Astrology Page Current Month ALL HOROSCOPES HOME Horoscope
for March 2006 by
Henry Seltzer
get a more accurate horoscope if you read your Rising sign, and your
Moon sign, as well as your Sun sign. Here's how:
Your Sun
sign represents
your Self, your way of being in the world. It can represent both
the ego (mental) self and
the higher Self (soul purpose). It represents your will and sense
of vitality.
Your Sun sign horoscope will tell you what these areas of your self will encounter
this month.
Your Rising sign represents your outer
mask, the self you show to others. It represents how you appear
to others, how others perceive you, in your true interaction with the world.
Your Rising sign horoscope will tell you what to expect in these areas of your
self this month.
Your Moon sign represents your personal
self, your feelings, your subconscious. It represents how you relate
to others, how you have nurturing relationships with others, your intuition,
your spiritual self, your sense of security, and your habits. The Moon represents
your feminine, nurturing side (we all have one).
The Moon also indicates the type of partner you will attract, since it represents
your emotional self.
Your Moon sign horoscope will show you what these areas of your self will encounter
this month.
are your Signs?
Interpretation of You and your Lover
are in the course of carving deeper and more profound ripples in the tissues
of your mind this month, Aries. Surprising revelations from beyond your
physical senses are likely to have a startling effect on the way that you
see the world around you, totally transforming your vision by month’s
end. You may be puzzling over the bearing that your life is taking as you
go through your process of discovery this month but one thing is clear:
you are moving in the direction of more compassionate and loving interaction
with the world around you including especially yourself.
As the month begins, you may find yourself less than fully present for real-world
activities, although these are actually quite important to you at this time.
There are powerful insights coming your way right now from a place that is
within your psyche and yet also from entirely beyond this literal existence.
It is a time for deep reflection as you plumb the depths of your unconscious
mind. There are seismic changes taking place these days in how you see the
world around you. Your compassion is stimulated and your sense of unity with
all life. A mystical accord is forming within you that takes into account social
spheres and group activities that you favor, including your circles of friends
and associates.
At the time of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse taking place on Tuesday, March
14th, you are reaching one culminating point of the building energy for growth
and change. As you are enter more fully into a new stage, a radical departure
from previous ways of perceiving and being in the world, you are also being
asked at this time to embrace a concept of right relationship with significant
partners in your life as an important part of your emerging value system, and
to communicate your most basic truth to others around you. You are sharing
deeply of yourself at this time, including and perhaps especially the almost
unconscious dream world of your hidden imagination.
The Spring Equinox of Monday, March 20th, and the days following, always a
powerful period of time for you, becomes even more poignant during this cycle
of deep reflection and searching. You are finding yourself in a new way, discovering
a new self within you, as hidden parts of your nature emerge for perhaps the
very first time.
are once more on a transformational roll this month, Taurus, with renewed career
possibilities and changing priorities. Startling new information from the very
beginning of the month catapults you into rethinking your options. Partnership
with others is beneficial and perhaps over-idealized as you rework your entire
relationship dynamic. Everything is rosy to the extent that you can let go
of past expectations; only there may be some issues of outside authority to
be dealt with as you assume the powerful mantle of your own.
As the month begins, you are exploring your higher mind aspirations. This period
of time, stemming from the Pisces New Moon near the end of February and lasting
until the mid-month Full Moon, represents the best chance you’ll have
all year to vision new possibilities for yourself into being. You are also
likely to be reflecting on your future, with Mercury retrograding through your
sector of group affiliation and societal goals. Paradoxically, even though
you have the impulse for new beginnings right now, it may not be the best time
to act on these impulses. You benefit when you simply get in touch with your
vision and mull it over for now, preferring to watch and wait before taking
action, perhaps until mid-April. Of course you can’t put your life completely
on hold, but you want to be aware that actions taken and decisions made at
this time may divert to a different course after the Mercury retrograde period
of time has passed.
Since your ruler, Venus, crosses into your career sector on Sunday, March 5th,
you are likely to be getting involved with your public presentation also at
this time. You are in an entirely spiritual and numinous place right now concerning
career possibilities for yourself; you are intent on following “the path
with heart” as Carlos Castaneda puts it.
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of Tuesday March 14th is likely to further symbolically
emphasize these impulses, as well as present you with the opportunity for continued
change and growth in the area of personal relationships as an important part
of your search for the inner core of your own truth.
Partnership with significant others in your life is a transformational experience
for you right now, Gemini. You are getting to some surprising new places with
how you see your world and your place in it, including your career and professional
life and the path of your highest purpose for yourself. The workplace that
you previously knew may suddenly be long gone, at least in the way that you
knew it. Your plans may seem to change rapidly at this time, but don’t
be fooled. You are right where to needed to be all along, even when events
seem to conspire to be telling you otherwise.
As the month begins, you are finding new direction with your career and professional
life, and renewed energy for a different way of looking at your public persona.
Startling information that comes to you at this time, or in the last days of
the previous month, represents the seed of change about to burst within you
and perhaps take you down an entirely different path. You are fortunate at
this time, and full of activity in the outer world of achievement, but also
deeply invested in searching out the soulful perspective.
The First Quarter Moon, taking place on Monday, March 6th, represents a time
of increased growth and perhaps difficulties along the way to finding a new
path forward into your emerging destiny. At this time also, your ruler Mercury
is retrograde in your career sector, perhaps ensuring increased reflection
on exactly where you are heading these days, and bringing along with it an
increased awareness of deep-seated changes in relationship connections with
significant partners in your life.
These changes are emphasized further at the time of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
that takes place a week later, on Tuesday March 14th, in your sector of psychological
roots and home and family concerns. You are transforming utterly in your relationship
dynamic during this period of your life, and this eclipse is one important
turning point in that cycle of growth and change.
The Last Quarter Moon of Wednesday, March 22nd, represents still another growth-oriented
crossroads, when the awareness of your situation and your desire for change
becomes stronger than your resistance to that process. With the Solar Eclipse
near month’s end, on Wednesday, March 29th, you are preparing for a new
takeoff along the runway of your unique destiny.
Your self-concept and your basic belief system is changing rapidly this month,
Cancer, along with your vision of your pathway forward into the future, which
may take a dramatic turn as well. New philosophical truth seems suddenly evident
where only a whisper of an idea previously existed. Your intimate bond with
others around you is also a rapidly moving landscape that partakes of the infinite,
but may also be confusing in the earthly realms here below. You are moving
in the direction of an expanded sense of self and connection that brings more
joy than pain, in the long run.
As the month begins, inspiration is coming your way from the time of the New
Moon that directly precedes the first days of March. You are finding your way
through to a new philosophy of life and living at this time. With the Pisces
New Moon having taken place in your sector of higher mind, and Mercury also
about to turn retrograde in this same area of your chart, there is plenty to
review and rethink in your approach to higher learning and exposure to exotic
points of view, perhaps involving travel to distant lands, perhaps more like
travel of the arm chair variety. In any case there is likely to be a new wave
of information submerging you at this time, unless you are able to surf it.
At the time of the First Quarter Moon of Monday, March 6th, you are pulled
to the numinous world of your own internal workings, where you may discover
drastically more than is available in the surface layers of your mundane existence.
This is an exciting period of time, when you may uncover mysteries of your
own inner nature that you were unaware of, and when you attempt to blend these
with your outer world presentation, successfully, but not without some degree
of struggle.
The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse that takes place on Tuesday, March 14th, is
transformative for you. You are at this time more ready to share with others
the inner truth that you have been developing through this period, and feeling
your way into the next phase of your life in a way that makes ultimate sense
for you going forward. You are searching for the life path that is entirely
consistent with your own higher purpose.
The week of the Spring Equinox, starting Monday, March 20th, is another big
moment for you, when you are ready to step out in a new way with changes in
your thinking. Since Mercury is unfortunately still retrograde you also do
well to go ahead slowly at this time, rather than making any really big move
just yet. After mid-April the stream will clear and it will make more sense
to charge ahead with radically different projects.
Ready or not, big change is coming for you this month, Leo. Issues of self
and other will be highlighted, as you seek to find your own center through
the fog of idealized relationship and redefined material or security concerns.
New vistas of intimate connection with others may arise quite suddenly to shake
up your world. You are being put to the test by forces beyond your conscious
control, but if you keep faith with yourself and the universe you may find
that you are in exactly the right place and the right time for your continued
growth as an individual and membership in a larger community also.
As the month begins, riding the energy from the New Moon in Pisces at the end
of last month, you are likely to be tuning into surprising feelings of new
intimacy with significant partners in your life, as well as an important growth
spurt within your own centered sense of responsibility. With Saturn in your
sign, you are paradoxically feeling both a sense of isolation and independence
right now and also sensing new possibilities for connection with others, coming
at these ties from a broader and more balanced point of view. Partnership with
others has an otherworldly glow at this time, and connects to your heart center
in important ways, as you explore you inner workings with an eye toward change.
Mercury is also retrograde for the entire month, so you are likely to spend
a great deal of time in full reflection on those issues of self and other that
separate you from your source, and from your center, as these come up for review
and perhaps ultimately for rewriting the final outcome.
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of Tuesday, March 14th, brings issues of independence
and dependence to the fore as you feel the balance or lack of it in your life,
and mull over your possibilities. There is a deep-seated transformation at
the heart of your journey through this numinous period of time. You are changing
at the core, and involving yourself more directly in the process of your life,
letting go of outside authority influences that don’t really serve you.
When your reach the Spring Equinox and Last Quarter Moon of March 20th - 22nd,
you will feel more ready to accept new perspectives on your current situation,
as your shift in consciousness parallels the shift in thinking your own way
through to the dharma that is uniquely yours in this lifetime to fulfill.
You are getting clearer on your path going forward this month, Virgo, although
not without a lot of muddle and soul searching. New information coming your
way via partnership interaction helps you in your depth researches into the
underpinnings of desire and self-assertion. Relationship with significant partners
in your life is huge for you right now, and provides its surprises and changes
of direction also. When breakthrough comes around the end of the month it feels
like it’s all part of a larger plan, but where you eventually choose
to go with it is all up to you.
As the month begins, you are opening to a new phase. The New Moon from the
end of last month was full of surprises, and affected you in your relationship
sector. The theme of this lunar cycle for you will be your connection with
significant partners in your life, and perhaps startling changes that await
you in that area. Even if you are single at this time, there will be developments
in the way that you connect with others around you. Your communication is coming
from a peaceful place these days, and partakes of an otherworldly understanding
of where you would like your life to be heading at this time, in your heart
of hearts.
At the time of the First Quarter Moon, on Monday, March 6th, your presence
in the world of career and profession becomes involved with partnership concerns,
with a hint of conflict there regarding perhaps their relative priorities.
With your ruler Mercury also retrograde in your one-on-one sector throughout
the month, you may be rethinking the important connections in your life with
an eye to past situations and future possibilities. Some aspect of past events
will likely come to the fore as this monthly cycle continues, possibly in the
middle of the month.
In fact there is an important turning point for you represented by the Full
Moon Lunar Eclipse in your sign that takes place on Tuesday, March 14th, when
issues of self and other may emerge as more important than you had previously
imagined, and deep reflection on your situation takes a serious turn, with
plenty of food for thought regarding your core issues, and the home and family
concerns that these underlie.
Even more profound changes may take place as the Sun moves into Aries with
the Spring Equinox of Monday March 20th, and with the days following, leading
up to the Solar Eclipse in Aries taking place on Wednesday, March 29th. It
does no good to struggle. You are transforming at the very roots of your being
at this time, and you do well to watch and wait to see where these changes
will take your life organically rather than to flail about as though caught
in a trap. You have the freedom to be who you are in fact becoming and that
will have to be enough.
Where are you going these days Libra, and what will you do when you get there?
You are asking yourself some serious questions this month regarding your situation.
Painful mid-month experiences may bring up patterns of self-expression that
you are more than ready to outgrow and discard, as you grope for the deeper
meaning behind your actions. Communication is key, as you seek to get across
to others around you with true information and intent listening. Especially
in the last days of the month, you may find yourself attempting to discern
just how to find the right balance.
As the month begins, you find yourself with your feet set ever more firmly
on the path of your destiny. Sudden epiphany has brought you to a new turn
of your spiral way, with new perspectives to overlook, and deep reflection
keeps you standing there on the brink of a new chapter. As the month unfolds,
there are both triumphs and the hard work of looking back over your past with
a newly formed gaze that takes in greater detail. You are being asked to discriminate
between what you need to hold on to and what to let go, to become chaff in
the wind blowing through you at this time. It is important not to bend to any
superficial influence at this time, but only to the inner authority of your
own voice that is slowly becoming surer. You are taking greater responsibility
for your future in these important days and it is beginning to show.
The Mercury retrograde period of time that lasts the entire month, and beyond,
is a guarantee that nothing will quickly change for you, or if it does, it
will be a matter of three steps forward and two backward, but this is not cause
for becoming discouraged. You are planting the seed and slowly nurturing it
all this long while, for many weeks in this spring time of your soul, and the
fruit will be borne of its own natural necessity, when it will.
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of Tuesday, March 14th, emphasizes getting your
point across to others, when you must tell the deepest truth you know to those
around you and when your mission to serve your highest impulse for yourself
and the sharing of a deeply spiritual perspective becomes transparent in your
speech, or perhaps written communication.
The Spring Equinox of Monday, March 20th, and the days following, represents
another crux of changes in perspective, when the consciousness rises of where
you have been and, even more, where you are heading with this phase of your
You are coming into your own in some new and different ways this month, Scorpio,
and partly as a result of the role that intimate others play in your life.
You are investing yourself these days in greater and more profound interpersonal
connection with close partners, while staying even more true to yourself at
the very same time, which could be quite a trick. You are also sincerely digging
into your depths right now and investigating what you may find there, which
may prove just a bit crazy making for you over the short term, or at least
confusing. Your core level researches are helping you to seek the more compassionate
stance in approaching others whenever possible, and that is a blessing.
As the month begins, you are riding a unique impulse of freedom that has sprung
forth unexpectedly in the wake of the New Moon from the end of February that
conjuncted revolutionary and trickster Uranus in your sector of artistic creativity.
You may be in the process of forging new ground for the characteristic expression
of your life force, and the offspring of this activity in terms of artistic
production and also your children and even your romantic passion, at the same
time as you reach for a peak of success in your career and professional life.
Your scintillating self-expression at this time finds however its contrapuntal
tidal ebb in the retrograde of Mercury through this same sector of your chart.
You may find yourself at times in a self-reflective mood as well, as the month
unfolds, tying you to important cycles of growth and change that are also present
in your multifaceted psyche at this time. You are deep sea diving this entire
month into the chambers of your inner workings, and coming up with the pearl
of newfound and hard-fought wisdom.
Especially at the time of the mid-month Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, taking place
on Tuesday, March 14th, you are likely to be questioning the basis for your
security, financial and otherwise, and seeking fundamental growth inspired
by the enormous changes of perspective that are coming to you at this time.
This is a case of going easy and gladly or else kicking and screaming to the
same ultimate destination, which is an expanded view of yourself and your world.
Might as well go willingly.
You are hiding out in your interior depths quite a bit this month, Sagittarius,
taking the plunge. The nurturing urge is strong in you right now, and self-nurturing
also becomes your theme, the more so as you begin to pay attention to the inspired
communication of your angel guidance operating behind the scenes. Creative
change comes from deep within your inner self, and especially toward the end
of the month, from working in concert with active partners.
As the month begins, you are indwelling in the recesses of your mind, the furrows
beyond and below consciousness; the place where dreams are born. This in fact
may be the largest part of life, although certainly not the most obvious. You
are very invested in home and family concerns right now, and the underpinnings
of consciousness, your psychological roots. There may be startling changes
taking place behind the scenes at this time, which will have implications for
your future. Your communication at this time is softer and more confused in
one way, more idealized in another, as you partake of the essence of spiritual
intrigue and share this point of view with others around you.
The First Quarter Moon, of Monday, March 6th, may bring others more firmly
into the picture of your own transformation that you are have been going through,
massively, during this past year. You are enjoying a mystical viewpoint on
everything in your life right now, including significant partners, and you
benefit when you recognize their input to your own process of growth and change.
With Mercury retrograde in your sector of home and family during this entire
month, there may also be ways that you reflect on the past with an eye to correcting
previous patterns of relationship. You are gaining a new perspective on where
you have come from as a jumping off point for where you ultimately are going.
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that comes along a week later, on Tuesday, March
14th, represents a time when there is a flowering of your process and you are
ready to share this information with the world around you. There is a tremendous
metamorphosis that is going on inside you and it is natural to want to be able
to share this with others. Indeed being able to share from a place of wholeness
is an important part of the changes that you are going through.
You are on a roller-coaster ride of your own making this month, Capricorn;
you are the vehicle for your own change. Reaching out to others around you
in new ways provides unexpected results over the course of this month’s
cycle, as you redefine your philosophy to include the bigger picture of a more
expanded viewpoint. You may find that things get more than just a little confusing,
but it’s for a good cause. The ultimate purpose is your spiritual growth,
which is taking place as a natural consequence of the actions of your higher
self, with or without your conscious agenda as a part of the process.
As the month begins, you are riding the crest of a wave of new information
that has come to you recently, perhaps in the form of startling epiphany, perhaps
just data of the more mundane variety. At any rate, it is possible that the
cumulative effect of ideas only recently dawning upon you will be profound.
You are gaining access to hitherto unseen and unknown parts of your psyche
in the weeks and months that lie ahead, and one big turning point may come
during this monthly cycle. You are approaching others from a somewhat internal
and reflective place right now, with Mercury retrograde in your communications
sector throughout the entire month of March and on into April. There are seeds
of change sprouting within you that will definitely take quite a while to germinate,
but the action has begun, and the trickle may turn into a waterfall of change
before too long.
The First Quarter Moon, taking place on Monday, March 6th, is the harbinger
of just such change, and may stimulate you to reevaluate your current life
path. This is a time when you are more aware than usual regarding the fragility
of your pool of financial and other resources, and perhaps the real message
is that your true basis for security is only partially rooted in the physical
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that follows a week later, on Tuesday, March 14th,
also signals a time of increased consciousness and the desire for deep-seated
change. Something is transforming at the core of your personality and its movement
can only benefit you in the long run. Your angel guides are near. Another moment
of tension may be represented by the Last Quarter Moon, of Wednesday, March
22nd, when you are asked to fully plumb the depths of your being for renewed
understanding of where your path is leading you at this time.
The Solar Eclipse at nearly month’s end, on Wednesday March 29th, could
also be epic in this way. Throughout this period you are opening to the numinous
inner reality of your unconscious impulse and you may find there a vastness
that exceeds the more surface and normative sense of self that we all are used
to as we go about our everyday affairs.
You are feeling a little dreamy these days, Aquarius, not fully at home in
the physical plane. This in spite of charging ahead with your financial and
other resources where you seem to be so fully engaged at this time. Partnership
in your life is more important than ever as you attempt to discern the deeper
meaning and how you will actually connect with your future self. Perhaps there
is a way of seeing the world through the temporary lens of the body, seeing
the world whole and complete, and yet pulling away inside your own mind from
the fantasy of permanence.
As the month begins, you are making an entirely fresh start with the resources
in your life that form the basis for your security, including your financial
ones. You are at this time very much in the process of looking to see where
you are headed with these groundings of your activities here on planet earth.
You are also fortunate in your circumstances and coming from a spiritual place
inside yourself right now, being in an essentially mystical frame of mind regarding
your attitude to life in general, and your working life in particular.
The Mercury retrograde period of time that lasts the entire month, and on into
mid-April, means that you might be better off when you reflect on the philosophical
underpinnings of your security situation than when you try for any concrete
solutions to existing problems. The First Quarter Moon taking place on Monday,
March 6th, reinforces the mystical parts of your existence over the merely
practical, although not without some tension in the mix.
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of Tuesday, March 14th, represents an important
turning point for you, when issues of where you are going in your life may
come up, and as well any partnership concerns that have been building. You
are very invested in significant relationships in your life at this time, and
these important relationships are likely to get a boost from the energy of
this mid-month period. You are also very aware of your partnership with the
rest of society at this time, and more conscious than ever of desiring a future
for yourself that you can not only live with but for.
The Last Quarter Moon, of Wednesday, March 22nd, represents a time of increased
awareness of what, in the final analysis, you are attempting to do with your
life, and communicating your basic truth to others around you. You are seeking
a blend of the mystical and the practical throughout this monthly period, and
to your amazement, largely succeeding.
are visioning your world a bit differently this month, Pisces. Perspective
shifts and career changes are making for a wild lunar cycle as you celebrate
the renewal that accompanies this, your birthday time of the year. The beginning
of the month especially is an exciting and surprising time for you, when you
may be subject to sudden changes of attitude. You are dwelling internally in
some deeply personal spaces right now, at the same time as you are getting
yourself out into the world in a truly different style than ever before, perhaps
one that takes into account a more whole-hearted commitment to the spiritual
unity of the planet as well as your own.
As the month begins, you are riding the wave of the recent New Moon in your
sign. Since this New Moon conjuncted trickster Uranus, it is possible that
you will find yourself in some surprising circumstances before this lunar cycle
is past. You are coming from some very new places inside yourself philosophically
at this time, and may be that you are getting the travel bug as well, or making
changes to travel plans, or perhaps exploring different worlds through the
power of imagination coupled with educational initiatives you have involved
yourself with recently. In any case, there is likely to be some way that you
are opening yourself up at this time to the yeasty interior of your dream worlds
beyond conscious thought. Your work in the world is transforming as well in
interesting directions these days, perhaps in concert with this brand of internal
awareness that is hard to pin down or even directly discuss.
The First Quarter Moon taking place on Monday, March 6th, represents a moment
of tension in the lunar cycle, a time when you may feel the pull of the inner
regions of your soul more firmly than ever, and when you may also feel the
basic conflict between this numinous inner world and the more superficial mundane
one that surrounds your waking moments. Since Mercury is also retrograde in
your sign all month long, this is not a period of time when you can push the
river, but when you actually do better to let your ideas develop naturally,
without much steering of them, allowing the universe to have its say.
Another turning point in your cycle of evolutionary growth is reached with
the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse near mid-month, taking place on Tuesday, March
14th, when you are likely to bring others around you into your process, perhaps
because at this point you feel ready, or perhaps because you feel compelled.
You are transforming in some important ways right now, and your presence in
the world reflects these changes, utterly. You can’t run away from the
new self that is emerging from inside you and you can’t hide your light
under a basket either, so there you are.
of the Planets this month:
Astrology of March is complex, beginning with the dynamic New Moon
in Pisces at the end of the previous month, on February 27th, and featuring
the powerful outer planet energies of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, plus
two eclipses and Mercury retrograde. The Pisces New Moon was conjunct
visionary Uranus, while a stationary Jupiter squares Neptune all month
long, and the Pisces-Virgo Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse taking place
on March 14th highlights transformative Pluto. Because Pluto is tied
to Neptune throughout this entire cycle, the transformation that we
seek, or that seeks us, is intimately bound up with spiritual transcendence.
We may be tempted to hide out in escapist fantasy, especially considering
the tenor of the times, but we find that we can't really get away from
the changes that we must go through. Change is a function of life itself,
and our changes right now are built upon the recognition that all creatures
are holy including even ourselves. This amazing information is likely
to come to us in perhaps startling ways throughout the month as a function
of prominent Uranus, visionary trickster energy of the unexpected.
Mercury is also retrograde in Pisces for nearly the entire month, so
it's not a good idea to make any departures into very new plans. Mercury
retrogrades on March 2nd, in a tight square with Pluto, sending us
into a reflectively internal mode and perhaps a transformationally
exciting one as well. Radically new ways of seeing our world may be
percolating in our minds at this time. Mercury conjuncts the Sun on
the evening of March 11th, which can represent one peak energy period
for the retrograde, and changes to direct motion on March 25th, conjunct
Uranus, although it does not leave its retrograde shadow until mid-April.
We may expect communication and mechanical breakdowns all month long
and into April, as well as plenty of opportunities for reflection on
our situation.
With Pluto so powerfully emphasized at the mid-month Lunar Eclipse,
this is a month about transformation, and the clearing away of old
and outmoded parts of ourselves. Pluto has the tendency to sweep everything
away in its path, which can therefore seem like meaningless destruction,
but the upside is that the old structure must necessarily pass away
before the new structure can be born in its place. That is the fundamental
nature of Pluto. We are tested to the extent that we try to hold on
to the past, and explode into freedom to the extent that we can embrace
change. Since Pluto is also connected strongly to Neptune at this time,
our transformation will involve a spiritual and compassionate component,
and we must beware of too much compassion, bordering on self-sacrifice,
into the bargain.
There is also likely to be some confusion with Neptune, and potentially
self-deception as well. Neptune has many guises. The energy of Neptune,
literally out of this world, does not blend easily with more mundane
concerns. This pairing of energies suggests a wild and perhaps uncomfortable
ride, but one that is necessary for our continued evolutionary growth.
We will not escape from this period of time unscathed, continuing on
into mid-April, but hopefully we will emerge stronger and better integrated
in our search for wholeness.
With Mars opposite Pluto at the time of the Solar Eclipse near the
end of the month, on March 29th, there may be also a further release
of the violence and hatred we have recently seen revealing themselves
into the world. Just at the time of this eclipse, Mars reaches conjunction
with U.S. Mars, further emphasizing the transformation of this country's
military impulse, and perhaps presaging further difficulties.
Current Configurations
The entire monthly cycle during March rides the energy of the February
27th New Moon. This New Moon conjuncts Uranus and also squares Mars
in Gemini, which is sextile to Saturn in Leo as well. Meanwhile Jupiter
squares Neptune, a configuration that lasts all month long, and Neptune
is parallel to Pluto, also for the entire month. The cosmic forces
are gathering in this powerful New Moon, taking us out of our mundane
lives and offering us a glimpse of the numinous powers beyond this
The First Quarter Moon takes place on Monday, March 6th, after both
Mercury and Jupiter have changed direction. Mercury stations retrograde
on March 2nd, and doesn't emerge from its retrograde shadow until mid-April.
The Mercury retrograde period of time, lasting all month long, is a
period of missed communications, mechanical breakdowns, and reflection
on where we might be going with the direction of our lives, especially
in a spiritual sense.
Jupiter stations retrograde on Saturday March 4th, and like the other
outer planets remains retrograde for almost six months. In the current
context, what is significant is that it retrogrades just past the perfection
of its square with Neptune and therefore stays square within narrow
orb for the entire month of March, during the significant eclipse energy
of this monthly cycle.
Neptune is thus emphasized throughout the month, and especially at
the time of this First Quarter Moon, which trines it while a stationary
Jupiter squares it. Neptune brings in the numinous energy from beyond
this physical world, and through its mutual reception with Uranus at
this time, particularly invites us to visualize a social setting that
is more spiritually based than our present one. Neptune is also opposed
to Saturn at this time, so that the practical and the ideal are facing
off during all of 2006, bringing to our awareness both to where we
concretely are at this time and the contrast to where we could be as
a nation and a species.
The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse of Tuesday, March 14th is a very special
configuration, since it is an eclipse and thus more powerful and also
forms a T-square to Pluto. Pluto in Sagittarius is getting ready to
station, in the 27th degree of the sign, and by being brought into
such prominence highlights the transformational energy of this powerful
extra-worldly force for drastic change in our lives. That Pluto closely
parallels Neptune at this time is also very important. Neptune and
Pluto together represent an epoch-making archetype that sweeps aside
previous conceptions to make way for the new phase to emerge, hopefully
one that is closer to our true heart's desire, as represented by numinous
Neptune. The Sabian symbol for the degree of Sagittarius occupied by
Pluto, “A sculptor” suggests the creativity of the universe
around us, contributing to our own personal evolution, the building
energy of self-fulfillment, as Marc Edmond Jones has it.
The Last Quarter Moon of Wednesday, March 22nd, follows closely the
Spring Equinox, when the Sun enters Aries each year. The Last Quarter
Moon represents a ”crisis of awareness“ when we take a
look at what we have accomplished, and failed to accomplish, during
the preceding 3 weeks of the unfolding lunar cycle. This Last Quarter
Moon emphasizes Saturn over Neptune, the practical over the unrealistic
magnificent ideal. We may have to fold up some of our tents at this
point and accept the limitation that living brings to the process of
our heart's best intentions.
When Mercury stations direct on the 25th of the month, it is conjunct
Uranus and trine Jupiter, just as Mars trines Neptune while Jupiter
still squares it. This is another potentially quite significant period,
depending on how sensitized we are to the outer planet energy that
is humming in our collective psyche during these powerful times.
The Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Aries at nearly the end of the month
is another powerful configuration, when hope springs anew with the
emerging season. This powerful eclipse New Moon accompanies a stationing
Pluto, trines Saturn, and also exactly sextiles Chiron, bringing up
the possibility of transcending old patterns of social interaction
that have held us in thrall for all of our adult lives, perhaps. We
are striving at this time to accept our deficiencies without judgment,
and to accept no outside authority other than our own. The transformational
beat goes on as always. This New Moon is a powerful indicator of change
within the limitations of this earthly frame.
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