forward.
You are reinventing yourself this month, Capricorn, with the help of others
around you. You may well find that sudden changes in your immediate environment
or surprising new insights received from close interpersonal contacts have
the capability to totally rock your world. In the midst of sometimes overly
idealized view of your financial and other resources, there is an otherworldly
glow to the exchange of intelligence across the widening concentric social
circles that you inhabit. This inspired communication may take the form of
either speaking or writing. It is a particularly good time for you to expand
your influence in this way, although the results will startle you unless you
bravely release as many of your preconceptions as you possibly can.
As the year begins, your focus is on yourself, but also fully admitting the
important role that intimate connection with others plays. You have been going
through some surprising belief system shifts lately, and the fates are poised
to give you some important answers to questions you didn't even know you had
asked. Your process at this time is ultimately about a form of deep level transformation
that takes the unseen world more directly into account.
At the time of the First Quarter Moon, of Friday, January 6th, you are likely
to experience some tension in your process and some uncertainty regarding your
eventual destination and the means of getting there. The more ready you are
to acknowledge the mystery the better it will go for you at this time.
The Full Moon of Saturday, January 14th, is an extremely powerful time for
you when these issues magnify and partnership with others in your life allows
you to realize the hidden parts of yourself more fully.
The weekend of January 20th to the 22nd, which includes the Last Quarter Moon,
is another very powerful time for you. Your connection to others around you,
both in terms of intimate partnership and with larger groups of social interaction,
partakes of the numinous and includes a revised vision of the past in terms
of painful patterns that you are ready to let go. The message is transformation,
nothing less, along the lines of a big picture viewpoint that allows you to
acknowledge more fully in your life the inherent cosmic mystery underlying
your basic existence.
This month represents a confusing and potentially very rewarding period of
time for you, Aquarius. You find yourself in the midst of a storm of activity
these days, and you may feel a conflict between your private and public life,
inner and outer concerns. It is as though you are not quite engaged in the
world, being more invested in dream inner visions, as you attempt to discern
the true meaning behind your activities. You are getting serious about significant
relationships in your life right now, exploring the basis of your own security
that comes from the effect that others have on you, and perhaps feeling around
the edges for something that is holding you back. There are major breakthroughs
possible at this time, but through the path of struggle, rather than the path
of ease. After all the best in life rarely comes without effort expended.
As the year begins, you are somewhat lost in dream worlds and illusions of
your own making, although partnering with like-minded others is an important
component also. You are very optimistic about your future possibilities right
now, and striving to make something important happen in your life involving
activity on the home front as well as in the sphere of your professional and
working life.
The Full Moon of Saturday, January 14th, represents one culmination of your
process of growth, when the pull of illusion is very strong, or else the numinous
possibilities for life as more than merely a collection of events. You are
seeing far beyond the mundane world of consensus thinking throughout this monthly
cycle, and at the moment of truth represented by this Full Moon, you are more
ready to admit others into the picture you have been in the process of creating,
and to seek their advice in going forward into the destiny that is uniquely
yours to fulfill.
Another turning point for you comes on the weekend of January 20th to the 22nd,
which includes the Last Quarter Moon early on Sunday morning, when you are
likely to be dealing with some intense issues of self-acceptance and surrender
to the power of what is. Your plans going forward are more than ever in flux
at this time, as you seek a higher integration. Be brave and trust the direction
that the universe wants you to follow. You have nothing to lose but the long-dead
are in an electric confrontation with your destiny right now, Pisces, very
open to your possibilities. The New Moon period that began just before the
end of last month, and continuing into the first two weeks of 2006, is a great
time for visioning into reality new ways of seeing and being in the world.
Set the vision into motion through affirmations and meditation, or by placing
inspirational messages on your daily mirror. Your dreams are now more concretely
achievable than ever before, so it pays to take careful consideration of just
where you want your life to aim. Then go ahead.
As the year begins, you are in an excellent position to imagine what you want
and to begin to take concrete steps toward getting there. You are entirely
focused on your future plans, and on inhabiting the dharma that is uniquely
yours to fulfill, and yet part of your being is also very head-in-the-clouds
at this time, increasingly so as the monthly cycle unfolds before you. You
are continuing to transform in a deep way right now, with surprising revelations
still to come that may startle you into a different phase of your development.
The mid-month period of time is a powerful one for you, including the Full
Moon of Saturday, January 14th,when you may break through to another level.
You are dwelling on the threshold between worlds at this time, one foot in
the numinous dream vision reality beyond the bounds of your conscious mind,
while with the other you are also pragmatically seeking out your best path
The weekend of January 21st and 22nd, which includes the Last Quarter Moon,
is another time of increasing awareness of the true parameters of your situation.
You are dealing with some deep issues of belonging in this latter part of the
month that may in some way be preventing your whole-hearted participation in
the world. This is a time of trial for you but also a time of rich and long-lasting
rewards, a time when great break-through is possible. Remember that nothing
worthwhile comes without its cost.
of the Planets this month:
Astrology of January features Saturn, symbol of physical plane practicality,
and Neptune, numinous representation of the non-physical world entirely
beyond what we can see and feel with our senses. Together with Mars
and Jupiter, they make a Grand Cross in fixed signs that continues
from last month. Since Mars is now in direct motion, this time around
we may feel more action-oriented. We have been mulling over our situation,
and now comes the time to do something about it, with the energy of
the New Year. The Grand Cross continues to symbolize the pressure on
us from the work that we need to do on ourselves to make our affairs
function smoothly, and our lives generally. With both Saturn and Neptune
involved, this conflict might also be seen as the conflict between
the ideal and the practical. Saturn and Neptune are opposite cousins
emphasizing in turn mundane existence and the numinous awareness of
truth beyond the physical. Their pairing suggests hang-ups with escapist
fantasy or else bringing spiritual understanding into practical manifestation.
It is up to us to decide how to manifest these powerful spiritual energies
as we talk our talk and hopefully walk it in the weeks ahead.
In January also, retrograde Venus makes her inferior conjunction with
the Sun. This means that she disappears from the evening sky on January
7th to reappear as the Morning Star on the 20th, a period of time associated
in Mayan Astrology with the embarrassment of the ruler and a fall from
high places. This Venus retrograde implies a
turning within to find the source of all relationship somewhere down
inside us - deep within our own hearts and minds.
Planets in 2006
The most significant planetary symbol for the beginning of the year,
and lasting into 2006, is Saturn in Leo. This symbol of the limitation
of ego, and of getting our act together for the future, past selfish
concerns and into a true sharing of ourselves with others, remains
in the middle of the sign for the rest of the year. During this period
it will definitely activate the Pluto in Leo generation, that were
born during or just after the Second World War, which includes the
so-called “baby-boomer” generation. Saturn on natal Pluto
will be a transformative experience when their life structure may change
It is also interesting to note that at the mid-point of the year, in
June 2006, the Saturn - Chiron opposition returns for another pass,
while at the end of the year the December New Moon and Pluto aspect
Saturn in the 25th degree of Leo. At that time a stellium of planets
in Sagittarius suggests the Jupiter - Saturn square from last month,
indicating increasing social upheaval and involvement. Saturn - Chiron
symbolizes the wound of false authority or misplaced leadership, and
highlights the ways in which we give our power away. The opposition
is exact in February and again in June, with Mars and Jupiter contributing.
Current Configurations
The New Moon that begins this monthly cycle, in the last few days of
2005, is very much a Saturn phenomenon. This Capricorn New Moon, ruled
by Saturn, also strongly aspects Saturn in Leo. Saturn also stands
apart from all the other planets, which occupy the other side of the
wheel. The Saturn - Mars square means that it will be difficult to
get things done at this time, but that what we do accomplish will be
long-lasting and worth the effort. The Grand Cross in fixed signs is
still very much in effect, with Jupiter beginning to square Neptune,
perfecting at the time of the Full Moon, when it is more of a T-square
to Neptune than a balanced Grand Cross between all four planets. The
tensions of this monthly cycle are manifest, as are the lessons that
can come out of the struggle.
The Full Moon that comes along mid-month, on Saturday, January 14th,
is accompanied by an almost perfect T-square to Neptune, and brings
to us that planet's high idealism and perhaps confusion, or even deception,
along with the culmination of the more practical impulse from the beginning
of the Capricorn lunar cycle. This Full Moon also aspects Pluto and
Uranus, and we are well advised to look for transformation in the structures
of our lives as a consequence of the intensity of our on-going struggle
to come to terms with what life has to offer, and to expect the unexpected.
The Last Quarter Moon of Sunday, January 22nd, and indeed the entire
weekend that precedes it, is a powerful time when the Sun is coming
into conjunction with Chiron, with the Moon square to both, and with
the T-square to Neptune from Mars and Jupiter still active. Saturn
is also beginning to oppose Chiron, perfecting in February. In addition,
there are several parallel aspects between the outer planets, indicating
a strong connection between them. Pluto is exactly parallel Neptune
and a very close parallel to Jupiter, emphasizing the dark force of
transformational energy represented by this outermost of the traditional
planets. Pluto is a necessary force for change that is nevertheless
destructive in its operation, the death that precedes and is intimately
bound up with the rebirth. With Neptune, Pluto represents the transformation
of realizing the inherent limitation of physical plane understanding,
making way for the numinous and transcendent to enter our lives. It
is interesting to note that Mars and Saturn are also exactly parallel
at this time, continuing the effects of their combination from the
New Moon that began this monthly cycle.
Chiron reveals where we are wounded and where we are in fact able to
heal ourselves, by releasing old patterns of behavior that remain as
knee-jerk reactions from our early years, no longer strictly relevant
in our present era, but still affecting our behavior. In Aquarius,
Chiron reveals the wound to our societal identity, where we find that
the social matrix has let us down, failed to support our inner needs.
With Saturn, Chiron represents the wound of misplaced authority, where
we inadvertently give our power away. The tendency to give up on ourselves
is again based on ancient dysfunctional patterns of wounding, when
we were let down by the authority figures in our early lives. The joy
of working with Chiron lies in reclaiming in the present what was lost
in the past, so that our hidden complexes can come to light, not to
simply disappear, but to be rendered relatively harmless through increased
consciousness regarding them. Chiron was conjunct Venus as she stationed
in the last week of December, so there may be echoes from the very
end of last year that resurface during the weekend of January 20th
to the 22nd. The Saturn - Chiron opposition fades away after February,
but will also reappear in June.
Finally we note that the heliacal rise of Venus, when it returns from
its journey through the symbolic underworld to appear as the Morning
Star, takes place on January 20th. We may have to let our pride go
and face the consequences of our actions at this time, for in some
sense we are reborn at this juncture.
The New Moon that comes near the end of the month, on Sunday, January
29th, is another intense lunation, again emphasizing Saturn. This New
Moon opposes Saturn, while Jupiter and Mars remain opposed, and the
other planets lie in the arc between them, with only Saturn occupying
the Eastern hemisphere. This Aquarius New Moon also exactly aspects
Uranus in Pisces, its ruler, while Jupiter makes an exact square to
Neptune, and also forms a close parallel. Thus Saturn, Neptune and
Uranus are the focus of this configuration, unlike the Capricorn New
Moon that immediately preceded the New Year, when primarily Saturn
was emphasized. There could be confusion or deception at this time,
and we are drawn to try to look more deeply into life for what is real.
We face the limitation of our earthly existence and as well the joy
of transcendence, and must take it all quite lightly even though it
is a deadly serious business.
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