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Astrology Page              Current Month               ALL HOROSCOPES              HOME     Horoscope for July 2005  by Henry Seltzer

You'll get a more accurate horoscope if you read your Rising sign, and your Moon sign, as well as your Sun sign.  Here's how:

Your Sun sign represents your Self, your way of being in the world. It can represent both the ego (mental) self and the higher Self (soul purpose).   It represents your will and sense of vitality.
Your Sun sign horoscope will tell you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

Your Rising sign represents your outer mask, the self you show to others.   It represents how you appear to others, how others perceive you, in your true interaction with the world.
Your Rising sign horoscope will tell you what to expect in these areas of your self this month.

Your Moon sign represents your personal self, your feelings, your subconscious.   It represents how you relate to others, how you have nurturing relationships with others, your intuition, your spiritual self, your sense of security, and your habits. The Moon represents your feminine, nurturing side (we all have one).
The Moon also indicates the type of partner you will attract, since it represents your emotional self.
Your Moon sign horoscope will show you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

What are your Signs?
 Comparison Interpretation of You and your Lover

Aires       aires

You are finding your mystical way forward at this time, Aries. You are full of passion for outer world activities, and your creative self-expression also, but there is another factor operating in your life right now - a strong pull to the inside. There is a deeper communication from the depths of your being that counters superficial action and draws you toward spiritual partnership with your own higher self. You are seeking the profound meaning in all your events, your own true creativity, as it unfolds.

The New Moon of Wednesday, July 6th, has its surprises, and its conflicts. You are experiencing the depths of your internal private spaces as a difficult adjunct to coming out into the world with all the verve and style that you can muster. It's an exciting and even electric period of time, with opportunities from helpful partnership interaction countering the difficult deep diving down experiencing of your inner spaces. You are called to family and home concerns as well as partnership at this time, with cosmic fringe benefits.

The First Quarter Moon of Thursday, July 14th, also represents some form of roadblock to your process, but one that stimulates your higher-self understanding of your circumstances.

When the Full Moon of Thursday, July 21st, comes along, potentially there will be issues as this knowledge comes to bloom, perhaps some blockage in your creative self-expression may arise as you ponder your situation, but you are also more serious about getting it right this time around, putting to rest old wounds to your self-esteem and with respect to groups that you choose to associate yourself with.

Mercury stations retrograde the next day, for essentially a five-week period, and it is best not to move forward with departures from existing plans. It helps when you try not to try too hard during this period. Remember that you are just where you are supposed to be with your life at this time, if only you can have the courage and the sense of surrender to open your heart to just that place, just that and nothing more, and nothing less.

Taurus      taurus

Communication is the name of your game right now, Taurus. You have the urge to connect with others, and the refinement of your process lies in discovering how and more importantly why. There are surprising epiphanies that you will encounter, and a form of deep soul searching also, as your perspective shifts through the course of this month's developments. You'll come out the other side more sure-footed amidst the tidal ebbs and flows of your earthly, and simultaneously otherworldly, existence.

The New Moon of Wednesday, July 6th, presents you with surprising new visions of what you can hope to accomplish in your connection with society at large, moving ahead, and also some potential conflicts between outer world and inner world considerations. You are seeking your path forward, that unique expansion in this world that only you can fulfill, and an optimistic and potentially startling development awaits you at this time.

The First Quarter Moon of Thursday, July 14th, is synchronous with perhaps a few bumps in the road, when telling your whole entire truth becomes vitally important, no matter what the cost. You are paving the way toward the dawning of some important realizations concerning your depth connection with yourself at this time.

The Full Moon of Thursday, July 21st, and the days following, may represent something of a departure from previous conceptions of who you are at the core of your being, that private space that feels like home no matter where you are. You are working through some old patterns at this time, perhaps stemming from ancient wounds to your self-esteem that have not been fully processed until now. As such, this month represents a glorious opportunity to move beyond them, into greater wholeness. The trend of your life is essentially moving ever onward, whether you recognize the shape of the next
phase before or after it has already arrived.


You are in for an electric month of changing and challenging polarities and synchronicities, Gemini. You begin with surprises and flashes of new insights, but you come out the other end of this monthly period with an altered perspective and a more introspective stance, in relationship not so much with others, but primarily with your own internal process of exploration. It's a roller coaster ride for sure but roller coasters can after all be attractive. The lesson here is to stay within and trust your own heart center, for that will never fail you, no matter what the shifting tides of circumstances seem to be demanding of you. As the month begins, you are even more focused than usual on communication with others around you. There is a mystical form that these take, exploring the depth of your process of interaction with significant partners in your life.

The New Moon of Wednesday, July 6th, brings surprises, especially in terms of public statement and self-expression, and also some potential conflicts between the resources that you have available and your emerging plans. You are entering an essentially optimistic and high-spirited period of time, but without the steadiness in your career and professional life that is productive of stability and security on the home front.

The First Quarter Moon of Thursday, July 14th, may represent a few roadblocks on the way to resolving financial and other goals regarding your resources and values. You are coming into yourself in a new fashion over this period of time, feeling your way forward.

The Full Moon that takes place a week later, on Thursday, July 21st, represents a fulfillment of your process of growth, and a new way of seeing relationship manifesting itself in your life. Your communication with others may feel somewhat shut down during the Mercury retrograde period of time that starts the next day and lasts until the end of August, and you may want to wait to make any radically different plans for yourself until after this period has passed.

During these final days of the month you may be more interested in exploring relationship with yourself than with others "out there" but that is a very valid form of development as well. By staying somewhat internal you encourage better boundaries and a more centered approach when coming back into connection with the more outer and event-driven world outside yourself. Inner and outer are but two sides of the same coin. Everyone you meet is in his or her own world, and they have their place in your own inner world as well.

Cancer      cancer

You are making a fresh start on being in the world in this your birthday time of the year, Cancer. This month for you is filled with numinous energies from beyond the physical, whispers of infinity that tell you over and over that everything is not what is seems at the level of purely superficial reality. That mundane world is also quite active for you at this time, but the career activity that takes you into doing and doing, moving further and further into the world, seems to be in conflict with the yearning just to be complete unto yourself, without necessarily doing.

The New Moon of Wednesday, July 6th, brings strange intelligence to bear that serve to further your in-depth understanding and that may provide some surprises along the way to uniquely insightful realizations. Your finances may take a sudden upward turn at this time, which helps your faith in the powers of the universe to sustain you, and which may at the most profound level allow you to move beyond the concept of the material as a support, finding the true basis of your security in your connection to the divine within, independent of the ups and downs of your resources.

The First Quarter Moon of Thursday, July 14th, may represent a hitch in your process of greater growth and awareness, perhaps centering around a seeming conflict between inner and outer, the urge to do and the urge just to be, and to settle into your highest path forward for yourself.

When the Full Moon comes along a week later, on Thursday, July 21st, it represents a fulfillment of the arc of your development up to this time, one that you are ready to share with those around you. It also may be the occasion for some patterns of behavior to come up in the way you do intimae relationship with others, as well as a more serious attitude toward the resources you require for your real-world endeavors. You may find that questioning your security and intimacy needs and taking a more in-depth look at the mechanism that underlies your behavior in these areas is quite valuable at this time, and productive of fresh insights.

The Mercury retrograde period of time that begins the following day, on Friday, July 22nd, and that lasts until nearly the end of August, is an excellent time to contemplate patterns of interaction and the way that you appear to others. It is not a good time to push forward with fresh ideas, being rather a better time to reflect and research different possibilities for yourself. Through triumph and setbacks you benefit when you step back and simply trust in your process. As the Tao reminds us, the universe, like a bellows, is always emptying, always full.

Leo      leo     

Welcome to the paradox, Leo. You are in for a month full of seeming contradictions, with spiritual enlightenment as well as visionary excitement on the relationship front, and a simultaneous feeling of being slightly shut down, dwelling somewhere inside yourself. With Saturn, planet of limitations and boundaries, moving through your sign, that is to say your identity sector, and Mercury retrograding there also, you are being pulled to the inside. Meanwhile the universe is also providing an eclectic mix of intimate partnership of both a real world and an otherworldly vibration. It looks to be a wild ride for you, one productive of fresh insights and new understandings.

The New Moon of Wednesday, July 6th, presents you with an electric feeling of excitement in communication with others. There are potentially some surprises in the works for you at this time. You are exploring the mystical side of your nature, apart from the scatter of outer world activity, although some of that is available as well for you, leading to further insights regarding your situation.

The First Quarter Moon of Thursday, July 14th, may represent difficulties between inner and outer, and enhance changes to your self-expression that have been in the works for some time now. You are in a process of getting more clear regarding your self-concept, how you appear in the world outside yourself, especially with the entrance of Saturn into your sign on July 16th, and you may be feeling quite alone in this world.

The Full Moon in the following week, on Thursday, July 21st, and the days following, exacerbate this feeling of isolation, and is likely to also bring up relationship patterns that you are ready to outgrow. These may have been in your field of awareness in a peripheral way since childhood experiences created them as issues of peer-to-peer or parental relationship became internalized rather than being dealt with at that time. Now, in the present era, you are ready to take a fresh look at these ancient wounds, and understanding them, move beyond them.

The reflective space that you are in for the remainder of the month may be perfect for working things out to better advantage. As Ram Das says, we don't ever get over our scary monster complexes that we all carry, they just get very friendly and small and we can invite them in for tea whenever we want.

Virgo      virgo

This eventful month is one in which you will discover new possibilities for yourself, Virgo. Your partnership situation is a changing landscape these days, and you may be more comfortable in a universe of fantasy and your own internal ruminations than in the world of so-called reality, but you have the best chance right now in the first half of this month for getting started on some new concepts for the future. You are also turning to the inside at this time, especially in the latter part of the month following the Full Moon, spelunking for long-buried treasure within the depths of your soul.

The New Moon of Wednesday, July 6th, comes with relationship surprises, and also some potential conflicts between what you want for yourself and what others demand from you. This moment in time, and the following two-week period, leading up to the Full Moon, is the very best time you'll have all year to vision new possibilities for yourself moving forward. Mystical reality from other planes of existence is there for you at this time, operating in service to your own process of increasing awareness to create eventful days and interesting revelations that may entirely change your relationship dynamic.

The First Quarter Moon, coming along on Thursday, July 14th, symbolizes another step, a significant turning point in terms of finding your way forward without stumbling, and for encountering your own deep process along the way as well.

The Full Moon that takes place a week later, on Thursday, July 21st, in your sector of creative self-expression, presages some unique development in coming to terms with old patterns of overextending yourself to others, which are up for you right now.

When your ruler Mercury stations retrograde the next day you are pulled even more to the inside. While solving the problems of the world in an outer sense may be effective, solving these same problems by going inside into the world of active imagination may be even more useful, and more productive of positive results long-term. When we heal ourselves at the deepest level we heal the world around us as well.

Libra     libra

You are getting serious about your future, Libra. Opportunities abound right now, with positive implications for you long-term, and a visionary sense of your life purpose that begins to emerge over the first half of the month, but there are some difficulties to deal with as well. Not the least of these are the potentially painful places inside you with regard to feeling really comfortable about who you are and putting your best foot forward. Conflicts with active partnerships also contribute in creating new ideas for finding your own way forward. You may find that if you close one door you open another.

The New Moon of Wednesday, July 6th, represents a beautiful moment of truth for your process, and also for potential conflicts that may surface at this time. You are pushed to expand your notion of where you are headed in your life at this time and how your significant partnerships have their impact, and there may be surprising insights. You are seeking your dharma, the unique role that only you can fulfill, that you came into this life to master, and the energy is really there for sudden and optimistic departures in your viewpoint regarding your path. You are making a fresh start in your career that has a bearing on these deeper issues.

The First Quarter Moon of Thursday, July 14th, represents a crisis in action for your process. Communication with others becomes very important at this time, and helps you to solidify recent new shifts in perspective.

The Full Moon, of Thursday, July 21st, represents a flowering of your process, and also a high water mark of changes going forward, since the next day Mercury stations retrograde in your sector of friendship and group association, and societal connection, and you may find yourself in a reflective and a questioning mode regarding this area of your life. Sometimes the best way forward is to slow down and take a long look all around. Traditionally it is not a good time to push the river during this five-week period, lasting until almost the end of August.

You are entering a mystical period of time, when your internal world takes priority. You benefit when you simply enjoy this down time and refuse to be seduced into superficial action.

Scorpio      scorpio

You are finding your true path forward into the world right now, Scorpio, but it doesn't necessarily come easy. Reaching a peak of success has its lows as well as its highs. Your struggle to fully understand your situation and finalize your creative vision has you turning deep inside for the answers to questions that you may have forgotten to ask along the way. Sudden insights and epiphanies may lead you down some very different roadways than you had planned, and open some long buried complexes, but with the eventual result of greater self-acceptance and a better degree of integration than you would have thought possible only a few weeks ago.

The New Moon of Wednesday, July 6th, has its surprises, and also some potential conflicts between what you want and how you see yourself getting there.

The First Quarter Moon of Thursday, July 14th, may bring some dramatic shift in your values or perhaps the resources that you bring to the table, that contributes to a conflicted but more highly evolved sense of direction that has been emerging over the last few weeks.

By the time of the Full Moon of Thursday, July 21st, you will be more aware of the limitations to your goals and hence be in possession of a more realistic attitude toward achieving them. At this time also, potential painful realizations from the depths of your being may arise, in order that they may be put behind you once and for all.

When Mercury stations retrograde the following day, your situation may alter and you may feel an introspective urge to reevaluate career conditions. The retrograde lasts for the next five weeks, until almost the end of August, and it is better not to make new decisions during this period, but to move ahead with existing plans. As conditions change, it always helps to pay close attention to your process, and to see that you are coming into greater and greater awareness. New vistas constantly emerge before you, as you spiral up the mountain of your destiny.

Sagittarius     sagittarius

The transformational stew continues, Sagittarius. You are coming into some new relationship perspectives this month that lead you back into yet another phase of self-development. Mystical information may come to you unexpectedly and act to change your perspective and to foster different concepts of self. It's a great time in fact to vision new possibilities for yourself right now. Dare to dream large at this time and your dreams might just come true, though some of the details may prove different in the actual working out, perhaps turning out better than you had even imagined.

The New Moon of Wednesday, July 6th, has surprising relationship implications and also fosters some potential instability at the very core of your being. You're not too sure of where exactly you are right now - it's just not Kansas anymore - but that can also be a good thing if you are finally convinced that it really is time for a change.

As the cycle of the lunation unfolds, the First Quarter Moon that follows a week later, on Thursday, July 14th, represents a crisis in the development that is accompanied by a renewed urge for transformation, a pushing on through with the metamorphosis that is already in progress. There may be difficulties to contend with, but who ever said that that birthing was easy? It's comforting to realize that you really only have one way to go, and that is onward. If not full speed ahead, than more slowly, but you are either making progress or starting to die to your possibilities, so there really is very little choice in the last analysis. There is enormous energy mid-month for your process if you concentrate on constructive channels for it.

The Full Moon of Thursday, July 21st, and the day following, when Mercury stations retrograde, accompanies another shift in perspective. You are feeling your way forward into better and more profound communication with others around you, in spite of everything.

While Mercury is retrograde, until nearly the end of August, the opportunity is there for reflection on your process of growth and change, without trying to redirect your course of action or really trying at all. The tides of your life are turning, and you need to take advantage of the turning or be left behind, unable to surf the waves of your situation.

Capricorn    capricorn

You are exploring the barriers to intimacy this month, Capricorn. There's an opening that awaits you in a wall that you may never have crossed in all this time. You are making a fresh start in partnership dynamics and the communication break-through may come suddenly, especially around the time of the New Moon in your relationship sector. You have the energy available these days for depth researches into the very core of your being that just might provide the key to unlock those hidden doorways.

The New Moon of Wednesday, July 6th, brings surprises and positive feedback, also some potential conflicts between what you want and what others expect from you. You are in the midst of a tremendous process of discovery and change right now that will affect the rest of your life, if you only have the courage to see it through.

The First Quarter Moon of Thursday, July 14th, represents a time when the rubber meets the road and you have to put your money where your intentions are. You are getting the help of unseen forces at this time, but you must tune your ear away from the clamors of the outer world to hear their subtle influence, and close your eyes to see.

The Full Moon of Thursday, July 21st, and the days following, when Mercury stations retrograde in your sector of personal transformation and intimacy with others, represent another turning point when you can take advantage of the pull to the inside. Security issues may come up for you at this time, as you leave your comfort zone to explore new ways of being with and communicating with others.

It helps to remember that you are just where you are supposed to be, and that you won't be asked for anything more than you can handle. It's amazing what we can come up with when we really marshal our inner resources to the task. Try thinking out of the box and you may be rewarded by becoming that.

Aquarius      aquarius

This time the party is coming to you, Aquarius. You are making good progress this month on setting intentional goals and coming to a concept of service to others as part of your own healthy way of being in the world. Some new understanding of your situation is entering into your consciousness, like a figure in the mist growing steadily clearer, with implications also for whatever serves to fulfill your highest purpose for yourself in this lifetime. Significant partners in your life are key for you at this time, and help to point the direction forward. You have only to slay a few dragons still hanging around from what is rapidly becoming the long-dead past, and then you'll be well on your way.

The New Moon of Wednesday, July 6th, represents a fresh start on seeing more clearly exactly where you are heading at this time. You are in an essentially optimistic and people-oriented place in your life these days, in spite of occasional difficulties with old patterns of behavior that come up for you, time to time.

The First Quarter Moon of Thursday, July 14th, stirs future plans and may coincide with a potential conflict between where you are currently and what you envision for yourself going forward. Partnership with others is emphasized over the next few days, and may help to lead you out of the trap of too much of your own point of view.

The Full Moon, coming on Thursday, July 21st, and followed by Mercury's station in your relationship sector, represents both a flowering of the changes in perspective that have come thus far, and a shift in the energy from this point onward.

The Mercury retrograde period of time, lasting until nearly the end of August, is a time for reflection and contemplating your situation, including your relationship dynamic, rather than a time when new initiatives are in order. It's best not to try to make things come about in any way other than the way they are already happening during this period of time.

The Full Moon period is also a time when you may find yourself dealing with old and outmoded patterns of behavior that stem from early childhood wounds to your self-concept, and that are ready to be put aside in your modern era. It is important not to ignore these vestiges of the past but rather to try to understand the dynamic of these displaced energy centers that seem at times to have an autonomous existence from your conscious mind. Making friends with and eventually accepting these walled off parts of yourself has tremendous positive implications for your future. This activity can operate in a big toward improving relations with others in your life, and ultimately with yourself.

Pisces    pisces

You are coming into a new and distinctive self-concept these days, Pisces. You have been trying some different strings to your bow lately, new ways of being in the world. This month finds you making a fresh start in your creative self-expression, possibly involved with exploring a path of service to others. Lao Tsu, the Chinese mystic, is recorded as remarking that those who recognize all others to be members of their own body make sound individuals. By serving others we ultimately serve ourselves, and our own highest purpose, going forward. You are stretching to find that higher purpose at this time, taking into account elements from your work in the world, your relationships with others, and your intuition of the numinous reality the lies behind and beyond your conscious mind.

The New Moon of Wednesday, July 6th, has both its surprises, bringing startling new information to bear on your situation, and as well its potential conflicts between what you can vision for yourself and the ordinary mundane existence that surrounds you. It's an exciting time to be alive. You are breaking through the barriers between self and other in a way that celebrates your uniqueness, setting your feet on the path that leads you to your own highest intention for yourself.

The First Quarter Moon of Thursday, July 14th, may represent a hitch in your process, a time when you threaten to founder on the reefs of circumstance as you surmount the inertia inherent in all new enterprise. The process that you have begun will always continue in some form but this is the time to nurture it more completely.

At the time of the Full Moon, one week later, on Thursday, July 21st, there is a feeling of fruition and a readiness to take your changes out on the road for a test drive. The days following are also, however, the beginning of the Mercury retrograde period, lasting until almost the end of August, when it is better not to forge ahead with new activities, but to reflect on how far you've come, and to contemplate the vista from your new vantage point.

Turning inward at this time may also bring up old patterns of behavior regarding your spiritual connection with the world that you need to work through, as well as rethinking the goals that you are striving for and how they match your ultimate purpose in this lifetime. It's a challenging blend of soul and personality that you bring to the table at this time, but their integration allows you to move forward with your life more whole hearted than when you began your journey.

Overview of the Planets this month:

The Astrology of July features Mercury, Mars, Saturn and Chiron, as well as the Cancer New Moon of July 6th and the late Cancer-Capricorn Full Moon of July 22nd that triggers a near-exact return of the Saturn-Chiron opposition from last January. Uranus, at 10 plus degrees of Pisces, is aspected by Jupiter throughout the first half of the month and by Mercury and Venus at the time of the New Moon. This month promises to be exciting and productive of new insights into our current strained situation. The opposition of Saturn and Chiron retuning at this time is profound. This time the opposition takes place in the very first degree of Leo (Saturn) and Aquarius (Chiron). Saturn opposed to Chiron represents the wound of misplaced authority.

Mercury also stations retrograde in Leo this month, on the day following the Full Moon, bringing an introspective and reflective energy to the mix. Mars squares the Sun at the New Moon, and for the two weeks leading up to the Full Moon, while he also trines Pluto, making for a potentially volatile period of time in the middle of the month.

Mercury and Venus

As the month begins, Mercury and Venus are in close conjunction in Leo, a conjunction that remains active for the first ten days of the month, until Mercury begins to slow down for its retrograde station that finally takes place the day after the Full Moon, on July 22nd. The most exciting moment of this weeks long conjunction between Mercury and Venus occurs just at the time of the July 6th New Moon, when Mercury and Venus are separated by a mere half degree, and exactly sextile Jupiter in Libra, as both form a quincunx with Uranus in Pisces.

This very tight configuration, known as a Yod, or "Finger of God" formation, occurring precisely on the Cancer New Moon, presages some unexpected relationship oriented and largely positive events at this time that are likely to be productive of surprising epiphanies and insightful realizations. The days surrounding this New Moon, which include the July 4th holiday, therefore represent an excellent time for the wedding of heart and mind in a conscious association with each other and in exploring our relationships with others around us.

Saturn and Chiron
Meanwhile at the time of the New Moon also, Saturn and Chiron are in opposition to each other, emphasizing the polarity of their interaction, which perfects in the first degree of Leo and Aquarius at the time of the Full Moon two weeks later. Since the Full Moon degrees of late Cancer and Capricorn are only two degrees away from this opposition, at the moment of its closest connection, the exact opposition taking place only a few hours before the Full Moon, Saturn and Chiron are greatly emphasized at this time.

The wound of misplaced authority, represented by Saturn opposed to Chiron, is therefore very much with us, and will likely escalate during the weeks leading up to this month's Cancer-Capricorn Full Moon. At this time also, on the stage of our own personal development, issues may arise with how we handle authority. It may be time to move beyond unconscious reactions to external control as it comes into our awareness, and to truly take our personal authority, neither knuckling under nor overreacting to the power games of others around us.

Mars and Mercury retrograde
Mars resides in his own sign of Aries this month, and is squared by the Sun in Cancer throughout this time period. Since he also trines Pluto mid-month, it is a potentially volatile period of time, when anger management, or the lack of it, and perhaps the crying need for it, may become a major theme. Anger is a useful emotion, not to be scorned, but rather to be used for good purpose. It represents our own clear self-interest, the way we set boundaries with each other, and declare our intention to take care of ourselves. When it is acted out as violence its usefulness comes to an end, and anger then creates negative karma for the future rather than helping us to act in our own best interest. Keeping current with all our relationships, rather than allowing bottled up emotions to fester, eventually to explode, helps to keep the energy flowing rather than static and potentially toxic to our continued well being.

Later in the month, as Mercury stops dead still and begins to move backwards in the sky on the day after the Full Moon, the time is ripe for an introspective turning inward, and this may help us as well if we take advantage of the time to reflect on our situation and where life seems to be taking us at this time. The Mercury retrograde period lasts until it stations direct on August 15th, and two weeks longer than that, to almost the end of August, if we consider the time it takes to leave its retrograde shadow. This entire period of time is good for reflection, reviewing our priorities, and renewing ourselves in general. It may be best if we don't push the river during this period of time, but simply let it flow.

Current Configurations
The New Moon of Wednesday, July 6th, features the extremely tight Yod formation to Uranus from Venus/Mercury and Jupiter, as described above, and also a square from the New Moon to Mars in Aries, which is actually a wide T-Square to the New Moon from Mars and Jupiter. There could be anger that comes up at this time, or at least issues of putting our best foot forward in a way that respects the rights of others. Also the New Moon trines Uranus. All in all, we are in for a volatile and energizing lunar cycle, accompanied by startling events and surprising enlightenment, and encouraging our deepening process of intention and right relationship at this time.

The First Quarter Moon, taking place on Thursday, July 14th, has the Sun inconjunct Pluto in Sagittarius, while Venus trines it. The depth of our connections with each other is therefore emphasized at this time, which in any case represents a "crisis in action" of the process begun with the New Moon. If the Cancer New Moon square Mars represented managing our anger, or not, then this First Quarter Moon, also square Mars and in aspect to Pluto also, is likely to represent a further unfolding of that process.

Saturn crosses into Leo on July 16th, two days later, opposite Chiron in Aquarius, as Mercury begins to slow down, heading toward its retrograde station on July 22nd and opposes Neptune, and Mars and Venus form a Grand Trine with Pluto. This is potentially another important turning point and time of deep process of our relationship and aggressive tendencies that we all have, both holding us together and pushing us apart.

The Full Moon of Thursday, July 21st, represents a flowering of the original impulse from the New Moon, and in this case closely aspects Saturn and Chiron, emphasizing their interaction, as indicated earlier. The Sun is also parallel to Saturn at this time. We need to own and take responsibility for our own authority, as astrologer Caroline Casey says "own our Saturn," or else we will be subject to the arbitrary authority of the world outside of ourselves.

Mercury stations retrograde the next day, in the 21st degree of Leo. The Sabian symbol for this degree is "Intoxicated chickens trying to fly" and indicates a basic disconnect between the world of influence and that of manifestation. Something doesn't fit. We can well imagine a disconnect, since this configuration also includes the Sun exactly conjunct the Saturn-Chiron opposition, regarding the wound of misplaced authority, and aspected also by Venus newly in Mercury's rulership sign of Virgo. Only time will tell what emerges from the numinous ethereal planes into the collective experience at this climactic moment.

The Last Quarter Moon takes place on Wednesday, July 27th, at five degrees of Leo and Taurus. At this time Mars is moving into a square with both Saturn and Chiron, forming a T-square, while the Sun and Moon still aspect the opposition. This is again a potentially volatile and difficult time, depending on our orientation and how willing we are to put aside our differences and cooperate with the inevitable and with each other. We can go hard or we can go easy; and if we want to go easy the key is always surrender.

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