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Astrology Page              Current Month               ALL HOROSCOPES              HOME     Horoscope for November 2005  by Henry Seltzer

You'll get a more accurate horoscope if you read your Rising sign, and your Moon sign, as well as your Sun sign.  Here's how:

Your Sun sign represents your Self, your way of being in the world. It can represent both the ego (mental) self and the higher Self (soul purpose).   It represents your will and sense of vitality.
Your Sun sign horoscope will tell you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

Your Rising sign represents your outer mask, the self you show to others.   It represents how you appear to others, how others perceive you, in your true interaction with the world.
Your Rising sign horoscope will tell you what to expect in these areas of your self this month.

Your Moon sign represents your personal self, your feelings, your subconscious.   It represents how you relate to others, how you have nurturing relationships with others, your intuition, your spiritual self, your sense of security, and your habits. The Moon represents your feminine, nurturing side (we all have one).
The Moon also indicates the type of partner you will attract, since it represents your emotional self.
Your Moon sign horoscope will show you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

What are your Signs?
 Comparison Interpretation of You and your Lover

Aires       aires

You are revisiting security issues this month, Aries, feeling your way toward a more complex intimacy with significant partners. You may find yourself very inner-directed at this time but the real juice of relationship bursts upon you when you turn inside. At the time of the Full Moon on November 15th you are even more thoughtful and self-reflective, and balancing issues of self and other working themselves out in your life. Don’t be afraid to acknowledge the mystery.

The New Moon that begins the month, on Tuesday November 1st, represents a fresh start in intimacy and your own development also, where issues of self and other are likely to arise. You will encounter some difficulties and perhaps unexpected joy as well, together with renewed commitment to your own self-expression as you simultaneously forge deeper connections with others. There is a spiritual longing in you at this time that does not easily find its outlet although you may catch yourself searching for it with significant others in your life. The theme of the month is sounded by the distance between what you are looking for in ideal circumstances and what you actually find, and becoming satisfied with what is, either enforced necessity or peaceful acceptance as you choose to experience your life circumstance.

This paradoxical dilemma is perhaps most intensely experienced the time of the Quarter Moon of Tuesday, November 8th, when you must make certain choices in reality and suffer their consequences. It may seem as though there is no way to turn, but as they say, Spirit makes a way out of no way - when you look at it right.

The Full Moon that comes along a week later, on Tuesday, November 15th, accompanied by the advent of Mercury retrograde in your higher mind sector, may well be a time of increased reflection, potentially revisiting decisions that had already been made with an eye to refining them, and fully opening to your spiritual possibilities in relationship, whether this means with a particular partner, balancing your own needs, or with the capability for relationship with self and others for your life in general.

The Last Quarter Moon of Wednesday, November 23rd, is a testing time, when something feels like it’s got to give and greater consciousness is not only recommended but required. You are coming into some important new knowledge at this time and knowledge truly is power, the power to change yourself and to affect others around you as well.

Taurus      taurus

You are making a fresh start on important relationships in your life this month, Taurus. Relating more fully with others is appealing right now, and unlocks a brand new vision of your future possibilities for yourself. If you feel like you are stuck in the mud somewhat with figuring out your basic priorities and how to move forward, join the club! Everyone is stuck on something at this time, with both Mercury and Mars moving backwards in their opposite signs, and with you it happens to be significant partners and your home environment.

The New Moon that begins the month, on Tuesday November 1st, hits hard and opens you up to new possibilities to the extent that you are willing to change the lens through which you see your world. Partnerships in your life are a huge area for you right now, and the challenge is to stay balanced. You are reviewing and re-evaluating your potentials right now; with perhaps sudden swings in the way you see your life moving forward.

The First Quarter Moon, of Tuesday, November 8th, represents another shift in perspective, as you meet the tension of choosing just how much faith you really have in your ideals. You are dissatisfied with career goals that do not meet the very highest standards of heart engagement during this entire monthly cycle, especially during this turning point.

The Full Moon of Tuesday, November 15th, represents another bend in the road of your developing destiny. You are very conscious at this time of the impact that significant partners have on your life, and how the effect of your relationships colors your own self-assertion. You are making a study of how the various parts of your life come together at this time, seeking a better integration. Since Mercury is newly retrograde in your intimacy sector, it is not a good time to make any forward moves based on recent discoveries, but it is better to watch and wait for the remainder of the month at least and on into December. There is however likely to be surprising information that comes to light at this time, that influences the way you see your future plans unfolding.

There may be further challenges to the status quo of your life at the time of the Last Quarter Moon, on Wednesday, November 23rd, just before Thanksgiving. Your self-expression may be raised to new heights or otherwise altered during this period of time, in response to a new sense of responsibility arising from the very core of your being. You are stimulated to find different and more effective ways of seeing and being. The trials of this monthly cycle are not trivial, but they serve an excellent purpose in moving you forward in your evolution, growing you into new ideas of how to perceive yourself and the world around you.


You are making important progress this month in figuring out the story of your life purpose, Gemini. A fresh start in concepts of service to others breaks like a tsunami wave over your workplace concerns, leaving nothing the same. There are two distinct parts to your arc of development this monthly cycle: after the weekend of the 12th and 13th relationship issues take an unexpected direction and you turn to the inside for some answers to important questions you didn’t even know you were asking. It’s all about getting closer to Spirit, acting itself out in your life.

The New Moon that begins the month, on Tuesday November 1st, initiates a period of internal expansion and surprising outer development. You may not be making much progress in the traditional sense but deepening your connection to your own inner truth can be quite valuable for you long-term if you are prepared to make the best use of your new vantage point. The ideal of service to others is mingled with service to yourself. You are assuming your own unique identity, your dharma, the part that you came into this lifetime to perform.

There may be difficulties that come up for you in the course of this month, especially around the time of the First Quarter Moon. It is likely that you will run into some creative tension in your process of integration, as you begin to see what fits and what does not. You may be tempted to somehow idealize the situation.

The biggest changes come after your ruler Mercury turns retrograde on the 13th, accompanying the Full Moon of Tuesday, November 15th, which encourages you to take a more spiritual perspective. You are reassessing all the elements of your life at this time, and especially partnership considerations. Perhaps thinking about how you do relationship is an important part of your philosophical musing at this time. Since Mercury is retrograde, it is not particularly a good time to rush forward with new ideas, but rather a time to let yourself breathe a little. You are coming into some new way of seeing yourself and your world that will have far-ranging effects for the New Year, and all that takes time to assimilate.

The Last Quarter Moon, of Wednesday, November 23rd, is an important time and a potential turning point as well, when your focus shifts even more toward working with others around you and when your intense study of your situation may begin to pay off in terms of new insights. It is vital to keep your eyes open for whatever comes along at this time, and not to pre-judge anything. You benefit when you silently witness with one part of your mind and remain alert to everything that is happening. You might be surprised.

Cancer      cancer

You are in the process of discovering new directions in self-expression this month, Cancer. Surprising enlightenment comes to you with the New Moon at the very beginning of the month, together with a strong sense of responsibility. You may feel bogged down in your finances but you will get a lot of joy out of exploring the deeper meaning. Rational thought takes you only so far in figuring out the mystery. Experiment works wonders.

The New Moon that begins the month, on Tuesday, November 1st, makes for a fresh start in your creative approach to the world. With Mars retrograde this entire month in your sector of wishes and hopes, you are in a process of revisioning your possibilities, going forward. The energy is ripe for you to discover new facets of yourself and a new way of looking at the world around you. You may find yourself somewhat stuck in your ability to marshal your resources, including financial ones, at this time, but that only makes the life of the heart shine more sweetly.

The First Quarter Moon of Tuesday, November 8th, potentially represents a time of trial, when you may encounter conflicts between serving others and serving yourself. You are in a place of sensitivity toward others that does not easily find its proper outlet, and taking yourself very seriously at the same time. You may in fact be over-idealizing the power of intimate relationship in your life at this time, even as you strive for a better and more grounded sense of your own needs.

The Full Moon that comes along a week later, on Tuesday, November 15th, is likely to be a time of greater involvement with significant partners in your life, and weighing the effect of relationship in general on your life direction. You are in any case reviewing and rethinking your pathway forward at this time while Mercury is retrograde in your sector of discipleship to your highest purpose. This is a period of time that is better spent on inner contemplation than in outward manifestation, as you will no doubt discover for yourself as the month progresses.

The Last Quarter Moon, of Wednesday, November 23rd, just before the Thanksgiving holiday, may bring surprises. You are feeling your way into a new self-concept at this time, and abandoning those parts of yourself that do not fit the new pattern that you are attempting to lay out. Things will become clearer by the time of the Winter Solstice next month, with the dawning of a new way of channeling your life purpose and of being in creative partnership with others.

Leo      leo     

You are getting pulled down into your cosmic depths this month, Leo. It may have been a struggle lately, but not without its rewards. Delving into the mystery of your existence never felt sweeter, or more productive of surprising closeness, unlikely intimacy. Your wheels are spinning in your working life and you find yourself getting stuck as much as moving forward, but spiritual partnership is there for you, especially in the first half of the month, just when you need it the most.

The New Moon that begins the month, on Tuesday, November 1st, pulls you toward home and family concerns. You are making some kind of fresh start on the home front, or perhaps in solving the riddle inherent in your own psychological roots. You are in fact getting more serious about finding your life purpose lately, and the partnerships that you encounter at this time are an important support for that sense of added responsibility. Work cannot be said to be going well, but it is going, and because the road is difficult the results are likely to be more long lasting and at the end of the day promote greater peace of mind.

The First Quarter Moon of Tuesday, November 8th, is a time when various tensions may arise along your path, between public and private concerns and with issues of self and other.
There may be some positive resolution by the time of the Full Moon on Tuesday, November 15th. At that time many parts of your life could unexpectedly change, including intimate relationship. You are perhaps in the presence of a self-sacrificing partner these days, which can be a drawback as well as a benefit. It pays you have the utmost clarity about your own sense of direction right now, which you are likely to be reassessing at this time. The Mercury retrograde period that begins in this timeframe is excellent for reflecting on where your life is taking you right now and for analyzing the roots of your self-expression.

The Last Quarter Moon, of Wednesday, November 23rd, is another time of intense reevaluation and renewal. You are getting not only older but wiser as you get through this monthly cycle. The last two weeks of the month may prove difficult and scarce in actual accomplishment but therefore all the more rich in understanding. You are being challenged to focus at this time on the ultimate prize, which is greater awareness of your fellow creatures and greater self-knowledge.

Virgo      virgo

Outreach and deep interior reflection characterize your month, Virgo. Communication is the name of your game right now, as you encounter surprises in significant relationships in your life and perhaps struggle to come to terms with your own inner longing. You are in a period of summing up the lessons of the past thirty years, creating a new system of self-knowledge, revising long-held and cherished beliefs. With your ruler Mercury changing direction in the sky, information that comes to you after the 13th will be of a more internalized and self-reflective nature that you will use as a springboard for new beginnings toward the end of the year.

The New Moon that begins the month, on Tuesday, November 1st, illuminates your thought process, which is definitely tuned to a deeper place inside yourself than usual. You are moved to communicate to others around you some portion of emerging new truth concerning depth researches into your own motivations, and also surprising partnership encounters. The past is also very much with you at this time, even more so after the 13th when Mercury retrogrades. You are searching out your way forward, your own unique dharma, and only the path that is consistent with your highest intention for yourself is the subject of your consideration right now.

At the time of the Full Moon of Tuesday, November 15th, the searchlight of your conscious awareness is shining inward, toward a transformational process of growth that has been steadily gaining ground over many months. You are likely to be sharing yourself with others in some very different ways as a result. The Mercury retrograde period of time that is beginning now will last for several weeks, on into December, and your communication with others around you will be both more thoughtfully self-reflective and more emotionally grounded as a result. You are looking deep inside yourself right now and it shows.

The Last Quarter Moon of Wednesday, November 23rd, is another time of deeper reflection, regarding your situation, and your home environment also. You are incorporating selective portions of your prior philosophy into your present reality, working to achieve a new balance and integration. What’s past is prologue.

Libra     libra

You are shutting down your response to the outer world somewhat this month, Libra. You are focusing more on interior perceptions than external communication at this time, especially after mid-month, getting serious regarding your priorities and future plans, especially those springing from your deep internal process of increasing awareness. It’s a revolution in the way you see yourself going forward that you are facing. It could be just a good time for a break, for you who are usually so sweetly and irrevocably concerned with the needs of others. Perhaps it’s wise that you are busy right now tending your own garden.

The New Moon that begins the month, on Tuesday November 1st, symbolizes new beginnings in the area of values and resources, including your finances. You may be getting a different idea regarding the true worth of material security in your life. You are likely to be fortunate in your material circumstances at this time, and the trick is to take that further into the hidden meaning for the rest of your life. You are definitely seeing your relationship dynamic in a new light lately, perhaps as tied more directly into your societal orientation and security needs, perhaps idealized romantically, or maybe all three.

The First Quarter Moon, of Tuesday, November 8th, is both a moment of tension in the roadway toward fulfilling your ultimate desires, and a time of extreme idealization that could border on self-deception. You, along with everyone else, are facing up to the conundrum that we can’t always get what we want, that a person’s reach must always exceed his grasp.

The Full Moon of Tuesday, November 15th, puts you squarely in the middle of the situation. You want to find a way forward that has greater responsiveness and responsibility also, and you are trying hard to find a different and better passage through the rabbit hole of than you have ever stumbled into before. There is an inspired and soul-level quality to your discourse at this time, revealing the distinction.

The Last Quarter Moon of Wednesday, November 23rd is a time when you could possibly have to grow in your understanding rather than the more material success that you may have planned. The Mercury retrograde period of time that is in full swing at this juncture makes it hard to get anything done the way you had intended, but it’s great for looking into the roots of your communication in terms of hidden and hitherto unnoticed interior issues. The ups and downs of life on this planet conspire to teach us with every change of pace, as long as we are paying attention at the time.

Scorpio      scorpio

You are making a fresh start in many different ways this month, Scorpio. Your creativity and self-expression is sparking new dimensions of your being, blossoming in unusual directions. Look for surprises in store. You are also revisiting relationship issues that have no doubt come up for you before, and getting serious regarding commitment to your long-term goals. Things could change dramatically around the middle of the month, when the Full Moon lights up your one-on-one house to beneficial effect.

The New Moon that begins the month, on Tuesday November 1st, represents a time of new beginnings, and also revisiting old issues with the significant partnerships in your life. The New Moon November 1st, is a mixed blessing. On the one hand you are making a fresh start in your self-concept, a fitting celebration for this your birthday time of the year. On the other, there are difficulties that you may well encounter at this time, both in the way that you handle you interpersonal relationships right now and in moving forward generally, just getting things done in a timely manner and without undue hardship. There is a deep-seated urge for more connection internally, within your psyche, that does not easily find its realization in the real world of telephones and business as usual.

The First Quarter Moon of Tuesday, November 8th, also provides some difficult moments, and as well a sense of the wonder of existence beyond the normal and usual.

The Full Moon in your opposite sign that follows a week later, on Tuesday, November 15th, represents a culmination of one sort, but presents its own challenges in another way, perhaps within the context of the significant partnerships in your life. At this point Mercury has entered its retrograde period, and mechanical and communication breakdowns are common, just to add to the frustration.

The Last Quarter Moon of Wednesday, November 23rd may also provide some further tension and kinks in your cycle of unfolding. At this time you are more internal in your stance than ever, and dealing with reversals in the working world as well as in your personal one. The lesson though, is to take everything that happens as it comes, and as gracefully as possible. You may be hard pressed for a smile but if you can get there your reward is commensurate in terms of greater self-acceptance and surrender to the process that is brought to you by what is still after all a benevolent universe, no matter how much the circumstances may make it seem like the contrary.

Sagittarius     sagittarius

You are entering a subdued and otherworldly period of your life right now, Sagittarius, tuning in to interior levels that are rich with meaning far beyond the usual run of outer events. Something different in the way you see yourself going forward has totally rocked your world. Although potentially destabilizing, at least for the short term, there is great treasure to be gained by paying close attention to your deep insights at this time. You are reaching for greater integration, mining the gold of your heart’s core; and not the fool’s gold of consensus thinking - this is the real thing.

The New Moon that begins the month, on Tuesday, November 1st, pulls you to the inside. You have a tendency to experience the world at a more internal level than usual at this time, and may feel like you are more or less lost in a world of dreams for the better part of this monthly cycle. You are in a process of reassessing your commitment to service and the unique contribution that only you can make, and how well you can communicate this truth to others around you. Even your basic beliefs are up for reconsideration at this time. By tuning out the world at large however you are making a valuable contribution to your own inner peace, since what we don’t see is actually a more potent source for us than what we do.

The Full Moon of Tuesday, November 15th, accompanies the Mercury retrograde period of time that begins in your sign two days earlier, suggesting once again a more internal stance than is usual for your normally outgoing personality type, and may be the signal for new epiphanies to arise within you. You may be shaken to the core by unexpected events or else just silently in awe of your process in this fertile but unassuming period. You are looking within your soul for the answers to important questions for yourself, and in activating this part of yourself you are opening up to a source of wisdom that far exceeds the run of the mill so-called reality that represents the standpoint of the collective. You are making a real effort to get it right at this time, including the underpinnings of how you see the world around you.

The Last Quarter Moon of Wednesday, November 23rd, brings into play another intensification of the energy for your process of growth and change; as the Sun newly entered into your sign conjuncts retrograde Mercury. You may well experience the peak of the Mercury retrograde at this time, in terms of missed communications and mechanical breakdowns, and feel some pressure to make changes in your plans for the future and the way that you see your way forward. It is of course not the best time to go forward with new ideas since Mercury is still retrograde, and remains so until December, but this period of time makes an excellent match for your experience of the more internal energy of this time. You may come out the other side stronger in your sense of self than when you began it, especially if you keep alert to the changes going on within you and outside of yourself at this time. Paying attention is one key to a fulfilled life, and a difficult one to master; it takes time.

Capricorn    capricorn

Things are changing for you these days, Capricorn, including your plans. This rich and fertile month includes a generous state of flux for every part of your life. Career is booming for you right now, and also your optimism regarding the future. You are especially blessed if you take into account your deep spiritual center that is dying to get into the action, just waiting to be asked. Be careful what you wish for at this time because it will probably come true. Just don’t expect immediate action to take place before year’s end; all good things are worth waiting for.

The New Moon that begins the month, on Tuesday November 1st, aligns with a time of new beginnings with groups you favor, a time of renewal for your societal connection, and for intimate partnerships in your life also. This New Moon means that the first half of the month is the very best time of the year for you to vision new possibilities for yourself. There may be some degree of tension in the mix for you as well at this time, as you are very definitely in process. Your task through the challenges and changes of this monthly period is to stay flexible. Be alert for whatever comes along and you won’t be disappointed, or surprised.

The First Quarter Moon of Tuesday, November 8th, represents the possibility of a few bumps in the road with respect to what you conceive as your mission statement. Not everything that you have in the works is able to fly, and sorting out which is which may be painful for you at this time. Your financial picture may be other than what it currently seems as well.

At the time of the Full Moon, taking place on Tuesday, November 15th, when Mercury has also turned retrograde, you are pulled even more to the inside of your mind, below the level of consciousness, to fill in the necessarily missing gaps in exactly where you are heading and how you are going to get there. You may be in the process of finding that your worldly affairs actually go better by injecting them with a healthy dose of Spirit acting itself out in your life.

The Last Quarter Moon, of Wednesday, November 23rd, represents another point of potential difficulty, when you are drawn even more to an internal stance and less to the more familiar world of outer accomplishment. You may feel as though you are being tested right now, but remember, the knowledge that you achieve has a more long-lasting impact that the rush of superficial victories that come easily and then depart just as rapidly. You are in this life for the long haul, after all, not to mention possible lives to come, and your real gains are made in the realm of wisdom and understanding.

Aquarius      aquarius

You are firmly planted in the earth these days, Aquarius, and beginning to reap the harvest. Your solid investment in yourself over the past months and years is beginning to pay off in terms of increased visibility and possibility for fame and fortune. This month provides what are likely to be further opportunities for you in the area of career and professional life. Meanwhile, you are delving down deep into your very soul for broader self-knowledge that will complete your coup. Something is coming to light regarding your societal connection at this time, especially after the mid-month Full Moon, that transforms the way you participate in groups you favor, and leads you to more conscious choices.

The New Moon that begins the month, on Tuesday November 1st, represents a fresh start in the business of being in business, your career and professional life. There are many positive indications for beneficial outer world participation at this time. Partnership with others is also an important factor for you right now, and contributes to the core-level understanding of your situation that is vital for your continued growth, though not necessarily through the path of ease, perhaps more the path of difficulty, which often provides greater and more long-lasting lessons.

The First Quarter Moon, of Tuesday, November 8th, focalizes these trying circumstances in your life and brings in an element of idealization and perhaps self-deception to look out for. You are delving deep inside yourself at this time, a process that grows stronger with the advent of the Mercury retrograde period of time, beginning on the 13th of the month.

This moment kicks off a period of reflection and introspection that is intensified by the Full Moon of Tuesday, November 15th, which takes you to the inside for the answers to the questions of your life plan and intention going forward. You are likely to be optimistic regarding your ultimate destination, since your ruler, Uranus, also turns to direct motion at this time. There are definitely massive changes in the works for you, especially as regards your group affiliations and the way that you fit yourself into society around you. You are working hard below the surface for a future that you can really live with, although the final results won’t be in for many weeks to come, perhaps toward the end of the year.

The Last Quarter Moon, of Wednesday, November 23rd, just before Thanksgiving, represents yet another time of changing perspectives and reflection on where you are heading with your life these days. You may be especially concerned with the way that significant partners in your life fit into the greater scheme of things for you. You are integrating heart and mind right now, taking inner and outer viewpoints into account. Keep your eyes wide open and have faith in your own process and everything will come out fine in the end.

Pisces    pisces

This is a big month for insight, Pisces. You are getting enlightenment from many different directions right now, and it is changing the way you see yourself and the way others do also. Your active communication with circles that you frequent has taken on a self-reflective attitude, and you are reshaping your public statement also as you rethink certain elements of your working life, especially after mid-month, but the major metamorphosis is invisible to the outer eye. You are integrating a soul-level perspective into the way you operate in the world and that has made all the difference.

The New Moon that begins the month, on Tuesday November 1st, symbolizes a fresh start in your active belief systems. The way that you see things affects everything that you do. It is hard to make progress at this time, for everyone, and this gives you the opportunity for reflection on the direction that you want your life to take you right now. You are feeling your way into your own unique contribution to the world around you.

The First Quarter Moon of Tuesday, November 8th, is a time of spiritual oneness disguised as a retreat from outer circumstances. You are trying hard to get something right and it takes a move toward the inside to arrive at the actual conclusion you have been looking for.

The Full Moon that follows a week later, on Tuesday, November 15th, represents the culmination of one phase, and the start of another. You are perhaps more ready to share your thoughts with others now, but you are also coming from such an internal place that what you do share is from the heart and far from trivial.

As the second half of the month unfolds, dramatic changes are possible in the way you show up for others in the world outside yourself. It is not a good time to move forward with these changes, since Mercury is retrograde in your career sector at this time, but it is a good time to reflect on what you truly want to get out of life. You are taking a serious stance toward your pathway forward, and it shows in your day-to-day life, perhaps seeming more difficult and somber toned. You are soberly building for the future and your philosophical stance as well as your everyday activity reflects this basic fact of your existence.

Overview of the Planets this month:

The Astrology of November focuses on Saturn, Uranus and Mars, with Mercury retrograde thrown in! Mars is still retrograde from last month, for the entirety of November, and on into December as well, making it difficult to go forward with our planned activities, but being great for internal dialogue with ourselves and reflecting on the quality of our assertive energy. The Scorpio New Moon right at the beginning of the month squares Saturn and opposes Mars, so that while this is a tough time to accomplish anything, what we do accomplish will be long lasting. The New Moon also trines Uranus, bringer of surprises and deep cosmic mystery. Meanwhile Mercury turns retrograde itself on the 13th of the month. Mercury retrograde is not only famous for mechanical and communication breakdowns, but is also great for revisiting old patterns and reflecting on where life is taking us this time around. Just don’t expect to get much done, especially during the second half of the month!

What might this retrograde Mars for the next month and a half signify? Mars normally represents our outgoing side, the servant of our life purpose, our ability to “get things done” in this world. With this retrograde, we become more introspective, getting ourselves squared away regarding inner rather than outer priorities. This internal stance is intensified this month, because at the time of the New Moon, which opposes Mars, that planet is also beginning to square Neptune, symbolic of cosmic mystery beyond conscious ken. By the time of the Full Moon, on Tuesday, November 15th, Mars has moved past the point of exact square, but still remains roughly within orb, and now squares Saturn also, and makes a contra-parallel aspect with transformational Pluto. This makes for extreme potential for awareness as well as great difficulty in getting things done for the remainder of the month.

It doesn’t help on the mundane level of our affairs that Mercury is also now retrograde at 10 plus degrees of Sagittarius, and aspecting Mars and Saturn by inconjunct and trine, as does Venus at 10 plus degrees of Capricorn. Thus the second half of the month is especially difficult in terms of moving forward, but may be rich in revelation if we are willing to look deeply enough into our own motivation and that of others. We may be surprised by what we find, since Uranus is also stationing in square aspect to Mercury at this time, on the same day as the Full Moon. And better knowledge of our internal workings can only help in our struggle toward greater and greater awareness. It is said that “to know all is to forgive all” and that sense of surrender may become an important component of our life lessons during this monthly period. As Tracy Chapman so eloquently puts it: “If you knew that you could die today, if you saw the face of God and love, would you change?”

Uranus is a significant factor in this month’s planetary configurations, since the New Moon trines it and because it stations direct at 6 plus degrees of Pisces at the time of the Full Moon, squaring a newly retrograde Mercury. Uranus is also trined by Jupiter as it stations, and through the rest of the month, amping up the cosmic trickster energy. Uranus also remains in mutual reception with Neptune, since it rules Aquarius while Neptune rules the sign where Uranus currently resides, namely Pisces. Chiron also crosses into Aquarius next month, adding to the energies pulling and pushing us to greater awareness although not necessarily greater contentment.

Then, as happens three times each year, Mercury turns retrograde on the evening of the 13th. It remains retrograde into December, having retrograded back into Scorpio, turning direct on December 3rd, and beginning to go forward once again. It leaves its retrograde shadow on December 21st, just in time for the Winter Solstice. The Mercury retrograde period of time is not the time to move forward with new initiatives, but is an excellent time for reviewing, revisioning and renewing our lives.

The lessons that we are likely to absorb during this monthly cycle have a large spiritual factor, since Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are all involved. There is in fact a Grand Cross forming this month and in December between Neptune in Aquarius, Saturn opposite in Leo, retrograde Mars in Taurus and Jupiter in Scorpio. Mars and Saturn also square each other closely throughout the current month up until around the time of the Full Moon. After Saturn retrogrades on November 22nd, the aspect widens for a few weeks.

Next month, around mid-December, as the Grand Cross perfects, especially including the Neptune/Chiron midpoint in Aquarius as one of the fixed sign positions. Pluto also aspects both Mars and Saturn, which are themselves in forming square with each other after Mars stations direct on December 9th. This volatile combination of planets suggests a transformation in our understanding of where we are headed with our lives at this time, based in part on activities being difficult to for us accomplish. If we silently observe what is going on inside of us at this time we may benefit in the long-term from the increase in perspective.

Current Configurations
The New Moon at 9 plus degrees of Scorpio begins the month, on Tuesday November 1st. This is an extremely dynamic configuration, with the New Moon opposed to retrograde Mars in Taurus, and squaring both Saturn in Leo and Neptune in Aquarius. Jupiter has newly entered into Scorpio, and when it gets closer to the middle of the sign forms another Grand Cross, around the end of the month, peaking in mid-December. This Grand Cross configuration in fixed signs and involving Saturn square Mars, means that we are having a hard time getting anything done these days, but that what we do accomplish will be long-lasting. Especially at the beginning of the month we are putting our sense of idealism to the test, with retrograde Mars square Neptune, and attempting to take an otherworldly sense of cosmic reality into concrete manifestation on the physical plane.

The First Quarter Moon on Tuesday, November 8th, heightens the above sense of cross purposes, since the Grand Cross from the New Moon is still very much present, now aided and abetted by the square between the Sun and Moon also. This is traditionally a time when the rubber meets the road for initiatives that we have started at the time of the New Moon. This First Quarter Moon conjuncts Neptune in Aquarius, so the Neptunian themes are highlighted of idealization and escapism or deception, perhaps even self-deception.

The Full Moon of Tuesday, November 15th, continues the pace of volatility. The Sun and Moon opposed at 23 plus degrees of Scorpio and Taurus, and now Mercury is retrograde at 10 plus degrees of Sagittarius, trine Saturn, while Venus is aspected by this Full Moon and is inconjunct Saturn and sextile stationary Uranus. On this same day, Uranus stations direct in Aquarius. Uranus is quintile Pluto at this time as well, and Pluto is inconjunct the Full Moon. All this adds up to an extremely potent period of time, when sudden events could manifest, and when our thought process is turned inward and grounded in some form of ultimate reality. There could well be massive changes at this time in the way we see ourselves, and our world.

Finally, the Last Quarter Moon of Wednesday, November 23rd, still accompanied by the retrograde Mars and Mercury, adds a stationary retrograde Saturn to the mix of energies. Saturn is opposite Neptune, squares both Mars in Taurus and Jupiter in Scorpio, representing a return of the Grand Cross energy from the New Moon at the beginning of the month. This Quarter Moon is in the 2nd degree of Virgo and Sagittarius. An increase in consciousness traditionally accompanies this point in the Lunar cycle, and we may be feeling this expanded awareness even more so with this dynamic configuration. Humanity is on the cross at this time, both individually and collectively, and we have different ways to respond to the situation. We benefit when we keep our chin up and our eyes open, and tune into the deeper meaning of the events of our lives. As social scientist and naturalist Gregory Bateson puts it “A man’s reach should exceed his grasp, else what’s a meta for?” We are all caught on the cosmic wheel and simultaneously saints and sinners but our one chance out of the modern dilemma is to grow in our awareness, to know the truth, as far as we can discern it, and to allow that truth to set us free.

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