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for February 2006 by
Henry Seltzer
get a more accurate horoscope if you read your Rising sign, and your
Moon sign, as well as your Sun sign. Here's how:
Your Sun
sign represents
your Self, your way of being in the world. It can represent both
the ego (mental) self and
the higher Self (soul purpose). It represents your will and sense
of vitality.
Your Sun sign horoscope will tell you what these areas of your self will encounter
this month.
Your Rising sign represents your outer
mask, the self you show to others. It represents how you appear
to others, how others perceive you, in your true interaction with the world.
Your Rising sign horoscope will tell you what to expect in these areas of your
self this month.
Your Moon sign represents your personal
self, your feelings, your subconscious. It represents how you relate
to others, how you have nurturing relationships with others, your intuition,
your spiritual self, your sense of security, and your habits. The Moon represents
your feminine, nurturing side (we all have one).
The Moon also indicates the type of partner you will attract, since it represents
your emotional self.
Your Moon sign horoscope will show you what these areas of your self will encounter
this month.
are your Signs?
Interpretation of You and your Lover
are dreaming large these days, Aries. The early part of this month is an
excellent time to vision new possibilities for yourself into being, the
best chance that you'll have all year. You might want to watch that you
are not so filled with the call of the wild unknown that you exaggerate
your chances for practical outcomes in your enthusiasm. You need to feel
completely free but illusions of the power and control exerted by others
might be holding you back. You benefit when you try to discern the true
meaning of outside influence, and your ultimate potential for taking authority
for your own life, and yours alone, going forward.
As the month begins, you are likely to be very aware of your possibilities.
You have a powerful impulse toward personal transformation at this time; only
the details may be a bit fuzzy around the edges. You are half hard-baked concrete
reality and two-thirds pure idealized opportunity, and trying to make it add
up to a whole. You can do it with a good dose of level headedness in spite
of circumstances, and by silently witnessing your progress, or the lack of
it, with equal gratitude. You are also in the midst of a very fertile period
for visioning a place in society for yourself that you can really live with
and for, so don't let go of that more positive perspective.
The First Quarter Moon, taking place on the weekend of February 4th, emphasizes
the discontinuities and puts it to you to measure up. You are in the process
of seeing what is likely to survive from your visionary schemes into the light
of a future day.
The Full Moon a week later, on Sunday, February 12th, also emphasizes some
aspects of struggle and some of unity. You may be trying to find your center
amidst issues of other people's agendas, versus taking up your own authority
in your own way. Again, you do well to watch and wait, and to take note of
contrary impulses without the need to contain them into any set structure.
You might also be experiencing an ethereal feeling of merging with an intimate
partner at this time, and although that feeling needs to be balanced by practical
considerations, it pays to remember that the feeling of merging is just as
valid as the sense of separation from the universe brought about as a result
of more ordinary states of reality.
is an exciting and productive time for you, Taurus, with your work and your
attitude both beginning to shift into high gear. You are making an optimistic
assessment of what it is that you need to do in the world, with the help of
beneficial partners smoothing your way. There is however a danger of idealizing
relationship and career possibilities and also potential confusion regarding
what you consider the work in the world that is deeply satisfying for you.
You are likely to be getting clearer by delving into the psychological roots
of your being and yet also may feel some limitation that makes things difficult
to handle and tempts you into giving up control of your own situation. Your
entirely visionary attitude does do well for you as long as you stay integrated
in your approach and try taking into account a modicum of hard-nosed reality
along with it.
As the month begins, you are likely to be experiencing a powerful sense of
the numinous in your life, especially regarding your work in the world, including
how you project yourself to others. This may have you feeling both exhilarated
and also just a trifle confused over the multiplicities of possibility that
are available to you.
The First Quarter Moon, of the weekend of February 4th, emphasizes these feelings
and brings a certain degree of tension to the mix, whereby you may struggle
to resolve issues of balancing your working and private life. You have a highly
idealized perspective on what career moves make ultimate sense for you at this
time, and you may have to reconcile this attitude with the so-called reality
of your situation, although it would be hard to discern which viewpoint is
truly the more real.
The Full Moon that comes along a week later, on Sunday, February 12th, again
brings the equilibrium point of public and private life very much into the
picture. You are balancing realities and the different areas of your life right
now, and healing old patterns of interaction with the world around you, and
with trusting your own authority also, and making magnificent headway throughout
this entire monthly cycle, even when your progress is less than obvious.
You are taking on some very new perspectives during the course of this monthly
cycle, Gemini, with foundational shifts in the way that you operate. There
is an exciting new path that is opening up before you and it is drawing you
in. You are entering into a topsy-turvy worldview that could either prove to
be an unadulterated blessing or else a dizzying roller coaster ride that takes
you where you need to go but may leave you slightly disconcerted. Look for
surprising and even startling career developments around the time of the Full
As the month begins, you are outer rather than inner-oriented, and your communication
with others around you is definitely serious, slowed down, and geared for a
more long-lasting impact than usual. You may be feeling a vague pull to travel
the world or at least to explore new horizons mentally. You have a divine discontent
with physical plane existence right now, yet in another way you are feeling
grounded by the sheer joy of creation. You may also be doing a lot of reevaluating
of your basic belief system these days, and creating a new perspective on life
in general.
As the First Quarter Moon approaches, taking place on Saturday, February 4th,
you may be on cloud nine again along with the rest of the planet. There are
some very high vibrations circulating around out there at this time.
The Full Moon of Sunday, February 12th, is also the signal for a highly charged
crossroads when there could be sudden illuminations and even shifts regarding
your work in the world. You have a powerful urge at this time to share the
philosophical stories that have been mentally percolating, and to thereby ground
these visions in the concrete experience of your interactions with others.
There are implications for your relationship dynamic as well.
The Last Quarter Moon, one week later, on Monday, February 20th, brings some
tension to the mix of energies swirling around in your brain, and perhaps some
degree of illumination as well. You feel a call to action at this time, and
to produce in the outer world of public events what may have up until now been
a more private vision.
You are going for the gusto this month, Cancer, and the gusto may be going
after you as well. You are all funky bravado as you face the world with your
very best foot forward, but there are nagging issues of self and other or just
plain unmet security needs that may stop you in your tracks. Keep a stiff upper
lip and take the high road past relationship uncertainty and you'll come to
the really good stuff that's been there, waiting for you, all along.
As the month begins, you are entering a very high period of time where transforming
who you are in terms of presentation and close connection with significant
others in your life is both fun and filled with fuzzy numinousity. You are
finding a new form of intimacy that is literally out of this world. Spiritual
connectivity does have its potential downside, and you may be over-idealizing
the situation. You may even find that you have been deceived, or you may be
the deceiver. In any case it is a time to enjoy and to watch closely for the
lessons that are sure to come along with the bliss.
The First Quarter Moon, of the weekend of February 4th, is likely to symbolize
a few bumps in the road to your self-discovery and self-mastery, but nothing
that you can't handle.
The Full Moon of the following Sunday, February 12th, represents another time
of intensity, when you may well find yourself investigating issues with partners,
perhaps asking where you find the balance and where you fight for control,
or perhaps feel the wound of giving in to the power of another instead of inhabiting
your own authority.
The Last Quarter Moon, of Monday night, February 20th, represents a time of
greater acceptance and perhaps withdrawal from the outer world into one where
you can feel at peace behind your busy mind. You are gaining in self-understanding
at this time, even as you let go of some of your ideas that may not fly, and
carefully nurture the ones that can.
You are fighting battles of self and other right now, Leo. Partnership in
your life is vital for your on-going growth and has a visionary quality, although
perhaps can be over-idealized. Others at times can also let you down, and you
are driven back to the bedrock of relying on yourself and yourself alone. The
trick is to do this gladly, innocently, without bitterness. Don't take yourself
too seriously at this time, or give away too much of your authority either.
A delicate balance is required.
As the month begins, the line-up of planets in your house of relationship contrasts
sharply with feisty old Saturn in your identity sector, telling you that you
need to somehow get it together in spite of distractions. You are paradoxically
very involved with partnership concerns and the needs of others right now,
and yet remain totally committed to your own process of growth and change.
There is a way that you are summing up the last seven years of activity right
now, taking your individual development to the next level, more easily if you
have been doing your homework all that time. You are also likely at this time
to idealize significant partners in your life, perhaps regarding them as an
important catalyst for finding your own achievement.
At the First Quarter Moon, on Saturday evening, February 4th, you may be tempted
to take this form of idealization over the top, perhaps to the point of fantasy
or even self-deception. This is the moment in the cycle of the crisis of new
growth, and your mission is to stay on task with your own concerns, rather
than taking on anyone else's.
The Full Moon that follows a week later, on Sunday, February 12th, again brings
up issues of partnership, as does the New Moon at nearly the end of the month,
when surprising breakthrough is possible. Your challenge through all this is
to feel the numinous pull of the beyond in your interactions with others without
succumbing to the siren call of fantasy dream wishes and abandoning your post.
The positive side of the configuration is an intuitively satisfying sense of
wonder in the possibilities for graceful partnership interaction in your life,
while the downside is an exaggerated feeling of the power of others at the
expense of your own.
Your path is opening up before you at this time, Virgo. The simplicity of
day-to-day events as they unfold reveals novel aspects of where you are heading
with your life right now, and why. You are tuning in to your dharma, the task
uniquely yours that you came into this life to fulfill. Exciting new directions
beckon, and surprising partnership interaction as well, but your true spiritual
essence remains to be discovered in the leavings of the past. Moving forward
with the remnants of what you have left behind can be traumatic and yet facilitates
your healing as well.
As the month begins, you are encountering a particularly strong dose of the
Neptune archetype manifesting in your life; that is, the numinous experience
of the divine working itself out through each existing moment. You are also
making a fresh start in finding your true purpose, a purpose that is likely
to involve service to others, perhaps even self-sacrifice, since Neptune has
that symbolic meaning as well, and is strong right now in your sector of discipleship
to your highest ideal for yourself. There are positive implications of this
configuration in a very high-minded approach to your everyday concerns, a true
finding of Goddess in the details of ordinary life, and also in your dedication
to your pathway forward, at least as far as you can discern it at this point
in time. You may be very positive in communicating these important truths for
yourself to others around you.
The downside of such unfettered idealism is the potential for self-deception,
or perhaps being deceived by others, regarding your goals or your work in the
world. It may be necessary to take a practical stance as an antidote to overdoing
at this time. Your ruler Mercury is getting ready to retrograde next month,
and that period of time will be one of reflection on where you are heading,
especially with respect to significant partners in your life.
As the month of February unfolds, and Mercury moves into your partnership sector
on Wednesday, February 8th, you may find that a distinct relationship focus
The Full Moon, of Sunday, February 12th, is another time when your connection
with others becomes quite important for you, and when there may be surprising
revelations regarding your partnership interaction. You are facing as well
some dark places inside yourself at this time and seeking to heal in these
areas, which may involve issues of the power and influence of others, versus
taking your own authority, and finding your own path.
Transformation is the name of your game right now, Libra. You have been delving
long and hard into your depths lately and you are about to come up with the
pearl. This month you may be getting a surprising new look at where you want
your life to take you, and perhaps you don't fully believe in the miracle as
yet, but give it time. Your future will unfold as it will, and all that you
need to leave behind is your pain. That may be easier said than done but you
are making a good start right now.
As the month begins, you are dealing with issues of connection with others,
how you put your best foot forward and really succeed in getting your point
across to them. You are coming into a revitalized sense of creative self-expression
based in part on inner work during the previous month that you have been taking
on. You are in the process of transforming your life in the area of interpersonal
communication, perhaps in written as well as verbal forms, and in your curiosity
about the world around you, which yields productive and positive results right
The time of the First Quarter Moon, on the weekend of February 4th, is crucial
in this regard. You may feel the numinous pull of otherworldly intelligence
guiding your actions as you investigate more fully the nature of your own creativity.
You may also feel inspired to some form of artistic expression at this time.
If you do, it will undoubtedly reflect your current underlying concern with
your own inner workings, and deep connection with others. You may also potentially
have to work through feelings confusion or lack of clarity with respect to
goals that could come up for you at this time as well.
The Full Moon of Sunday, February 12th represents another time of transformational
impact when you may feel called to express to others the more fulfilled vision
for yourself and the world around you that you have been in the process of
developing for yourself lately. There is great optimism possible at this time
for you, and a sense of new adventure in the offing, but this period of time
is not without its tensions. You are seeking the perfect blend of far-reaching
vision and practical wisdom and there may be some adjustments to reconcile.
Issues may arise of taking your own authority versus bowing to a perception
of more powerful outside agencies. Consensus thinking has mass appeal behind
it but the ultimate realization that you need to make for yourself is that
its power over your life is only what you choose to give it.
You are almost ready to come down from your cross, Scorpio. It has been a
tough deal for you. You have taken yet another close look at your deep inside
to explore old wounds, with partnership and personal transformation the mantras
running through your bloodstream. In this monthly cycle you are still dealing
with issues of self-esteem and personal authority, successfully to the extent
that you refuse to become sidetracked by the painful past and allow yourself
to come more fully into the present moment. It's about time.
As the month begins, you are very committed to your internal process, discovering
who you are beneath the surface layers of accommodation to the way that others
see you. There is a powerful impulse to go within and find a numinous experience
of the godhead deep inside yourself, where after all the divine resides in
all of us. This can be a confusing period of time, when you are driven to examining
more closely your own hidden motivation, and may be almost overwhelmed with
what you are in the process of discovering.
The First Quarter Moon, on the weekend of February 4th, is likely to be a time
of increased tension in this regard. You are taking the opinions of others
seriously at this time, but there may be conflicts between their point of view
and your own. Circumstances may be conspiring to sink the boats you have recently
launched in terms of your own inner growth, and you have to mediate what may
be possible for you with the practical necessity of your situation.
The Full Moon takes place on the following weekend, Sunday, February 12th,
and may represent a time of increased awareness of how you show up in the world
based on deep reflection of your inner workings. There may be old wounds that
surface around this time in your relationship to outer authority versus depending
on the internal guidance system of the beat of your own drum. Taken altogether,
this is a dicey monthly period when you are coming into some important new
conceptions of yourself, so don't give up the ship.
The world well lost best describes this monthly cycle for you, Sagittarius.
You are not exactly hiding out, but you are definitely exploring some weighty
issues right now from a richly internal and even dream-like perspective. You
grow as you communicate this deeper truth to others around you. You are ready
to acknowledge that you have some important healing to do. There is a potentially
painful place inside yourself that relates to how you get your point across
or perhaps how you inhabit your own authority versus relying on others to define
your reality. It may help to remember that the only outside influence that
you really have to pay attention to is your own.
As the month begins, communication with others around you is your primary focus.
You are exploring several different facets of interpersonal connectivity in
the four weeks leading up to the New Moon near the end of the month. There
is a tremendous urge to make explicitly concrete in speech or writing your
philosophical musings or educational direction, and paradoxically a rosy glow
of numinous possibility also surrounds your words during this period of time.
At the First Quarter Moon, of late evening on Saturday February 4th, your communication
may take on the fogginess of numinous possibilities beyond the physical that
may come to undermine your intention for making your perspective more concretely
available to others around you. You must beware of actual misinformation either
in the form of self-deception or deception practiced upon you.
The Full Moon of Sunday, February 12th is another time when you may observe
within you the collision of big picture vision and more ordinary consensus
thinking. You are also changing at the core in your self-concept, continuing
a powerful process of growth that began many months ago.
The Last Quarter Moon, of Monday, February 20th, comes with some degree of
tension that brings renewed awareness of your situation. This entire monthly
cycle has been one of balancing the tendency to find where you really stand
with difficult and potentially quite confusing ideas that may border on fantasy.
Sometimes the fantasy does become real however, and the trick is to recognize
the difference. If you are doing it right, you are taking in everything the
universe brings you, and making it the appropriate grist for your mill of self-transcendence.
The future is looking brighter for you all the time, Capricorn. You are changing
the way you operate based less on knee-jerk reaction to perceived threats to
your safety, and more on the grace of a truly big picture point of view. You
may be in danger, even, of over-idealizing your resources or attempting a quick
fix for potentially quite painful experiences regarding security issues or
finding the proper boundary between self and other. Don't be fooled. You are
staking your claim right now on the mountain of your destiny, and nothing else
really matters.
As the month begins, the emphasis is placed on intimate others in your life,
and your own need to transcend previous relationship patterns. You my feel
more than a little at sea these days, with changes in the offing that you cannot
quite discern as yet, although you know full well at this time that there is
something important in the works for you and your future possibilities. The
Neptune archetype that is activated in your security sector is both numinous,
being beyond all practical considerations, and confusing in earthly terms for
the same reason. Finances may be literally up in the air for you at this time,
but the higher meaning is found in considerations of where your true wealth
really lies.
The First Quarter Moon taking place on the weekend of Saturday, February 4th,
highlights these concerns. This is a time of testing when the rubber meets
the road in terms of changes that you in the process of making in your life,
perhaps along the lines of greater integration of the spiritual side.
The Full Moon that comes along a week later, on Sunday, February 12th, brings
additional challenges of self and other, and giving your power away to outside
viewpoints versus maintaining your own authority in the moment. There may be
painful lessons that will come up during this monthly period, hopefully for
the purpose of acceptance and healing rather than simply revisiting old wounds.
It's a long road that has no turning and yours is beginning to spiral around
to a more spacious perspective.
You are coming into your own these days, Aquarius, although it may be confusing
for you at times. After navigating some incredibly difficult terrain, you are
perhaps more available for a stand-up future for yourself right now than ever
before, if you can only sort out the truth from the illusion. Partnership with
others is an important component for you right now and helps by bringing to
light certain hidden facets of your own process. The concept of right relationship
plays its part, since with the extreme focus on others comes the need to do
it right this time. Painful experiences from the past may be trying to hold
you back from fully inhabiting the present moment. Don't let them!
As the month begins, you are in a comfortable place with yourself, coming on
strong to others around you with joy and confidence and a touch of fantasy
idealism thrown in. It may feel like it's too good to be true, and of course
that is always a part of the puzzle, as every upside has its complementary
down. Union and working it out with significant partners in your life is also
a major focus for you right now. You do well to maintain a balance and not
tip too far over in the direction of relationship at the expense of your own
The First Quarter Moon of the weekend of Saturday February 4th brings extreme
idealism, or else deceptive self-concept, more firmly into the picture. You
are assessing at this time how much of what you are imagining for yourself
makes sense in the practical world.
The Full Moon that follows a week later, on Sunday, February 12th, is a time
of sharing your vision with others around you, and a time too of exploring
the painful places inside yourself that the reflection of others can bring
to your awareness. You are more than ready to heal some aspect of your previous
patterns, perhaps recognizing these as responses from early experience that
have outlived their usefulness. As you work through the rest of the month,
you may find that facing your inner demons with courage and self-acceptance
is more than half the battle.
are coming into yourself in some very new and different ways this month, Pisces.
You are busy reinventing yourself at this time, but you may be less than satisfied
with your progress lately. Your friend is your deep internal process, and paradoxically
your pain is also your necessary retraction from the world of outer events.
Your struggle is to establish within yourself a novel form of self-mastery,
based on turning around in place to heed your personal voice rather than the
influence of any external authority. Then as you go through the ups and downs
of your existence these days you will have a vital compass point to steer by
in order to find your own way home.
As the month begins you are feeling a little distracted from the everyday world
of events. The New Moon from the end of last month highlights the position
of your ruler Neptune in your sector of dreams, numinous intelligences from
behind and beyond your conscious mind. This is normal territory for you anyway,
and this lunar cycle even more so. You are secluded in your own mystical universe,
and not at all at home right now in the physical plane.
The peak of this dreamy isolation might take place at the time of the First
Quarter Moon, on the weekend of February 4th, when communication is difficult
and redolent of this faraway world that you inhabit. You are striving at this
time to come to terms with how much you can keep of this more magical sense
of self as you go through your daily tasks in the so-called "real" world
of outer events. The answer could be quite a lot, if you can find a way to
keep that sense of the unseen world with you as you go through the motions
of this one, here and now.
The Full Moon of Sunday, February 12th, may bring up these issues more poignantly
and bring others around you more fully into the picture. There is a sense in
which you have to change how you make your way in the world in order to more
fully reflect your deeper understanding, and these are changes that you are
ready for at this time. There is only the pain of letting go. And there is
also the joy of letting go, as well.
of the Planets this month:
Astrology of February once again features Neptune, numinous representation
of the non-physical world, and Saturn, symbol of physical plane practicality,
this time along with Chiron, the wounded healer, which is opposed to
Saturn throughout the month. The Aquarius New Moon from the end of
last month that begins this lunar cycle closely conjuncts Neptune,
also Mercury, with Chiron only a few degrees distant. The New Moon
also opposes Saturn almost exactly, while Jupiter squares Neptune all
month. We are challenged to take our spiritual commitment to another
level, and to release ourselves from the past in the form of old wounds
to our self-esteem, based on patterns that stem from childhood and
that we are more than ready to outgrow. It can be a confusing time,
as the numinous Neptune archetype, representing a point of view far
beyond the travails of this world, can manifest on many different levels,
depending on where we are at, as spiritual union and on the other hand
as escapism, over-idealization, even deception.
Saturn of course represents something quite different, the limitations
of the physical, and opposed to Chiron symbolizes the wound of misplaced
authority, as we've seen quite a lot lately, especially in high places.
False gods are also something that we all have to deal with in some
form or another in our own lives. This wound ultimately derives from
our past, when the ones who were in charge did not always act with
integrity or respect our wishes. We might want to ask ourselves the
question: where do I give my authority away, and to what outside person
or agency rather than myself? It is also helpful to remember that this
fundamental opposition was also active in July, so that issues from
last summer may return, hopefully for better understanding and integration
this time around.
The turning point of the early February timeframe is the First Quarter
Moon, on the weekend of February 4th, and this potentially stressful
time further emphasizes the Neptune archetype, since the Sun directly
conjuncts Neptune within a degree or so. We will be plunged more fully
into our depths and Neptunian longings for redemption, and in some
cases our inability to face the physical world. Then the Full Moon,
which represents a culmination of the arc of development begun at the
time of the New Moon, trines and sextiles Pluto, symbol of personal
transformation. The theme of this month's configurations would seem
to be self-transcendence, wherein we can accommodate the opposite pulls
of Spirit and matter, paying careful attention to each one of these
parts of our lives with the full-on recognition that each one is holy,
despite appearances to the contrary, or at least the fullest recognition
that we can muster.
Current Configurations
The First Quarter Moon of late Saturday evening exactly conjoins and
squares Neptune, while Jupiter squares it, a volatile combination that
brings the Neptune archetype to the fore. The First Quarter Moon is
a time in the cycle when we question new developments that we have
been engaged in for the previous seven days, and with a prominent Neptune
in the picture, this questioning may take the form of confusion as
to goals and motivations. It is difficult to integrate Neptune energy
into our consciousness, being essentially non-rational in nature, and
partaking more directly of the infinite than the here and now, but
that is just what we are being asked to accomplish. This period of
time will be especially noticeable to those with strong Venus in their
charts, like Taurus or Libra people, since Venus, having just stationed
direct, also very closely aspects the Sun, Moon and Neptune.
The Full Moon taking place on Sunday evening of the following weekend,
on February 12th, still aspects Neptune widely, and brings Pluto into
the configuration by sextile and trine. Thus the transformation that
we are currently engaged in, as symbolized by the contacts that transiting
Pluto makes with our own chart, is part and parcel of the cycle of
unfolding understanding represented by this month's lunations. At this
time also, Mars is closely inconjunct to Pluto, amping up the energy.
Saturn and Chiron are in close opposition to each other at this time
as well, bringing in the theme of misplaced authority, and the wound
to our self-esteem that this theme presents. Since Pluto and Neptune
are also closely parallel at this time, we may expect that there will
be a struggle to affirm some degree of spiritual unfolding in our lives
throughout this cycle, to the extent that we are ready to accept them.
The Last Quarter Moon of Monday, February 20th, is another time of
tension when the Saturn - Chiron opposition is still quite active,
and when the Sun and Moon in square aspect to each other form a T-square
to Mars. There could be the potential for issues of assertiveness,
even suppressed violence that might come to a head at this time. This
is the part of the lunar cycle that Dane Rudhyar termed a "crisis
in consciousness" when awareness dawns as a result of seeing what
in the last few weeks has worked and what hasn't.
The Pisces New Moon that nearly ends the month, taking place on Monday,
February 27th, closely conjuncts Uranus, trickster energy of the unexpected.
At this time, Neptune and Pluto are even more closely in parallel alignment,
while Pluto aspects Venus, suggesting that relationship issues might
come to the fore at this time. Since these planets also aspect the
U.S. chart, there is likely to be further revelation on the American
scene as well. And since Jupiter remains in close square with Neptune
throughout the following lunar cycle, we may see more evidence that
our senses do not tell us everything that is going on. For that we
have to turn inside.
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